SB70,27627634Section 2762. 343.17 (3) (a) 16. of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,76357635343.17 (3) (a) 16. If the license is marked as provided in s. 343.03 (3r) and the license applicant did not provide a verified social security number with the license application, the words “Not valid for voting purposes. Not evidence of citizenship or immigration status.” SB70,27637636Section 2763. 343.17 (3) (d) 1g. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76377637343.17 (3) (d) 1g. “F” endorsement, which authorizes a seasonal employee of a farm service industry employer who is eligible for a restricted commercial driver license under applicable federal law or regulation to operate “Class B” and “Class C” vehicles as described in s. 343.04 (1) (b) and (c) for a seasonal period not to exceed 180 210 days in any calendar year. This endorsement permits the transporting of liquid fertilizers in vehicles or implements of husbandry with total capacities of 3,000 gallons or less, solid fertilizers that are not transported with any organic substance or 1,000 gallons or less of diesel fuel, but no combination of these materials. The endorsement does not permit operation of a commercial motor vehicle beyond 150 miles of the farm service industry employer’s place of business or, in the case of custom harvesters, the farm currently being served. SB70,27647638Section 2764. 343.20 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76397639343.20 (1) (f) The department shall cancel an operator’s license, regardless of the license expiration date, if the department receives information from a local, state, or federal government agency that the licensee no longer satisfies the requirements for issuance of a license under ss. 343.14 (2) (es) and 343.165 (1) (e). This paragraph does not apply to an operator’s license if the license application was processed under s. 343.165 (7) (c). SB70,27657640Section 2765. 343.20 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76417641343.20 (1m) Notwithstanding sub. (1) (a), and except as provided in s. 343.165 (4) (c) and as otherwise provided in this subsection, a license that is issued to a person who is not a United States citizen or permanent resident and who provides documentary proof of legal status as provided under s. 343.14 (2) (es) 2., 4., 5., 6., or 7. 1m. b., d., e., f., or g. shall expire on the date that the person’s legal presence in the United States is no longer authorized or on the expiration date determined under sub. (1), whichever date is earlier. If the documentary proof as provided under s. 343.14 (2) (es) 1m. does not state the date that the person’s legal presence in the United States is no longer authorized, sub. (1) shall apply except that, if the license was issued or renewed based upon the person’s presenting of any documentary proof specified in s. 343.14 (2) (es) 4. to 7. 1m. d. to g., the license shall, subject to s. 343.165 (4) (c), expire one year after the date of issuance or renewal. This subsection does not apply to a license that contains the marking specified in s. 343.03 (3r). SB70,27667642Section 2766. 343.20 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76437643343.20 (2) (a) At least 30 days prior to the expiration of an operator’s license, the department shall provide to the licensee notice of renewal of the license either by mail at the licensee’s last-known address or, if desired by the licensee, by any electronic means offered by the department. If the license was issued or last renewed based upon the person’s presenting of any documentary proof specified in s. 343.14 (2) (es) 4. to 7. 1m. d. to g., the notice shall inform the licensee of the requirement under s. 343.165 (4) (c). SB70,27677644Section 2767. 343.301 (1g) (a) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76457645343.301 (1g) (a) 2. a. The person had an offense involved the use of alcohol concentration of 0.15 or more at the time of the offense. SB70,27687646Section 2768. 343.305 (8) (b) 7. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76477647343.305 (8) (b) 7. The hearing examiner shall notify the person in writing of the hearing decision, of the right to judicial review and of the court’s authority to issue a stay of the suspension under par. (c). If the person has requested electronic communication in the manner prescribed by the department, the hearing examiner may provide the notice under this subdivision by any electronic means offered by the department. The administrative suspension is vacated and the person’s operating privilege shall be automatically reinstated under s. 343.39 if the hearing examiner fails to mail or provide this notice in the manner specified under this subdivision to the person within 30 days after the date of the notification under par. (a). SB70,27697648Section 2769. 343.315 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76497649343.315 (4) Notification and commencement. The Except as provided in this section, the department shall send the a notice of disqualification under this section by 1st class mail to a person’s last-known residence address. If a person has requested electronic notification in the manner prescribed by the department, the department may provide the notice of disqualification by any electronic means offered by the department. A period of disqualification ordered under this section commences on the date on which the notice is sent under this subsection. This subsection does not apply to disqualifications under sub. (2) (g). SB70,27707650Section 2770. 343.44 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76517651343.44 (3) Failure to receive notice. Refusal to accept or failure to receive an order of revocation, suspension, or disqualification mailed by 1st class mail to such person’s last-known address shall not be provided as authorized by the statutes is not a defense to the charge of driving after revocation, suspension, or disqualification. If the person has changed his or her address and fails to notify the department as required in s. 343.22 then failure to receive notice of revocation, suspension, or disqualification shall not be mailed as authorized by the statutes is not a defense to the charge of driving after revocation, suspension or disqualification. If a person has requested electronic notification in the manner prescribed by the department and the person has changed the electronic contact information provided to the department without informing the department, failure to receive notice of revocation, suspension, or disqualification is not a defense to the charge of driving after revocation, suspension, or disqualification. SB70,27717652Section 2771. 343.50 (1) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76537653343.50 (1) (c) 1. The department may issue a receipt to any applicant for an identification card, and shall issue a receipt to an applicant requesting an identification card under sub. (5) (a) 3., which receipt shall constitute a temporary identification card while the application is being processed and shall be valid for a period not to exceed 60 180 days. If the application for an identification card is processed under the exception specified in s. 343.165 (7) or (8), the receipt shall include the marking specified in sub. (3) (b). SB70,27727654Section 2772. 343.50 (3) (a) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read: SB70,,76557655343.50 (3) (a) The card shall be the same size as an operator’s license but shall be of a design which is readily distinguishable from the design of an operator’s license and bear upon it the words “IDENTIFICATION CARD ONLY.” The information on the card shall be the same as specified under s. 343.17 (3). If the issuance of the card requires the applicant to present any documentary proof specified in s. 343.14 (2) (es) 4. to 7. 1m. d. to g., the card shall display, on the front side of the card, a legend identifying the card as temporary. The card shall contain physical security features consistent with any requirement under federal law. The card may serve as a record of gift under s. 157.06 (2) (t) and the holder may affix a sticker thereto as provided in s. 343.175 (3). The card may also serve as a record of refusal under s. 157.06 (2) (u). Except as provided in sub. (4g), the card shall contain the holder’s photograph and, if applicable, shall be of the design specified under s. 343.17 (3) (a) 12. SB70,,76567656(b) If an identification card is issued based upon the exception specified in s. 343.165 (7) or (8), the card shall, in addition to any other required legend or design, be of the design specified under s. 343.17 (3) (a) 14. and include a marking similar or identical to the marking described in s. 343.03 (3r) and, if applicable, the words specified in s. 343.17 (3) (a) 16. SB70,27737657Section 2773. 343.50 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76587658343.50 (5) (b) Except as provided in pars. (bm), (c), and (d) and s. 343.165 (4) (c), an original or reinstated card shall be valid for the succeeding period of 8 years from the applicant’s next birthday after the date of issuance, and a renewed card shall be valid for the succeeding period of 8 years from the card’s last expiration date. SB70,27747659Section 2774. 343.50 (5) (bm) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,76607660343.50 (5) (bm) Notwithstanding par. (d), if the identification card application was processed under s. 343.165 (7) (c) and the applicant did not provide a verified social security number, an original or reinstated card shall be valid for the succeeding period of 2 years from the applicant’s next birthday after the date of issuance, and a renewed card shall be valid for the succeeding period of 2 years from the card’s last expiration date. SB70,27757661Section 2775. 343.50 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76627662343.50 (5) (c) Except as provided in s. 343.165 (4) (c) and as otherwise provided in this paragraph, an identification card that is issued to a person who is not a United States citizen and who provides documentary proof of legal status as provided under s. 343.14 (2) (es) 1m. shall expire on the date that the person’s legal presence in the United States is no longer authorized or on the expiration date determined under par. (b), whichever date is earlier. If the documentary proof as provided under s. 343.14 (2) (es) 1m. does not state the date that the person’s legal presence in the United States is no longer authorized, then the card shall be valid for the period specified in par. (b) except that, if the card was issued or renewed based upon the person’s presenting of any documentary proof specified in s. 343.14 (2) (es) 4. to 7. 1m. d. to g., the card shall, subject to s. 343.165 (4) (c), expire one year after the date of issuance or renewal. This paragraph does not apply to an identification card that contains the marking specified in sub. (3) (b). SB70,27767663Section 2776. 343.50 (6) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76647664343.50 (6) Renewal notice. At least 30 days prior to the expiration of an identification card, the department shall provide to the card holder notice of renewal of the card either by mail at the card holder’s last-known address or, if desired by the card holder, by any electronic means offered by the department. If the card was issued or last renewed based upon the person’s presenting of any documentary proof specified in s. 343.14 (2) (es) 4. to 7. 1m. d. to g., the notice shall inform the card holder of the requirement under s. 343.165 (4) (c). The department shall include with the notice information, as developed by all organ procurement organizations in cooperation with the department, that promotes anatomical donations and which relates to the anatomical donation opportunity available under s. 343.175. The department may renew an identification card by mail or by any electronic means available to the department, but the department may not make consecutive renewals by mail or electronic means. SB70,27777665Section 2777. 343.50 (8) (c) 6. of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,76667666343.50 (8) (c) 6. Notwithstanding any other provision of par. (b) and this paragraph, the department may not disclose to any person the fact that an applicant has provided verification under s. 343.165 (7) (c) 2. that the applicant does not have a social security number, except to the elections commission for purposes of administering the agreement described in s. 5.056. SB70,27787667Section 2778. 343.50 (10) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76687668343.50 (10) (c) Whenever the department receives information from a local, state, or federal government agency that the card holder no longer satisfies the requirements for issuance of a card under ss. 343.14 (2) (es) and 343.165 (1) (e). A card cancelled under this paragraph may not be reinstated under sub. (5) until these requirements are again satisfied. This paragraph does not apply to a card if the card application was processed under s. 343.165 (7) (c). SB70,27797669Section 2779. 343.51 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76707670343.51 (1) Any person who qualifies for registration plates of a special design under s. 341.14 (1), (1a), (1m), or (1q) or any other person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk may request from the department a special identification card that will entitle any motor vehicle parked by, or under the direction of, the person, or a motor vehicle operated by or on behalf of the organization when used to transport such a person, to parking privileges under s. 346.50 (2), (2a), and (3). The department shall issue the card at a fee to be determined by the department, upon submission by the applicant, if the applicant is an individual rather than an organization, of a statement from a physician licensed to practice medicine in any state, from an advanced practice registered nurse licensed to practice nursing in any state, from a public health nurse certified or licensed to practice in any state, from a physician assistant licensed or certified to practice in any state, from a podiatrist licensed to practice in any state, from a chiropractor licensed to practice chiropractic in any state, or from a Christian Science practitioner residing in this state and listed in the Christian Science journal that the person is a person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk. The statement shall state whether the disability is permanent or temporary and, if temporary, the opinion of the physician, advanced practice registered nurse, public health nurse, physician assistant, podiatrist, chiropractor, or practitioner as to the duration of the disability. The department shall issue the card upon application by an organization on a form prescribed by the department if the department believes that the organization meets the requirements under this subsection. SB70,27807671Section 2780. 343.62 (4) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76727672343.62 (4) (a) 4. The applicant submits with the application a statement completed within the immediately preceding 24 months, except as provided by rule, by a physician licensed to practice medicine in any state, from an advanced practice registered nurse licensed to practice nursing in any state, from a physician assistant licensed or certified to practice in any state, from a podiatrist licensed to practice in any state, from a chiropractor licensed to practice chiropractic in any state, or from a Christian Science practitioner residing in this state, and listed in the Christian Science journal certifying that, in the medical care provider’s judgment, the applicant is physically fit to teach driving. SB70,27817673Section 2781. 344.02 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76747674344.02 (1) Whenever the department under s. 344.13 gives notice of the amount of security required to be deposited and that an order of suspension or impoundment will be made if such the security is not deposited, it the department shall afford the person so notified subject to the proposed action an opportunity for a hearing on the proposed action, if written request for a hearing is received by the department prior to the date specified in the notice, or prior to the postponed effective date of suspension if postponement has been granted under s. 344.14 (1). Upon Except as provided under this section, upon receipt of timely request for hearing, the department shall fix the time and place of the hearing and give notice thereof of the time and place of the hearing to such the person by regular mail. If the person has requested electronic notification in the manner prescribed by the department, the department may provide the notice of the time and place of the hearing by any electronic means offered by the department. The scope of the hearing is limited to the matter set forth in s. 344.14 (2) (k) and, subject to s. 344.14 (2m), to whether or not the person is the owner of the motor vehicle to be impounded. Any person who fails without reasonable cause to appear at the time and place specified in the notice shall forfeit the right to a hearing. SB70,27827675Section 2782. 344.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76767676344.13 (2) The secretary shall determine the amount of security required to be deposited by each person on the basis of the accident reports or other information submitted. In addition to the accident reports required by law, the secretary may request from any of the persons, including passengers and pedestrians, involved in such accident such further information, sworn statements, or other evidence relating to property damage, personal injury, or death in motor vehicle accidents as deemed necessary to aid in determining the amount to be deposited as security under s. 344.14. Failure of a person to comply with such request is grounds for suspending such person’s operating privilege but no suspension shall be made on such grounds until one follow-up request has been made and at least 20 days have elapsed since the mailing of providing the first request. The first request under this subsection shall be mailed to the person or, if the person has requested electronic communication in the manner prescribed by the department, may be provided by any electronic means offered by the department SB70,27837677Section 2783. 345.05 (1) (ag) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,76787678345.05 (1) (ag) “Authority” means a transit authority created under s. 66.1039. SB70,27847679Section 2784. 345.05 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76807680345.05 (2) A person suffering any damage proximately resulting from the negligent operation of a motor vehicle owned and operated by a municipality or authority, which damage was occasioned by the operation of the motor vehicle in the course of its business, may file a claim for damages against the municipality or authority concerned and the governing body of the municipality or the board of directors of the authority may allow, compromise, settle and pay the claim. In this subsection, a motor vehicle is deemed owned and operated by a municipality or authority if the vehicle is either being rented or leased, or is being purchased under a contract whereby the municipality or authority will acquire title. SB70,27857681Section 2785. 347.50 (2m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76827682347.50 (2m) (a) Any person who violates s. 347.48 (2m) (b) or (c) and any person 16 years of age or older who violates s. 347.48 (2m) (d) shall be required to forfeit $10 $25. SB70,27867683Section 2786. 349.02 (2) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76847684349.02 (2) (b) 4. Local ordinances enacted under s. 59.54 (25) (a) or (25m) or 66.0107 (1) (bm). SB70,27877685Section 2787. 350.12 (4) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76867686350.12 (4) (a) Enforcement, administration and related costs. (intro.) The moneys appropriated from s. 20.370 (3) (ak) and (aq), (5) (es) and (9) (mu) and (mw) may be used for the following: SB70,27887687Section 2788. 350.12 (4) (a) 3m. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76887688350.12 (4) (a) 3m. The cost of state law enforcement efforts as appropriated under s. 20.370 (3) (ak) and (aq); and SB70,27897689Section 2789. 350.12 (4) (am) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76907690350.12 (4) (am) Enforcement aids to department. Of the amounts appropriated under s. 20.370 (3) (ak) and (aq), the department shall allocate $26,000 in each fiscal year to be used exclusively for the purchase of snowmobiles or trailers to carry snowmobiles, or both, to be used in state law enforcement efforts. SB70,27907691Section 2790. 351.025 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76927692351.025 (2) The revocation is effective Revocation under this section takes effect on the date the department mails, if the notice is sent be 1st class mail, or provides, if the notice is by electronic means, the notice of revocation under s. 351.027 (1). SB70,27917693Section 2791. 351.027 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76947694351.027 (1) Whenever the secretary under authority of s. 351.025 revokes a person’s operating privilege under s. 351.025, the secretary shall immediately notify the person in writing of the revocation and of the person’s right to a hearing on the revocation as provided in sub. (2). The. Except as provided in this subsection, the department shall send the notice by 1st class mail to the address most recently provided to the department by the person. If a person has requested electronic notification in the manner prescribed by the department, the department may provide the notice by any electronic means offered by the department. SB70,27927695Section 2792. 440.01 (1) (dL) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,76967696440.01 (1) (dL) “Renewal cycle” means the period of time between 2 successive renewal dates. SB70,27937697Section 2793. 440.01 (1) (dm) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,76987698440.01 (1) (dm) “Renewal date” means the date, determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2), on which a credential expires and before which it must be renewed for the holder to maintain without interruption the rights, privileges and authority conferred by the credential. SB70,27947699Section 2794. 440.03 (13) (b) 3. of the statutes is repealed. SB70,27957700Section 2795. 440.03 (13) (b) 20m. of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,77017701440.03 (13) (b) 20m. Dental therapist. SB70,27967702Section 2796. 440.03 (13) (b) 39m. of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,77037703440.03 (13) (b) 39m. Nurse, advanced practice registered. SB70,27977704Section 2797. 440.03 (13) (b) 42. of the statutes is repealed. SB70,27987705Section 2798. 440.03 (13) (br) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,77067706440.03 (13) (br) When conducting an investigation of an arrest or conviction record under par. (a) or (bm), the department shall review and obtain information to determine the circumstances of each case or offense, except that the department may, in its discretion, complete its investigation of an arrest or conviction record without reviewing the circumstances of any of the following types of violations: SB70,,770777071. If the violation occurred more than 5 years before the application date, a first violation of s. 346.63 (1) (a), (am), or (b) or a local ordinance in conformity therewith or a law of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state in conformity with s. 346.63 (1) (a), (am), or (b) or the law of another jurisdiction prohibiting driving or operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, a controlled substance analog, or a combination thereof or under the influence of any drug that renders the person incapable of safely driving, as those or substantially similar terms are used in that jurisdiction’s laws. SB70,,770877082. A violation of s. 125.07 (4) (a) or (b) or a local ordinance that strictly conforms to s. 125.07 (4) (a) or (b) or of a substantially similar law of another jurisdiction. SB70,,770977093. A minor, nonviolent ordinance violation, as determined by the department. SB70,27997710Section 2799. 440.03 (14) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,77117711440.03 (14) (c) The renewal dates for certificates granted under par. (a) and licenses granted under par. (am) are specified in shall be determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2) (a). Renewal applications shall be submitted to the department on a form provided by the department and shall include the renewal fee determined by the department under s. 440.03 (9) (a) and evidence satisfactory to the department that the person’s certification, registration, or accreditation specified in par. (a) 1. a., 2. a., or 3. a. has not been revoked. SB70,28007712Section 2800. 440.03 (15) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,77137713440.03 (15) The department shall promulgate rules that establish the fees specified in ss. 440.05 (10) and 440.08 (2) (d) (2m) (c). SB70,28017714Section 2801. 440.03 (18) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,77157715440.03 (18) The department may promulgate rules to facilitate enhanced credential portability to help facilitate streamlined pathways to credentialing for internationally trained professionals and increased reciprocity. SB70,28027716Section 2802. 440.032 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,77177717440.032 (5) License renewal. The renewal dates for licenses granted under sub. (3) are specified in shall be as determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2) (a) 68c. Renewal applications shall be submitted to the department on a form provided by the department and shall include the renewal fee determined by the department under s. 440.03 (9) (a) and evidence satisfactory to the department that the person’s certification or membership specified in sub. (3) that is required for the license has not been revoked or invalidated. SB70,28037718Section 2803. 440.035 (3) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,77197719440.035 (3) A credentialing board may promulgate rules to facilitate enhanced credential portability to help facilitate streamlined pathways to credentialing for internationally trained professionals and increased reciprocity. SB70,28047720Section 2804. 440.077 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,77217721440.077 (1) (a) “Advanced practice registered nurse prescriber” means an advanced practice registered nurse prescriber certified licensed under s. 441.16 (2) 441.09. SB70,28057722Section 2805. 440.077 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: