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SB1059,31,113 3. The compact commission shall indemnify and hold harmless any member,
4officer, executive director, employee, and representative of the compact commission
5for the amount of any settlement or judgment obtained against that person arising
6out of any actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred within the scope of
7compact commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, or that such person had
8a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope of compact commission
9employment, duties, or responsibilities, provided that the actual or alleged act, error,
10or omission did not result from the intentional or willful or wanton misconduct of that
SB1059,31,1412 4. Nothing herein shall be construed as a limitation on the liability of any
13licensee for professional malpractice or misconduct, which shall be governed solely
14by any other applicable state laws.
SB1059,31,1815 5. Nothing in this compact shall be interpreted to waive or otherwise abrogate
16a member state's state action immunity or state action affirmative defense with
17respect to antitrust claims under the Sherman Act, Clayton Act, or any other state
18or federal antitrust or anticompetitive law or regulation.
SB1059,31,2019 6. Nothing in this compact shall be construed to be a waiver of sovereign
20immunity by the member states or by the compact commission.
SB1059,31,22 21(9) Data system. (a) The compact commission shall provide for the
22development, maintenance, operation, and utilization of a coordinated data system.
SB1059,31,2423 (b) The compact commission shall assign each applicant for a compact privilege
24a unique identifier, as determined by the rules.
1(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of state law to the contrary, a member
2state shall submit a uniform data set to the data system on all individuals to whom
3this compact is applicable as required by the rules of the compact commission,
SB1059,32,55 1. Identifying information;
SB1059,32,66 2. Licensure data;
SB1059,32,87 3. Adverse actions against a license or compact privilege and information
8related thereto;
SB1059,32,119 4. Nonconfidential information related to alternative program participation,
10the beginning and ending dates of such participation, and other information related
11to such participation not made confidential under member state law;
SB1059,32,1212 5. Any denial of application for licensure, and the reason for such denial;
SB1059,32,1313 6. The presence of current significant investigative information; and
SB1059,32,1514 7. Other information that may facilitate the administration of this compact or
15the protection of the public, as determined by the rules of the compact commission.
SB1059,32,2016 (d) The records and information provided to a member state pursuant to this
17compact or through the data system, when certified by the compact commission or
18an agent thereof, shall constitute the authenticated business records of the compact
19commission, and shall be entitled to any associated hearsay exception in any
20relevant judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative proceedings in a member state.
SB1059,32,2221 (e) Current significant investigative information pertaining to a licensee in any
22member state will only be available to other member states.
SB1059,33,223 (f) It is the responsibility of the member states to report any adverse action
24against a licensee and to monitor the data system to determine whether any adverse

1action has been taken against a licensee. Adverse action information pertaining to
2a licensee in any member state will be available to any other member state.
SB1059,33,53 (g) Member states contributing information to the data system may designate
4information that may not be shared with the public without the express permission
5of the contributing state.
SB1059,33,86 (h) Any information submitted to the data system that is subsequently
7expunged pursuant to federal law or the laws of the member state contributing the
8information shall be removed from the data system.
SB1059,33,15 9(10) Rule making. (a) The compact commission shall promulgate reasonable
10rules in order to effectively and efficiently implement and administer the purposes
11and provisions of the compact. A rule shall be invalid and have no force or effect only
12if a court of competent jurisdiction holds that the rule is invalid because the compact
13commission exercised its rule-making authority in a manner that is beyond the
14scope and purposes of the compact, or the powers granted hereunder, or based upon
15another applicable standard of review.
SB1059,33,2216 (b) The rules of the compact commission shall have the force of law in each
17member state, provided however that where the rules conflict with the laws or
18regulations of a member state that relate to the procedures, actions, and processes
19a licensed dietitian is permitted to undertake in that state and the circumstances
20under which they may do so, as held by a court of competent jurisdiction, the rules
21of the compact commission shall be ineffective in that state to the extent of the
SB1059,34,223 (c) The compact commission shall exercise its rule-making powers pursuant
24to the criteria set forth in this subsection and the rules adopted thereunder. Rules

1shall become binding on the day following adoption or as of the date specified in the
2rule or amendment, whichever is later.
SB1059,34,63 (d) If a majority of the legislatures of the member states rejects a rule or portion
4of a rule, by enactment of a statute or resolution in the same manner used to adopt
5the compact within 4 years of the date of adoption of the rule, then such rule shall
6have no further force and effect in any member state.
SB1059,34,87 (e) Rules shall be adopted at a regular or special meeting of the compact
SB1059,34,119 (f) Prior to adoption of a proposed rule, the compact commission shall hold a
10public hearing and allow persons to provide oral and written comments, data, facts,
11opinions, and arguments.
SB1059,34,1512 (g) Prior to adoption of a proposed rule by the compact commission, and at least
1330 days in advance of the meeting at which the compact commission will hold a public
14hearing on the proposed rule, the compact commission shall provide a notice of
15proposed rule making:
SB1059,34,1716 1. On the website of the compact commission or other publicly accessible
SB1059,34,1918 2. To persons who have requested notice of the compact commission's notices
19of proposed rule making; and
SB1059,34,2020 3. In such other way as the compact commission may by rule specify.
SB1059,34,2121 (h) The notice of proposed rule making shall include:
SB1059,34,2522 1. The time, date, and location of the public hearing at which the compact
23commission will hear public comments on the proposed rule and, if different, the
24time, date, and location of the meeting where the compact commission will consider
25and vote on the proposed rule;
12. If the hearing is held via telecommunication, video conference, or other
2means of communication, the compact commission shall include the mechanism for
3access to the hearing in the notice of proposed rule making;
SB1059,35,44 3. The text of the proposed rule and the reason therefore;
SB1059,35,55 4. A request for comments on the proposed rule from any interested person; and
SB1059,35,66 5. The manner in which interested persons may submit written comments.
SB1059,35,97 (i) All hearings will be recorded. A copy of the recording and all written
8comments and documents received by the compact commission in response to the
9proposed rule shall be available to the public.
SB1059,35,1210 (j) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as requiring a separate
11hearing on each rule. Rules may be grouped for the convenience of the compact
12commission at hearings required by this subsection.
SB1059,35,1513 (k) The compact commission shall, by majority vote of all members, take final
14action on the proposed rule based on the rule-making record and the full text of the
SB1059,35,1716 1. The compact commission may adopt changes to the proposed rule provided
17the changes do not enlarge the original purpose of the proposed rule.
SB1059,35,2018 2. The compact commission shall provide an explanation of the reasons for
19substantive changes made to the proposed rule as well as reasons for substantive
20changes not made that were recommended by commenters.
SB1059,35,2421 3. The compact commission shall determine a reasonable effective date for the
22rule. Except for an emergency as provided in par. (L), the effective date of the rule
23shall be no sooner than 30 days after issuing the notice that it adopted or amended
24the rule.
1(L) Upon determination that an emergency exists, the compact commission
2may consider and adopt an emergency rule with 24 hours' notice, with opportunity
3to comment, provided that the usual rule-making procedures provided in the
4compact and in this subsection shall be retroactively applied to the rule as soon as
5reasonably possible, in no event later than 90 days after the effective date of the rule.
6For the purposes of this provision, an emergency rule is one that must be adopted
7immediately in order to:
SB1059,36,88 1. Meet an imminent threat to public health, safety, or welfare;
SB1059,36,99 2. Prevent a loss of compact commission or member state funds;
SB1059,36,1110 3. Meet a deadline for the promulgation of a rule that is established by federal
11law or rule; or
SB1059,36,1212 4. Protect public health and safety.
SB1059,36,2313 (m) The compact commission or an authorized committee of the compact
14commission may direct revision to a previously adopted rule for purposes of
15correcting typographical errors, errors in format, errors in consistency, or
16grammatical errors. Public notice of any revision shall be posted on the website of
17the compact commission. The revision shall be subject to challenge by any person
18for a period of 30 days after posting. The revision may be challenged only on grounds
19that the revision results in a material change to a rule. A challenge shall be made
20in writing and delivered to the compact commission prior to the end of the notice
21period. If no challenge is made, the revision will take effect without further action.
22If the revision is challenged, the revision may not take effect without the approval
23of the compact commission.
SB1059,36,2524 (n) No member state's rule-making requirements shall apply under this
1(11) Oversight, dispute resolution, and enforcement. (a) Oversight. 1. The
2executive and judicial branches of state government in each member state shall
3enforce this compact and take all actions necessary and appropriate to implement
4this compact.
SB1059,37,125 2. Except as otherwise provided in this compact, venue is proper and judicial
6proceedings by or against the compact commission shall be brought solely and
7exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction where the principal office of the
8compact commission is located. The compact commission may waive venue and
9jurisdictional defenses to the extent it adopts or consents to participate in alternative
10dispute resolution proceedings. Nothing herein shall affect or limit the selection or
11propriety of venue in any action against a licensee for professional malpractice,
12misconduct, or any such similar matter.
SB1059,37,1713 3. The compact commission shall be entitled to receive service of process in any
14proceeding regarding the enforcement or interpretation of the compact and shall
15have standing to intervene in such a proceeding for all purposes. Failure to provide
16the compact commission service of process shall render a judgment or order void as
17to the compact commission, this compact, or promulgated rules.
SB1059,37,2418 (b) Default, technical assistance, and termination. 1. If the compact
19commission determines that a member state has defaulted in the performance of its
20obligations or responsibilities under this compact or the promulgated rules, the
21compact commission shall provide written notice to the defaulting state. The notice
22of default shall describe the default, the proposed means of curing the default, and
23any other action that the compact commission may take and shall offer training and
24specific technical assistance regarding the default.
12. The compact commission shall provide a copy of the notice of default to the
2other member states.
SB1059,38,83 (c) If a state in default fails to cure the default, the defaulting state may be
4terminated from the compact upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the delegates
5of the member states, and all rights, privileges, and benefits conferred on that state
6by this compact may be terminated on the effective date of termination. A cure of the
7default does not relieve the offending state of obligations or liabilities incurred
8during the period of default.
SB1059,38,139 (d) Termination of membership in the compact shall be imposed only after all
10other means of securing compliance have been exhausted. Notice of intent to
11suspend or terminate shall be given by the compact commission to the governor, the
12majority and minority leaders of the defaulting state's legislature, the defaulting
13state's licensing authority, and each of the member states' licensing authority.
SB1059,38,1614 (e) A state that has been terminated is responsible for all assessments,
15obligations, and liabilities incurred through the effective date of termination,
16including obligations that extend beyond the effective date of termination.
SB1059,38,2117 (f) Upon the termination of a state's membership from this compact, that state
18shall immediately provide notice to all licensees within that state of such
19termination. The terminated state shall continue to recognize all compact privileges
20granted pursuant to this compact for a minimum of 6 months after the date of said
21notice of termination.
SB1059,38,2422 (g) The compact commission shall not bear any costs related to a state that is
23found to be in default or that has been terminated from the compact, unless agreed
24upon in writing between the compact commission and the defaulting state.
1(h) The defaulting state may appeal the action of the compact commission by
2petitioning the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district
3where the compact commission has its principal offices. The prevailing party shall
4be awarded all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorney's fees.
SB1059,39,75 (i) Dispute resolution. 1. Upon request by a member state, the compact
6commission shall attempt to resolve disputes related to the compact that arise among
7member states and between member and nonmember states.
SB1059,39,98 2. The compact commission shall promulgate a rule providing for both
9mediation and binding dispute resolution for disputes as appropriate.
SB1059,39,1910 (j) Enforcement. 1. By supermajority vote, the compact commission may
11initiate legal action against a member state in default in the U.S. District Court for
12the District of Columbia or the federal district where the compact commission has
13its principal offices to enforce compliance with the provisions of the compact and its
14promulgated rules. The relief sought may include both injunctive relief and
15damages. In the event judicial enforcement is necessary, the prevailing party shall
16be awarded all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorney's fees. The
17remedies herein shall not be the exclusive remedies of the compact commission. The
18compact commission may pursue any other remedies available under federal or the
19defaulting member state's law.
SB1059,40,220 2. A member state may initiate legal action against the compact commission
21in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district where
22the compact commission has its principal offices to enforce compliance with the
23provisions of the compact and its promulgated rules. The relief sought may include
24both injunctive relief and damages. In the event judicial enforcement is necessary,

1the prevailing party shall be awarded all costs of such litigation, including
2reasonable attorney's fees.
SB1059,40,43 3. No party other than a member state shall enforce this compact against the
4compact commission.
SB1059,40,7 5(12) Effective date, withdrawal, and amendment. (a) The compact shall come
6into effect on the date on which the compact statute is enacted into law in the 7th
7member state.
SB1059,40,118 1. On or after the effective date of the compact, the compact commission shall
9convene and review the enactment of each of the first 7 member states (“charter
10member states”) to determine if the statute enacted by each such charter member
11state is materially different than the model compact statute.
SB1059,40,1412 a. A charter member state whose enactment is found to be materially different
13from the model compact statute shall be entitled to the default process set forth in
14sub. (11).
SB1059,40,1815 b. If any member state is later found to be in default, or is terminated, or
16withdraws from the compact, the compact commission shall remain in existence and
17the compact shall remain in effect even if the number of member states should be less
18than 7.
SB1059,40,2219 2. Member states enacting the compact subsequent to the 7 initial charter
20member states shall be subject to the process set forth in sub. (8) (c) 21. to determine
21if their enactments are materially different from the model compact statute and
22whether they qualify for participation in the compact.
SB1059,41,223 3. All actions taken for the benefit of the compact commission or in furtherance
24of the purposes of the administration of the compact prior to the effective date of the
25compact or the compact commission coming into existence shall be considered to be

1actions of the compact commission unless specifically repudiated by the compact
SB1059,41,73 4. Any state that joins the compact subsequent to the compact commission's
4initial adoption of the rules and bylaws shall be subject to the rules and bylaws as
5they exist on the date on which the compact becomes law in that state. Any rule that
6has been previously adopted by the compact commission shall have the full force and
7effect of law on the day the compact becomes law in that state.
SB1059,41,98 (b) Any member state may withdraw from this compact by enacting a statute
9repealing the same.
SB1059,41,1110 1. A member state's withdrawal shall not take effect until 180 days after
11enactment of the repealing statute.
SB1059,41,1412 2. Withdrawal shall not affect the continuing requirement of the withdrawing
13state's licensing authority to comply with the investigative and adverse action
14reporting requirements of this compact prior to the effective date of withdrawal.
SB1059,41,2015 3. Upon the enactment of a statute withdrawing from this compact, a state
16shall immediately provide notice of such withdrawal to all licensees within that
17state. Notwithstanding any subsequent statutory enactment to the contrary, such
18withdrawing state shall continue to recognize all compact privileges granted
19pursuant to this compact for a minimum of 180 days after the date of such notice of
SB1059,41,2421 (c) Nothing contained in this compact shall be construed to invalidate or
22prevent any licensure agreement or other cooperative arrangement between a
23member state and a nonmember state that does not conflict with the provisions of
24this compact.
1(d) This compact may be amended by the member states. No amendment to this
2compact shall become effective and binding upon any member state until it is enacted
3into the laws of all member states.
SB1059,42,9 4(13) Construction and severability. (a) This compact and the compact
5commission's rule-making authority shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate
6the purposes and the implementation and administration of the compact. Provisions
7of the compact expressly authorizing or requiring the promulgation of rules shall not
8be construed to limit the compact commission's rule-making authority solely for
9those purposes.
SB1059,42,1710 (b) The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause,
11sentence, or provision of this compact is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to
12be contrary to the constitution of any member state, a state seeking participation in
13the compact, or of the United States, or the applicability thereof to any government,
14agency, person, or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional by a court of competent
15jurisdiction, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability
16thereof to any other government, agency, person, or circumstance shall not be
17affected thereby.
SB1059,42,2518 (c) Notwithstanding par. (b), the compact commission may deny a state's
19participation in the compact or, in accordance with the requirements of sub. (11) (b),
20terminate a member state's participation in the compact, if it determines that a
21constitutional requirement of a member state is a material departure from the
22compact. Otherwise, if this compact shall be held to be contrary to the constitution
23of any member state, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the
24remaining member states and in full force and effect as to the member state affected
25as to all severable matters.
1(14) Consistent effect and conflict with other state laws. (a) Nothing
2herein shall prevent or inhibit the enforcement of any other law of a member state
3that is not inconsistent with the compact.
SB1059,43,54 (b) Any laws, statutes, regulations, or other legal requirements in a member
5state in conflict with the compact are superseded to the extent of the conflict.
SB1059,43,76 (c) All permissible agreements between the compact commission and the
7member states are binding in accordance with their terms.
SB1059,43,9 8448.9888 Implementation of the dietitian licensure compact. (1) In this
SB1059,43,1010 (a) “Compact” means the dietitian licensure compact under s. 448.9887.
SB1059,43,1211 (b) “Compact privilege” means a compact privilege, as defined in s. 448.9887
12(2) (i), that is granted under the compact to an individual to practice in this state.
SB1059,43,14 13(2) The department may impose a fee for an individual to receive a compact
14privilege as provided in s. 448.9887 (3) (c).
SB1059,43,16 15(3) (a) An individual who holds a compact privilege shall comply with s. 440.03
16(13) (am).
SB1059,43,2017 (b) Subject to s. 448.9887 and any rules promulgated thereunder, ss. 440.20 to
18440.22 and the rules promulgated under s. 440.03 (1) shall apply to an individual who
19holds a compact privilege in the same manner that they apply to holders of
20certificates issued under subch. V.