Member of Wisconsin-Ireland Trade Commission
2/8/2024: 2023 Senate Bill 1011
Relating to: abortion if the probable postfertilization age of an unborn child is 14 or more weeks and requiring a referendum. (FE)
2/8/2024: 2023 Senate Joint Resolution 112
Relating to: recognizing and commending the National Conference of State Legislatures on its 50th anniversary in 2025.
1/30/2024: 2023 Senate Bill 977
Relating to: expansion of the second individual income tax bracket. (FE)
1/26/2024: 2023 Senate Joint Resolution 102
Relating to: observing February 29, 2024, as Rare Disease Day in Wisconsin.
1/5/2024: 2023 Senate Bill 878
Relating to: fund of funds investment program. (FE)
1/5/2024: 2023 Senate Bill 882
Relating to: transferring the angel investment tax credit. (FE)
1/5/2024: 2023 Senate Bill 883
Relating to: modifying the certification criteria to be a qualified new business venture. (FE)
1/5/2024: 2023 Senate Bill 894
Relating to: a technology and innovation hub grant to BioForward, Inc., and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/21/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 706
Relating to: scholarships for Marquette University School of Dentistry students who practice in dental health shortage areas. (FE)
11/15/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 688
Relating to: local government competitive bidding thresholds and requiring school districts to utilize competitive bidding. (FE)
10/30/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 585
Relating to: various changes to the business development tax credit. (FE)
10/23/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 573
Relating to: training expenses for officers.
10/16/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 524
Relating to: the use of videoconferencing technology in certain civil actions. (FE)
10/16/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 528
Relating to: top-five primaries and instant runoff voting for the offices of U.S. senator and U.S. representative in Congress. (FE)
10/16/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 520
Relating to: inclusion of like-kin as an option for with whom children may be placed out of their home under certain circumstances and who may receive kinship care payments.
9/29/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 462
Relating to: crisis urgent care and observation facilities and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
9/21/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 452
Relating to: designating and marking the Deputy Kaitie Leising Memorial Highway. (FE)
9/20/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 435
Relating to: lowering the individual income tax rates in the third bracket and increasing and expanding the retirement income subtraction. (FE)
9/8/2023: 2023 Senate Joint Resolution 63
Relating to: requiring a supermajority in each house of the legislature for passage of tax increase legislation (first consideration).
8/9/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 386
Relating to: requirements for and insurance related to peer-to-peer motor vehicle sharing programs. (FE)
7/20/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 370
Relating to: funding for the Farm and Industry Short Course program at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and making an appropriation. (FE)
6/14/2023: 2023 Senate Joint Resolution 55
Relating to: recognizing the many federal, state, and local contributions of the 115th Fighter Wing.
6/14/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 332
Relating to: creating the Division of Alcohol Beverages attached to the Department of Revenue; the regulation of alcohol beverages and enforcement of alcohol beverage laws; interest restrictions relating to, and authorized activities of, brewers, brewpubs, wineries, manufacturers, rectifiers, wholesalers, and retailers; shipping alcohol beverages by means of fulfillment houses and common carriers; the consumption of alcohol beverages in a public place; creating a no-sale event venue permit; creating an operator's permit; liquor licenses transferred from one municipality to another; retailers' authorized activities; liquor license quotas; the safe ride program; the presence of underage persons and conduct of other business on licensed premises; the occupational tax on alcohol beverages; repealing a rule promulgated by the Department of Revenue; granting rule-making authority; and providing a penalty. (FE)
5/24/2023: 2023 Senate Joint Resolution 47
Relating to: recognizing May 2023 as Law Enforcement Appreciation Month in Wisconsin.
5/18/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 301
Relating to: county and municipal aid; imposing a city sales tax and an additional county sales tax to pay the unfunded actuarial accrued liability of city and county retirement systems; requiring newly hired city and county employees of certain city agencies and counties to be enrolled in the Wisconsin Retirement System; fire and police commissions of first class cities; eliminating the personal property tax; reporting certain crimes and other incidents that occur on school property or school transportation; advisory referenda; local health officers; local public protection services; exceptions to local levy limits; local regulation of certain quarry operations; emergency services; local approval of projects and activities under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program; requiring a referendum; and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
5/8/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 274
Relating to: the amount and distribution of the real estate transfer fee. (FE)
4/20/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 249
Relating to: designating and marking the Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial Highway. (FE)
3/23/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 140
Relating to: financial assistance limits for dam removal. (FE)
3/14/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 130
Relating to: the face-to-face requirement for retail sales of alcohol beverages and remote orders for the sale of alcohol beverages to be delivered or picked up on retail licensed premises. (FE)
3/8/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 115
Relating to: requiring one-half credit of personal financial literacy for high school graduation. (FE)
2/21/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 83
Relating to: including with a referendum question for issuing bonds a statement of the estimated interest accruing on the amount of the bonds.
2/14/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 61
Relating to: requirements for children born alive following abortion or attempted abortion and providing a penalty.
2/14/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 49
Relating to: restricting local regulation of utility service based on the type or source of energy. (FE)
2/3/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 28
Relating to: classifying county jailers as protective occupation participants under the Wisconsin Retirement System and the treatment of county jailers under the Municipal Employment Relations Act. (FE)
2/3/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 38
Relating to: expungement of records of certain crimes and discrimination based on expunged conviction. (FE)
2/3/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 30
Relating to: restrictions on baiting deer in counties based on chronic wasting disease or bovine tuberculosis.
1/27/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 19
Relating to: uniform course numbering and the transfer of course credits among technical colleges and University of Wisconsin System schools, and eliminating certain restrictions on the respective educational roles of the University of Wisconsin System and the Technical College System. (FE)
1/27/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 2
Relating to: eliminating the personal property tax. (FE)
1/27/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 8
Relating to: the University of Wisconsin Missing-in-Action Recovery and Identification Project and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/22/2024: 2023 AA1-SB374
2/2/2024: 2023 AA2-AB140
2/2/2024: 2023 AA1-AB920
1/24/2024: 2023 AA1-AB375
1/4/2024: 2023 AA1-AB140
11/13/2023: 2023 AA2-AA1-AB466
10/31/2023: 2023 AA1-AA1-AB466
10/10/2023: 2023 AA1-AB466
9/20/2023: 2023 ASA1-AB223
Relating to: immunity from liability for administering an opioid antagonist.
6/21/2023: 2023 ASA1-AB302
Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for data center equipment and materials and information sharing between the Department of Revenue and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.