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2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
January 9, 2024 - Offered by Senator Marklein.
1 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
21. Page 3, line 10: delete lines 10 to 13 and substitute:
3(2) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), no state agency may own, operate, or
4lease an electric vehicle charging station containing a Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3
5charger unless the charger is not available to the public and is used solely to charge
6vehicles owned or leased by a state agency.
7 (b) A state agency may own, operate, manage, or lease an electric vehicle
8charging station at which a Level 1 charger or Level 2 charger is available to the
9public if the state agency makes all Level 1 chargers or Level 2 chargers available
10for public use free of any charge.
11(3) Notwithstanding sub. (2), a state agency may authorize an electric provider,
12as defined in s. 16.957 (1) (f), or a person described in s. 196.01 (5) (b) 8. to own and
13operate an electric vehicle charging station at which a Level 1 charger, Level 2

1charger, or Level 3 charger is available to the public on property owned by the state
32. Page 7, line 1: after “by" insert “a Level 3 charger of".
43. Page 7, line 11: delete “a Level 1 charger, a Level 2 charger, or".
54. Page 7, line 12: delete lines 12 and 13.
65. Page 7, line 14: after that line insert:
7(4m) “Person” includes local governmental units, as defined in s. 66.0442 (1)
8(d), the state of Wisconsin, and state agencies, as defined in s. 16.9565 (1) (d).”.
96. Page 7, line 17: delete “permit." and substitute “ registration.".
107. Page 7, line 18: delete “, for compensation,".
118. Page 7, line 22: delete “permit." and substitute “registration.".
129. Page 7, line 22: delete “permit" and substitute “registration".
1310. Page 8, line 1: delete “permit" and substitute “registration".
1411. Page 8, line 2: after that line insert:
15(3) At the time that the department approves a registration under this section,
16the department shall notify the electric provider, as defined in s. 16.957 (1) (f),
17serving the area in which the electric vehicle charging station is located of the
18approved registration for the electric vehicle charging station.”.
1912. Page 8, line 5: delete “, for compensation, by" and substitute “by a Level
203 charger of".
2113. Page 8, line 7: after “by" insert “a Level 3 charger of".
2214. Page 8, line 8: after that line insert:

1“(c) The tax imposed under this section applies regardless of whether or not a
2person holding a registration under s. 77.9971 charges for the electricity delivered
3or placed by the person's Level 3 charger at an electric vehicle charging station.”.
415. Page 8, line 11: delete “permit" and substitute “registration".
516. Page 8, line 15: delete “permit" and substitute “registration".
617. Page 8, line 20: delete “permit" and substitute “registration".
718. Page 8, line 22: after “by" insert “the Level 3 chargers of".
819. Page 9, line 1: delete “permit" and substitute “registration".
920. Page 9, line 3: delete the material beginning with “Level 1 charger" and
10ending with “and" on line 4.