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17 (a) Literacy coaches who support the implementation of evidence-based
18literacy instructional practices in grades kindergarten to 12 in local educational
19agencies in this state. Coaches under this paragraph shall collaborate with local
20educational agencies to establish goals for literacy outcomes for specific grade levels
21and literacy areas and provide ongoing support to local educational agencies to meet
22those goals.
23 (b) Literacy coaches who focus on early literacy instructional transitions by
24providing in-person trainings for teachers who teach 4-year-old kindergarten,
255-year-old kindergarten, or first grade in local educational agencies. Coaches under

1this paragraph shall provide in-person trainings to evaluate existing early literacy
2curricula and goals and to assist local educational agencies to create local,
3standards-aligned, and developmentally appropriate curricula and instruction for
44-year-old kindergarten to first grade pupils.
5 (c) Trainings for literacy coaches under par. (a) on how to identify
6evidence-based literacy instructional practices.
7 (d) Trainings for literacy coaches under par. (b) on how to facilitate regional
8trainings focused on early literacy instructional coherence.
9(3) Regional literacy coaches. (a) 1. The department shall contract with
10individuals who demonstrate knowledge and expertise in evidence-based literacy
11instructional practices and instructional experience in grades 4-year-old
12kindergarten to 12 to serve as literacy coaches under sub. (2) (a).
13 2. The department shall contract with individuals who demonstrate knowledge
14and expertise in early literacy instructional practices and instructional experience
15in grades 4-year-old kindergarten to one to serve as literacy coaches under sub. (2)
17 3. The department shall contract for the total number of literacy coaches
18required under par. (b).
19 (b) To ensure that literacy coaching services are provided statewide, the
20department shall assign literacy coaches as follows:
21 1. To each urban school district, one literacy coach under sub. (2) (a) and one
22literacy coach under sub. (2) (b).
23 2. To each CESA region, as follows:
24 a. If the total number of pupils enrolled in local educational agencies other than
25urban school districts located in the CESA region in the previous school year was

140,000 or fewer, one literacy coach under sub. (2) (a) and one literacy coach under sub.
2(2) (b).
3 b. If the total number of pupils enrolled in local educational agencies other than
4urban school districts located in the CESA region in the previous school year was
540,001 to 80,000, 2 literacy coaches under sub. (2) (a) and 2 literacy coaches under
6sub. (2) (b).
7 c. If the total number of pupils enrolled in local educational agencies other than
8urban school districts located in the CESA region in the previous school year was
980,001 to 120,000, 3 literacy coaches under sub. (2) (a) and 3 literacy coaches under
10sub. (2) (b).
11 d. If the total number of pupils enrolled in local educational agencies other than
12urban school districts located in the CESA region in the previous school year was
13greater than 120,000, 4 literacy coaches under sub. (2) (a) and 4 literacy coaches
14under sub. (2) (b).
15(4) Participation; local educational agencies. (a) Except as provided in par.
16(b), the department may not require a local educational agency to participate in the
17program under sub. (2).
18 (b) Each urban school district shall participate in the program under sub. (2).
19(5) Payments. From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (er), the department
20shall pay to each urban school district and each local educational agency that elects
21to work with a literacy coach under sub. (2) (a) an annual payment of $7,000.”.
2237. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
23 Section 25. 115.366 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

1115.366 (3) Awards. Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, from From the
2appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (du), the department shall award up to $1,000
3$6,000 for each school for which a grant is awarded under sub. (1).”.
438. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
5 Section 26. 20.255 (2) (kg) of the statutes is created to read:
6 20.255 (2) (kg) Grants to replace certain race-based nicknames, logos, mascots,
7and team names.
The amounts in the schedule for grants to school boards under s.
8118.134 (6). All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.505
9(8) (hm) 29. shall be credited to this appropriation account. Notwithstanding s.
1020.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the
11appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
12Section 27. 20.505 (8) (hm) 29. of the statutes is created to read:
13 20.505 (8) (hm) 29. The amount transferred to s. 20.255 (2) (kg) shall be the
14amount in the schedule under s. 20.255 (2) (kg).
15Section 28. 118.134 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
16 118.134 (6) Regardless of whether or not an objection is made under sub. (1)
17or an order is issued under sub. (3), if a school board adopts a resolution to terminate
18the use of a race-based nickname, logo, mascot, or team name that is associated with
19a federally recognized American Indian tribe or American Indians, in general, the
20state superintendent may award a grant to the school board for the costs associated
21with adopting and implementing a nickname, logo, mascot, or team name that is not
22race-based. The state superintendent may not award a grant under this subsection
23in an amount that exceeds the greater of $50,000 or a school board's actual costs to
24adopt and implement a nickname, logo, mascot, or team name. The state

1superintendent shall pay the awards under this subsection from the appropriation
2under s. 20.255 (2) (kg).”.
339. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
4 Section 29. 20.255 (2) (bj) of the statutes is created to read:
5 20.255 (2) (bj) Grants for milk coolers and dispensers. The amounts in the
6scheduled for grants under s. 115.342.
7Section 30. 115.342 of the statutes is created to read:
8115.342 Grants for milk coolers and dispensers. (1) In this section:
9 (a) “Educational agency” means a school board, an operator of a charter school
10under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), a private school, a tribal school, an operator of a
11residential care center for children and youth, as defined in s. 115.76 (14g), the
12director of the program under s. 115.52, and the director of the center under s.
14 (a) “Eligible milk equipment” means a milk cooler or dispenser that has a
15purchase price of less than $5,000.
16(2) From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (bj), the department shall
17awards grants to educational agencies participating in the federal school lunch
18program under 42 USC 1751 to 1769j for the purpose of purchasing eligible milk
19equipment. An educational agency shall specify in its application for a grant under
20this section the eligible milk equipment that it intends to purchase with the grant
21and the cost of each unit. The department may award a grant under this section of
22up to $5,000 per unit of eligible milk equipment.

1(3) If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (bj) in any fiscal year is insufficient
2to pay the full amount requested by all applicants under sub. (2), the department
3shall prorate the payments among the applicants.
4(4) The department may promulgate rules to implement and administer this
640. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
7 Section 31. 20.255 (2) (cc) of the statutes is amended to read:
8 20.255 (2) (cc) Bilingual-bicultural education aids. The amounts in the
A sum sufficient for bilingual-bicultural education programs aid under
10subch. VII of ch. 115.
11Section 32. 115.995 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 115.995 (2) (intro.) and
12amended to read:
13 115.995 (2) (intro.) Certify to the department of administration in favor of the
14school district a sum equal to a percentage of the amount expended on
15limited-English proficient pupils by the school district during the preceding year for
16salaries of personnel participating in and attributable to bilingual-bicultural
17education programs under this subchapter, special books and equipment used in the
18bilingual-bicultural programs and other expenses approved by the state
19superintendent. The percentage shall be determined by dividing the amount in the
20From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cc) in the current school year less
21$250,000 by the total amount of aidable costs in the previous school year.
, the state
22superintendent shall reimburse the school district the following amounts:
23Section 33. 115.995 (2) (a) and (b) of the statutes are created to read:

1115.995 (2) (a) In the 2023-24 school year, 15 percent of the amount certified
2under this subsection for the previous school year.
3 (b) In the 2024-25 school year and each school year thereafter, 20 percent of
4the amount certified under this subsection for the previous school year.”.
541. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
6 Section 34. 20.285 (1) (br) of the statutes is created to read:
7 20.285 (1) (br) Health care provider loan assistance program. As a continuing
8appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for loan repayments to medical
9assistants, dental assistants, and dental auxiliaries under s. 36.61.
10Section 35. 36.61 (1) (ae) of the statutes is created to read:
11 36.61 (1) (ae) “Dental assistant” means an individual who holds a certified
12dental assistant credential issued by a national credentialing organization.
13Section 36. 36.61 (1) (af) of the statutes is created to read:
14 36.61 (1) (af) “Dental auxiliary” means an expanded function dental auxiliary
15holding a certification under s. 447.04 (3).
16Section 37. 36.61 (1) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
17 36.61 (1) (am) “Eligible practice area" has the meaning given in s. 36.60 (1) (ag),
18except that, with respect to a dental hygienist , dental assistant, or dental auxiliary,
19“eligible practice area" means a dental health shortage area or a free or charitable
21Section 38. 36.61 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 36.61 (1) (b) (intro.) and
22amended to read:
23 36.61 (1) (b) (intro.) “Health care provider" means a any of the following:
241. A dental hygienist,.

12. A physician assistant, .
23. A nurse-midwife, or.
34. A nurse practitioner.
4Section 39. 36.61 (1) (b) 5., 6. and 7. of the statutes are created to read:
5 36.61 (1) (b) 5. A medical assistant.
6 6. A dental assistant.
7 7. A dental auxiliary.
8Section 40. 36.61 (1) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
9 36.61 (1) (c) “Medical assistant” means an individual who has received a
10medical assistant technical diploma from a technical college under ch. 38 or who has
11successfully completed the national certification examination for medical assistants.
12Section 41. 36.61 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 36.61 (2) (a) and amended
13to read:
14 36.61 (2) (a) The Except as provided in par. (b), the board may repay, on behalf
15of a health care provider, up to $25,000 in educational loans obtained by the health
16care provider from a public or private lending institution for education related to the
17health care provider's field of practice, as determined by the board with the advice
18of the council.
19Section 42. 36.61 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
20 36.61 (2) (b) For a health care provider that is a medical assistant, the board's
21repayment under par. (a) may not exceed $12,500.
22Section 43. 36.61 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
23 36.61 (3) (a) The board shall enter into a written agreement with the health
24care provider. In the agreement, the health care provider shall agree to practice at
25least 32 clinic hours per week for 3 years in one or more eligible practice areas in this

1state or in a rural area, except that a health care provider in the expanded loan
2assistance program under sub. (8) who is not a dental hygienist, dental assistant, or
3dental auxiliary
may only agree to practice at a public or private nonprofit entity in
4a health professional shortage area.
5Section 44. 36.61 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 36.61 (3) (b) The agreement shall specify that the responsibility of the board
7to make the payments under the agreement is subject to the amount of funds
8transferred to the board under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 6r., the contributions received and
9penalties assessed by the board, and the appropriation appropriations under s.
1020.285 (1) (br) and (qj).
11Section 45. 36.61 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 36.61 (4) (am), and 36.61
12(4) (am) (intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
13 36.61 (4) (am) (intro.) Principal Except as provided in par. (bm), principal and
14interest due on loans, exclusive of any penalties, may be repaid by the board at the
15following rate:
16Section 46. 36.61 (4) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
17 36.61 (4) (bm) For a health care provider that is a medical assistant, principal
18and interest due on loans, exclusive of any penalties, may be repaid by the board at
19the following rate:
20 1. Up to 40 percent of the principal of the loan or $5,000, whichever is less,
21during the first year of participation in the program under this section.
22 2. Up to an additional 40 percent of the principal of the loan or $5,000,
23whichever is less, during the 2nd year of participation in the program under this

13. Up to an additional 20 percent of the principal of the loan or $2,500,
2whichever is less, during the 3rd year of participation in the program under this
4Section 47. 36.61 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
5 36.61 (5) (a) The obligation of the board to make payments under an agreement
6entered into under sub. (3) is subject to the amount of funds transferred to the board
7under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 6r., the contributions received and penalties assessed by the
8board, and the appropriation appropriations under s. 20.285 (1) (br) and (qj).
9Section 48. 36.61 (5) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
10 36.61 (5) (b) (intro.) If the cost of repaying the loans of all eligible applicants,
11when added to the cost of loan repayments scheduled under existing agreements,
12exceeds the total amount of funds transferred to the board under s. 20.505 (8) (hm)
136r., the contributions received and penalties assessed by the board, and the
14appropriation appropriations under s. 20.285 (1) (br) and (qj), then, subject to par.
15(bm), the board shall establish priorities among the eligible applicants based upon
16the following considerations:
17Section 49. 36.61 (5) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
18 36.61 (5) (b) 1. The degree to which there is an extremely high need for medical
19care in the eligible practice area, health professional shortage area, or rural area in
20which an eligible applicant who is not a dental hygienist, dental assistant, or dental
desires to practice and the degree to which there is an extremely high need
22for dental care in the dental health shortage area or rural area in which an eligible
23applicant who is a dental hygienist, dental assistant, or dental auxiliary desires to
25Section 50. 36.61 (8) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:

136.61 (8) (c) 3. Practice at a public or private nonprofit entity in a health
2professional shortage area, if the health care provider is not a dental hygienist,
3dental assistant, or dental auxiliary, or in a dental health shortage area, if the health
4care provider is a dental hygienist, dental assistant, or dental auxiliary.