Record of Committee Proceedings
Committee on Corrections
Assembly Bill 183
Relating to: establishing and operating community reentry centers and making an appropriation.
By Joint Legislative Council.
April 20, 2023������������ Referred to Committee on Corrections
October 03, 2023������� Public Hearing Held
Present:������ (14)����� Representative Schraa; Representatives Bodden, Brandtjen, Brooks, Callahan, Hurd, Maxey, O'Connor, Tittl, Stubbs, Goyke, Cabrera, Clancy and Madison.
Absent:������ (0)������� None.
Excused:���� (1)������� Representative Sapik.
Appearances For
������ Rep. Michael Schraa - 53rd Assemblly District
������ Rep. Shelia Stubbs - State legislature
������ Rep. Evan Goyke - Self
������ Tia Izzia - Wisconsin Catholic Conference
������ Adam Procell - Partners in Hope
������ Emilio DeTorre - The Milwaukee Turners
Appearances Against
������ None.
Appearances for Information Only
������ None.
Registrations For
������ Sen. Mary Felzkowski - 12th Senate District
Registrations Against
������ None.
Registrations for Information Only
������ Anna Neal - DOC
October 18, 2023������� Executive Session Held
Present:������ (13)����� Representative Schraa; Representatives Bodden, Brandtjen, Brooks, Callahan, Hurd, Maxey, O'Connor, Tittl, Stubbs, Goyke, Clancy and Madison.
Absent:������ (0)������� None.
Excused:���� (2)������� Representatives Sapik and Cabrera.
Moved by Representative Tittl, seconded by Representative Madison that Assembly Bill 183 be recommended for passage.
Ayes:���� (12)�� Representative Schraa; Representatives Bodden, Brooks, Callahan, Hurd, Maxey, O'Connor, Tittl, Stubbs, Goyke, Clancy and Madison.
Noes:���� (1)���� Representative Brandtjen.
Rep. Sapik was not present, but would have voted aye.�
Linda Palmer
Committee Clerk