SB70,,50625062(a) Tutoring, paid and unpaid work experiences, preapprenticeship programs, and internships. SB70,,50635063(b) On-the-job training, occupational skills training, and education offered concurrently with workforce preparation and training. SB70,,50645064(c) Leadership development opportunities, supportive services, mentoring, follow-up services, and counseling. SB70,,50655065(d) Financial literacy education and entrepreneurial skills training. SB70,,50665066(e) Education related to labor market information and employment information, and postsecondary education and training preparation. SB70,,50675067(2) Implementation. To implement this section, the department shall do all of the following: SB70,,50685068(a) Promulgate rules prescribing procedures and criteria for awarding grants under sub. (1) and the information with respect to those grants that must be contained in the reports required under sub. (3). SB70,,50695069(b) Receive and review applications for grants under sub. (1) (a) to (e) and prescribe the form, nature, and extent of the information that must be contained in an application for such a grant. SB70,,50705070(c) Require annual reports from local workforce development boards that receive grants that describe how the board expended the grant moneys and the outcomes the board achieved, including the number of youth who participated in the programs and services funded in part or wholly by the grant moneys. SB70,,50715071(3) Annual report. Annually, by December 31, the department shall submit a report to the governor and the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance providing an account of the department’s activities and expenditures under this section during the preceding fiscal year and detailing the amounts expended for each of the grants provided under sub. (2) during that fiscal year. SB70,18775072Section 1877. 106.145 of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,50735073106.145 Worker advancement initiative. (1) Worker advancement initiative. The department shall, from the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (cm), establish and administer a worker advancement initiative to offer participants subsidized employment and skills training opportunities with local employers. The department shall target the subsidized employment and skills training opportunities to individuals in sectors of the workforce that have not recovered from the loss of employees due to the COVID-19 pandemic. SB70,,50745074(2) Worker advancement initiative; health-care workforce opportunity grants. (a) The department shall, from the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (cm), establish and administer a program to do all of the following: SB70,,507550751. Make grants to local workforce development boards established under 29 USC 3122 to assist individuals whose employment status was negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and whose employment status has not improved. The department shall prioritize connecting individuals to health-care-related employment opportunities. SB70,,507650762. Make grants to technical colleges and nursing schools to implement strategies to increase the number of graduates who go on to work in health-care-related fields. SB70,,507750773. Provide solutions to reduce barriers to employment in health-care-related fields and create ways to attract individuals to employment in health-care-related fields. Solutions to reduce barriers to employment may include services to fulfill clinical requirements, career navigation services, transportation services, and the provision of supplies. SB70,,50785078(b) During the 2023-25 fiscal biennium, of the moneys in the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (cm), the department shall allocate $2,500,000 in each fiscal year of the 2023-25 fiscal biennium for establishing and administering the program under par. (a). SB70,,50795079(3) Worker advancement initiative; local CDL training grants. The department shall, from the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (cm), make grants to local workforce development boards established under 29 USC 3122 to provide sector-based training programs related to increasing the number of individuals obtaining commercial driver licenses, as defined in s. 340.01 (7m). SB70,,50805080(4) Worker advancement initiative; ROBUST program. (a) The department shall, from the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (cm), establish and administer a program for reengaging out-of-work, barriered, and underserved individuals through system transformation. Through the program, the department shall find methods to more effectively reach and serve population groups that are underserved and disconnected from the labor force. SB70,,50815081(b) During the 2023-25 fiscal biennium, of the moneys in the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (cm), the department shall allocate $4,500,000 in fiscal year 2023-24 for establishing and administering the program under par. (a). SB70,,50825082(5) Implementation. (a) Duties. To implement this section, the department shall receive and review applications for grants under subs. (2) and (3) and prescribe the form, nature, and extent of the information that must be contained in an application for a grant under sub. (2) or (3). SB70,,50835083(b) Powers. In addition to the duties described in par. (a), the department shall have all other powers necessary and convenient to implement this section, including the power to audit and inspect the records of grant recipients. SB70,18785084Section 1878. 106.27 (title) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,50855085106.27 (title) Workforce training program programs. SB70,18795086Section 1879. 106.27 (1p) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,50875087106.27 (1p) Wisconsin green jobs training program. (a) In this subsection, “green jobs” means jobs that produce goods or provide services that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources. SB70,,50885088(b) From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (bp), the department shall award grants to public or private organizations for the development and implementation of green jobs training programs in this state. As a condition of receiving a grant under this subsection, the department may require a public or private organization to provide matching funds at a percentage to be determined by the department. SB70,18805089Section 1880. 106.27 (2g) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,50905090106.27 (2g) (a) 1. Promulgate rules prescribing procedures and criteria for awarding grants under sub subs. (1) and (1p) and the information with respect to those grants that must be contained in the reports required under subd. 3. SB70,18815091Section 1881. 106.27 (2g) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,50925092106.27 (2g) (a) 2. Receive and review applications for grants under subs. (1), (1g), and (1j) (am), and (1p) and prescribe the form, nature, and extent of the information that must be contained in an application for a grant under sub. subs. (1), (1g), or (1j) (am), and (1p). SB70,18825093Section 1882. 106.28 of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,50945094106.28 Clean energy training and reemployment program. The department shall, from the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (bq), establish and administer a clean energy training and reemployment program to connect workers with employers and use other apprenticeship and technical college programs to deliver training for clean energy jobs. SB70,18835095Section 1883. 106.29 of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,50965096106.29 Workforce innovation grant program. (1) Workforce innovation grants. The department shall, from the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (bw), establish and operate a program to provide grants to regional organizations to design and implement plans to address their region’s workforce challenges that arose during or were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. SB70,,50975097(2) Implementation. (a) Duties. To implement this section, the department shall receive and review applications for grants under sub. (1) and prescribe the form, nature, and extent of the information that must be contained in an application for a grant under sub. (1). SB70,,50985098(b) Powers. In addition to the duties described in par. (a), the department shall have all other powers necessary and convenient to implement this section, including the power to audit and inspect the records of grant recipients. SB70,18845099Section 1884. 106.30 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51005100106.30 (1) Definition. In this section, “nurse” means a registered nurse licensed under s. 441.06 or permitted under s. 441.08, a licensed practical nurse licensed or permitted under s. 441.10, or an advanced practice registered nurse prescriber certified under s. 441.16 (2), or a nurse-midwife licensed under s. 441.15 441.09. SB70,18855101Section 1885. 106.30 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51025102106.30 (2) Survey form. Each odd-numbered year Biennially, the department of workforce development shall develop and submit to the department of safety and professional services a survey form to gather data under s. 441.01 (7) (a) 1. to assist the department of workforce development in evaluating the supply of, demand for, and turnover among nurses in this state and in determining whether there are any regional shortages of nurses, shortages of nurses in any speciality areas, or impediments to entering the nursing profession in this state. SB70,18865103Section 1886. 106.50 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51045104106.50 (1) Intent. It is the intent of this section to render unlawful discrimination in housing. It is the declared policy of this state that all persons shall have an equal opportunity for housing regardless of sex, race, color, sexual orientation, disability, religion, national origin, marital status, family status, status as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03 (3r), status as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, lawful source of income, age, or ancestry and it is the duty of the political subdivisions to assist in the orderly prevention or removal of all discrimination in housing through the powers granted under ss. 66.0125 and 66.1011. The legislature hereby extends the state law governing equal housing opportunities to cover single-family residences that are owner-occupied. The legislature finds that the sale and rental of single-family residences constitute a significant portion of the housing business in this state and should be regulated. This section shall be considered an exercise of the police powers of the state for the protection of the welfare, health, peace, dignity, and human rights of the people of this state. SB70,18875105Section 1887. 106.50 (1m) (h) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51065106106.50 (1m) (h) “Discriminate” means to segregate, separate, exclude, or treat a person or class of persons unequally in a manner described in sub. (2), (2m), or (2r) because of sex, race, color, sexual orientation, disability, religion, national origin, marital status, family status, status as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03 (3r), status as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, lawful source of income, age, or ancestry. SB70,18885107Section 1888. 106.50 (1m) (nm) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51085108106.50 (1m) (nm) “Member of a protected class” means a group of natural persons, or a natural person, who may be categorized because of sex, race, color, disability, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, marital status, family status, status as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03 (3r), status as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, or stalking, lawful source of income, age, or ancestry. SB70,18895109Section 1889. 106.50 (5m) (f) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51105110106.50 (5m) (f) 1. Nothing in this section prohibits an owner or agent from requiring that a person who seeks to buy or rent housing supply information concerning family status, and marital, financial, and business status but not concerning race, color, disability, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, religion, creed, status as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03 (3r), status as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, or, subject to subd. 2., age. SB70,18905111Section 1890. 106.52 (3) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51125112106.52 (3) (a) 1. Deny to another or charge another a higher price than the regular rate for the full and equal enjoyment of any public place of accommodation or amusement because of sex, race, color, creed, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry or because a person holds or does not hold a license under s. 343.03 (3r). SB70,18915113Section 1891. 106.52 (3) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51145114106.52 (3) (a) 2. Give preferential treatment to some classes of persons in providing services or facilities in any public place of accommodation or amusement because of sex, race, color, creed, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry or because a person holds or does not hold a license under s. 343.03 (3r). SB70,18925115Section 1892. 106.52 (3) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51165116106.52 (3) (a) 3. Directly or indirectly publish, circulate, display or mail any written communication which the communicator knows is to the effect that any of the facilities of any public place of accommodation or amusement will be denied to any person by reason of sex, race, color, creed, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry or because a person holds or does not hold a license under s. 343.03 (3r) or that the patronage of a person is unwelcome, objectionable or unacceptable for any of those reasons. SB70,18935117Section 1893. 106.52 (3) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51185118106.52 (3) (a) 4. Refuse to furnish or charge another a higher rate for any automobile insurance because of race, color, creed, disability, national origin, or ancestry or because a person holds or does not hold a license under s. 343.03 (3r). SB70,18945119Section 1894. 106.52 (3) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51205120106.52 (3) (a) 5. Refuse to rent, charge a higher price than the regular rate or give preferential treatment, because of sex, race, color, creed, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry or because a person holds or does not hold a license under s. 343.03 (3r), regarding the use of any private facilities commonly rented to the public. SB70,18955121Section 1895. 106.54 (11) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,51225122106.54 (11) The division shall receive complaints under s. 103.135 (1) (a) and (2) (a) to (c) and shall process the complaints in the same manner that employment discrimination complaints are processed under s. 111.39. SB70,18965123Section 1896. 108.02 (18r) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,51245124108.02 (18r) Marijuana. “Marijuana” has the meaning given in s. 111.32 (11m). SB70,18975125Section 1897. 108.04 (2) (h) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51265126108.04 (2) (h) A claimant shall, when the claimant first files a claim for benefits under this chapter and during each subsequent week the claimant files for benefits under this chapter, inform the department whether he or she is receiving social security disability insurance payments, as defined in sub. (12) (f) 2m s. 108.05 (7m) (b). If the claimant is receiving social security disability insurance payments, the claimant shall, in the manner prescribed by the department, report to the department the amount of the social security disability insurance payments. SB70,18985127Section 1898. 108.04 (5m) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,51285128108.04 (5m) Discharge for use of marijuana. (a) Notwithstanding sub. (5), “misconduct,” for purposes of sub. (5), does not include the employee’s use of marijuana off the employer’s premises during nonworking hours or a violation of the employer’s policy concerning such use, unless termination of the employee because of that use is permitted under s. 111.35. SB70,,51295129(b) Notwithstanding sub. (5g), “substantial fault,” for purposes of sub. (5g), does not include the employee’s use of marijuana off the employer’s premises during nonworking hours or a violation of the employer’s policy concerning such use, unless termination of the employee because of that use is permitted under s. 111.35. SB70,18995130Section 1899. 108.04 (12) (f) 1m. and 2m. of the statutes are renumbered 108.05 (7m) (a) and (b) and amended to read: SB70,,51315131108.05 (7m) (a) The intent of the legislature in enacting this paragraph subsection is to prevent the payment of duplicative government benefits for the replacement of lost earnings or income, regardless of an individual’s ability to work. SB70,,51325132(b) In this paragraph subsection, “social security disability insurance payment” means a payment of social security disability insurance benefits under 42 USC ch. 7 subch. II. SB70,19005133Section 1900. 108.04 (12) (f) 3. of the statutes is repealed. SB70,19015134Section 1901. 108.04 (12) (f) 4. of the statutes is renumbered 108.05 (7m) (e). SB70,19025135Section 1902. 108.05 (7m) (title), (c) and (d) of the statutes are created to read: SB70,,51365136108.05 (7m) (title) Social security disability insurance payments. SB70,,51375137(c) If a monthly social security disability insurance payment is issued to a claimant, the department shall reduce benefits otherwise payable to the claimant for a given week in accordance with par. (d). This subsection does not apply to a lump sum social security disability insurance payment in the nature of a retroactive payment or back pay. SB70,,51385138(d) The department shall allocate a monthly social security disability insurance payment by allocating to each week the fraction of the payment attributable to that week. SB70,19035139Section 1903. 108.05 (9) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51405140108.05 (9) Rounding of benefit amounts. Notwithstanding sub. (1), benefits payable for a week of unemployment as a result of applying sub. (1m), (3) or, (7), or (7m) or s. 108.04 (11) or (12), 108.06 (1), 108.13 (4) or (5) or 108.135 shall be rounded down to the next lowest dollar. SB70,19045141Section 1904. 108.05 (10) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,51425142108.05 (10) Deductions from benefit payments. (intro.) After calculating the benefit payment due to be paid for a week under subs. (1) to (7) (7m), the department shall make deductions from that payment to the extent that the payment is sufficient to make the following payments in the following order: SB70,19055143Section 1905. 108.221 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 108.221 (1) (a) (intro.) and amended to read: SB70,,51445144108.221 (1) (a) (intro.) Any employer described in s. 108.18 (2) (c) or engaged in the painting or drywall finishing of buildings or other structures who knowingly and intentionally provides false information to the department for the purpose of misclassifying or attempting to misclassify an individual who is an employee of the employer as a nonemployee shall, for each incident, be assessed a penalty by the department as follows: SB70,,514551451. For each act occurring before the date of the first determination of a violation of this subsection, the employer shall be assessed a penalty in the amount of $500 for each employee who is misclassified, but not to exceed $7,500 per incident. SB70,19065146Section 1906. 108.221 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,51475147108.221 (1) (a) 2. For each act occurring after the date of the first determination of a violation of this subsection, the employer shall be assessed a penalty in the amount of $1,000 for each employee who is misclassified. SB70,19075148Section 1907. 108.221 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 108.221 (2) (intro.) and amended to read: SB70,,51495149108.221 (2) (intro.) Any employer described in s. 108.18 (2) (c) or engaged in the painting or drywall finishing of buildings or other structures who, through coercion, requires an individual to adopt the status of a nonemployee shall be assessed a penalty by the department as follows: SB70,,51505150(a) For each act occurring before the date of the first determination of a violation of this subsection, the employer shall be assessed a penalty in the amount of $1,000 for each individual so coerced, but not to exceed $10,000 per calendar year.