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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
July 12, 2021 - Introduced by Representatives Bowen, Hong, Anderson, Baldeh,
Brostoff, Conley, Emerson, Hebl, Moore Omokunde, Neubauer and Sinicki,
cosponsored by Senator L. Taylor. Referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
and Public Safety.
1An Act to amend 62.13 (5) (e) and 62.50 (17) (a) of the statutes; relating to:
2disciplinary procedures for members of police and fire departments.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, in municipalities with a fire and police commission
(Milwaukee) or a police and fire commission (certain other municipalities with police
or fire departments), disciplinary actions are generally initiated by the chief of the
department and adjudicated by the fire and police commission or police and fire
commission board (board). In general, the chief of the department files charges
(PFCs) or provides a notice of his or her disciplinary action (FPC) and the member
subject to discipline may, respectively, request a hearing before the board or appeal
the action to the board. Under current law, the board determines a hearing or appeal
by a majority vote. Under this bill, the charges filed by the chief of the department
or the disciplinary action taken by the chief are affirmed by the board except upon
a two-thirds vote of the board.
For further information see the local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
3Section 1. 62.13 (5) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:

162.13 (5) (e) For charges filed by a member of the board, the board as a body
2or an aggrieved person, the charges are sustained upon a majority vote of the board.
3For charges filed by the chief, the charges are sustained unless the board, by a
4two-thirds vote of the board members, determines that the charges are not
If the board determines that the charges are not sustained, the accused,
6if suspended, shall be immediately reinstated and all lost pay restored. If the board
7determines that the charges are sustained, the accused, by order of the board, may
8be suspended or reduced in rank, or suspended and reduced in rank, or removed, as
9the good of the service may require.
10Section 2. 62.50 (17) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
11 62.50 (17) (a) Within 3 days after hearing the matter the board, or a 3-member
12panel of the board, shall, by a majority vote of its members and subject to par. (b),
13determine whether by a preponderance of the evidence the charges are sustained.
14The charges are sustained unless the board or panel, by a two-thirds vote of its
15members, determines that the charges are not sustained.
If the board or panel
16determines that the charges are sustained, the board shall at once determine
17whether the good of the service requires that the accused be permanently discharged
18or be suspended without pay for a period not exceeding 60 days or reduced in rank.
19If the charges are not sustained the accused shall be immediately reinstated in his
20or her former position, without prejudice. The decision and findings of the board, or
21panel, shall be in writing and shall be filed, together with a transcript of the evidence,
22with the secretary of the board.
23Section 3. Initial applicability.

1(1) This act first applies to an action by an officer or member of either
2department that gives rise to the need for a disciplinary proceeding that occurs on
3the effective date of this subsection.
4 (End)