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SB312-SSA2-SA2,8,1313 (b) “PFAS” has the meaning given in s. 292.315 (1).
SB312-SSA2-SA2,8,1914 (c) “Public works” means the physical structures and facilities developed or
15acquired by a local unit of government or a federally recognized American Indian
16tribe or band in this state to provide services and functions for the benefit and use
17of the public, including water, sewerage, waste disposal, utilities, and
18transportation, and privately owned solid waste disposal facilities that accept
19residential waste.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,9,3 20(2) Probable cause required for testing. Notwithstanding any conflicting
21provisions of this chapter, the department may not require the owner of a property
22to conduct testing under this chapter for the presence of PFAS without probable
23cause that the property had or currently has an amount of PFAS that is likely to pose
24a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment. For
25purposes of this subsection, property does not include a property used for industrial

1purposes, including manufacturing. For purposes of this subsection, a basis for
2probable cause includes the reporting of a PFAS spill under this chapter or under
3section 304 of the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,9,7 4(3) Construction projects. Notwithstanding any conflicting provisions of this
5chapter, the department may not prevent, delay, or otherwise impede any
6construction project or project of public works on the basis of a presence of PFAS
7contamination unless the department determines any of the following:
SB312-SSA2-SA2,9,88 (a) The project poses a substantial risk to public health or welfare.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,9,109 (b) There is a substantial risk that the project will create worsening
10environmental conditions.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,9,1211 (c) The entity proposing to complete the project is, as a result of reckless or
12intentional conduct, responsible for the original contamination.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,9,1413 (d) The department is specifically required under the federal Clean Water Act
14to prevent, delay, or otherwise impede the project.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,9,17 15(4) PFAS testing and enforcement on nonstate lands. If department staff or
16a 3rd-party entity contracted by the department seeks to conduct voluntary testing
17under this chapter for PFAS, all of the following shall apply:
SB312-SSA2-SA2,9,2318 (a) If the department, or an entity contracted by the department, seeks to
19collect voluntary samples from lands not owned by the state based on permission
20from the landowner, such permission shall be in writing, and the department shall
21notify the landowner that such permission includes the authority to collect samples,
22to test those samples, and to publicly disclose the results of that testing. A landowner
23may revoke such permission at any time prior to the collection of samples.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,9,2524 (b) The department may not publicly disclose the results of any PFAS testing
25conducted on samples taken from lands not owned by the state unless the

1department notifies the landowner of the test results at least 72 hours before publicly
2disclosing the test results.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,10,9 3(5) PFAS testing requests. The department shall, in a timely manner, respond
4to requests from any person to conduct PFAS testing on samples taken from the
5person's property if practicable and if funds are available to do so, if there is a
6reasonable belief that PFAS contamination may be present on the property, and if
7existing information such as public water supply testing data is not available. The
8department may contract with a 3rd party to respond to requests for testing under
9this subsection.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,10 10Section 10. 292.34 of the statutes is created to read:
SB312-SSA2-SA2,10,12 11292.34 Innocent landowner grant program. (1) In this section, “PFAS”
12has the meaning given in s. 292.315 (1).
SB312-SSA2-SA2,10,16 13(1m) This section applies only to PFAS for which there is a state or federal
14standard, a public health recommendation from the department of health services
15under s. 160.07, or a health advisory issued by the federal environmental protection
SB312-SSA2-SA2,10,23 17(2) The department shall administer a program under which the department
18may provide a grant to an eligible person who owns, leases, manages, contracts for,
19or holds a department-issued solid waste facility license for property that is
20contaminated by PFAS; or to a person who is applying on behalf of multiple eligible
21persons that are located in the same geographic region and that will be conducting
22similar activities under sub. (4), if the applicant will be the entity conducting the
23activities under sub. (4).
SB312-SSA2-SA2,10,24 24(3) All of the following are persons eligible for a grant under this section:
1(a) A person that spread biosolids or wastewater residuals contaminated by
2PFAS in compliance with any applicable license or permit.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,11,53 (b) A person that owns land upon which biosolids or wastewater residuals
4contaminated by PFAS were spread in compliance with any applicable license or
SB312-SSA2-SA2,11,86 (c) A fire department or municipality that responded to emergencies that
7required the use of PFAS or that conducted training for such emergencies in
8compliance with applicable federal regulations.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,11,99 (d) A solid waste disposal facility that accepted PFAS.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,11,1110 (e) A person that owns, leases, manages, or contracts for property on which the
11PFAS contamination did not originate.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,11,17 12(4) Grants under this section may be used to cover costs associated with
13additional testing; environmental studies; engineering reports; clean drinking water
14supplies, including temporary potable water, filtration, well replacement, or
15interconnection to a municipal water supply; remediation costs; and any other cost
16resulting from landspreading of contaminated biosolids, detection of groundwater
17contamination, or other contamination events affecting the property.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,11,21 18(5) The department shall accept applications for grants and award grants
19under this section on a rolling basis. The department shall give priority to
20applications for grants under this section that address PFAS contamination in wells
21serving a private water supply, as defined in s. 281.75 (1) (f).
SB312-SSA2-SA2,11,25 22(6) Grants awarded under this section may not exceed $250,000 for each
23eligible person. The department may require the recipient of a grant under this
24section to provide matching funds in an amount not to exceed 5 percent of the amount
25of the grant.
1Section 11. NR 811.12 (1) (g) 2. of the administrative code is renumbered NR
2811.12 (1) (g) 2. (intro.) and amended to read:
SB312-SSA2-SA2,12,63 NR 811.12 (1) (g) 2. (intro.) Test wells to be converted to permanent wells or test
4wells to be pumped at a rate of 70 gallons per minute or more for a period of more than
572 hours
All of the following test wells shall be approved by the department prior to
6their construction.:
SB312-SSA2-SA2,12 7Section 12. NR 811.12 (1) (g) 2. a., b. and c. of the administrative code are
8created to read:
SB312-SSA2-SA2,12,99 NR 811.12 (1) (g) 2. a. Test wells to be converted to permanent wells.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,12,1110 b. Test wells to be pumped at a rate of 70 gallons per minute or more for a period
11of more than 72 hours.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,12,1612 c. Test wells located in special well casing depth areas that are designated by
13the department as special well casing depth areas based in whole or in part on the
14presence of perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances. Approval under this subd.
152. c. shall include review and approval of specifications and plans relating to drilling,
16well casing, and filling and sealing.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,13 17Section 13. PSC 184.06 of the administrative code is amended to read:
SB312-SSA2-SA2,13,2 18PSC 184.06 Emergency work. In case of an emergency resulting from the
19failure of power supply or from fire, storm, or similar events, a utility may begin
20necessary repair work without receiving prior commission authorization. In case of
21an emergency resulting from the contamination of water supply, a utility may begin
22necessary repair, temporary treatment, or other emergency work to address the issue
23without receiving prior commission authorization.
The utility shall promptly notify
24the commission of the emergency work and shall, within 30 days after commencing

1the work, furnish the commission with the information required under s. PSC 184.04
SB312-SSA2-SA2,14 3Section 14 . Nonstatutory provisions.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,13,134 (1) Portable treatment system pilot. The department of natural resources
5shall contract with an entity to conduct a pilot project in which surface water is
6partially or fully diverted to a portable treatment system and treated water is
7returned to the surface water. Project activities under this subsection shall be
8conducted at locations with surface water with the highest concentration of
9perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances and where a responsible party has not
10been identified or the responsible party is unable to pay for remediation. The
11department of natural resources and the entity contracted under this subsection
12shall evaluate the success of the pilot project by conducting tests upstream and
13downstream of the locations where the portable treatment system is used.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,13,2414 (2) Remedial action at sites contaminated by PFAS. The department of
15natural resources may begin response and remedial actions, including site
16investigations, at any site contaminated by perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl
17substances where a responsible party has not been identified or where the
18responsible party qualifies as an innocent landowner under s. 292.34. The
19department of natural resources may contract with a 3rd party to conduct response
20and remedial actions under this subsection. The department of natural resources
21shall prioritize response and remedial actions at sites with the highest levels of
22perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances and sites with the greatest threats to
23public health or the environment as a result of perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl
SB312-SSA2-SA2,13,2525 (3) PFAS testing laboratories.
1(a) The department of natural resources and the Board of Regents of the
2University of Wisconsin System shall enter into a memorandum of understanding
3to jointly ensure that the state laboratory of hygiene provides guidance and other
4materials, conducts training, and provides assistance to laboratories in this state
5that are certified under s. 299.11 (7) to test for contaminants other than
6perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances to become certified under s. 299.11 (7)
7to test for perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances, and to assist laboratories in
8this state that are certified under s. 299.11 (7) to test for perfluoroalkyl or
9polyfluoroalkyl substances in reducing the costs of such testing and shortening the
10timeline for receiving such testing results.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,14,2011 (b) The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, in coordination
12with the department of natural resources, may provide grants to laboratories in this
13state that are certified under s. 299.11 (7) to test for perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl
14substances, or that are seeking such certification, to assist with the cost of
15purchasing equipment necessary for testing for perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl
16substances. A grant under this paragraph may not exceed 40 percent of the cost of
17such equipment. All laboratories in this state that are certified under s. 299.11 (7)
18to test for perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances, or that are seeking such
19certification, shall be given equal opportunity to receive a grant under this
SB312-SSA2-SA2,14,2421 (c) The state laboratory of hygiene shall prepare a report on its efforts under
22this subsection and shall deliver the report to the joint committee on finance and the
23standing committees with jurisdiction over natural resources and the environment
24no later than August 31, 2025.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,14,2525 (4) PFAS studies and reporting.
1(a) In this subsection, “PFAS” has the meaning given in s. 292.315 (1).
SB312-SSA2-SA2,15,62 (b) The department of natural resources and the Board of Regents of the
3University of Wisconsin System shall enter into a memorandum of understanding
4to jointly do all of the following, with the assistance of University of Wisconsin
5institutions, the department of natural resources and other relevant state agencies,
6county land and water conservation departments, and local 3rd parties, if available:
SB312-SSA2-SA2,15,8 71. Study and analyze the cost, feasibility, and effectiveness of different methods
8of treating PFAS before they are released into a water system or water body.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,15,10 92. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of different options for disposing of biosolids
10or sludge that contains or may contain PFAS.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,15,12 113. Study and analyze the cost, feasibility, and effectiveness of different
12destruction and disposal methods for PFAS.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,15,17 134. For sites contaminated by PFAS, in consultation with persons who are able
14and qualified to conduct environmental remediation in this state, study and analyze
15the cost, feasibility, and effectiveness of different methods for remediating PFAS that
16leave the contaminated medium in place and methods that remove the contaminated
SB312-SSA2-SA2,15,20 185. Study and analyze the migration of PFAS into the bay of Green Bay,
19including where the PFAS are entering the bay and what effects PFAS may have in
20the bay.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,15,24 216. Study and analyze the migration of PFAS into the Wisconsin River and its
22tributaries and the Mississippi River and its tributaries, including where the PFAS
23are entering surface waters and unconfined groundwater and what effects PFAS
24may have in those rivers.
17. Create a comprehensive, interactive map showing all available PFAS testing
2data and whether each data point on the map exceeds any applicable promulgated
3state or federal standard for PFAS. Such data may not contain any personally
4identifiable information unless the entity to which the data applies is a municipal
5entity that is required to test and disclose its results under ch. 281 or 283.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,16,7 68. Conduct any additional studies related to PFAS, as approved by the joint
7committee on finance.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,16,128 (c) The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System shall require
9the University of Wisconsin-Madison division of extension to provide the map and
10reports on the studies required under this subsection to the joint committee on
11finance and the standing committees with jurisdiction over natural resources and
12the environment no later than 2 years after the effective date of this paragraph.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,16,2013 (5) Reports to legislature on progress under this act. For a period of 3 years
14after the effective date of this subsection, the department of natural resources shall,
15every 6 months, submit a report to the joint committee on finance and to the standing
16committees with jurisdiction over natural resources and the environment. The first
17report under this subsection shall be submitted no later than 6 months after the
18effective date of this subsection. The report shall include a detailed description of the
19department's expenditures under this act and a detailed description of the
20department's progress in implementing the provisions of this act.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,16,2221 (6) PFAS testing. In the 2023-25 fiscal biennium, the department of natural
22resources shall conduct additional voluntary PFAS testing activities.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,17,223 (7) Fire fighting foam. The department of natural resources shall survey or
24resurvey local fire departments about their use and possession of PFAS-containing

1fire fighting foam, send communications and information regarding such foam, and
2contract with a 3rd party to voluntarily collect such foam.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,15 3Section 15. Fiscal changes.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,17,84 (1) In the schedule under s. 20.005 (3) for the appropriation to the department
5of natural resources under s. 20.370 (4) (mw), the dollar amount for fiscal year
62023-24 is increased by $125,000,000 to address and prevent perfluoroalkyl and
7polyfluoroalkyl substances contamination in this state and to increase the
8authorized FTE positions for the department by 16.0 SEG positions for this purpose.
SB312-SSA2-SA2,16 9Section 16. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
10except as follows:
SB312-SSA2-SA2,17,1211 (1) Administrative rules. The treatment of administrative rules takes effect
12as provided in s. 227.265.”.