(a) On the application of a member, if the applicant establishes good cause.
1(b) On the application of a transferee, if all of the following apply:
1. The company does not have any members.
2. The legal representative of the last person to have been a member declines
4or fails to wind up the company's activities.
3. Within a reasonable time following the dissolution, a person has not been
6appointed pursuant to sub. (4).
(c) In connection with a proceeding under s. 183.0701 (1) (d) or (e).
8183.0703 Rescinding dissolution. (1) A limited liability company may
9rescind its dissolution, unless a statement of termination applicable to the company
10is effective, the circuit court has entered an order under s. 183.0701 (1) (d) dissolving
11the company, or the department has dissolved the company under s. 183.0708.
12(2) Rescinding dissolution under this section requires all of the following:
(a) The affirmative vote or consent of each member.
(b) If the limited liability company has delivered to the department for filing
15a statement of dissolution, delivery for filing of one of the following additional
1. If the statement of dissolution has not become effective, delivery to the
18department for filing of a statement of withdrawal under s. 183.0208 applicable to
19the statement of dissolution.
2. If the statement of dissolution has become effective, delivery to the
21department for filing of a statement of rescission stating the name of the company
22and that dissolution has been rescinded under this section.
23(3) If a limited liability company rescinds its dissolution, all of the following
1(a) The company resumes carrying on its activities and affairs as if dissolution
2had never occurred.
(b) Subject to par. (c), any liability incurred by the company after the
4dissolution and before the rescission is effective is determined as if dissolution had
5never occurred.
(c) The rights of a 3rd party arising out of conduct in reliance on the dissolution
7before the 3rd party knew or had notice of the rescission may not be adversely
9183.0704 Known claims against dissolved limited liability company.
10(1) Except as otherwise provided in sub. (4), a dissolved limited liability company
11may give notice of a known claim under sub. (2), which has the effect provided in sub.
13(2) A dissolved limited liability company may in a record notify its known
14claimants of the dissolution. The notice must do all of the following:
(a) Specify the information required to be included in a claim.
(b) State that a claim must be in writing and provide a mailing address to which
17the claim is to be sent.
(c) State the deadline for receipt of a claim, which may not be less than 120 days
19after the date the notice is effective under s. 183.0103 (5).
(d) State that the claim will be barred if not received by the deadline.
21(3) A claim against a dissolved limited liability company is barred if the
22requirements of sub. (2) are met and any of the following applies:
(a) The claim is not received by the specified deadline.
(b) If the claim is timely received but rejected by the company, all of the
25following apply:
11. The company causes the claimant to receive a notice in a record stating that
2the claim is rejected and will be barred unless the claimant commences an action
3against the company to enforce the claim within 90 days after the notice is effective
4under s. 183.0103 (5).
2. The claimant does not commence the required action within 90 days after
6the notice of rejection is effective under s. 183.0103 (5).
7(4) This section does not apply to a claim based on an event occurring after the
8date of dissolution, a liability that on that date is contingent, or a liability for an
9additional assessment under s. 71.74 or for sales and use taxes determined as owing
10under s. 77.59.
11183.0705 Other claims against dissolved limited liability company. (1) 12A dissolved limited liability company may publish notice of its dissolution and
13request persons having claims, whether known or unknown, against the company to
14present them in accordance with the notice.
15(2) A notice under sub. (1) must satisfy all of the following:
(a) It must be published as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, in a newspaper of
17general circulation in the county in this state in which the dissolved limited liability
18company's principal office is located or, if it has none located in this state, in the
19county in which the office of the company's registered agent is or was last located.
(b) It must describe the information required to be contained in a claim, state
21that the claim must be in writing, and provide a mailing address to which the claim
22is to be sent.
(c) It must state that a claim against the company is barred unless an action
24to enforce the claim is commenced not later than 2 years after publication of the
1(3) If a dissolved limited liability company publishes a notice in accordance
2with sub. (2), unless the claimant commences an action to enforce the claim against
3the company within 2 years after the publication date of the notice, the claim of each
4of the following claimants is barred:
(a) A claimant that did not receive notice in a record under s. 183.0704.
(b) A claimant whose claim was timely sent to the company but not acted on.
(c) A claimant whose claim is contingent at, or based on an event occurring
8after, the date of dissolution.
9(4) A claim not barred under this section or s. 183.0704 may be enforced against
10all of the following:
(a) A dissolved limited liability company, to the extent of its undistributed
(b) Except as otherwise provided in s. 183.0706, if assets of the limited liability
14company have been distributed after dissolution, a member or transferee to the
15extent of that person's proportionate share of the claim or of the limited liability
16company's assets distributed to the member or transferee after dissolution,
17whichever is less, but a person's total liability for all claims under this paragraph
18may not exceed the total amount of assets distributed to the person after dissolution.
19183.0706 Court proceedings. (1) A dissolved limited liability company that
20has published a notice under s. 183.0705 may file an application with the circuit
21court in the county where the company's principal office is located or, if the principal
22office is not located in this state, where the office of its registered agent is or was last
23located, for a determination of the amount and form of security to be provided for
24payment of claims that are reasonably expected to arise after the date of dissolution
25based on facts known to the company which, at the time of application, are contingent
1or have not been made known to the company or which are based on an event
2occurring after the date of dissolution.
3(2) Security is not required for any claim that is or is reasonably anticipated
4to be barred under s. 183.0705.
5(3) Not later than 10 days after the filing of an application under sub. (1), the
6dissolved limited liability company shall give notice of the proceeding to each
7claimant holding a contingent claim known to the company.
8(4) In a proceeding under this section, the court may appoint a guardian ad
9litem to represent all claimants whose identities are unknown. The reasonable fees
10and expenses of the guardian, including all reasonable expert witness fees, must be
11paid by the dissolved limited liability company.
12(5) A dissolved limited liability company that provides security in the amount
13and form ordered by the court under sub. (1) satisfies the company's obligations with
14respect to claims that are contingent, have not been made known to the company, or
15are based on an event occurring after the date of dissolution, and such claims may
16not be enforced against a member or transferee on account of assets received in
18183.0707 Disposition of assets in winding up. (1) In winding up its
19activities and affairs, a limited liability company shall apply its assets to discharge
20its obligations to creditors, including members that are creditors.
21(2) After a limited liability company complies with sub. (1), any surplus must
22be distributed in the following order, subject to any charging order in effect under s.
(a) To members and dissociated members in satisfaction of liabilities for
25distributions previously approved under s. 183.0404.
1(b) To members and dissociated members first for the return of their
2contributions in proportion to their respective values as specified in the records
3required to be kept under s. 183.0402 (2), or, in the case of a company treated as a
4partnership for tax purposes, the partnership capital account of each such member.
(c) To members and dissociated members for their transferable interests in
6proportion to their respective rights to share in distributions from the limited
7liability company before dissolution, except to the extent necessary to comply with
8any transfer effective under s. 183.0502.
9(3) If a limited liability company does not have sufficient surplus to comply
10with sub. (2) (a), any surplus must be distributed among the owners of transferable
11interests in proportion to the value of the respective unreturned contributions.
12(4) All distributions made under subs. (2) and (3) must be paid in money.
13183.0708 Administrative dissolution. (1) The department may commence
14a proceeding under sub. (2) to dissolve a limited liability company administratively
15if any of the following applies:
(a) The company does not pay, within one year after they are due, any fees or
17penalties required to be paid to the department under this chapter.
(b) The company does not have on file with the department its annual report
19within one year after it is due.
(c) The company is without a registered agent in this state for at least one year.
(d) The company does not notify the department within one year that its
22registered agent or registered office has been changed, that its registered agent has
23resigned, or that its registered office has been discontinued.
(e) The company violates s. 940.302 (2) or 948.051 (2).
1(2) If the department determines that one or more grounds exist for
2administratively dissolving a limited liability company, the department may give the
3company notice of the determination. The notice shall be in writing and addressed
4to the registered agent of the limited liability company.
5(3) (a) Within 60 days after the notice under sub. (2) takes effect under s.
6183.0103 (5), the limited liability company shall, with respect to each ground for
7administrative dissolution, either correct it or demonstrate to the reasonable
8satisfaction of the department that it does not exist.
(b) If the limited liability company fails to satisfy par. (a), the department may
10administratively dissolve the company. The department shall enter a notation in its
11records to reflect each ground for administrative dissolution and the effective date
12of dissolution and shall give the company notice of those facts. The notice shall be
13in writing and addressed to the registered agent of the limited liability company.
14(3m) (a) If a notice under sub. (2) or (3) (b) is returned to the department as
15undeliverable, the department shall again give notice to the limited liability
16company. Except as provided under par. (b), this notice shall be in writing and
17addressed to the principal office of the company.
(b) If the notice under par. (a) is returned to the department as undeliverable
19or if the limited liability company's principal office cannot be determined from the
20records of the department, the department shall give notice by posting the notice on
21the department's Internet site.
22(4) A limited liability company that is administratively dissolved continues in
23existence as an entity but may not carry on any activities except as necessary to wind
24up its activities and affairs and liquidate its assets under ss. 183.0702, 183.0704,
25183.0705, 183.0706, and 183.0707, or to apply for reinstatement under s. 183.0709.
1(4m) A limited liability company's right to the exclusive use of its name
2terminates on the date of the administrative dissolution under sub. (3) (b).
3(5) The administrative dissolution of a limited liability company does not
4terminate the authority of its registered agent.
5183.0709 Reinstatement. (1) A limited liability company that is
6administratively dissolved under s. 183.0708 may apply to the department for
7reinstatement. The application shall include all of the following:
(a) The name of the company and the effective date of its administrative
(b) A statement that each ground for dissolution either did not exist or has been
(c) A statement that the company's name satisfies s. 183.0112.
13(2) (a) Upon application, the department shall reinstate a limited liability
14company if the department determines all of the following:
1. That the application contains the information required by sub. (1) and the
16information is correct.
2. That all fees and penalties owed by the company to the department under
18this chapter have been paid.
(b) Upon reinstatement of a limited liability company under par. (a), the
20department shall enter a notation in its records revising the notation specified in s.
21183.0708 (3) (b) to reflect cancellation of the dissolution and reinstatement of the
22company. The notation shall state both the department's determination under par.
23(a) and the effective date of reinstatement. The department shall provide notice of
24the reinstatement to the company or its representative.
1(4) When reinstatement under this section is effective, all of the following rules
(a) Except as provided in par. (c), the reinstatement relates back to and takes
4effect as of the effective date of the administrative dissolution.
(b) Except as provided in par. (c), the limited liability company resumes
6carrying on its activities and affairs as if the administrative dissolution had never
(c) The rights of a person arising out of an act or omission in reliance on the
9dissolution before the person knew or had notice of the reinstatement are not
11183.0710 Appeal from denial of reinstatement. (1) If the department
12denies a limited liability company's application for reinstatement under s. 183.0709,
13the department shall serve the company with a written notice, addressed to the
14registered agent of the company, that explains each reason for the denial.
15(2) The company may appeal the denial of reinstatement to the circuit court
16for the county where the company's principal office or, if none in this state, the office
17of its registered agent is located, within 30 days after service of the notice of denial
18is effective under s. 183.0103 (5). To appeal, the company shall petition the court to
19set aside the administrative dissolution and attach to the petition copies of the
20department's notice of administrative dissolution under s. 183.0708 (3) (b), the
21company's application for reinstatement under s. 183.0709 (1), and the department's
22notice of denial under sub. (1).
23(3) The court may order the department to reinstate the company or may take
24other action that the court considers appropriate.
25(4) The court's final decision may be appealed as in other civil proceedings.
1subchapter VIII
3183.0801 Direct action by member. (1) Subject to sub. (2), a member may
4maintain a direct action against another member, a manager, or the limited liability
5company to enforce the member's rights and protect the member's interests,
6including rights and interests under the operating agreement or this chapter or
7arising independently of the membership relationship.
8(2) A member maintaining a direct action under this section must plead and
9prove an actual or threatened injury that is not solely the result of an injury suffered
10or threatened to be suffered by the limited liability company.
11183.0802 Derivative action. A member may maintain a derivative action to
12enforce a right of a limited liability company if any of the following applies:
13(1) The member first makes a demand on the other members of a
14member-managed limited liability company, or the managers of a
15manager-managed limited liability company, requesting that they cause the limited
16liability company to bring an action to enforce the right, and the managers or other
17members do not bring the action within a reasonable time.
18(2) A demand under sub. (1) would be futile.