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12 76.639 (1) (g) “Qualified development” means a qualified low-income housing
13project under section 42 (g) of the Internal Revenue Code that is financed with
14tax-exempt bonds, pursuant to section 42 (i) (2) described in section 42 (h) (4) (A) of
15the Internal Revenue Code, allocated the credit under section 42 of the Internal
16Revenue Code,
and located in this state; except that the authority may waive, in the
17qualified allocation plan under section 42 (m) (1) (B) of the Internal Revenue Code,
18the requirements of tax-exempt bond financing and federal credit allocation to the
19extent the authority anticipates that sufficient volume cap under section 146 of the
20Internal Revenue Code will not be available to finance low-income housing projects
21in any year
22Section 1414 . Chapter 77 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:

2 COUNTY, Municipality, AND
10Section 1415 . 77.25 (8m) of the statutes is amended to read:
11 77.25 (8m) Between husband and wife spouses.
12Section 1416. 77.51 (1fm) of the statutes is renumbered 77.51 (1fm) (intro.)
13and amended to read:
14 77.51 (1fm) (intro.) “Candy" means a preparation of sugar, honey, or other
15natural or artificial sweetener combined with chocolate, fruit, nuts, or other
16ingredients or flavorings in the form of bars, drops, or pieces. “Candy" does not
17include a preparation that contains flour or that requires refrigeration. any of the
19Section 1417. 77.51 (1fm) (a) of the statutes is created to read:
20 77.51 (1fm) (a) A preparation that contains flour or that requires refrigeration.
21Section 1418. 77.51 (1fm) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
22 77.51 (1fm) (b) A preparation that has as its predominant ingredient dried or
23partially dried fruit along with one or more sweeteners, and which may also contain
24other additives including oils, natural flavorings, fiber, or preservatives. This
25paragraph does not apply to a preparation that includes chocolate, nuts, yogurt, or

1a preparation that has a confectionary coating or glazing on the dried or partially
2dried fruit. For purposes of this paragraph, “dried or partially dried fruit” does not
3include fruit that has been ground, crushed, grated, flaked, pureed, or jellied.
4Section 1419. 77.51 (11d) of the statutes is amended to read:
5 77.51 (11d) For purposes of subs. (1ag), (1f), (3pf), (7j), and (9p), and (17g) and
6ss. 77.52 (20) and (21), 77.522, 77.54 (9g), (51), (52), and (60), and 77.59 (5r), “product"
7includes tangible personal property, and items, property, and goods under s. 77.52
8(1) (b), (c), and (d), and services.
9Section 1420. 77.51 (17g) of the statutes is created to read:
10 77.51 (17g) “Separate and optional fee” means a fee charged to receive a
11distinct and identifiable product if either of the following applies:
12 (a) The fee is in addition to fees that the seller charges for other distinct and
13identifiable products sold to the same buyer, the fee is separately set forth on the
14invoice given by the seller to the buyer, and the seller does not require the buyer to
15pay the fee if the buyer chooses not to receive the additional distinct and identifiable
16product for which the fee applies.
17 (b) The seller charges a single amount for multiple distinct and identifiable
18products and offers the buyer the option of paying a lower amount if the buyer
19chooses not to receive one or more of the distinct and identifiable products. For
20purposes of this paragraph, the separate and optional fee is the single amount the
21seller charges for the multiple distinct and identifiable products less the reduced
22amount the seller charges to the buyer because the buyer chooses not to receive one
23or more of the products.
24Section 1421. 77.52 (2) (a) 20. of the statutes is amended to read:

177.52 (2) (a) 20. The sale of landscaping and lawn maintenance services
2including landscape planning and counseling, lawn and garden services such as
3planting, mowing, spraying and fertilizing, and shrub and tree services. For
4purposes of this subdivision, landscaping and lawn maintenance services do not
5include planning and counseling services for the restoration, reclamation, or
6revitalization of prairie, savanna, or wetlands to improve biodiversity, the quality of
7land, soils, or water, or other ecosystem functions if the planning and counseling
8services are provided for a separate and optional fee from any other services.
9Section 1422. 77.52 (2) (ag) 39. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
10 77.52 (2) (ag) 39. (intro.) Equipment in offices, business facilities, schools, and
11hospitals but not in residential facilities including personal residences, apartments,
12long-term care facilities, as defined under s. 16.009 (1) (em), prisons, mental health
13institutes, as defined in s. 51.01 (12), centers for the developmentally disabled, as
14defined in s. 51.01 (3), Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities, as defined in s. 938.02
15(19) (10p), or similar facilities including, by way of illustration but not of limitation,
16all of the following:
17Section 1423. 77.52 (2m) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
18 77.52 (2m) (c) With respect to services subject to tax under sub. (2) (a) 7., 10.,
1911., and 20. that are provided for a separate and optional fee from the planning and
20counseling services described under sub. (2) (a) 20., all tangible personal property or
21items, property, or goods under sub. (1) (b), (c), or (d) physically transferred, or
22transferred electronically, to the customer in conjunction with the provision of the
23services subject to tax under sub. (2) (a) 7., 10., 11., and 20. is a sale of tangible
24personal property or items, property, or goods separate from the selling, performing,
25or furnishing of the services.

1Section 1424. 77.52 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 77.52 (13) For the purpose of the proper administration of this section and to
3prevent evasion of the sales tax it shall be presumed that all receipts are subject to
4the tax until the contrary is established. The burden of proving that a sale of tangible
5personal property, or items, property, or goods under sub. (1) (b), (c), or (d), or services
6is not a taxable sale at retail is upon the person who makes the sale unless that
7person takes from the purchaser an electronic or a paper certificate, in a manner
8prescribed by the department, to the effect that the property, item, good, or service
9is purchased for resale or is otherwise exempt, except that no certificate is required
10for the sale of tangible personal property, or items, property, or goods under sub. (1)
11(b), (c), or (d), or services that are exempt under s. 77.54 (5) (a) 3., (7), (7m), (8), (10),
12(11), (14), (15), (17), (20n), (21), (22b), (31), (32), (35), (36), (37), (42), (44), (45), (46),
13(51), (52), (66), and (67), and (70).
14Section 1425. 77.53 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 77.53 (10) For the purpose of the proper administration of this section and to
16prevent evasion of the use tax and the duty to collect the use tax, it is presumed that
17tangible personal property, or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52 (1) (b), (c), or
18(d), or taxable services sold by any person for delivery in this state is sold for storage,
19use, or other consumption in this state until the contrary is established. The burden
20of proving the contrary is upon the person who makes the sale unless that person
21takes from the purchaser an electronic or paper certificate, in a manner prescribed
22by the department, to the effect that the property, or items, property, or goods under
23s. 77.52 (1) (b), (c), or (d), or taxable service is purchased for resale, or otherwise
24exempt from the tax, except that no certificate is required for the sale of tangible
25personal property, or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52 (1) (b), (c), or (d), or

1services that are exempt under s. 77.54 (7), (7m), (8), (10), (11), (14), (15), (17), (20n),
2(21), (22b), (31), (32), (35), (36), (37), (42), (44), (45), (46), (51), (52), and (67), and (70).
3Section 1426 . 77.54 (7) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
4 77.54 (7) (b) 1. The item is transferred to a child, spouse, parent, father-in-law,
parent-in-law, daughter-in-law , or son-in-law of the transferor or,
6if the item is a motor vehicle, from the transferor to a corporation owned solely by the
7transferor or by the transferor's spouse.
8Section 1427. 77.54 (47) of the statutes is repealed.
9Section 1428. 77.54 (56) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
10Section 1429. 77.54 (56) (ad) of the statutes is created to read:
11 77.54 (56) (ad) 1. The sales price from the sale of and the storage, use, or other
12consumption of a solar power system or wind energy system that produces usable
13electrical or heat energy directly from the sun or wind, if the system is capable of
14continuously producing at least 200 watts of alternating current or 600 British
15thermal units. A solar power system or wind energy system described under this
16subdivision includes tangible personal property sold with the system that is used
17primarily to store or facilitate the storage of the electrical or heat energy produced
18by the system, but does not include an uninterruptible power source that is designed
19primarily for computers. The exemption under this subdivision does not apply to
20tangible personal property designed for any use other than for a solar power system
21or wind energy system.
22 2. The sales price from the sale of and the storage, use, or other consumption
23of a waste energy system that produces usable electrical or heat energy directly from
24gas generated from anaerobic digestion of animal manure and other agricultural
25waste if the system is capable of continuously producing at least 200 watts of

1alternating current or 600 British thermal units. A system described under this
2subdivision includes tangible personal property sold with the system that is used
3primarily to store or facilitate the storage of the electrical or heat energy produced
4by the system, but does not include an uninterruptible power source that is designed
5primarily for computers. The exemption under this subdivision does not apply to
6tangible personal property designed for any use other than for the waste energy
7system described in this subdivision.
8Section 1430. 77.54 (56) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 77.54 (56) (b) Except for the sale of electricity or energy that is exempt from
10taxation under sub. (30), beginning on July 1, 2011, the sales price from the sale of
11and the storage, use, or other consumption of electricity or heat energy produced by
12a product system described under par. (a) (ad).
13Section 1431. 77.54 (62) of the statutes is repealed.
14Section 1432. 77.54 (70) of the statutes is created to read:
15 77.54 (70) The sales price from the sale of and the storage, use, or other
16consumption of diapers, not including adult undergarments for incontinence.
17Section 1433 . 77.54 (71) of the statutes is created to read:
18 77.54 (71) The sales price from the sale of and the storage, use, or other
19consumption of usable marijuana, as defined in s. 139.97 (13), purchased by an
20individual who holds a valid certificate issued under s. 73.17 (4).
21Section 1434 . Subchapter V (title) of chapter 77 [precedes 77.70] of the
22statutes is amended to read:

1COUNTY, municipality, AND
4Section 1435 . 77.70 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
577.70 (title) Adoption by county or municipal ordinance.
6Section 1436 . 77.70 of the statutes is renumbered 77.70 (1) and amended to
8 77.70 (1) Any Except as provided in sub. (2), any county desiring to impose
9county sales and use taxes under this subchapter may do so by the adoption of an
10ordinance, stating its purpose and referring to this subchapter. The rate of the tax
11imposed under this section subsection is 0.5 percent of the sales price or purchase
12price. Except as provided in s. 66.0621 (3m), the county sales and use taxes under
13this subsection
may be imposed only for the purpose of directly reducing the property
14tax levy and only in their entirety as provided in this subchapter. That ordinance
15shall be effective on the first day of January, the first day of April, the first day of July
16or the first day of October
January 1, April 1, July 1, or October 1. A certified copy
17of that ordinance shall be delivered to the secretary of revenue at least 120 days prior
18to its effective date. The repeal of any such ordinance shall be effective on December
1931. A certified copy of a repeal ordinance shall be delivered to the secretary of
20revenue at least 120 days before the effective date of the repeal. Except as provided
21under s. 77.60 (9), the department of revenue may not issue any assessment nor act
22on any claim for a refund or any claim for an adjustment under s. 77.585 after the
23end of the calendar year that is 4 years after the year in which the county has enacted
24a repeal ordinance under this section subsection.
25Section 1437. 77.70 (2) of the statutes is created to read:

177.70 (2) In addition to the taxes imposed under sub. (1), a county may, by
2ordinance, impose a sales and use tax under this subchapter at the rate of 0.5 percent
3of the sales price or purchase price. An ordinance enacted under this subsection may
4not take effect unless approved by the majority of the electors of the county at a
5referendum. The revenue from the taxes imposed under this subsection may be used
6for any purpose designated by the county board or specified in the ordinance or in the
7referendum approving the ordinance. The taxes imposed under this subsection may
8be imposed only in their entirety as provided in this subchapter. If approved at a
9referendum, the ordinance shall be effective on January 1, April 1, July 1, or October
101. A certified copy of that ordinance shall be delivered to the secretary of revenue at
11least 120 days prior to its effective date. The repeal of any such ordinance shall be
12effective on December 31. A certified copy of a repeal ordinance shall be delivered
13to the secretary of revenue at least 120 days before the effective date of the repeal.
14Except as provided under s. 77.60 (9), the department of revenue may not issue any
15assessment nor act on any claim for a refund or any claim for an adjustment under
16s. 77.585 after the end of the calendar year that is 4 years after the year in which the
17county has enacted a repeal ordinance under this subsection.
18Section 1438. 77.70 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
19 77.70 (3) A municipality with a population exceeding 30,000, as determined by
20the 2020 federal decennial census or under s. 16.96 for 2020, may, by ordinance,
21impose a sales and use tax under this subchapter at the rate of 0.5 percent of the sales
22price or purchase price. An ordinance enacted under this subsection may not take
23effect unless approved by the majority of the electors of the municipality at a
24referendum. The revenue from the taxes imposed under this subsection may be used
25for any purpose designated by the governing body of the municipality or specified in

1the ordinance or in the referendum approving the ordinance. The taxes imposed
2under this subsection may be imposed only in their entirety as provided in this
3subchapter. If approved at a referendum, the ordinance shall be effective on January
41, April 1, July 1, or October 1. A certified copy of that ordinance shall be delivered
5to the secretary of revenue at least 120 days prior to its effective date. The repeal
6of any such ordinance shall be effective on December 31. A certified copy of a repeal
7ordinance shall be delivered to the secretary of revenue at least 120 days before the
8effective date of the repeal. Except as provided under s. 77.60 (9), the department
9of revenue may not issue any assessment nor act on any claim for a refund or any
10claim for an adjustment under s. 77.585 after the end of the calendar year that is 4
11years after the year in which the municipality has enacted a repeal ordinance under
12this subsection.
13Section 1439. 77.71 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1477.71 Imposition of county, municipality, and special district sales and
15use taxes.
(intro.) Whenever a county sales and use tax ordinance is adopted under
16s. 77.70 or a special district resolution is adopted under s. 77.705 or 77.706, the
17following taxes are imposed:
18Section 1440. 77.71 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
19 77.71 (1) For the privilege of selling, licensing, leasing, or renting tangible
20personal property and the items, property, and goods specified under s. 77.52 (1) (b),
21(c), and (d), and for the privilege of selling, licensing, performing, or furnishing
22services a sales tax is imposed upon retailers at the rates under s. 77.70 in the case
23of a county or municipality tax or at the rate under s. 77.705 or 77.706 in the case of
24a special district tax of the sales price from the sale, license, lease, or rental of
25tangible personal property and the items, property, and goods specified under s.

177.52 (1) (b), (c), and (d), except property taxed under sub. (4), sold, licensed, leased,
2or rented at retail in the county, municipality, or special district, or from selling,
3licensing, performing, or furnishing services described under s. 77.52 (2) in the
4county, municipality, or special district.
5Section 1441. 77.71 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 77.71 (2) An excise tax is imposed at the rates under s. 77.70 in the case of a
7county or municipality tax or at the rate under s. 77.705 or 77.706 in the case of a
8special district tax of the purchase price upon every person storing, using, or
9otherwise consuming in the county, municipality, or special district tangible personal
10property, or items, property, or goods specified under s. 77.52 (1) (b), (c), or (d), or
11services if the tangible personal property, item, property, good, or service is subject
12to the state use tax under s. 77.53, except that a receipt indicating that the tax under
13sub. (1), (3), (4), or (5) has been paid relieves the buyer of liability for the tax under
14this subsection and except that if the buyer has paid a similar local tax in another
15state on a purchase of the same tangible personal property, item, property, good, or
16service that tax shall be credited against the tax under this subsection and except
17that for motor vehicles that are used for a purpose in addition to retention,
18demonstration, or display while held for sale in the regular course of business by a
19dealer the tax under this subsection is imposed not on the purchase price but on the
20amount under s. 77.53 (1m).
21Section 1442. 77.71 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 77.71 (4) An excise tax is imposed at the rates under s. 77.70 in the case of a
23county or municipality tax or at the rate under s. 77.705 or 77.706 in the case of a
24special district tax of the purchase price upon every person storing, using, or
25otherwise consuming a motor vehicle, boat, recreational vehicle, as defined in s.

1340.01 (48r), or aircraft if that property must be registered or titled with this state
2and if that property is to be customarily kept in a county or municipality that has in
3effect an ordinance under s. 77.70 or in a special district that has in effect a resolution
4under s. 77.705 or 77.706, except that if the buyer has paid a similar local sales tax
5in another state on a purchase of the same property, that tax shall be credited against
6the tax under this subsection. The lease or rental of a motor vehicle, boat,
7recreational vehicle, as defined in s. 340.01 (48r), or aircraft is not taxed under this
8subsection if the lease or rental does not require recurring periodic payments.
9Section 1443. 77.71 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
10 77.71 (5) An excise tax is imposed on the purchase price for the lease or rental
11of a motor vehicle, boat, recreational vehicle, as defined in s. 340.01 (48r), or aircraft
12at the rates under s. 77.70 in the case of a county or municipality tax or at the rate
13under s. 77.705 or 77.706 in the case of a special district tax upon every person
14storing, using, or otherwise consuming in the county or special district the motor
15vehicle, boat, recreational vehicle, as defined in s. 340.01 (48r), or aircraft if that
16property must be registered or titled with this state and if the lease or rental does
17not require recurring periodic payments, except that a receipt indicating that the tax
18under sub. (1) had been paid relieves the purchaser of liability for the tax under this
19subsection and except that if the purchaser has paid a similar local tax in another
20state on the same lease or rental of such motor vehicle, boat, recreational vehicle, as
21defined in s. 340.01 (48r), or aircraft, that tax shall be credited against the tax under
22this subsection.
23Section 1444. 77.76 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 77.76 (3) (a) and
24amended to read:

177.76 (3) (a) From the appropriation under s. 20.835 (4) (g), the department of
2revenue shall distribute 98.25 percent of the county taxes reported for each enacting
3county, minus the county portion of the retailers' discounts, to the county and shall
4indicate the taxes reported by each taxpayer, no later than 75 days following the last
5day of the calendar quarter in which such amounts were reported. In this subsection
6paragraph, the “county portion of the retailers' discount" is the amount determined
7by multiplying the total retailers' discount by a fraction, the numerator of which is
8the gross county sales and use taxes payable and the denominator of which is the sum
9of the gross state and county sales and use taxes payable. The county taxes
10distributed shall be increased or decreased to reflect subsequent refunds, audit
11adjustments, and all other adjustments of the county taxes previously distributed.
12Interest paid on refunds of county sales and use taxes shall be paid from the
13appropriation under s. 20.835 (4) (g) at the rate paid by this state under s. 77.60 (1)
14(a). The county may retain the amount it receives or it may distribute all or a portion
15of the amount it receives to the towns, villages, cities, and school districts in the
16county. After receiving notice from the department of revenue, a county shall
17reimburse the department for the amount by which any refunds, including interest,
18of the county's sales and use taxes that the department pays or allows in a reporting
19period exceeds the amount of the county's sales and use taxes otherwise payable to
20the county under this subsection paragraph for the same or subsequent reporting
21period. Any county receiving a report under this subsection paragraph is subject to
22the duties of confidentiality to which the department of revenue is subject under s.
2377.61 (5) and (6).
24Section 1445. 77.76 (3) (b) of the statutes is created to read:

177.76 (3) (b) From the appropriation under s. 20.835 (4) (g), the department of
2revenue shall distribute 98.25 percent of the municipality taxes reported for each
3enacting municipality, minus the municipality portion of the retailers' discounts, to
4the municipality and shall indicate the taxes reported by each taxpayer, no later than
575 days following the last day of the calendar quarter in which such amounts were
6reported. In this paragraph, the “municipality portion of the retailers' discount" is
7the amount determined by multiplying the total retailers' discount by a fraction, the
8numerator of which is the gross municipality sales and use taxes payable and the
9denominator of which is the sum of the gross state and municipality sales and use
10taxes payable. The municipality taxes distributed shall be increased or decreased
11to reflect subsequent refunds, audit adjustments, and all other adjustments of the
12municipality taxes previously distributed. Interest paid on refunds of municipality
13sales and use taxes shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.835 (4) (g) at the
14rate paid by this state under s. 77.60 (1) (a). After receiving notice from the
15department of revenue, a municipality shall reimburse the department for the
16amount by which any refunds, including interest, of the municipality's sales and use
17taxes that the department pays or allows in a reporting period exceeds the amount
18of the municipality's sales and use taxes otherwise payable to the municipality under
19this paragraph for the same or subsequent reporting period. Any municipality
20receiving a report under this paragraph is subject to the duties of confidentiality to
21which the department of revenue is subject under s. 77.61 (5) and (6).
22Section 1446. 77.76 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
23 77.76 (4) There shall be retained by the state 1.5 percent of the taxes collected
24for taxes imposed by special districts under ss. 77.705 and 77.706 and 1.75 percent
25of the taxes collected for taxes imposed by counties or municipalities under s. 77.70

1to cover costs incurred by the state in administering, enforcing, and collecting the
2tax. All interest and penalties collected shall be deposited and retained by this state
3in the general fund.
4Section 1447 . 79.01 (2d) of the statutes is renumbered 79.01 (2d) (intro.) and
5amended to read:
6 79.01 (2d) (intro.) There is established an account in the general fund entitled
7the “County and Municipal Aid Account." The total amount to be distributed in 2011
8to counties and municipalities from the county and municipal aid account is as
10(a) In 2011, $824,825,715 and the total amount to be distributed to counties and
11municipalities in
12(b) Beginning in 2012, and in each year thereafter, from the county and
13municipal aid account is
and ending in 2020, $748,075,715.
14Section 1448 . 79.01 (2d) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
15 79.01 (2d) (c) In 2021, $763,137,230.
16Section 1449 . 79.01 (2d) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
17 79.01 (2d) (d) In 2022, and in each year thereafter, $778,499,974.
18Section 1450. 79.035 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 79.035 (5) (a) and
19amended to read:
20 79.035 (5) (a) Except as provided in subs. (6), (7), and (8), for the distribution
21distributions beginning in 2013 and subsequent years ending in 2020, each county
22and municipality shall receive a payment under this section that is equal to the
23amount of the payment determined for the county or municipality under this section
24for 2012.

1Section 1451. 79.035 (5) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2019 Wisconsin Act
, section 18, and 2021 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
3 79.035 (5) (a) Except as provided in subs. (7) and (8), for the distributions
4beginning in 2013 and ending in 2020, each county and municipality shall receive
5a payment under this section that is equal to the amount of the payment determined
6for the county or municipality under this section for 2012.
7Section 1452 . 79.035 (5) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
8 79.035 (5) (b) 1. Except as provided in subs. (6), (7), and (8), for the distribution
9in 2021, each county and municipality shall receive a payment under this section
10that is equal to the amount of the payment determined for the county or municipality
11under this section for 2020, increased by 2 percent.
12 2. Except as provided in subs. (6), (7), and (8), for the distribution in 2022 and
13subsequent years, each county and municipality shall receive a payment under this
14section that is equal to the amount of the payment determined for the county or
15municipality under this section for 2021, increased by 2 percent.
16Section 1453. 79.035 (5) (b) of the statutes, as created by 2021 Wisconsin Act
17.... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
18 79.035 (5) (b) 1. Except as provided in subs. (7) and (8), for the distribution in
192021, each county and municipality shall receive a payment under this section that
20is equal to the amount of the payment determined for the county or municipality
21under this section for 2020, increased by 2 percent.
22 2. Except as provided in subs. (7) and (8), for the distribution in 2022 and
23subsequent years, each county and municipality shall receive a payment under this
24section that is equal to the amount of the payment determined for the county or
25municipality under this section for 2021, increased by 2 percent.

1Section 1454. 79.05 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 79.05 (2) (c) Its municipal budget; exclusive of principal and interest on
3long-term debt and exclusive of revenue sharing payments under s. 66.0305,
4payments of premiums under s. 66.0137 (5) (c) 1. and 1m., recycling fee payments
5under s. 289.645, expenditures of grant payments under s. 16.297 (1m),
6unreimbursed expenses related to an emergency declared under s. 323.10,
7expenditures from moneys received pursuant to P.L. 111-5, increased revenues
8resulting from a referendum under s. 66.0602 (4) to exceed the municipality's levy
9increase limit under s. 66.0602 (2), increased revenues resulting from a referendum
10under s. 77.994 (3) (b) 2. b. to increase the rate of the tax imposed under s. 77.994 (2),

11and expenditures made pursuant to a purchasing agreement with a school district
12whereby the municipality makes purchases on behalf of the school district; for the
13year of the statement under s. 79.015 increased over its municipal budget as adjusted
14under sub. (6); exclusive of principal and interest on long-term debt and exclusive
15of revenue sharing payments under s. 66.0305, payments of premiums under s.
1666.0137 (5) (c) 1. and 1m., recycling fee payments under s. 289.645, expenditures of
17grant payments under s. 16.297 (1m), unreimbursed expenses related to an
18emergency declared under s. 323.10, expenditures from moneys received pursuant
19to P.L. 111-5, increased revenues resulting from a referendum under s. 66.0602 (4)
20to exceed the municipality's levy increase limit under s. 66.0602 (2), increased
21revenues resulting from a referendum under s. 77.994 (3) (b) 2. b. to increase the rate
22of the tax imposed under s. 77.994 (2),
and expenditures made pursuant to a
23purchasing agreement with a school district whereby the municipality makes
24purchases on behalf of the school district; for the year before that year by less than

1the sum of the inflation factor and the valuation factor, rounded to the nearest 0.10