This is the preview version of the Wisconsin State Legislature site.
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1(s) The number of minors in the state who use methamphetamines, the extent
2to which those minors use methamphetamines, and the forms of methamphetamines
4 (t) The number of minors who enter the child protective services system due
5to opioid use by a parent or guardian, length of time those minors are in out-of-home
6care, and the type of reporter who notified child protective services of the needs of
7the minor.
8 (u) The number of persons who are incarcerated and who are receiving
9naltrexone for extended-release in injectable suspension, the number of persons
10who are on extended supervision or probation or on parole and who are receiving
11extended-release naltrexone, the total number of doses of extended-release
12naltrexone administered to persons who are incarcerated, on extended supervision
13or probation, or on parole in this state, and the length of time that persons who are
14incarcerated, on extended supervision or probation, or on parole are receiving
15extended-release naltrexone.
16 (v) The number of arrests and convictions related to methadone and the
17number related to a drug that is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone.
18 (w) The number of arrests and convictions related to methamphetamines.
19(2) The opioid and methamphetamine data system under sub. (1) shall identify,
20to the extent possible, for sub. (1) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (L), (m), (p), (q),
21(r), (s), and (u) the number of individuals who have each of the following forms of
22health care coverage:
23 (a) Public health care coverage under the Medical Assistance program.

1(b) Public health care coverage under Medicare, a veteran or military health
2plan, or another public form of coverage other than Medical Assistance, including
3any self-insured governmental health plan.
4 (c) Private insurance or a private heath plan.
5 (d) Self-coverage or uninsured.
6(3) The department of administration shall collaborate with and collect data
7from the departments of health services, corrections, justice, safety and professional
8services, and children and families and any other applicable agencies for the opioid
9and methamphetamine data system under sub. (1).
10(4) (a) The department of administration shall administer the contract with the
11vendor to operate the opioid and methamphetamine data system and shall have
12access to the data contained in the opioid and methamphetamine data system. The
13department of administration shall work with the vendor to disseminate information
14and advanced analytics from the opioid and methamphetamine data system in as
15close to real time as possible.
16 (b) The opioid and methamphetamine data system shall allow the state
17agencies that submit data to the opioid and methamphetamine data system access
18to the data in the opioid and methamphetamine data system as appropriate for the
19agency to fulfill its functions and as allowed by state and federal confidentiality laws.
20153.89 Reports; opioid and methamphetamine data system. By January
211, 2023, and annually thereafter, the department of administration shall submit a
22report to the governor and, under s. 13.172 (3) to appropriate standing committees
23of the legislature., as determined by the speaker or president, summarizing the
24information from the opioid and methamphetamine data system under s. 153.87 (1)
25and analyzing trends in that information across years of data collection.

1Section 2289. 155.01 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 155.01 (7) “Health care provider" means a nurse licensed or permitted under
3ch. 441, a chiropractor licensed under ch. 446, a dentist or dental therapist licensed
4under ch. 447, a physician, physician assistant, perfusionist, podiatrist, physical
5therapist, physical therapist assistant, occupational therapist, or occupational
6therapy assistant licensed under ch. 448, a person practicing Christian Science
7treatment, an optometrist licensed under ch. 449, a psychologist licensed under ch.
8455, a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant who holds a compact
9privilege under subch. IX of ch. 448, a partnership thereof, a corporation or limited
10liability company thereof that provides health care services, a cooperative health
11care association organized under s. 185.981 that directly provides services through
12salaried employees in its own facility, or a home health agency, as defined in s. 50.49
13(1) (a).
14Section 2290 . 157.05 of the statutes is amended to read:
15157.05 Autopsy. Consent for a licensed physician to conduct an autopsy on
16the body of a deceased person shall be deemed sufficient when given by whichever
17one of the following assumes custody of the body for purposes of burial: Father,
18mother, husband, wife
parent, spouse, child, guardian, next of kin, domestic partner
19under ch. 770, or in the absence of any of the foregoing, a friend, or a person charged
20by law with the responsibility for burial. If 2 or more such persons assume custody
21of the body, the consent of one of them shall be deemed sufficient.
22Section 2291 . 157.06 (11) (hm) of the statutes is created to read:
23 157.06 (11) (hm) Unless otherwise required by federal law, a hospital,
24physician, procurement organization, or other person may not determine the

1ultimate recipient of an anatomical gift based solely upon a positive test for the use
2of marijuana by a potential recipient.
3Section 2292 . 157.06 (11) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
4 157.06 (11) (i) Except as provided under par. pars. (a) 2. and (hm), nothing in
5this section affects the allocation of organs for transplantation or therapy.
6Section 2293 . 157.065 (2) (a) 4. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
7 157.065 (2) (a) 4. c. A Type 1 juvenile correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02
8(19) (10p);
9Section 2294 . 160.07 (4) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
10 160.07 (4) (f) In recommending an enforcement standard for a perfluoroalkyl
11or polyfluoroalkyl substance, the department of health services may recommend
12individual standards for each substance, a standard for these substances as a class,
13or standards for groups of these substances.
14Section 2295 . 160.07 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
15 160.07 (7) If the department of health services recommends an enforcement
16standard for a perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance or a group or class of such
17substances under this section, the department shall apply the standard as an interim
18enforcement standard for that substance, including through sampling, monitoring,
19and testing, and any other actions required by rules promulgated by the department,
20unless emergency or permanent rules that establish an enforcement standard for
21that substance are in effect.
22Section 2296 . 160.15 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
23 160.15 (4) Notwithstanding sub. (1), if an interim enforcement standard for a
24perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance is applied under s. 160.07 (7), the
25department shall apply an interim preventive action limit for that substance of 20

1percent of the concentration established as the interim enforcement standard,
2unless emergency or permanent rules that establish a preventive action limit for that
3substance are in effect.
4Section 2297 . 165.08 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
5 165.08 (1) Any civil action prosecuted by the department by direction of any
6officer, department, board, or commission, or any shall be compromised or
7discontinued when so directed by such officer, department, board, or commission.

8Any civil action prosecuted by the department on the initiative of the attorney
9general, or at the request of any individual may be compromised or discontinued with
10the approval of an intervenor under s. 803.09 (2m) or, if there is no intervenor, by
11submission of a proposed plan to the joint committee on finance for the approval of
12the committee. The compromise or discontinuance may occur only if the joint
13committee on finance approves the proposed plan. No proposed plan may be
14submitted to the joint committee on finance if the plan concedes the
15unconstitutionality or other invalidity of a statute, facially or as applied, or concedes
16that a statute violates or is preempted by federal law, without the approval of the
17joint committee on legislative organization
the governor.
18Section 2298 . 165.10 of the statutes is amended to read:
19165.10 Deposit Limits on expenditure of discretionary settlement
The Notwithstanding s. 20.455 (3), before the attorney general shall deposit
may expend settlement funds into the general fund under s. 20.455 (3) (g) that are
22not committed under the terms of the settlement, the attorney general shall submit
23to the joint committee on finance a proposed plan for the expenditure of the funds.
24If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the attorney general within 14
25working days after the submittal that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the

1purpose of reviewing the proposed plan, the attorney general may expend the funds
2to implement the proposed plan. If, within 14 working days after the submittal, the
3cochairpersons of the committee notify the attorney general that the committee has
4scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed plan, the attorney
5general may expend the funds only to implement the plan as approved by the
7Section 2299 . 165.25 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
8 165.25 (1) Represent state in appeals and on remand. Except as provided in
9ss. 5.05 (2m) (a), 19.49 (2) (a), and 978.05 (5), appear for the state and prosecute or
10defend all actions and proceedings, civil or criminal, in the court of appeals and the
11supreme court, in which the state is interested or a party, and attend to and prosecute
12or defend all civil cases sent or remanded to any circuit court in which the state is
13a party. The joint committee on legislative organization may intervene as permitted
14under s. 803.09 (2m) at any time.
Nothing in this subsection deprives or relieves the
15attorney general or the department of justice of any authority or duty under this
17Section 2300 . 165.25 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
18 165.25 (1m) Represent state in other matters. If requested by the governor
19or either house of the legislature, appear for and represent the state, any state
20department, agency, official, employee or agent, whether required to appear as a
21party or witness in any civil or criminal matter, and prosecute or defend in any court
22or before any officer, any cause or matter, civil or criminal, in which the state or the
23people of this state may be interested. The joint committee on legislative
24organization may intervene as permitted under s. 803.09 (2m) at any time.
25public service commission may request under s. 196.497 (7) that the attorney general

1intervene in federal proceedings. All expenses of the proceedings shall be paid from
2the appropriation under s. 20.455 (1) (d).
3Section 2301 . 165.25 (4) (ar) of the statutes is amended to read:
4 165.25 (4) (ar) The department of justice shall furnish all legal services
5required by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection relating
6to the enforcement of ss. 91.68, 93.73, 100.171, 100.173, 100.174, 100.175, 100.177,
7100.18, 100.182, 100.195, 100.20, 100.205, 100.207, 100.209, 100.2091, 100.2092,
8100.21, 100.28, 100.37, 100.42, 100.50, 100.51, 100.55, and 846.45 and chs. 126, 136,
9344, 704, 707, and 779, together with any other services as are necessarily connected
10to the legal services.
11Section 2302 . 165.25 (6) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
12 165.25 (6) (a) 1. At the request of the head of any department of state
13government, the attorney general may appear for and defend any state department,
14or any state officer, employee, or agent of the department in any civil action or other
15matter brought before a court or an administrative agency which is brought against
16the state department, or officer, employee, or agent for or on account of any act
17growing out of or committed in the lawful course of an officer's, employee's, or agent's
18duties. Witness fees or other expenses determined by the attorney general to be
19reasonable and necessary to the defense in the action or proceeding shall be paid as
20provided for in s. 885.07. The attorney general may compromise and settle the action
21as the attorney general determines to be in the best interest of the state except that,
22if the action is for injunctive relief or there is a proposed consent decree, the attorney
23general may not compromise or settle the action without the approval of an
24intervenor under s. 803.09 (2m) or, if there is no intervenor, without first submitting
25a proposed plan to the joint committee on finance. If, within 14 working days after

1the plan is submitted, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the attorney
2general that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the
3proposed plan, the attorney general may compromise or settle the action only with
4the approval of the committee. The attorney general may not submit a proposed plan
5to the joint committee on finance under this subdivision in which the plan concedes
6the unconstitutionality or other invalidity of a statute, facially or as applied, or
7concedes that a statute violates or is preempted by federal law, without the approval
8of the joint committee on legislative organization
9Section 2303 . 165.25 (11m) of the statutes is created to read:
10 165.25 (11m) False claims. Diligently investigate possible violations of s.
1120.9315, and, if the department determines that a person has committed an act that
12is punishable under s. 20.9315, may bring a civil action against that person.
13Section 2304 . 165.27 of the statutes is created to read:
14165.27 Sentencing review council. The sentencing review council shall do
15all of the following:
16(1) Study criminal penalties and make recommendations for reforming the
17criminal code.
18(2) Study whether sentences for similar offenses and circumstances are
19consistent and make recommendations to ensure that sentences are equitable.
20(3) Study and make recommendations regarding the state's bifurcated
21sentencing structure.
22(4) Review and make recommendations regarding sentences for violations
23committed by individuals age 18 to 25.
24Section 2305 . 165.63 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

1165.63 (3) Requests from courts. In making a determination required under
2s. 813.124 (7) (a), 813.1285 (7) (a), or 968.20 (1m) (d) 1., a judge or court commissioner
3shall request information under sub. (2) from the department or from a law
4enforcement agency or law enforcement officer as provided in sub. (4) (d).
5Section 2306 . 165.63 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 165.63 (4) (d) Aid the court in making a determination required under s.
7813.124 (7) (a), 813.1285 (7) (a), or 968.20 (1m) (d) 1. or aid an entity in making a
8determination required under s. 968.20 (1m) (d) 2.
9Section 2307 . 165.77 (7) of the statutes is repealed.
10Section 2308 . 165.775 of the statutes is created to read:
11165.775 Sexual assault kits. (1) In this section:
12 (a) “Department” means the department of justice.
13 (b) “Health care professional" has the meaning given in s. 154.01 (3).
14 (c) “Sex offense” has the meaning given in s. 949.20 (7).
15 (d) “Sexual assault forensic examination” means an examination performed by
16a health care professional to gather evidence regarding a sex offense.
17 (e) “Sexual assault kit” means the evidence collected from a sexual assault
18forensic examination.
19 (f) “Wisconsin law enforcement agency" has the meaning given in s. 165.77 (1)
21(2) Whenever a health care professional conducts a sexual assault forensic
22examination and collects a sexual assault kit, the health care professional shall do
23one of the following:

1(a) If the victim chooses to report the sexual assault to a Wisconsin law
2enforcement agency, or if reporting is required under s. 48.981 (2), notify a Wisconsin
3law enforcement agency within 24 hours after collecting the sexual assault kit.
4 (b) If the victim chooses not to report the sexual assault to a Wisconsin law
5enforcement agency, and reporting is not required under s. 48.981 (2), send the
6sexual assault kit to the state crime laboratories for storage in accordance with the
7procedures specified in the rules promulgated under sub. (6) within 72 hours after
8collecting the sexual assault kit.
9(3) If a Wisconsin law enforcement agency receives notification under sub. (2)
10(a), it shall do all of the following:
11 (a) Take possession of the sexual assault kit from the health care professional
12within 72 hours after receiving the notification.
13 (b) Except as provided in par. (c), send the sexual assault kit to the state crime
14laboratories for processing in accordance with the procedures specified in the rules
15promulgated under sub. (6) within 14 days after taking possession of the sexual
16assault kit.
17 (c) If the Wisconsin law enforcement agency, after taking possession of the
18sexual assault kit under par. (a) but before sending the sexual assault kit under par.
19(b), receives notification from the victim that the victim does not want to proceed with
20the analysis of his or her sexual assault kit, send the sexual assault kit to the state
21crime laboratories for storage in accordance with the procedures specified in the
22rules promulgated under sub. (6) within 14 days after taking possession of the sexual
23assault kit.
24(4) If the state crime laboratories takes possession of a sexual assault kit, it
25shall do all of the following:

1(a) If the victim chooses not to report the sexual assault to a Wisconsin law
2enforcement agency and thus has not consented to the analysis of his or her sexual
3assault kit, securely store the sexual assault kit for a period of 10 years, during which
4time the sexual assault victim may choose to report the assault to a Wisconsin law
5enforcement agency.
6 (b) If the victim chooses to report the sexual assault to a Wisconsin law
7enforcement agency and thus has consented to the analysis of his or her sexual
8assault kit, process the kit in accordance with the procedures specified in the rules
9promulgated under sub. (6).
10(5) If a law enforcement agency takes possession of a sexual assault kit after
11it has been processed by the state crime laboratories, notwithstanding s. 968.205, it
12shall securely store the sexual assault kit for a period of 50 years, or until the date
13of the expiration of the statute of limitations, or until the end of the term of
14imprisonment or probation of a person who was convicted in the sexual assault case,
15whichever is longer.
16(6) The department shall promulgate rules to administer this section.
17Section 2309 . 165.83 (1) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
18 165.83 (1) (c) 1. An act that is committed by a person who has attained the age
19of 17
an adult and that is a felony or a misdemeanor.
20Section 2310 . 165.83 (1) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
21 165.83 (1) (c) 2. An act that is committed by a person minor who has attained
22the age of 10 but who has not attained the age of 17 and that would be a felony or
23misdemeanor if committed by an adult.
24Section 2311 . 165.842 of the statutes is created to read:

1165.842 Motor vehicle stops; collection and analysis of information;
2annual report.
(1) Definitions. In this section:
3 (a) “Department" means the department of justice.
4 (b) “Law enforcement agency" has the meaning given in s. 165.85 (2) (bv).
5 (c) “Law enforcement officer" has the meaning given in s. 165.85 (2) (c).
6 (d) “Motor vehicle stop" means the stop or detention of a motor vehicle that is
7traveling in any public or private place, or the detention of an occupied motor vehicle
8that is already stopped in any public or private place, for the purpose of investigating
9any alleged or suspected violation of a state or federal law or city, village, town, or
10county ordinance.
11(2) Information collection required. All persons in charge of law
12enforcement and tribal law enforcement agencies shall obtain, or cause to be
13obtained, all of the following information with respect to each motor vehicle stop
14made on or after January 1, 2022, by a law enforcement officer employed by the law
15enforcement agency:
16 (a) The name, address, gender, and race of the operator of the motor vehicle.
17The officer shall subjectively select the operator's race from the following list:
18 1. Caucasian.
19 2. Black or African American.