Active psychosis and mental health treatment for prisoners: training correctional officers to recognize and voluntary and emergency transfer to a mental health treatment facility or the Wisconsin Resource Center -
Act 229Community reentry centers appropriation created [Sec. 100] [partial veto] -
Act 19Community reentry centers: DOC to contract with entities to operate, conditions specified; report required -
Act 233Juvenile correctional services: daily rates [Sec. 454g] -
Act 19Law enforcement investigative services: DOC to reimburse any county, city, village, or town providing assistance [Sec. 36, 99, 101, 314, 316-318] -
Act 19Length of service awards for DOC and DHS employees who are protective occupation participants [Sec. 9101 (3)] -
Act 19Lincoln County Correctional Institution renamed Lincoln Correctional Institution (remedial legislation suggested by DOC) -
Act 256Opening Avenues to Reentry Success (OARS) program funding [Sec. 9108 (2)] [vetoed] -
Act 19Parole Commission: posting certain information to its Internet site; notifications to victims and certain family members revised -
Act 31Release of prisoner to parole or extended supervision: requirements revised -
Act 230Wisconsin Resource Center security operations transferred from DOC to DHS [Sec. 105, 240, 241, 9108 (1)] -
Act 19Workforce training program: grants to DOC for mobile classroom instructor costs [Sec. 386] -
Act 19Tanning facility regulations revised -
Act 190Counseling Compact ratified -
Act 55Counseling Compact ratified [vetoed] -
Se3 SB1Statutes and rules examinations for certain health care professions prohibited [vetoed] -
Se3 SB1Telehealth by out-of-state mental health care providers: conditions set; DSPS forms provision [vetoed] -
AB541countyCounty, see also name of specific county
Advisory referendum: counties and municipalities prohibited from holding except for capital expenditures funded by property tax levy -
Act 12Class "B," "Class B," and "Class C" licensed retailers and certain retail outlets located in specified counties: closing hours exception during a 2024 national political convention in Milwaukee -
Act 73County sale of tax-deeded land: process changes -
Act 207Discrimination in hiring and contracting by a political subdivision prohibited re race, color, ancestry, national origin, or sexual orientation -
Act 12Federal refugee resettlement and assistance program: local governments required to designate individual for consultation; county refugee placement committee provisions [vetoed] -
SB916Human Trafficking Council created in DOJ; county sex trafficking task force and law enforcement officer to coordinate prevention and enforcement efforts encouraged under set conditions -
Act 239Judicial review of local governmental decisions re certain land development, local approval of residential housing development, and zoning ordinance amendments -
Act 16Law enforcement and fire and emergency medical services: political subdivisions required to certify to DOR maintenance of effort for -
Act 12Nonmetallic quarries: local regulations limited; conditional use permits and zoning ordinance provisions -
Act 12Refrigerants acceptable to the EPA as alternatives to ozone-depleting substances: DSPS cannot promulgate a rule and local governments cannot enact or enforce an ordinance prohibiting or limiting use of -
Act 76Regulation of utility services based on type or source of energy: state agencies and political subdivisions prohibition created [vetoed] -
SB49Stewardship Program activities or projects: certain local governments required to adopt resolution in support before DNR can submit to JCF for passive review -
Act 12County land conservation committee membership -
Act 32Assessment of local bridges and culverts: DOT funding to counties [Sec. 91, 376] -
Act 19Comparative local government spending report: DOR to produce annually -
Act 12Fire and emergency medical services provided at state veterans homes: grants to fire districts and local governments [Sec. 133, 236, 322, 323] -
Act 19General transportation aids payments [Sec. 377m] [partial veto] -
Act 19Guaranteed income program: political subdivisions may not expend moneys on [vetoed] -
AB146Law enforcement investigative services: DOC to reimburse any county, city, village, or town providing assistance [Sec. 36, 99, 101, 314, 316-318] -
Act 19Opportunity attraction and promotion program: WEDC to establish and administer grants; annual report required -
Act 169Pre-disaster flood resilience grant program for local governmental units created; DEM to administer -
Act 265Supplemental aid for snowmobile trail maintenance: DNR may modify administrative rule [Admin.Code NR 50.09] -
Act 110Care management organization facility placements: county of residence responsible for paying -
Act 68Broadcasting live election night canvassing proceedings: municipal clerk, county clerk, or Elections Commission required to record it -
Act 53Driver improvement surcharge [Sec. 460g, m, 9344 (2m), 9444 (1m)] -
Act 19Elections: access to election officials' personal information limited, battery against an election official made a felony, whistleblower protections for clerks and election officials re reporting fraud and irregularities, and all committees, political parties, and conduits to register with and submit campaign finance reports to Ethics Commission -
Act 126Levy limit for adjustments for transferred services revised; TID provisions -
Act 12Local professional baseball park district: funding for grants and short-term loans for improvements, repair, and maintenance; administration of county and municipal sales tax provisions -
Act 41Automated justice information systems appropriation [Sec. 46, 135] -
Act 19Design professional services: prohibiting enforcement of indemnification provision in a contract with the state or a political subdivision -
Act 211Judicial review of local governmental decisions re certain land development, local approval of residential housing development, and zoning ordinance amendments -
Act 16Uniform Unsworn Foreign Declarations Act modified and Uniform Unsworn Declarations Act adopted in its place -
Act 245Wireless communication device location in emergency situation: provider to provide information to law enforcement under certain conditions, customer and court review provisions; emergency contact information provision -
Act 232Judicial security profiles exempt from disclosure under the public records law -
Act 236Privacy protections for judicial officers created; judicial candidate provisions -
Act 235Driver improvement surcharge [Sec. 460g, m, 9344 (2m), 9444 (1m)] -
Act 19Acting in self-defense: court-issued criminal complaint prohibited if DA refuses to issue complaint unless new evidence shows actions were not self-defense [vetoed] -
SB517Candidate adjudged guilty of felony campaign finance or election fraud violations: court to order candidate committee dissolved and conditions on disbursement of funds specified -
Act 52Claims against commercial motor vehicle carriers: limiting recovery of noneconomic damages [vetoed] -
SB613Constitutional amendment relating to conditions of release: statutory changes needed to implement -
Act 3Dismissing or amending certain criminal charges requires court approval, report required; deferred prosecution agreements for certain crimes prohibited [vetoed] -
AB57Eligibility and conditions for release prior to conviction of persons accused of certain crimes and considerations for imposing bail revised. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) [SJR2] -
JR 2Payment card networks prohibited from using firearm merchant codes for retail payment card transactions; governmental entities prohibited from keeping lists of firearms owners, exception for criminal investigations or prosecutions; AG authority [vetoed] -
SB466Rights reserved to a parent or guardian of a child; civil cause of action provision [vetoed] -
AB510Testimony of witness under age 18 in a criminal prosecution for human trafficking crime may be taken in another room and televised in the courtroom -
Act 238Victim or witness who is an elder person: expediting proceedings in criminal and delinquency cases and juvenile dispositional hearings; preserving testimony in criminal matters -
Act 231Payment card networks prohibited from using firearm merchant codes for retail payment card transactions; governmental entities prohibited from keeping lists of firearms owners, exception for criminal investigations or prosecutions; AG authority [vetoed] -