(3) (intro.) Subject to the rules promulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the
9examining board may make investigations and conduct hearings in regard to any
10alleged action of any dentist,
dental therapist, dental hygienist, or expanded
11function dental auxiliary, of a mobile dentistry program registrant, or of any other
12person it has reason to believe is engaged in or has engaged in the practice of
, dental therapy, or dental hygiene, or the operation of a mobile dentistry
14program, in this state, and may, on its own motion, or upon complaint in writing,
15reprimand any dentist,
dental therapist, dental hygienist, or expanded function
16dental auxiliary who is licensed or certified under this chapter, or any mobile
17dentistry program registrant, or deny, limit, suspend, or revoke his or her license or
18certificate, or the registration of the mobile dentistry program registrant, if it finds
19that the dentist,
dental therapist, dental hygienist, expanded function dental
20auxiliary, or mobile dentistry program registrant has done any of the following:
900. 447.07 (3) (e) to (h) of the statutes are amended to read:
(3) (e) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, been convicted of a
23crime, the circumstances of which substantially relate to the practice of dentistry
24dental therapy, or dental hygiene, the practice of an expanded function dental
25auxiliary, or the operation of a mobile dentistry program.
1(f) Violated this chapter or any federal or state statute or rule that relates to
2the practice of dentistry,
dental therapy, dental hygiene, or an expanded function
3dental auxiliary, or the operation of a mobile dentistry program.
(g) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.34, practiced dentistry
, dental
5therapy, or dental hygiene or as an expanded function dental auxiliary while his or
6her ability was impaired by alcohol or other drugs.
(h) Engaged in conduct that indicates a lack of knowledge of, an inability to
8apply or the negligent application of, principles or skills of dentistry
, dental therapy, 9or dental hygiene or the practice of an expanded function dental auxiliary.
901. 447.40 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
11447.40 Informed consent. (intro.) Any dentist
or dental therapist who treats
12a patient shall inform the patient about the availability of reasonable alternate
13modes of treatment and about the benefits and risks of these treatments. The
14reasonable dentist standard is the standard for informing a patient under this
15section. The reasonable dentist standard requires disclosure only of information
16that a reasonable dentist would know and disclose under the circumstances. The
or dental therapist's duty to inform the patient under this section does not
18require disclosure of any of the following:
902. 447.40 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) Information about alternate modes of treatment for any condition
21the dentist
or dental therapist has not included in his or her diagnosis
, assessment,
22or treatment plan at the time the dentist
or dental therapist informs the patient.
903. 448.03 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) Any person lawfully practicing within the scope of a license,
25permit, registration, certificate, or certification granted to practice midwifery under
1subch. XIII of ch. 440, to practice professional or practical nursing or
2nurse-midwifery under ch. 441, to practice chiropractic under ch. 446, to practice
, dental therapy, or dental hygiene or as an expanded function dental
4auxiliary under ch. 447, to practice optometry under ch. 449, to practice as a
5physician assistant under subch. IX, to practice acupuncture under ch. 451 or under
6any other statutory provision, to practice naturopathic medicine under ch. 466, or as
7otherwise provided by statute.
8Section 233e. 448.03 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2023 Wisconsin Act
9.... (this act), is amended to read:
(2) (a) Any person lawfully practicing within the scope of a license,
11permit, registration, certificate, or certification granted to practice midwifery under
12subch. XIII of ch. 440, to practice professional
, practical
, or advanced practice
13registered nursing
or nurse-midwifery under ch. 441, to practice chiropractic under
14ch. 446, to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene or as an expanded
15function dental auxiliary under ch. 447, to practice optometry under ch. 449, to
16practice as a physician assistant under subch. IX, to practice acupuncture under ch.
17451 or under any other statutory provision, to practice naturopathic medicine under
18ch. 466, or as otherwise provided by statute.
904. 448.03 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
(3m) Use of terms representing physicians. Except as otherwise
21provided in this chapter, no person, except a licensed physician, may use or assume
22the following words, letters, or terms in his or her title, advertising, or description
23of services: “physician,” “surgeon,” “osteopathic physician,” “osteopathic surgeon,"
24“medical doctor," “anesthesiologist,” “cardiologist,” “
25“endocrinologist,” “gastroenterologist,” “gynecologist,” “hematologist,”
1“laryngologist,” “nephrologist,” “neurologist,” “obstetrician,” “oncologist,”
2“ophthalmologist,” “orthopedic surgeon,” “orthopedist,” “osteopath,” “otologist,”
3“otolaryngologist,” “otorhinolaryngologist,” “pathologist,” “pediatrician,” “primary
4care physician,” “proctologist,” “psychiatrist,” “
radiologist,” “rheumatologist,”
5“rhinologist,” “urologist,” or any other words, letters, or abbreviations, alone or in
6combination with other titles or words, that represent or tend to represent that the
7person is a physician.
905. 448.035 (1) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
906. 448.035 (2) to (4) of the statutes are amended to read:
(2) Notwithstanding the requirements of s. 448.30, a physician
11certified advanced practice nurse prescriber may provide expedited partner therapy
12if the patient is diagnosed as infected with a chlamydial infection, gonorrhea, or
13trichomoniasis and the patient has had sexual contact with a sexual partner during
14which the chlamydial infection, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis may have been
15transmitted to or from the sexual partner. The physician
or certified advanced
16practice nurse prescriber shall attempt to obtain the name of the patient's sexual
17partner. A prescription order for an antimicrobial drug prepared under this
18subsection shall include the name and address of the patient's sexual partner, if
19known. If the physician
or certified advanced practice nurse prescriber is unable to
20obtain the name of the patient's sexual partner, the prescription order shall include,
21in ordinary bold-faced capital letters, the words, “expedited partner therapy" or the
22letters “EPT."
23(3) The physician
or certified advanced practice nurse prescriber shall provide
24the patient with a copy of the information sheet prepared by the department of health
1services under s. 46.03 (44) and shall request that the patient give the information
2sheet to the person with whom the patient had sexual contact.
3(4) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), a physician
or certified advanced practice
4nurse prescriber is immune from civil liability for injury to or the death of a person
5who takes any antimicrobial drug if the antimicrobial drug is prescribed, dispensed,
6or furnished under this section and if expedited partner therapy is provided as
7specified under this section.
(b) The immunity under par. (a) does not extend to the donation, distribution,
9furnishing, or dispensing of an antimicrobial drug by a physician
or certified
10advanced practice nurse prescriber whose act or omission involves reckless, wanton,
11or intentional misconduct.
907. 448.07 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) Every person licensed or certified under this subchapter shall
on or before November 1 of each odd-numbered year following issuance of
15the license or certificate with the board
on or before his or her renewal date
16determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2). Registration shall be completed
17in such manner as the board shall designate and upon forms the board shall provide,
18except that registration with respect to a compact license shall be governed by the
19renewal provisions in s. 448.980 (7).
The secretary of the board, on or before October
201 of each odd-numbered year, shall mail or cause to be mailed to every person
21required to register a registration form. The board shall furnish to each person
22registered under this section a certificate of registration, and the person shall display
23the registration certificate conspicuously in the office at all times. No person may
24exercise the rights or privileges conferred by any license or certificate granted by the
25board unless currently registered as required under this subsection.
908. 448.13 (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
2448.13 (title)
Continuing education and professional development.
909. 448.13 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) 1. Continuing education programs or courses of study
5for at least 30 hours of credit required by the board
within the 2 calendar years
6preceding the calendar year for which the registration is effective
by rule under s.
7448.40 (2).
910. 448.13 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) 2. Professional development and maintenance of certification or
10performance improvement or continuing medical education programs or courses of
11study required by the board by rule under s. 448.40 (1)
and completed within the 2 12calendar years preceding the calendar year for which the registration is effective.
911. 448.13 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) The board shall, on a random basis, verify the accuracy of proof
15submitted by physicians under sub. (1) (a) and may, at any time
during the 2 calendar
16years specified in sub. (1) (a), require a physician to submit proof of any continuing
17education, professional development, and maintenance of certification or
18performance improvement or continuing medical education programs or courses of
19study that he or she has attended and completed
at that time during the 2 calendar
20years since he or she last registered under s. 448.07.
912. 448.40 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) The board may promulgate rules to carry out the purposes of this
23subchapter, including rules requiring the completion of
continuing education, 24professional development
, and maintenance of certification or performance
or continuing medical education programs for renewal of a license to
2practice medicine and surgery.
913. 448.40 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (e) Establishing
continuing education or continuing medical
5education requirements for renewal of a license to practice medicine and surgery
6under s. 448.13 (1). The board shall require 30 hours of continuing education to be
7completed every 2-year period. The examining board shall establish the criteria for
8the substitution of uncompensated hours of professional assistance volunteered to
9the department of health services for some or all of the hours of continuing education
10credits required under s. 448.13 (1) (a) 1. for physicians specializing in psychiatry.
11The eligible substitution hours shall involve professional evaluation of community
12programs for the certification and recertification of community mental health
13programs, as defined in s. 51.01 (3n), by the department of health services.
914. 448.55 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) The renewal dates for licenses granted under this subchapter, other
16than temporary licenses granted under rules promulgated under s. 448.53 (2),
17specified shall be as determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2)
(a). Renewal
18applications shall be submitted to the department on a form provided by the
19department and shall include the renewal fee determined by the department under
20s. 440.03 (9) (a) and proof of compliance with the requirements established in any
21rules promulgated under sub. (3).
915. 448.56 (1) and (1m) (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
(1) Written referral. Except as provided in this subsection and s.
24448.52, a person may practice physical therapy only upon the written referral of a
25physician, naturopathic doctor, physician assistant, chiropractor, dentist, podiatrist,
1or advanced practice
registered nurse
prescriber certified under s. 441.16 (2).
2Written referral is not required if a physical therapist provides services in schools to
3children with disabilities, as defined in s. 115.76 (5), pursuant to rules promulgated
4by the department of public instruction; provides services as part of a home health
5care agency; provides services to a patient in a nursing home pursuant to the
6patient's plan of care; provides services related to athletic activities, conditioning, or
7injury prevention; or provides services to an individual for a previously diagnosed
8medical condition after informing the individual's physician, naturopathic doctor,
9physician assistant, chiropractor, dentist, podiatrist, or advanced practice
registered 10nurse
prescriber certified under s. 441.16 (2) who made the diagnosis. The
11examining board may promulgate rules establishing additional services that are
12excepted from the written referral requirements of this subsection.
13(1m) (b) The examining board shall promulgate rules establishing the
14requirements that a physical therapist must satisfy if a physician, naturopathic
15doctor, physician assistant, chiropractor, dentist, podiatrist, or advanced practice
16registered nurse
prescriber makes a written referral under sub. (1). The purpose of
17the rules shall be to ensure continuity of care between the physical therapist and the
18health care practitioner.
916. 448.62 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2m) An advanced practice
registered nurse
who is certified to issue
21prescription orders under s. 441.16 and who is providing nonsurgical patient services
22as directed, supervised, and inspected by a podiatrist who has the power to direct,
23decide, and oversee the implementation of the patient services rendered.
917. 448.65 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (intro.) The renewal date for a license granted under this subchapter,
2other than a temporary license granted under rules promulgated under s. 448.63 (3),
3is specified shall be as determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2)
4Renewal applications shall be submitted to the department on a form provided by the
5department and shall be accompanied by all of the following:
918. 448.665 of the statutes is amended to read:
7448.665 Continuing education. The affiliated credentialing board shall
8promulgate rules establishing requirements and procedures for licensees to
9complete continuing education programs or courses of study in order to qualify for
10renewal of a license granted under this subchapter. The rules shall require a licensee
11to complete at least 30 hours of continuing education programs or courses of study
12within each per 2-year period
immediately preceding the renewal date specified
13under s. 440.08 (2) (a). The affiliated credentialing board may waive all or part of
14these requirements for the completion of continuing education programs or courses
15of study if the affiliated credentialing board determines that prolonged illness,
16disability or other exceptional circumstances have prevented a licensee from
17completing the requirements.
919. 448.67 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) Separate billing required. Except as provided in sub. (4), a licensee
20who renders any podiatric service or assistance, or gives any podiatric advice or any
21similar advice or assistance, to any patient, podiatrist, physician, physician
22assistant, advanced practice
registered nurse
prescriber certified under s. 441.16 (2),
23partnership, or corporation, or to any other institution or organization, including a
24hospital, for which a charge is made to a patient, shall, except as authorized by
25Title 18 or Title 19 of the federal Social Security Act, render an individual statement
1or account of the charge directly to the patient, distinct and separate from any
2statement or account by any other podiatrist, physician, physician assistant,
3advanced practice
registered nurse
prescriber, or other person.
920. 448.86 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) The renewal dates for certificates granted under this subchapter,
6other than temporary certificates granted under s. 448.80,
are specified shall be as
7determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2)
(a). Renewal applications shall
8be submitted to the department on a form provided by the department and shall
9include the renewal fee determined by the department under s. 440.03 (9) (a).
921. 448.9545 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) To be eligible for renewal of a license issued under s. 448.953
12(1) or (2), a licensee shall
, during the 2-year period immediately preceding the
13renewal date specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a), complete
not less than 30 credit hours 14of continuing education in courses of study approved by the affiliated credentialing
The examining board shall promulgate rules to establish the continuing
16education requirements under this section. The rules shall require completion of not
17less than 30 credit hours of continuing education per 2-year period.
922. 448.9545 (1) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (b) (intro.) No more than 10 credit hours of the continuing
20education required under par. (a)
per 2-year period may be on any of the following
21subject areas or combination of subject areas:
923. 448.955 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) The renewal dates for licenses granted under this subchapter
24specified shall be as determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2)
924. 448.955 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) Completed
, during the 2-year period immediately preceding the
2renewal date specified in s. 440.08 (2) (a), the
applicable continuing education
specified in established under s. 448.9545.
925. 448.955 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) A place for the licensee to describe his or her work history,
6including the average number of hours worked each week, for the
2-year period
7immediately preceding the renewal date
specified in
determined by the department
8under s. 440.08 (2)
926. 448.956 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) A protocol established under par. (a) shall be updated no later
11than 30 days before the
licensee's renewal date
specified in s. 440.08 (2) (a) 14f.
(1m) Subject to sub. (1) (a), a licensee may provide athletic training
15to an individual without a referral, except that a licensee may not provide athletic
16training as described under s. 448.95 (5) (d) or (e) in an outpatient rehabilitation
17setting unless the licensee has obtained a written referral for the individual from a
18practitioner licensed or certified under subch. II, III, IV, V, or VII of this chapter;
19under ch. 446; or under s.
441.16 (2) 441.09 or from a practitioner who holds a
20compact privilege under subch. XI or XII of ch. 448.
928. 448.967 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) The renewal dates for licenses granted under this subchapter
23specified shall be as determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2)
(a). Renewal
24applications shall be submitted to the department on a form provided by the
25department and shall include the renewal fee determined by the department under
1s. 440.03 (9) (a) and a statement attesting compliance with the continuing education
2requirements established in rules promulgated under s. 448.965 (1) (b).
929. 448.9703 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) Successfully completed
at least 30 hours of applicable 5continuing education
in the prior 2-year period
requirements established under this
6paragraph. The rules promulgated under this paragraph shall require at least 30
7hours of continuing education per 2-year period. The board may provide for an
8exemption from or a reduction of the requirement under this paragraph for new
9licensees, as the board determines is appropriate.
930. 448.9706 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) Except as provided in s. 448.9705, the renewal dates for licenses
12granted under this subchapter are
specified determined by the department under s.
13440.08 (2)
(a). Renewal applications shall be submitted to the department on a form
14provided by the department, and shall include the renewal fee
specified in s. 440.08
15(2) (a) determined by the department under s. 440.03 (9) (a) and proof of compliance
16with the requirements established by rules promulgated by the board under s.
17448.9703 (3).
931. 448.974 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) The renewal date for a license issued under this subchapter
20specified shall be as determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2)
(a), and the
21renewal fees for such licenses are determined by the department under s. 440.03 (9)
22(a). Renewal of a license is subject to par. (b).
932. 448.975 (2) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (c) 1. The practice of dentistry
, dental therapy, or dental hygiene
25within the meaning of ch. 447.
933. 449.06 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Persons practicing optometry shall, on or before the applicable
3renewal date
specified determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2)
(a), register
4with, submit a renewal application to the department, pay the applicable renewal fee
5determined by the department under s. 440.03 (9) (a), and provide evidence
6satisfactory to the examining board that he or she has complied with the rules
7promulgated under sub. (2m).
934. 449.06 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2m) The examining board shall promulgate rules requiring a person
10who is issued a license to practice optometry to
complete, during the 2-year period
11immediately preceding the renewal date specified in s. 440.08 (2) (a), satisfy
12continuing education requirements. The rules shall require the completion of not
13less than 30 hours of continuing education
per 2-year period. The rules shall include
14requirements that apply only to optometrists who are allowed to use topical ocular
15diagnostic pharmaceutical agents under s. 449.17 or who are allowed to use
16therapeutic pharmaceutical agents or remove foreign bodies from an eye or from an
17appendage to the eye under s. 449.18.
935. 450.01 (1m) of the statutes is repealed.
936. 450.01 (16) (h) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(16) (h) 2. The patient's advanced practice
registered nurse
21if the advanced practice
registered nurse
prescriber has entered into a written
22agreement to collaborate with a physician may issue prescription orders under s.
23441.09 (2).
937. 450.01 (16) (hr) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(16) (hr) 2. An advanced practice
registered nurse
prescriber who may
2issue prescription orders under s. 441.09 (2).
3Section 267e. 450.03 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (e) Any person lawfully practicing within the scope of a license,
5permit, registration, certificate, or certification granted to practice as a pharmacy
6technician under s. 450.068, to provide home medical oxygen under s. 450.076, to
7practice professional or practical nursing or nurse-midwifery under ch. 441, to
8practice dentistry
, dental therapy, or dental hygiene or as an expanded function
9dental auxiliary under ch. 447, to practice medicine and surgery under ch. 448, to
10practice optometry under ch. 449, to practice naturopathic medicine under ch. 466,
11or to practice veterinary medicine under ch. 89, or as otherwise provided by statute.
12Section 267f. 450.03 (1) (e) of the statutes, as affected by 2023 Wisconsin Act
13.... (this act), is amended to read:
(1) (e) Any person lawfully practicing within the scope of a license,
15permit, registration, certificate, or certification granted to practice as a pharmacy
16technician under s. 450.068, to provide home medical oxygen under s. 450.076, to
17practice professional
or, practical
, or advanced practice registered nursing
18nurse-midwifery under ch. 441, to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental
19hygiene or as an expanded function dental auxiliary under ch. 447, to practice
20medicine and surgery under ch. 448, to practice optometry under ch. 449, to practice
21naturopathic medicine under ch. 466, or to practice veterinary medicine under ch.
2289, or as otherwise provided by statute.
938. 450.08 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: