252. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place,
5insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated:
See PDF for table 
253. 20.255 (2) (ds) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(2) (ds)
Computer science education grants. The amounts in the
8schedule for grants to school boards under s. 115.28 (29).
(29) Computer science education grants. Annually award grants to
11school boards to expand computer science educational opportunities in all grade
12levels operated by the school district. For purposes of awarding grants under this
13subsection, expanding computer science educational opportunities includes
1providing professional development, the application of programming or coding
2concepts or integration of computer science fundamentals into other subjects, and
3purchasing curricula and related materials.
Computer science grants position. The authorized FTE positions for the
6department of public instruction are increased by 1.0 GPR position, to be funded from
7the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ds), for the computer science education grant
8program under s. 115.28 (29).”.
(2) (de)
Mathematics partnership grant. The amounts in the schedule
14for aid to a 1st class city school district under s. 119.313.
16119.313 Mathematics Partnership.
(1) The board, in consultation with the
17University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, shall develop and implement a plan to improve
18mathematics instruction in schools in the school district.
19(2) (a)
Annually, beginning in the 2024-25 school year and subject to par. (b),
20from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (de), the department shall award a grant
1to the board to develop and implement the plan under sub. (1). The board may use
2grant proceeds for personnel costs associated with developing and implementing the
3plan under sub. (1).
(b) As a condition of receiving a grant under this subsection, the board shall
5provide matching funds in an amount equal to at least 20 percent of the amount of
6the grant.
7(3) The department may promulgate rules to implement and administer this
258. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place,
11insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated:
See PDF for table 
(3) (fs)
The Literacy Lab. The amounts in the schedule for payments
14to The Literacy Lab under s. 115.28 (66).
(3) (ft)
Reach Out and Read. The amounts in the schedule for payments
17to Reach Out and Read, Inc., under s. 115.28 (70).
(66) The Literacy Lab. Annually distribute the amounts appropriated
2under s. 20.255 (3) (fs) to The Literacy Lab, a Virginia nonstock corporation, to
3provide an evidence-based literacy intervention program in schools located in the
4cities of Milwaukee and Racine.
(70) Reach Out and Read. Annually distribute the amounts
7appropriated under s. 20.255 (3) (ft) to Reach Out and Read, Inc., a Massachusetts
8nonstock corporation, for the early literacy program operated in this state by its
9affiliate, known as Reach Out and Read Wisconsin.”.
(3) (df)
Online early learning program; grant. The amounts in the
13schedule for contract payments under
2019 Wisconsin Act 170, section 4 (1) s.
265. 2019 Wisconsin Act 170, section
4 (1) (except section 4 (1) (a) 1.,
172m., 3. e., 3m. and 4m. and (d)) is renumbered 115.457 of the statutes, and 115.457
18(title), (1) (intro.) and (b), (2), (3), (5) (intro.) and (c) to (f), (5m) (a) and (b) (intro.) and
19(6), as renumbered, are amended to read:
20115.457 (title)
Online early learning
pilot program. (1) (intro.) In this
21subsection section:
(b) “Eligible child” means a child who satisfies the income eligibility criteria for
23a free or reduced-price lunch under
42 USC 1758 (b) (1) and resides in
a school
24district selected by the department under par. (d) this state.
1(2) The department shall award, using a competitive request-for-proposals
2process, a contract to a service provider to administer an online early learning
3program to eligible children.
The contract shall require the service provider to
4administer the online early learning program in the school districts described in par.
5(d) from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2023.
6(3) (a) For each school year of the contract under
par. (b) sub. (2), the
7department shall pay the amount appropriated under s. 20.255 (3) (df) to the service
8provider awarded the contract under
par. (b)
sub. (2) for administering the online
9early learning program.
(b) A service provider awarded a contract under
par. (b) sub. (2) shall
, at its own
11expense, provide a total of $500,000 in matching funds during the
3 years of the
13(5) (intro.) The department shall require the service provider awarded a
14contract under
par. (b) sub. (2) to submit an annual report to the department that
15contains all of the following information
for each school district selected under par.
(c) The number of
low-income families that eligible children who requested a
18computer or home Internet service.
(d) The number of
low-income families that eligible children who were
20provided a computer or home Internet service.
(e) The frequency with which
eligible children participating in the online early
22learning program used the instructional software provided by the
program service
1(f) How
eligible children participating in the online early learning program
2performed on prekindergarten and kindergarten readiness assessments selected
3and administered by the service provider.
4(5m) (a) The service provider awarded the contract under
par. (b) sub. (2) shall
5report to the department the name of each
eligible child who participates in the
6online early learning program, whether the
eligible child completed the online early
7learning program, and any other information that is necessary to identify the
eligible 8child in the student information system under s. 115.383, as requested by the
(b) (intro.) To the extent possible, for each
eligible child who is reported to have
11participated in the online early learning program under
subd. 1. par. (a), the
12department shall ensure that the following information is included in the student
13information system under s. 115.383:
14(6) By
the October 15
, 2023 immediately following the end of the term of a
15contract under sub. (2), the department shall compile and submit the information it
16receives under
par. (e) sub. (5) to the joint committee on finance and to the
17appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the manner provided under s.
1813.172 (3).
(63) Mental health training program. (intro.) Establish a mental
2health training support program under which the department provides training
on 3all of the following evidence-based strategies related to addressing mental health
4issues in schools to school district staff
, instructional staff of charter schools
5under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x)
, and individuals employed by an out-of-school-time
6program, as defined in s. 115.449 (1), on evidence-based strategies related to
7addressing mental health needs and suicide prevention in schools, including all of
8the following:”.
(2) (cw)
Driver education aid. A sum sufficient for driver education
17115.341 School breakfast program. (1) From the appropriation under s.
1820.255 (2) (cm), the state superintendent shall reimburse each school board
, each
19operator of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), each operator of a residential
20care center for children and youth, as defined in s. 115.76 (14g), the director of the
1program under s. 115.52, and the director of the center under s. 115.525 15 cents for
2each breakfast served at a school
, as defined in 7 CFR 220.2, that meets the
3requirements of
7 CFR 220.8 or 220.8a, whichever is applicable, and shall reimburse
4each governing body of a private school or tribal school 15 cents for each breakfast
5served at the private school or tribal school that meets the requirements of
6220.8 or 220.8a, whichever is applicable.
7(2) If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cm) in any fiscal year is insufficient
8to pay the full amount of aid under this section, the state superintendent shall
9prorate state aid payments among the school boards
, operators, directors, and
10governing bodies
of private schools and tribal schools entitled to the aid
under sub.
(3) Notwithstanding sub. (1), the state superintendent may not
14reimburse the operator of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), the operator
15of a residential care center for children and youth, as defined in s. 115.76 (14g), the
16director of the program under s. 115.52, the director of the center under s. 115.525,
17or the governing body of a private or tribal school for any breakfast served at a school,
18as defined in
7 CFR 220.2, during the prior school year if the school ceased operations
19during that prior school year.”.
Revenue ceiling; referenda restrictions. The treatment of s. 121.905 (1)
24(b) 1. to 3. first applies to the revenue ceiling for the 2023-24 school year.”.
(1) In this section, “number of pupils enrolled" has the meaning given
4in s. 121.90 (1) (intro.) and includes 40 percent of the summer enrollment. “
5of pupils enrolled" does not include pupils described in the exception under s. 121.90
(f) (g).
274. 115.437 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 115.437 (2) and
8amended to read:
(2) Except as provided in par. (b), annually Annually, on the 4th
10Monday of March, the department shall pay to each school district an amount equal
11to the average of the number of pupils enrolled in the school district in the current
12and 2 preceding school years multiplied
by $75 in the 2013-14 school year, by $150
13in the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years, by $250 in the 2016-17 school year, by $450
14in the 2017-18 school year, by
$654 $766 in the
2018-19 2023-24 school year
, and 15by
$679 and $63 in $811 in the 2024-25 school year and each school year thereafter.
16The department shall make the payments from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2)
276. 115.436 (3) (am) of the statutes is renumbered 115.436 (3) (am)
211. and amended to read:
(3) (am) 1.
Beginning in the 2017-18 school year, from From the
23appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ae), the department shall, subject to par. (b), pay
24to each school district that received aid under
this section par. (a) in the previous
1school year but
does not satisfy the requirement under sub. (2) (a) or (2m) (a) is
2ineligible to receive aid under pars. (a) and (c) in the current school year 50 percent
3of the amount received by the school district under par. (a) in the previous school year.
277. 115.436 (3) (am) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
(3) (am) 2. From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ae), the
6department shall, subject to par. (b), pay to each school district that received aid
7under par. (c) in the previous school year but is ineligible to receive aid under pars.
8(a) and (c) in the current school year 50 percent of the amount received by the school
9district under par. (c) in the previous school year.
Sparsity aid; stop gap payments. The renumbering and amendment of s.
12115.436 (3) (am) and the creation of 115.436 (3) (am) 2. first apply to payments made
13under s. 115.436 in the 2023-24 school year.”.
(1) (fc)
Seal of biliteracy. The amounts in the schedule for grants under
19s. 115.28 (67).
(67) Seal of biliteracy. From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (1) (fc),
2annually award grants to reimburse school boards and charter schools established
3under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x) for the costs of assessments required for pupils to be
4eligible for a state seal of biliteracy under s. 115.29 (9) and costs related to training
5instructional staff to conduct the assessments.
(9) State seal of biliteracy. Establish a state seal of biliteracy to
8recognize high school pupils who demonstrate through various assessments
9advanced achievement in bilingualism, biliteracy, and sociocultural competence.”.