Presented to the Governor on Thursday, March 21.
Assembly Chief Clerk
Executive Communications
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
March 21, 2024
To the Honorable Members of the Assembly:
The following bills, originating in the Assembly, have been approved, signed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State:
Bill Number Act Number Date Approved
Respectfully submitted,
Pursuant to s. 35.095 (1)(b), Wisconsin Statutes, the following 2023 Acts have been published: Act Number Bill Number Publication Date
hist194533Wisconsin Act 123 Assembly Bill 664 March 22, 2024 hist194532Wisconsin Act 124 Assembly Bill 298 March 22, 2024 hist194531Wisconsin Act 125 Assembly Bill 330 March 22, 2024 hist194530Wisconsin Act 131 Assembly Bill 574 March 22, 2024 hist194529Wisconsin Act 138 Assembly Bill 742 March 22, 2024 hist194528Wisconsin Act 143 Assembly Bill 627 March 22, 2024 hist194535Wisconsin Act 144 Assembly Bill 932 March 22, 2024 hist194537Wisconsin Act 145 Assembly Bill 933 March 22, 2024 hist194539Wisconsin Act 148 Assembly Bill 793 March 22, 2024 hist194541Wisconsin Act 149 Assembly Bill 29 March 22, 2024 hist194543Wisconsin Act 150 Assembly Bill 910 March 22, 2024 hist194545Wisconsin Act 151 Assembly Bill 912 March 22, 2024 hist194547Wisconsin Act 164 Assembly Bill 230 March 22, 2024 hist194549Wisconsin Act 165 Assembly Bill 550 March 22, 2024 hist194551Wisconsin Act 166 Assembly Bill 637 March 22, 2024 hist194553Wisconsin Act 167 Assembly Bill 869 March 22, 2024 hist194555Wisconsin Act 168 Assembly Bill 964 March 22, 2024 hist194557Wisconsin Act 170 Assembly Bill 548 March 22, 2024 _____________
Governor's Veto Message
March 21, 2024
To the Honorable Members of the Assembly:
The following bills, originating in the Assembly, have been vetoed in their entirety, and were returned to their house of origin, together with the objections in writing:
Bill Number Date of Veto
I am vetoing Assembly Bill 476 in its entirety.
This bill eliminates the ability of the Governor to fill vacancies through appointment for the Office of Secretary of State, Office of State Treasurer, Attorney General, and State Superintendent of Public Instruction without confirmation by the Wisconsin State Senate. Instead, under the bill, a vacancy would be filled through a special election unless the vacancy occurs in any of these positions on or after January 1 of a year in which there is a regularly scheduled election for the office. In the latter scenario under the bill the vacancy must be filled by appointment from the Governor subject to the advice and consent of the Wisconsin State Senate for the remainder of the unexpired term.
This bill is a purely partisan reaction to my appointment to fill the vacancy in the Office of the Secretary of State in March 2023. I am vetoing this bill because I object to the Wisconsin State Legislature's continued, widespread efforts to infringe upon executive branch authority, for example, as here, by unnecessarily restricting the ability of the Governor to make appointments to fill vacancies in important roles. The provisions of this bill could result in long-term vacancies in these critical positions, disrupting continuity of government, and resulting in the absence of leadership and accountability within core state government agencies and constitutional offices.I further object to giving additional advice and consent authority to a hyper-partisan Wisconsin State Senate that has consistently abused its advice and consent powers to exact political retribution, threaten and bully dedicated public servants, and cause irreparable damage to our state's institutions.
I am vetoing Assembly Bill 543 in its entirety.
This bill would modify certain election procedures by substantially reducing the distance between election observers and the election workers and processes they are observing. The bill also explicitly states that election observers shall have access to all stages of the election process and creates penalties to enforce these provisions against election officials. Additionally, the bill would apply election access provisions to recount procedures.
I am vetoing this bill in its entirety because I object to reducing the distance between election observers and the tables where election activities are occurring. Wisconsin's existing laws already provide robust election security measures to ensure persons who wish to observe our elections have the opportunity to do so. Under current law, Wisconsin's election procedures specify that individuals may observe election activities at a minimum distance of three feet and a maximum of eight feet at polling places, in-person absentee voting sites, and absentee ballot processing locations. This allows observers sufficient proximity to ensure election procedures are being followed correctly while also making sure local officials can provide appropriate viewing areas, given the space available, without impeding the work of local clerks, election administrators, and poll workers. This bill mandates that election observers may be no more than three feet away, increasing the potential for observers to interfere with or intimidate eligible voters casting their ballot as well as election officials performing their critical responsibilities.
I cannot support legislation that could enable voter intimidation and prevent election workers from effectively and efficiently carrying out their important duties without interference.