Mail delivered prescriptions [Admin.Code CSB 4.04] -
CR 24-060Inmate personal property value limits [Admin.Code DOC 309.20] -
CR 23-029Unnecessary property assessment and taxation rules [Admin.Code Tax 12.50, 19.03, 19.04] -
CR 23-062Implementation of the Psychology Licensure Compact [Admin.Code Psy 1.01, 1.02, 2.01, 2.012, 2.013, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 5.02] -
CR 23-064Interim psychologist licensure requirements, reciprocity requirements, reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses, supervised psychological experience, temporary practice for out of state providers, definitions, and renewal requirements [Admin.Code Psy 1.02, 2.01, 2.012, 2.013, 2.014, 2.10, 2.14, 4.017, 4.025] -
CR 21-080Private practice school psychologist licensure, requirements for reciprocal candidates, and ABPP diploma exemption for initial licensure [Admin.Code Psy 2.013, 2.018, 4.025] -
CR 21-084Psychologists: telehealth [Admin.Code Psy 1.02, 5.02] -
CR 21-016Emergency assistance program integrity re overpayments [Admin.Code DCF 101.23, 120.03, 120.04, 120.08, 120.085] -
CR 23-073SPD and the SPD Board's authority to review appeals to agency actions regarding private bar certification and bill payment [Admin.Code PD 1.05, 4.02, 4.03] -
CR 24-042Absence provisions: temporary care, including child care, for immediate family members [Admin.Code ER 18.01, 18.03] -
CR 20-089Absence provisions: temporary care, including child care, for immediate family members [Admin.Code ER 18.01, 18.03] -
CR 20-089Definition of "lead poisoning or exposure" when reporting blood lead test results [Admin.Code DHS 181.03] -
CR 24-022Commencement of the school term prior to September 1; and affecting small business [Admin.Code PI 27.02, 27.03] -
CR 24-026Dance license from DPI eliminated as obsolete [Admin.Code PI 34.047, 34.111] -
CR 24-008Designating the Wisconsin Challenge Academy as an educational entity [Admin.Code PI 34.041] -
CR 24-015Early College Credit Program changes re 2021 WisAct 217 [Admin.Code PI 40.01, 40.03 (title), 40.06] -
CR 24-020Educator preparation program background checks for admission [Admin.Code PI 34.018] -
CR 24-019Issuing a tier 1 teacher license with stipulations based on district need [Admin.Code PI 34.028] -
CR 24-010Learning disabilities [Admin.Code PI 11.02, 11.36] -
CR 21-011Pupil nondiscrimination procedures [Admin.Code PI 9.02, 9.03, 9.04, 9.05, 9.06, 9.07, 9.08] -
CR 21-007Reading requirements for the educator preparation program approval process [Admin.Code PI 34.022] -
CR 24-011Renewal language for educational interpreters and orientation and mobility specialists clarified [Admin.Code PI 34.086, 34.089] -
CR 24-017School district standards to include instruction on the Holocaust and other genocides per 2021 WisAct 30 [Admin.Code PI 8.01] -
CR 24-021Student teaching equivalency [Admin.Code PI 34.023] -
CR 23-063Substitute teaching [Admin.Code PI 34.026, 34.032] -
CR 24-009Tier I professional teaching permits [Admin.Code PI 34.034] -
CR 24-016Trade specialist permits re teaching industrial art subjects [Admin.Code PI 34.0375] -
CR 24-018DNR property management regulations [Admin.Code NR 1.61, 1.71, 11 subch. IV, 45.03, 45.04, 45.05, 45.055, 45.06, 45.07, 45.085, 45.09, 45.095, 45.10, 45.11, 45.12, 45.13, 51.73, 115.02, 116.02] -
CR 23-060OC (oleoresin of capsicum) products sold in Wisconsin for private defensive use [Admin.Code Jus 14] -
CR 19-063Gas safety [Admin.Code PSC 135.011, 135.013, 135.018, 135.019, 135.08, 135.319, 135.375, 135.714, 135.727] -
CR 24-056Nonessential uses of natural gas and Wireless 911 Fund: unauthorized rules repealed [Admin.Code PSC 136.05, 173.02, 173.06, 173.07, 173.08, 173.09, 173.10, 173.11, 173.12] -
CR 19-071Portion of a rule the PSC has determined may be in conflict with 2021 WisAct 86 and therefore unauthorized [Admin.Code 185.61] -
CR 23-070Rules for interconnecting distributed generation facilities revisions [Admin.Code PSC 119.02, 119.025, 119.04, 119.05, 119.06 Table 1, 119.08, 119.08 Table 1, 119.10, 119.13, 119.20, 119.25, 119.26, 119.27, 119.30, 119.32, 119.40] -
CR 22-077Universal Service Fund provisions and administration [Admin.Code PSC 160.02, 160.06, 160.062, 160.071] -
CR 21-023Nonessential uses of natural gas and Wireless 911 Fund: unauthorized rules repealed [Admin.Code PSC 136.05, 173.02, 173.06, 173.07, 173.08, 173.09, 173.10, 173.11, 173.12] -
CR 19-071Radiation protection requirements for radiation-producing machines and radioactive materials [Admin.Code DHS 157.01, 157.03, 157.09, 157.10, 157.11, 157.13, 157.15, 157.21, 157.35, 157.44, 157.45, 157.51, 157.52, 157.53, 157.61, 157.62, 157.63, 157.64, 157.65, 157.66, 157.67, 157.68, 157.71, 157.72, 157.73, 157.74, 157.75 Table, 157.80, 157.81, 157 subch. IX (title), 157.87, 157.94, 157.9701, 157.9702, 157.9703, 157.9706, 157.9708, 157.9714, 157.9719, 157 Appendices A, B, D, F, H, L, O, T] -
CR 22-015Reports to the National Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory re numbering crossings [Admin.Code RR 2.07] -
CR 19-139Reports to the National Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory re numbering crossings [Admin.Code RR 2.07] -
CR 19-139Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice updates [Admin.Code SPS 85.115] -
CR 21-037Obsolete references to apprenticeships and to predetermination of criminal convictions in licensure applicants for real estate broker [Admin.Code REEB 12.011, 12.017] -
CR 21-018Real estate brokers and salespersons: license renewal and continuing education [Admin.Code REEB 12.01, 12.017, 12.025, 12.04, 25.023, 25.028, 25.033, 25.055, 25.068] -
CR 23-075Athletic trainers: reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses [Admin.Code AT 2.01, 2.02, 2.03] -
CR 22-030Audiometric testing and reciprocal licensure for service members, former service members, and their spouses [Admin.Code HAS 4.03, 6.04, 6.07] -
CR 22-050Dietitians: reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses [Admin.Code DI 2.01, 2.03] -
CR 22-031Interim psychologist licensure requirements, reciprocity requirements, reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses, supervised psychological experience, temporary practice for out of state providers, definitions, and renewal requirements [Admin.Code Psy 1.02, 2.01, 2.012, 2.013, 2.014, 2.10, 2.14, 4.017, 4.025] -
CR 21-080Private practice school psychologist licensure, requirements for reciprocal candidates, and ABPP diploma exemption for initial licensure [Admin.Code Psy 2.013, 2.018, 4.025] -
CR 21-084Reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses [Admin.Code SPS 121.035] -
CR 22-047Reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses: requirements [Admin.Code SPS 31.037, 50.340, 65.015, 71.03, 141.06, 141.065. 175.06, 181.01, 192.135] -
CR 21-056Speech-language pathologists and audiologists: reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members and their spouses [Admin.Code HAS 4.03, 6.04, 6.07] -
CR 22-059DNR property management regulations [Admin.Code NR 1.61, 1.71, 11 subch. IV, 45.03, 45.04, 45.05, 45.055, 45.06, 45.07, 45.085, 45.09, 45.095, 45.10, 45.11, 45.12, 45.13, 51.73, 115.02, 116.02] -
CR 23-060Recreational and educational camps regulations; and affecting small business [Admin.Code ATCP 78] -
CR 21-109Recreational and educations camps building code [Admin.Code SPS 361.04, 362.1207, 363.2902, 362.3102] -
CR 22-069Safety, maintenance, and operation of public pools and water attractions [Admin.Code ATCP 76] -
CR 22-021Effective recycling programs: pilot program for alternative method of compliance [Admin.Code NR 544.20, 544.21, 544.22, 544.23, 544.24, 544.25, 544.26, 544.27] -
CR 19-044