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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
September 24, 2021 - Introduced by Senators Pfaff, Erpenbach, Agard, Bewley,
Carpenter, Johnson, Larson, Ringhand, Roys and Wirch, cosponsored by
Representatives Subeck, B. Meyers, Anderson, Cabrera, Conley, Doyle,
Emerson, Hebl, Hesselbein, Hong, Milroy, L. Myers, Neubauer, Ohnstad,
Pope, S. Rodriguez, Shankland, Shelton, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Spreitzer,
Stubbs and Vruwink. Referred to Committee on Government Operations,
Legal Review and Consumer Protection.
1An Act to create 20.145 (1) (g) 4. of the statutes; relating to: funding for an office
2of prescription drug affordability, crediting certain amounts to the general
3program operations account of the office of the commissioner of insurance, and
4making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill provides $500,000 in program revenue in fiscal year 2021-22 for
onetime implementation costs associated with establishing an Office of Prescription
Drug Affordability in the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance. Additionally, the
bill authorizes and funds for the fiscal biennium 16.0 positions for the Office of
Prescription Drug Affordability.
The bill also credits to the appropriation account for OCI's general program
operations all moneys received from the regulation of pharmacy benefit managers,
pharmacy benefit management brokers, pharmacy benefit management
consultants, pharmacy services administration organizations, and pharmaceutical
sales representatives.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:

1Section 1. 20.145 (1) (g) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
2 20.145 (1) (g) 4. All moneys received from the regulation of pharmacy benefit
3managers, pharmacy benefit management brokers, pharmacy benefit management
4consultants, pharmacy services administration organizations, and pharmaceutical
5sales representatives.
6Section 9223. Fiscal changes; Insurance.
7 (1) Office of prescription drug affordability. In the schedule under s. 20.005
8(3) for the appropriation to the office of the commissioner of insurance under s. 20.145
9(1) (g), the dollar amount for fiscal year 2021-22 is increased by $1,701,000 to provide
10$500,000 in onetime implementation costs for establishing an office of prescription
11drug affordability in the office of the commissioner of insurance and $1,201,000 to
12authorize 16.0 PR positions within the office of prescription drug affordability,
13including 5.0 insurance examiners, 4.0 policy initiatives advisors, 2.0 attorneys, 1.0
14insurance program manager, 2.0 insurance administrators, and 2.0 operations
15program associates. In the schedule under s. 20.005 (3) for the appropriation to the
16office of the commissioner of insurance under s. 20.145 (1) (g), the dollar amount for
17fiscal year 2022-23 is increased by $1,533,900 to fund the positions authorized under
18this subsection.
19 (End)