This is the preview version of the Wisconsin State Legislature site.
Please see for the production version.
Payment for school medical services
Under current law, if a school district or a cooperative educational service
agency (CESA) elects to provide school medical services and meets certain
requirements, DHS is required to reimburse the school district or CESA for 60
percent of the federal share of allowable charges for the school medical services that
they provide. If the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired or the
Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing elects to
provide school medical services and meets certain other requirements, DHS is also
required to reimburse DPI for 60 percent of the federal share of allowable charges
for the school medical services that the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually
Impaired or the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing provide. Further, under current law, DHS is required to reimburse school
districts, CESAs, and DPI, on behalf of the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and
Visually Impaired or the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and

Hard of Hearing, for 90 percent of the federal share of allowable school medical
services administrative costs.
The bill increases the amount that DHS is required to reimburse a school
district, CESA, and DPI, on behalf of the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually
Impaired or the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing, for provided school medical services to 100 percent of the federal share of
allowable charges for the school medical services. The bill also increases the amount
that DHS is required to reimburse a school district, CESA, and DPI, on behalf of the
Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired or the Wisconsin Educational
Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, to 100 percent of the federal
share of allowable school medical services administrative costs.
Community-based psychosocial services
Currently, community-based psychosocial services provided to MA recipients
are reimbursed only when the federal government agrees to provide its financial
participation for the services, when the recipient's needs require more than
outpatient level services but less than provided by a community support program,
when the recipient's county has made the services available, when the provider is
certified by DHS under its rules, and when any other requirements established by
DHS by rule are met. The bill allows DHS to also provide community-based
psychosocial services to MA recipients and provide reimbursement for those services
through providers other than those made available by a county. Reimbursement to
providers that are not county-based must be both the federal and nonfederal share
based on a fee schedule that is determined by DHS. Under the bill, for a county that
elects to provide community-based psychosocial services to MA recipients, DHS
must reimburse the county only for the amount of the allowable charges for those
services under the MA program that is provided by the federal government. For a
county that elects to provide the services through the MA program on a regional basis
according to requirements established by DHS, however, DHS must reimburse the
county for the federal and nonfederal amount of allowable charges under the MA
Certified peer specialist services
The bill requires DHS to provide as a benefit and reimburse services provided
by certified peer specialists under the MA program. The bill also adds services
provided by certified peer specialists to a DHS program to coordinate and continue
care following a substance use overdose. A “certified peer specialist,” as defined in
the bill, is an individual who has experience in the mental health and substance use
services system, who is trained to provide support to others, and who has received
peer specialist or parent peer specialist certification.
The bill requires DHS to reimburse under the MA program a certified peer
specialist service that meets all of the following criteria: 1) the recipient of the
certified peer specialist service is in treatment for or recovery from mental illness or
a substance use disorder; 2) the certified peer specialist provides the service under
the supervision of a competent mental health professional and in coordination and
accordance with the recipient's individual treatment plan and treatment goals; and
3) the certified peer specialist completes the training requirements specified by DHS.

Determination of eligibility for MA or subsidized health insurance coverage
by indicating interest on an individual income tax return
The bill requires DOR to include questions on an individual income tax return
to determine whether the taxpayer or any member of the taxpayer's household does
not have health care coverage under a health insurance policy or health plan. If the
taxpayer indicates that the taxpayer or any member of the taxpayer's household does
not have health care coverage, DOR shall, at the taxpayer's request, forward the
taxpayer's response to DHS to have DHS evaluate whether the taxpayer or a member
of the taxpayer's household is eligible to enroll in the MA program or whether the
taxpayer or a member of the taxpayer's household is eligible for subsidized health
insurance coverage through a health insurance marketplace for qualified health
plans under the ACA. The bill specifies that DHS may not use any information
provided to determine that the individual is ineligible to enroll in the MA program.
MA program coverage for detoxification and stabilization services
The bill requires DHS to provide reimbursement for detoxification and
stabilization services under the MA program. The bill requires DHS to submit to the
federal government any request for federal approval necessary to provide the
reimbursement for detoxification and stabilization services under the MA program,
and makes reimbursement contingent upon any needed federal approval. The bill
defines “detoxification and stabilization services” as adult residential integrated
behavioral health stabilization service, residential withdrawal management
service, or residential intoxication monitoring service.
Services that contribute to determinants of health
The bill includes nonmedical services, as determined by DHS, that contribute
to the determinants of health as a benefit under the MA program. The bill requires
DHS to seek any necessary state plan amendment or request any waiver of federal
Medicaid law to provide the services but does not require DHS to provide the services
as an MA benefit if the federal Department of Health and Human Services does not
provide federal financial participation for the services.
Primary care reimbursement under MA
The bill requires DHS to increase the rates paid in the MA program for primary
care services. The increase is $21,110,400 in fiscal year 2023-24 and $43,040,400 in
fiscal year 2024-25 as the state share of the increase, and, in addition, DHS must
provide the matching federal share of payments. The bill provides, however, that the
increases may apply only if DHS expands eligibility under the MA program pursuant
to the ACA.
MA program coverage of acupuncture services
The bill includes acupuncture that is provided by a certified acupuncturist as
a reimbursable benefit under the MA program. The bill requires DHS to submit to
the federal government any request for federal approval necessary to provide the
reimbursement for an acupuncture benefit under the MA program.
Community dental health coordinators
The bill requires DHS to award grants to support community dental health
coordinators. Community dental health coordinators are individuals who help

facilitate oral health care for families and individuals, particularly in underserved
Community support program
Currently, mental health and psychosocial rehabilitative services provided by
a community support program are a benefit provided by the MA program. Under
current law, for these services, a county pays the nonfederal share of the MA
reimbursement and DHS reimburses the service provider for the federal share of the
MA reimbursement. Under the bill, DHS reimburses the service provider for both
the federal and nonfederal share of the allowable charges for mental health and
psychosocial rehabilitative services provided by a community support program.
Pediatric inpatient supplement
The bill establishes in statute reference to supplemental funding totaling
$2,000,000 to be distributed by DHS to certain acute care hospitals located in
Wisconsin that have a total of more than 12,000 inpatient days in the hospital's acute
care pediatric units and intensive care pediatric units, not including neonatal
intensive care units. In addition, under the bill, DHS may distribute additional
funding of $10,000,000 in each fiscal year to hospitals that are free-standing
pediatric teaching hospitals located in this state that have a Medicaid inpatient
utilization rate greater than 45 percent.
Coverage of substance abuse treatment room and board under MA
The bill directs DHS to pay allowable charges on behalf of MA recipients for
room and board for residential substance use disorder treatment.
Hospital assessment
Currently, each hospital, including each critical access hospital, must pay an
assessment for the privilege of doing business in this state. The percentage of gross
patient revenues that each hospital must pay is adjusted so that the total amount
of assessments collected for all hospitals that are not critical access hospitals totals
$414,507,300 in each fiscal year. The same percentage of gross patient revenues is
also assessed on critical access hospitals, though the amount is collected separately
from and deposited into a separate fund from that of other hospitals. Current law
requires DHS to use a portion of this total to pay for services provided by hospitals
under the MA program, including the federal and state share of MA, in a total
amount that equals the amount collected from hospitals divided by 61.68 percent.
Similarly, current law requires DHS to use a portion of the amount collected from
critical access hospitals to make payments to critical access hospitals for MA services
in a total amount that equals the amount collected from critical access hospitals
divided by 61.68 percent. The bill decreases the 61.68 percent to 44.21 percent, thus
increasing the amount of payments that must be made to critical access hospitals and
other hospitals under the MA program.
MA hospital reimbursement
The bill requires DHS to increase the reimbursement rates paid to hospitals
under the MA program in fiscal years 2023-24 and 2024-25 if the state implements
the Medicaid expansion under the ACA. DHS must limit the payments made with
these increases to the upper payment limit set forth under federal law. The increase

is $7,605,400 in fiscal year 2023-24 and $15,506,100 in fiscal year 2024-25 as the
state share of the increase, and in addition, DHS must provide the matching federal
share of payments.
Health information exchange pay-for-performance system
The bill requires DHS to develop and implement for non-hospital providers in
the MA program, including physicians, clinics, health departments, home health
agencies, and post-acute care facilities, a payment system based on performance to
incentivize participation in the health information exchange as specified in the bill.
Children's long-term support waiver program
The bill requires DHS to ensure that any eligible child who applies for the
disabled children's long-term support waiver program receives services under that
program. The disabled children's long-term support waiver program provides
services to children who have developmental, physical, or severe emotional
disabilities and who are living at home or in another community-based setting.
Graduate medical education grants
The bill extends from three years to five years the maximum term for grants
awarded by DHS to assist rural hospitals and groups of rural hospitals in procuring
infrastructure and increasing case volume to develop accredited graduate medical
training programs. The bill also increases the maximum amounts that DHS may
award each fiscal year in grants to hospitals to support existing graduate medical
training programs. Under current law, DHS may not distribute more than $225,000
to a particular hospital or more than $75,000 to fund an individual position in an
existing graduate medical training program during a given fiscal year. The bill
increases those limits to $450,000 and $150,000 per fiscal year, respectively.
Tribal administration of subsidized guardianships
Under current law, a county department of human services or social services
(county department) or DCF in a county having a population of 750,000 or more must
provide monthly subsidized guardianship payments to the guardian of a child who
has been adjudged to be in need of protection or services (CHIPS) if certain conditions
have been met, including the conditions that 1) the child, if 14 years of age or over,
has been consulted regarding the guardianship arrangement; 2) the guardian has a
strong commitment to caring for the child permanently; 3) the guardian is licensed
as the child's foster parent, which licensing includes an inspection of the guardian's
home under administrative rules promulgated by DCF; 4) the guardian and all adult
residents of the guardian's home have passed a criminal background investigation;
and 5) prior to being named as guardian of the child, the guardian entered into a
subsidized guardianship agreement with the county department or DCF. Under
current law, a county department is reimbursed by DCF for the subsidized
guardianship payments it makes, including guardianships of children ordered by
tribal courts under a law substantially similar to the state's guardianship law (tribal
guardianship law).
The bill allows DCF to enter into an agreement with the governing body of an
Indian tribe to allow that governing body to administer subsidized guardianships

ordered by a tribal court under a tribal guardianship law. Under such an agreement,
the Indian tribe must comply with all requirements for administering subsidized
guardianship that apply to counties and DCF, including eligibility. Under the bill,
DCF reimburses Indian tribes for subsidized guardianship payments in the same
way that it reimburses county departments under current law. The bill also specifies
that a county department may provide subsidized guardianship payments for
guardianships of children ordered by a tribal court if the county department has
entered into an agreement with an Indian tribe to do so.
Kinship care eligibility expansion and placement options
Under current law, a juvenile court may place a child in certain placements that
provide out-of-home care under the Children's Code and the Juvenile Justice Code.
Under current law, those placements include specific types of licensed facilities, a
licensed foster home, or the home of a relative other than a parent. Under current
law, a relative other than a parent does not typically need to acquire a license in order
to receive a relative child. The bill allows a juvenile court to similarly place a child
with unlicensed individuals who qualify as “like-kin” under the Children's Code and
the Juvenile Justice Code.
The bill defines “like-kin” for the purposes of such a placement to be a person
who has a significant relationship with a child or the child's family if that person 1)
prior to the child's placement with the person, had an existing relationship with the
child or child's family that is similar to a familial relationship; 2) during the child's
placement with the person, developed a relationship with the child or child's family
that is similar to a familial relationship; or 3) for an Indian child, is identified by the
child's tribe as kin or like-kin according to tribal tradition, custom or resolution,
code, or law. Under the bill, “like-kin” does not include a current or former foster
parent of a child for placement purposes.
Under current law, a relative other than a parent who is providing care and
maintenance for a child under a court order (kinship care provider) may receive
monthly kinship care payments from DCF or a county department. The bill includes
as kinship care providers first cousins once removed and like-kin persons.
Under current law, for the purposes of permanency planning, a family
permanency team may include like-kin. The current law definition of “like-kin,” for
the purpose of determining the family permanency team, is similar to the definition
of “like-kin” for placement purposes in the bill, except that the current law definition
1) does not exclude a current or former foster parent and 2) does not include
individuals identified by the child's tribe if the child is an Indian child. Under the
bill, the definition of “like-kin” for determining a family permanency team does not
exclude a current or former foster parent but does include individuals identified by
the child's tribe if the child is an Indian child.
Kinship care flexible support
The bill creates flexible support for a kinship care provider. Support provided
under the bill may include additional flexible payments or services to a kinship care
provider who DCF determines qualifies. Under the bill, DCF may promulgate
administrative rules to specify qualifying costs and services and eligibility criteria
for the flexible support.

Foster care and kinship care rates and payments
The bill changes the monthly basic maintenance rates that the state or a county
pays to foster parents certified to provide level one care and to all kinship care
providers, which under current law are $300 per month for a child of any age, to be
the same as the age-based monthly basic maintenance rates paid to foster parents
providing higher than level one care. The bill also increases these age-based
monthly basic maintenance rates by 5 percent. Beginning on January 1, 2024, the
monthly rates are $441 for a child under five years of age, $483 for a child 5 to 11 years
of age, $548 for a child 12 to 14 years of age, and $572 for a child 15 years of age or
The bill provides that, in addition to the monthly rates currently paid to a
kinship care provider, DCF or, with DCF's approval, a county department may make
emergency payments for kinship care to a kinship care provider if any of the
following conditions are met:
1. The governor has declared a state of emergency, or the federal government
has declared a major disaster, that covers the locality of the home of the kinship care
provider (home).
2. This state has received federal funding to be used for child welfare purposes
due to an emergency or disaster declared for the locality of the home.
3. DCF has determined that conditions in this state or in the locality of the
home have resulted in a temporary increase in the costs borne by foster homes and
kinship care providers, including a pandemic or other public health threat, a natural
disaster, or unplanned school closures of five consecutive days or more.
The bill provides that DCF must determine the amount of an emergency
payment based on available funding and may promulgate administrative rules
governing the provision of the payments.
The bill changes the statutes and the administrative code to make kinship care
providers and foster homes certified to provide level one care eligible to receive
exceptional payments to enable siblings or a minor parent and minor children to
reside together and to receive an initial clothing allowance. Under current law, these
payments are only available to foster homes certified to provide higher than level one
Grants for youth services
The bill consolidates certain DCF youth services programs into a new youth
services grant program. Under current law, the following DCF programs provide
youth services: grants for services for homeless and runaway youth, treatment and
services for children who are the victims of sex trafficking, grants for children's
community programs, and the Brighter Futures Initiative. Under the bill, these
programs are consolidated into the youth services grant program, under which DCF
must distribute grants to public agencies, nonprofit corporations, and Indian tribes
to provide programs that accomplish one or more of the following purposes:
1. Increasing youth access to housing.
2. Increasing youth self-sufficiency through employment, education, and

3. Increasing youth social and emotional health by promoting healthy and
stable adult connections, social engagement, and connection with necessary
4. Preventing sex trafficking of children and youth.
5. Providing treatment and services for documented and suspected victims of
child and youth sex trafficking.
6. Preventing and reducing the incidence of youth violence and other
delinquent behavior.
7. Preventing and reducing the incidence of youth alcohol and other drug use
and abuse.
8. Preventing and reducing the incidence of child abuse and neglect.
9. Preventing and reducing the incidence of teen pregnancy.
The bill allocates $500,000 in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
funding to the grants for youth services that under current law is allocated for the
Brighter Futures Initiative for programs to provide evidence-based programs and
practices for substance abuse prevention to at-risk youth and their families.
Under current law, DHS transfers amounts to DCF for the Brighter Futures
Initiative. Under the bill, DHS transfers those amounts to DCF for the grants for
youth services. The bill maintains a requirement, currently under the Brighter
Futures Initiative, that DCF distribute $55,000 in each fiscal year to Diverse and
Resilient, Inc., to provide youth services as part of the new youth services grant
Youth aids; allocations
Under current law, DCF is required to allocate to counties community youth
and family aids (youth aids) funding. Youth aids funding comes from various state
and federal moneys and is used to pay for state-provided juvenile correctional
services and local delinquency-related and juvenile justice services. The bill updates
the allocation of youth aids funding that is available to counties for the 2023-25 fiscal
The bill eliminates a current law provision that allocates some of the youth aids
funding to reimburse counties that are purchasing community supervision services
from DOC for juveniles, and some for alcohol and other drug abuse treatment
Youth aids; administration
Current law allocates some youth aids for the purchase of juvenile correctional
services, emergencies, provision of community supervision services for juveniles,
and for alcohol and other drug abuse treatment programs. Also, under current law,
DCF may award funding to counties for early intervention services for first offenders
under the community intervention program (CIP).
The bill replaces CIP with the youth justice system improvement program.
Under the bill, DCF may use funding for the youth justice system improvement
program to support diversion programs, to address emergencies related to youth
aids, and to fund other activities required of DCF under youth aids.
Under current law, youth aids funding is allocated to counties on a calendar
year basis. Youth aids funds that are not spent in the calendar year can be carried

forward three ways: 1) DCF may carry forward 5 percent of a county's allocation for
that county for use in the subsequent calendar year; 2) DCF may carry forward
$500,000 or 10 percent of its unspent youth aids funds, whichever is larger, for use
in the subsequent two calendar years; and 3) DCF may carry forward any unspent
emergency funds for use in the subsequent two calendar years.
The bill changes the way that unspent youth aids are carried forward. Under
the bill, DCF may still carry forward 5 percent of a county's allocation for that county
to use in the next calendar year. However, instead of carrying forward $500,000 or
10 percent of its unspent youth aids funds, whichever is larger, for use in the next
two calendar years, under the bill, DCF may transfer 10 percent of unspent youth
aids funds to the appropriation for the youth justice system improvement program.
Children and family services
Under current law, DCF must distribute not more than $101,154,200 in fiscal
year 2021-22 and $101,162,800 in fiscal year 2022-23 to counties for children and
family services. The bill updates those amounts to $101,564,700 in fiscal year
2023-24 and $101,961,600 in fiscal year 2024-25.
Intensive family preservation services
The bill creates new authority for DCF to provide intensive family preservation
services or to provide funding for a county department, a nonprofit or for-profit
corporation, a tribe, or a child welfare agency to provide intensive family
preservation services. The bill defines “intensive family preservation services” to
mean evidence-informed services or support aimed at preventing the removal of
children from the home under the Children's Code or the Juvenile Justice Code,
promoting the safety of children in the home, or serving children who are placed in
out-of-home care or who are involved in the juvenile justice system.
The bill also creates a new GPR appropriation for DCF to provide intensive
family preservation services.
Group care referral clearinghouse
The bill creates new authority for DCF to create, maintain, and require the use
of a group care referral clearinghouse, and to promulgate administrative rules
necessary to accomplish this.
Five-county pilot program for representation of parents in CHIPS
Under current law, a parent is generally not entitled to representation by a
public defender in a proceeding under CHIPS proceeding. However, a pilot program
that began in 2018 requires the state public defender to assign counsel to any
nonpetitioning parent in these cases in Brown, Outagamie, Racine, Kenosha, and
Winnebago Counties. This five-county pilot program is set to expire on June 30,
2023. The bill extends the expiration date of the pilot program to June 30, 2025.
Tribal family services grants and funding for out-of-home-care placements
by tribal courts
Current law uses Indian gaming receipts to fund tribal family service grants
and unexpected or unusually high-cost out-of-home-care placements of Indian

children by tribal courts. The bill appropriates GPR moneys for those purposes as
Grants to support foster parents and children
2017 Wisconsin Act 260 established a one-year pilot program for DCF to
distribute grants to counties, nonprofit organizations, and tribes for the purpose of
supporting foster parents and providing normalcy for children in out-of-home care.
The bill makes the grant program permanent.