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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
October 8, 2021 - Introduced by Representatives Dallman, Armstrong, Dittrich,
Kitchens, Moses and Born, cosponsored by Senator Feyen. Referred to
Committee on Housing and Real Estate.
1An Act to create 238.137 of the statutes; relating to: a shovel-ready workforce
2housing development site program.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to
implement a program under which it must certify residential real estate
developments as shovel-ready. Under the bill, a site is eligible for certification if all
of the following apply:
1. The site is zoned for residential development and has clear title.
2. The residential development, or prospective residential development,
includes at least 20 new single-family dwelling units each of which is on a lot that
is no larger than one-quarter acre or includes a multifamily dwelling that has at
least 16 dwelling units with at least eight dwelling units per acre.
3. Any preliminary environmental assessments of the site are complete.
4. Site maps, including a U.S. geological survey topographical map, and aerial
photographs are complete.
5. Sufficient planning, surveys, title work, and soil analyses for the site are
6. Public utilities and infrastructure are in place.
7. Any appropriate site studies, including a wetland delineation study, are
8. The site developer attests that the development fee for the project will not
exceed $5,000 per dwelling unit.
9. All required permits are in place or will be in place no later than 60 days after
WEDC certifies the site as shovel-ready.

The bill also requires WEDC to establish procedures to expedite permits for
sites certified as shovel-ready and requires local governmental units and executive
branch state agencies to give priority to, and use all reasonable means to expedite,
permits required for sites certified as shovel-ready.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 238.137 of the statutes is created to read:
2238.137 Shovel-ready workforce development site program. (1)
3Definitions. (a) “Development fee” means the per-dwelling unit fee charged by a
4site developer based on all fees imposed by a local governmental unit or state agency
5related to the development of the site, including fees related to permits, review
6studies, impact studies, storm water management, and sewer hookup.
7 (b) “Local governmental unit" means a political subdivision of this state, a
8special purpose district in this state, an agency or corporation of a political
9subdivision or special purpose district, or a combination or subunit of any of the
11 (c) “Permit" means any approval of a state agency or local governmental unit
12required as a condition of making improvements to real property.
13 (d) “Site" means real property that is the subject of residential development,
14or prospective residential development, that satisfies any of the following:
15 1. The development includes at least 20 new single-family dwelling units each
16of which is on a lot that is no larger than one-quarter acre.
17 2. The development includes a multifamily dwelling that has at least 16
18dwelling units with at least 8 dwelling units per acre.

1(e) “State agency" means any office, department, independent agency, board,
2commission, committee, or other body created within the executive branch of state
4(2) Shovel-ready site certification. (a) The corporation shall implement a
5program under which the corporation shall certify sites as shovel-ready.
6 (b) A site is eligible for certification as shovel-ready if all of the following apply:
7 1. The site is zoned for residential development and has clear title.
8 2. Any preliminary environmental assessments of the site are complete.
9 3. Site maps, including a U.S. geological survey topographical map, and aerial
10photographs are complete.
11 4. Sufficient planning, surveys, title work, and soil analyses for the site are
13 5. Public utilities and infrastructure are in place for development of the site.
14 6. Any appropriate site studies, including a wetland delineation study, are
16 7. The site developer attests that the development fee for the project will not
17exceed $5,000 per dwelling unit.
18 8. All required permits are in place or will be in place no later than 60 days after
19the site is certified under this section.
20 (c) The corporation shall establish procedures to expedite permits for sites
21certified as shovel-ready under this section.
22(3) Expedited permits. Each state agency or local governmental unit that is
23authorized to grant a permit for a site the department certifies as shovel-ready

1under this section shall give priority to, and use all reasonable means to expedite,
2that permit.
3 (End)