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7Section 2387 . 175.405 of the statutes is repealed.
8Section 2388 . 175.60 (7) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 175.60 (7) (d) A fee for a background check that is equal to the fee charged under
10s. 175.35 (2i) (a).
11Section 2389 . 175.60 (9g) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
12 175.60 (9g) (a) 2. The department shall conduct a criminal history record
13search and shall search its records and conduct a search in the national instant
14criminal background check system to determine whether the applicant is prohibited
15from possessing a firearm under federal law; whether the applicant is prohibited
16from possessing a firearm under s. 941.29; whether the applicant is prohibited from
17possessing a firearm under s. 51.20 (13) (cv) 1., 2007 stats.; whether the applicant
18has been ordered not to possess a firearm under s. 51.20 (13) (cv) 1., 51.45 (13) (i) 1.,
1954.10 (3) (f) 1., or 55.12 (10) (a); whether the applicant is subject to an injunction
20under s. 813.12 or 813.122, or a tribal injunction, as defined in s. 813.12 (1) (e), issued
21by a court established by any federally recognized Wisconsin Indian tribe or band,
22except the Menominee Indian tribe of Wisconsin, that includes notice to the
23respondent that he or she is subject to the requirements and penalties under s.
24941.29 and that has been filed with the circuit court under s. 813.128 (3g); and
25whether the applicant is prohibited from possessing a firearm under s. 813.123 (5m),

1813.124 (2t) or (3),
or 813.125 (4m); and to determine if the court has prohibited the
2applicant from possessing a dangerous weapon under s. 969.02 (3) (c) or 969.03 (1)
3(c) and if the applicant is prohibited from possessing a dangerous weapon as a
4condition of release under s. 969.01.
5Section 2390 . 175.60 (15) (b) 4. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
6 175.60 (15) (b) 4. b. A fee for a background check that is equal to the fee charged
7under s. 175.35 (2i) (a).
8Section 2391 . 175.65 of the statutes is created to read:
9175.65 Law enforcement agency employment files. Each Wisconsin law
10enforcement agency, as defined in s. 165.85 (2) (bv), shall keep an employment file,
11as defined in s. 165.85 (2) (ap), for each person the agency employs.
12Section 2392 . 182.004 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 182.004 (6) Stock may be issued and leases made to husband and wife spouses,
14and to the survivor of them, in which event title shall descend the same as in like
15conveyances of real property subject to ch. 766. Otherwise, title to the stock and lease
16shall descend to the persons to whom a homestead of the stockholder would descend
17except as provided in ch. 766. The interest of a tenant in the lease and stock shall
18be exempt from execution to the same extent as a homestead in real estate.
19Section 2393 . 182.01 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
20 182.01 (7) Information to be provided with business formation filings. The
21department shall provide informational materials and resources on worker
22misclassification to each person who files with the department any of the following:
23 (a) Articles of incorporation under s. 180.0202 or 181.0202.
24 (b) Articles of organization under s. 183.0202.
25 (c) A statement of qualification under s. 178.0901.

1(d) A certificate of limited partnership under s. 179.11.
2Section 2394 . 182.0172 of the statutes is created to read:
3182.0172 Electric providers using easements to provide broadband.
4(1) In this section:
5 (a) 1. “Broadband infrastructure” means any of the following that can be used
6to facilitate, directly or indirectly, originate, send, and receive high-quality voice,
7data, graphics, video, and video programming communications:
8 a. Materials.
9 b. Wires.
10 c. Cables, including fiber optic and copper cables regardless of whether the
11cables are dark or lit and whether the cables are in use or dormant.
12 d. Conduits.
13 e. Antennas.
14 f. Equipment.
15 g. Fixtures.
16 h. Switching multiplexers.
17 i. Poles.
18 j. Routers.
19 k. Switches.
20 L. Servers.
21 m. Appurtenances.
22 n. Facilities.
23 o. Ancillary or auxiliary equipment.
24 2. “Broadband infrastructure” does not include new poles or new towers that
25are used exclusively for providing broadband services.

1(b) “Electric provider” means any of the following:
2 1. A public utility, as defined in s. 196.01 (5), that generates, transmits, or
3distributes electric energy at wholesale or retail.
4 2. A cooperative association incorporated under ch. 185 to do business in this
5state that carries on the business of generating, transmitting, or distributing electric
6energy to its members at wholesale or retail.
7(2) (a) 1. An electric provider may use an easement that it holds for any of the
8following purposes:
9 a. Installing or maintaining broadband infrastructure to provide broadband
10services or allowing a supplier of broadband services to install or maintain
11broadband infrastructure to provide broadband services.
12 b. Leasing or providing to a supplier of broadband services any excess capacity
13in the electric provider's broadband infrastructure.
14 2. This paragraph does not exempt, except, or exclude an electric provider or
15supplier of broadband services from complying with any provision of state or federal
16law applicable to siting broadband infrastructure or providing broadband services.
17 (b) Except as provided in par. (c) 1., terms or conditions of an easement held by
18an electric provider that inhibit the electric provider from using the easement for a
19purpose under par. (a) do not apply.
20 (c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to an easement that does any of the
22 1. Expressly prohibits, by its terms, using the easement for a purpose under
23par. (a).
24 2. Applies to property owned by the state or a city, village, town, or county.

1(3) (a) In this subsection, “owner” means a person who owns a fee simple or life
2estate interest in land or who is a land contract vendee.
3 (b) At least 30 days before first using an easement for a purpose under sub. (2)
4(a), an electric provider shall make a reasonable attempt to mail a notice to the owner
5of the property subject to the easement, as determined from records of the office of
6the register of deeds of the county in which the property subject to the easement is
7located, by mailing a notice to at least one of the following:
8 1. The last known address for the owner of the property subject to the easement.
9 2. The address listed with the county real property lister for the owner of the
10property subject to the easement.
11 3. The registered agent office or principal office listed in the records of the
12department of financial institutions for the owner of the property subject to the
14 (c) If an electric provider is unable to identify an address to mail a notice under
15par. (b), the electric provider shall publish a class 1 notice under ch. 985 at least 30
16days before first using an easement for a purpose under sub. (2) (a).
17 (d) An electric provider shall include all of the following in a notice under par.
18(b) or (c):
19 1. An identification of the property subject to the easement, which may be made
20by reference to the property address, by reference to the tax parcel number of the
21property, by map, or by legal description.
22 2. A statement that the electric provider intends to install broadband
23infrastructure or use existing infrastructure to make broadband service available.
24 3. An estimate of when the electric provider intends to install or begin using
25infrastructure under subd. 2.

14. A reference to this section.
2 5. A statement explaining that the electric provider may record a memorandum
3stating that the electric provider may use the easement for a purpose under sub. (2)
5 6. A notice that the owner of the property subject to the easement may not bring
6an action against the electric provider for using an easement for a purpose under sub.
7(2) (a) after one year after the date of receiving the notice.
8(4) Beginning 30 days after providing notice under sub. (3), an electric provider
9may record a memorandum in the office of the register of deeds of a county in which
10property subject to an easement used for a purpose under sub. (2) (a) is located. The
11electric provider shall include all of the following in the memorandum:
12 (a) One of the following:
13 1. If the easement is recorded, recording information for the easement.
14 2. If the easement is unrecorded or a prescriptive easement under s. 893.28 (2),
15the legal description of the parcel subject to the easement.
16 (b) A reference to this section.
17 (c) A statement that the electric provider may use the easement for a purpose
18under sub. (2) (a).
19 (d) A statement that terms or conditions of the easement that inhibit the
20electric provider from using the easement for a purpose under sub. (2) (a) do not
22(5) (a) In this subsection, “owner” means an owner of or other person holding
23an interest in real property subject to an easement used for a purpose under sub. (2)

1(b) 1. If an owner provides an electric provider, a subsidiary of an electric
2provider, or a supplier of broadband services with an appraisal performed by an
3appraiser licensed under ch. 458 comparing the fair market value of the owner's real
4property interest immediately before and after an easement on the property is used
5for a purpose under sub. (2) (a), the electric provider, subsidiary, or supplier of
6broadband services shall do one of the following within 30 days:
7 a. Pay the owner the amount of damages identified in the appraisal provided
8by the owner.
9 b. Notify the owner that it disputes the appraisal. If an electric provider,
10subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services disputes the appraisal provided by the
11owner under this subd. 1. b., the electric provider, subsidiary, or supplier of
12broadband services shall within 90 days provide the owner with an appraisal
13performed by an appraiser licensed under ch. 458 comparing the fair market value
14of the owner's real property interest immediately before and after an easement on
15the property is used for a purpose under sub. (2) (a). The owner shall make
16reasonable accommodations for performance of the appraisal under this subd. 1. b.
17 2. If an owner who receives an appraisal under subd. 1. b. from an electric
18provider, subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services provides to the electric
19provider, subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services written notice accepting the
20appraisal or does not bring an action under par. (d) within 30 days of receiving the
21appraisal, the electric provider, subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services shall
22promptly remit payment to the owner for the difference in the fair market value of
23the owner's real property interest identified in the appraisal.
24 (c) An owner may not bring an action against an electric provider, a subsidiary
25of an electric provider, or a supplier of broadband services for damages from a

1decrease in the value of the owner's interest in real property due to the use of an
2easement for a purpose under sub. (2) (a) except as provided under this subsection.
3 (d) An owner may bring an action under this subsection against an electric
4provider, a subsidiary of an electric provider, or a supplier of broadband services for
5damages from a decrease in the value of the owner's interest in real property due to
6the use of an easement for a purpose under sub. (2) (a) only if all of the following
8 1. The owner provides an appraisal under par. (b) 1. to the electric provider,
9subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services within one year after the date that the
10owner receives notice under sub. (3) or, if the owner receives no notice under sub. (3),
11within one year after the date that a memorandum referring to an easement that
12applies to the property is recorded under sub. (4).
13 2. The owner brings the action within 30 days after receiving an appraisal from
14the electric provider, subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services under par. (b) 1.
16 (e) The maximum recovery under this subsection may not exceed the difference
17between the fair market value of the owner's real property interest immediately
18before an easement on the property is used for a purpose under sub. (2) (a) and the
19fair market value of the owner's real property interest immediately after an
20easement on the property is used for a purpose under sub. (2) (a). Evidence of
21revenues, profits, or fees received by an electric provider, a subsidiary of an electric
22provider, or a supplier of broadband services shall not be admissible as evidence in
23any proceeding or action under this subsection.
24Section 2395 . 185.983 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

1185.983 (1) (intro.) Every voluntary nonprofit health care plan operated by a
2cooperative association organized under s. 185.981 shall be exempt from chs. 600 to
3646, with the exception of ss. 601.04, 601.13, 601.31, 601.41, 601.42, 601.43, 601.44,
4601.45, 611.26, 611.67, 619.04, 623.11, 623.12, 628.34 (10), 631.17, 631.89, 631.93,
5631.95, 632.72 (2), 632.729, 632.745 to 632.749, 632.775, 632.79, 632.795, 632.798,
6632.85, 632.853, 632.855, 632.862, 632.867, 632.87 (2) to (6), 632.871, 632.885,
7632.89, 632.895 (5) and (8) to (17), 632.896, and 632.897 (10) and chs. 609, 620, 630,
8635, 645, and 646, but the sponsoring association shall:
9Section 2396 . 185.983 (1) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin
10Act .... (this act), section 2395 , is amended to read:
11 185.983 (1) (intro.) Every voluntary nonprofit health care plan operated by a
12cooperative association organized under s. 185.981 shall be exempt from chs. 600 to
13646, with the exception of ss. 601.04, 601.13, 601.31, 601.41, 601.42, 601.43, 601.44,
14601.45, 611.26, 611.67, 619.04, 623.11, 623.12, 628.34 (10), 631.17, 631.89, 631.93,
15631.95, 632.72 (2), 632.728, 632.729, 632.745 to 632.749, 632.775, 632.79, 632.795,
16632.798, 632.85, 632.853, 632.855, 632.862, 632.867, 632.87 (2) to (6), 632.871,
17632.885, 632.89, 632.895 (5) and (8) to (17), 632.896, and 632.897 (10) and chs. 609,
18620, 630, 635, 645, and 646, but the sponsoring association shall:
19Section 2397 . 185.983 (1) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin
20Act .... (this act), section 2396 , is amended to read:
21 185.983 (1) (intro.) Every voluntary nonprofit health care plan operated by a
22cooperative association organized under s. 185.981 shall be exempt from chs. 600 to
23646, with the exception of ss. 601.04, 601.13, 601.31, 601.41, 601.42, 601.43, 601.44,
24601.45, 611.26, 611.67, 619.04, 623.11, 623.12, 628.34 (10), 631.17, 631.89, 631.93,
25631.95, 632.72 (2), 632.728, 632.729, 632.745 to 632.749, 632.775, 632.79, 632.795,

1632.798, 632.85, 632.853, 632.855, 632.861, 632.862, 632.867, 632.87 (2) to (6),
2632.871, 632.885, 632.89, 632.895 (5) and (8) to (17), 632.896, and 632.897 (10) and
3chs. 609, 620, 630, 635, 645, and 646, but the sponsoring association shall:
4Section 2398 . 194.025 of the statutes is amended to read:
5194.025 Discrimination prohibited. No motor carrier may engage in any
6practice, act or omission which results in discrimination on the basis of race, creed,
7sex or, national origin, or status as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03
9Section 2399 . 196.01 (5) (b) 8. of the statutes is created to read:
10 196.01 (5) (b) 8. A person who supplies electricity through the person's electric
11vehicle charging station to users' electric vehicles, if the person does not otherwise
12directly or indirectly provide electricity to the public.
13Section 2400 . 196.025 (1h) of the statutes is created to read:
14 196.025 (1h) Social cost of carbon emissions. (a) In this subsection, “social
15cost of carbon” means a measure of the economic harms and other impacts expressed
16in dollars that result from emitting one ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.