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AB444,2,5 1An Act to repeal 20.192 (1) (d), 20.380 (1) (c), 20.505 (1) (am), 49.45 (2p), 49.45
2(23) and 86.31 (3s); to amend 20.395 (2) (fc), 20.435 (1) (cr), 20.435 (1) (fh),
320.435 (4) (jw), 36.11 (3) (d) (intro.), 36.11 (47m) (title), 49.45 (23b) (title), 49.45
4(23b) (b), 49.45 (23b) (c), 49.45 (23b) (e), 49.471 (4) (a) 4. b., 49.686 (3) (d) and
5196.504 (2) (a); to create 13.48 (26m), 20.155 (3) (a), 20.165 (2) (d), 20.192 (1)
6(c), 20.192 (1) (d), 20.255 (3) (fs), 20.285 (1) (bm), 20.292 (1) (fm), 20.320 (2) (a),
720.370 (6) (ed), 20.380 (1) (c), 20.435 (5) (ef), 20.455 (5) (ec), 20.505 (1) (am),
820.505 (1) (bg), 36.11 (47m) (c), 36.25 (40), 38.274, 49.471 (1) (cr), 49.471 (4) (a)
98., 49.471 (4g), 51.72, 51.73, 85.0215, 115.28 (66), subchapter III of chapter 153
10[precedes 153.85], 165.932, 250.15 (2) (d), 250.16, 250.20 (7), 250.20 (8), 281.61
11(8) (b) and 292.66 of the statutes; and to affect 2017 Wisconsin Act 59, sections
12202e, 202g, 1646t to 1646y, 1655g to 1655j, 1806f and 9439 (4t); relating to:
13expanding eligibility under the Medical Assistance program; funding
14infrastructure, land acquisition, and building projects; providing assistance

1and local government grants; maintaining an opioid and methamphetamine
2data system; transferring moneys to the budget stabilization fund; creating a
3University of Wisconsin System partnership program and admissions
4application fees; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; and
5making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Medicaid expansion
BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core are programs under the state's
Medical Assistance program, which provides health services to individuals who have
limited financial resources. The federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
allows a state to receive an enhanced federal medical assistance percentage payment
for providing benefits to certain individuals through a state's Medical Assistance
program. This bill changes the family income eligibility level to up to 133 percent
of the federal poverty line for parents and caretaker relatives under BadgerCare Plus
and for childless adults currently covered under BadgerCare Plus Core and who are
incorporated into BadgerCare Plus in this bill. The bill requires the Department of
Health Services to comply with all federal requirements and to request any
amendment to the state Medical Assistance plan, waiver of Medicaid law, or other
federal approval necessary to qualify for the highest available enhanced federal
medical assistance percentage for childless adults under the BadgerCare Plus
Under current law, certain parents and caretaker relatives with incomes of not
more than 100 percent of the federal poverty line, before a 5 percent income disregard
is applied, are eligible for BadgerCare Plus benefits. Under current law, childless
adults who 1) are under age 65; 2) have family incomes that do not exceed 100 percent
of the federal poverty line, before the 5 percent income disregard is applied; and 3)
are not otherwise eligible for Medical Assistance, including BadgerCare Plus, are
eligible for benefits under BadgerCare Plus Core. The bill eliminates the childless
adults demonstration project, known as BadgerCare Plus Core, as a separate
Transfer to the budget stabilization fund
This bill transfers $151,565,605 from the general fund to the budget
stabilization fund in fiscal year 2021-22.
Miscellaneous project grants
This bill requires the Department of Administration to award grants to eligible
recipients, as determined by DOA, in the following amounts for the following
1. $2,000,000 for a visitor center in the city of Green Bay.
2. $2,000,000 for a Hmong cultural center.

3. $5,000,000 for historic renovation and accessible access to the Potawatomi
State Park observation tower in Door County.
4. $5,000,000 for a Food + Farm Exploration Center in Portage County.
5. $30,000,000 for a genomic sequencing wing at the State Laboratory of
6. $15,000,000 for the Blood Research Institute.
7. $4,000,000 for a western Wisconsin forensic center.
8. $400,000 for new laboratory equipment for the Children's Research
9. $220,000 for improvements to the city of Reedsburg community center.
10. $5,000,000 for the relocation of coal piles currently located near the mouth
of the Fox River in Green Bay and for the revitalization of the neighborhood from
which the coal piles are to be relocated.
11. $400,000 to construct a machine shed and shop at the Wisconsin Cranberry
Research Station.
12. $530,000 for a new water supply control system in the city of Waukesha.
13. $50,000,000 for veterans housing statewide.
14. $2,000,000 to assist in completion of the United Community Center's
Ricardo Diaz Early Learning Academy in the city of Milwaukee.
Grant for psychiatric bed capacity expansion in Eau Claire and Chippewa
This bill requires DHS to award a grant to a hospital in Eau Claire County, as
specified in the bill, in the amount of $15,000,000 for the purpose of expanding
capacity by 22 psychiatric beds between the hospital in Eau Claire County and a
hospital in Chippewa County.
Emergency detention is a current law procedure for temporary involuntary
commitment of individuals who are believed to be mentally ill, drug dependent, or
developmentally disabled and who demonstrate a substantial probability of causing
harm to themselves or others or an inability to satisfy certain basic needs due to a
mental illness. The hospital that is awarded the grant under the bill must do all of
the following: 1) give preference in admissions for the beds added under the bill to
individuals who meet the criteria for emergency detention and who are from one of
the counties specified in the bill; 2) identify measures it believes will serve the needs
of residents with mental health needs, especially in reducing the burden on the
Winnebago Mental Health Institute; and 3) report annually to the legislature on the
services provided with grant moneys. The grant recipient is liable to repay the grant
to the state if it fails to maintain continued expanded services and expanded
numbers of psychiatric beds. The bill specifies that the determination of whether the
hospital is meeting its requirement to provide expanded services must be based on
findings that at least half of the expanded psychiatric beds are available for
individuals admitted for emergency detention and that the hospital enters
agreements containing terms specified in the bill with at least two-thirds of the
specified counties.

Purchase of the Verso Paper Mill in Wisconsin Rapids
This bill authorizes the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to
award a loan of up to $50,000,000 to the Consolidated Cooperative for the purchase
of the Verso Paper Mill in the city of Wisconsin Rapids. The loan is to be for the term
and upon the conditions as may be agreed upon between WEDC and the cooperative.
Additionally, WEDC may not award the loan unless it determines that substantial
additional funding for the purchase of the paper mill has been secured from both
nonstate revenue sources and in the form of a loan issued by the Board of
Commissioners of Public Lands to an entity eligible for the loan.
Purchase of the Park Falls Pulp and Paper Mill in Park Falls
This bill authorizes the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to
award a loan of up to $15,000,000 to the Park Falls Mill Multi-Stakeholder
Cooperative for the purchase of the Park Falls Pulp and Paper Mill in the city of Park
Falls. The loan is to be for the term and upon the conditions as may be agreed upon
between WEDC and the cooperative. Additionally, WEDC may not award the loan
unless it determines that substantial additional funding for the purchase of the pulp
and paper mill has been secured from both nonstate revenue sources and in the form
of a loan issued by the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands to an entity eligible
for the loan.
River North housing development grant
This bill requires that WEDC provide a grant of $500,000 to the River North
housing development project in the city of Manitowoc.
Opioid and methamphetamine data system
This bill requires DOA to issue a request for proposals, subject to approval by
the Joint Committee on Finance under its passive review process, to establish and
maintain an opioid and methamphetamine data system to collect, format, analyze,
and disseminate information on opioid and methamphetamine use as specified in the
bill. DOA must collaborate with and collect data from DHS, the Department of
Corrections, the Department of Justice, the Department of Safety and Professional
Services, and the Department of Children and Families and any other applicable
agencies for the opioid and methamphetamine data system. Under the bill, DOA
administers the contract with a vendor to operate the opioid and methamphetamine
data system, has access to the data contained in the opioid and methamphetamine
data system, and works with the vendor to disseminate information and advanced
analytics from the opioid and methamphetamine data system in as close to real time
as possible. The opioid and methamphetamine data system must allow the state
agencies that submit data to the opioid and methamphetamine data system access
to the data in the opioid and methamphetamine data system as appropriate for the
agency to fulfill its functions and as allowed by state and federal confidentiality laws.
The bill requires DOA to submit a report to JCF summarizing the information from
the opioid and methamphetamine data system and analyzing trends in that
information across years of data collection.

Private on-site wastewater treatment systems grant program and study
2017 Wisconsin Act 59 repealed, effective June 30, 2021, a program DSPS
administers to provide grants to persons or businesses that are served by failing
private on-site wastewater treatment systems (POWTS), which are commonly
known as septic tanks. The bill eliminates the repeal of this program.
The bill also requires DSPS to fund a study that analyzes and makes
recommendations on practices that mitigate the risk of contaminating ground and
surface waters with septage. The Department of Soil and Waste Resources of the
College of Natural Resources of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point must
conduct the study and submit a report to the legislature by December 31, 2022.
PFAS municipal grant program
The bill creates a municipal grant program, administered by the Department
of Natural Resources, to address perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances
(PFAS), and provides $10,000,000 in general purpose revenue for this purpose.
Under the program, DNR must provide grants to cities, towns, villages, counties,
utility districts, lake protection districts, sewerage districts, and municipal airports.
DNR may award a grant only if the applicant tested or trained with a
PFAS-containing fire fighting foam in accordance with applicable state and federal
law, or if a third party tested or trained with PFAS-containing fire fighting foam
within the boundaries of the municipality; the applicant applied biosolids to land
under a water pollution permit issued by DNR; or PFAS are impacting the applicant's
drinking water supply or surface water or groundwater within the municipality and
the responsible party is unknown or is unwilling or unable to take the necessary
response actions.
Under the bill, grants provided under this program may be used to investigate
potential PFAS impacts in order to reduce or eliminate environmental
contamination; treat or dispose of PFAS-containing fire fighting foam containers;
sample a private water supply within three miles of a site or facility known to contain
PFAS or to have caused a PFAS discharge; provide a temporary emergency water
supply, a water treatment system, or bulk water to replace water contaminated with
PFAS; conduct emergency, interim, or remedial actions to mitigate, treat, dispose of,
or remove PFAS contamination; or remove or treat PFAS in public water systems in
areas where PFAS levels exceed the maximum contaminant level for PFAS in
drinking water or an enforcement standard for PFAS groundwater or in areas where
the state has issued a health advisory for PFAS.
An applicant that receives a grant under this program must contribute
matching funds equal to at least 20 percent of the amount of the grant. The applicant
must apply for a grant on a form prescribed by DNR and must include any
information that DNR finds is necessary to determine the eligibility of the project,
identify the funding requested, determine the priority of the project, and calculate
the amount of a grant. In awarding grants under this program, DNR must consider
the applicant's demonstrated commitment to performing and completing eligible
activities, including the applicant's financial commitment and ability to successfully
administer grants; the degree to which the project will have a positive impact on

public health and the environment; and any other criteria that DNR finds necessary
to prioritize the funds available for awarding grants.
DNR grants for land acquisition and redevelopment
This bill appropriates $5,394,395 from the general fund for DNR to finance
various land acquisition and redevelopment projects by DNR and certain local
governments and nonprofit conservation organizations for conservation and
recreational purposes.
Local supplement grant program
This bill creates a local supplement grant program under which the
Department of Transportation provides discretionary grants to political subdivisions
for projects related to bridge construction or reconstruction or local road
improvement or to local governments for projects related to transportation
alternatives, including construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities and
environmental mitigation of highway construction. The bill also appropriates
$100,000,000 for grants under the program.
Destination marketing grants
This bill requires the Department of Tourism to award grants to nonprofit
organizations whose primary purpose is the promotion and development of tourism
in Wisconsin to assist those organizations to remain operational in the wake of the
COVID-19 global pandemic. The bill also requires the department to award grants
to such nonprofit organizations and to certain governmental organizations also
having that same primary purpose for purposes of tourism marketing in connection
with Wisconsin's recovery from the COVID-19 global pandemic. A nonprofit or
governmental organization may not receive grants totaling more than the lesser of
$1,000,000 or 50 percent of the organization's average annual tourism marketing
budget over the previous three years, not including 2020. The bill appropriates
$25,000,000 for the grants.
Victim services grants
Under current law, DOJ administers a grant program to award grants to
organizations that provide services to victims of sexual assault. Under this bill, DOJ
must administer a grant program to award grants to organizations that provide
services, such as advocacy, counseling, and crisis phone services, to victims of crimes.
The bill provides $5,000,000 for the grants in each fiscal year of the 2021-23
Funding for broadband expansion grant program
This bill appropriates $200,000,000 in general purpose revenue for the
broadband expansion grant program administered by the Public Service
The Literacy Lab; support
This bill requires the Department of Public Instruction to annually distribute
the amount appropriated to The Literacy Lab to provide evidence-based literacy
interventions to prekindergarten to third grade pupils in this state. The bill
appropriates $1,500,000 for this purpose in each of the 2021-22 and 2022-23 fiscal

University of Wisconsin System application fee exemption for service
This bill creates an application fee exemption for veterans and members of the
U.S. armed forces applying for admission to University of Wisconsin System schools.
Under current law, a student who is a service member must be given priority
in registering for courses at UW System schools. A “service member” is defined as
a person who has served or is serving on active duty under honorable conditions in
the U.S. armed forces, in forces incorporated as part of the U.S. armed forces, in the
national guard, or in a reserve component of the U.S. armed forces.
Under this bill, a UW System school may not charge an application fee to a
service member applying for admission to the UW System school or to any program
offered at the school.
Partnership program for the Lake Superior Research Institute
This bill requires the Board of Regents of the UW System to establish a
partnership program between UW-Superior's Lake Superior Research Institute and
northern Wisconsin communities. The program must be designed to accomplish
specified objectives. The bill provides funding and 5.0 positions for the program
through a new annual appropriation.
Grant to Mid-State Technical College for Apprenticeship Center
This bill requires the Technical College System Board to award a grant of
$9,600,000 in the 2021-22 fiscal year to Mid-State Technical College for a
manufacturing engineering apprenticeship center. The bill also provides funding for
the grant through a continuing appropriation.
Black women's health and infant and maternal mortality
This bill instructs DHS to annually award $1,750,000 in grants to
community-serving organizations that are led by Black women that improve Black
women's health in Dane, Milwaukee, Rock, and Kenosha Counties. Further, the bill
directs DHS to annually award $1,750,000 in grants to organizations that work to
reduce racial disparities related to infant and maternal mortality. Additionally, this
bill instructs DHS to award a grant totaling $500,000 in fiscal year 2021-22 and
another grant totaling $500,000 in fiscal year 2022-23 to an entity to coordinate
efforts among the state, public and private sector organizations, and community
organizations to support a statewide strategy to advance Black women's health.
Grants for community health workers
This bill directs DHS to annually award grants in the amount of $15,000,000
for community health workers.
Grants for federally qualified health centers in Racine County
This bill directs DHS to award grants in the total amount of $53,000,000 to
create federally qualified health centers in Racine County before June 30, 2023.
Federally qualified health centers are community-based health care providers that
serve an underserved area or population.
Funding for rural emergency medical services
This bill provides $5,500,000 in each fiscal year of the 2021-23 biennium to
support emergency medical services in rural areas.

Grant to Memorial Hospital of Lafayette County
This bill appropriates $4,000,000 in general purpose revenue for DHS to give
the county-owned Memorial Hospital of Lafayette County in Darlington a grant for
its facility planning, expansion, and construction.
Mental health bed capacity in north central Wisconsin
This bill requires DHS to award a grant to an organization that applies to DHS
and that provides mental and behavioral health services in north central Wisconsin
and has a campus in Marathon County. The grant is in the amount of $5,000,000 for
the purpose of expanding mental health bed capacity. The organization that is
awarded the grant under the bill must do all of the following: 1) agree to renovate
or expand its existing mental health campus to provide additional capacity for
mental health treatment; 2) identify measures that it believes will serve the needs
of area residents with mental health needs, especially, as a critical component of the
measures, in reducing the burden on state-operated facilities; and 3) report annually
to the legislature the services provided with the resources funding by the grant. The
organization that receives the grant is liable to repay the grant funds to the state if
the organization fails to continue to maintain the expanded mental health services
for an agreed upon period.
Mental health funding
This bill provides $25,000,000 general purpose revenue in each fiscal year of the
2021-23 biennium to fund DHS mental health services, initiatives, programs, and
Grants for community health centers
This bill increases by $3,000,000 in each fiscal year the funding for grants to
community health centers. Under current law, DHS must award grants to each
community health center that receives federal grants in an amount calculated by
multiplying the amount of state funds available for all community health centers by
the fraction obtained by dividing the amount of federal grant moneys that the
particular community health center receives by the total amount of federal grant
moneys paid to all Wisconsin community health centers. The additional funding
provided in the bill is to be divided among community health centers in the same
manner as current law.
Grants to free and charitable clinics
This bill incorporates into statutory language the allocation made in 2019
Wisconsin Act 9
, the biennial budget act, that requires DHS to give $500,000 in
grants annually to free and charitable clinics. The bill also increases the annual
grant to free and charitable clinics from $500,000 to $3,500,000
Suicide prevention programming grants
This bill requires DHS to award grants to organizations or coalitions of
organizations, including cities, villages, towns, counties, and federally recognized
American Indian tribes or bands for suicide prevention programming. A grant
recipient must contribute matching funds or in-kind services having a value equal
to at least 20 percent of the grant amount.

Grants to prevent suicide by firearm
This bill requires DHS to award grants to organizations or coalitions of
organizations, including cities, villages, towns, counties, and federally recognized
American Indian tribes or bands, for 1) training staff at a firearm retailer or firearm
range on how to recognize a person who may be considering suicide; 2) providing
suicide prevention materials for distribution at a firearm retailer or firearm range;
or 3) providing voluntary, temporary firearm storage. A grant recipient must
contribute matching funds or in-kind services having a value equal to at least 20
percent of the grant amount.
Farmer tuition assistance grants
This bill appropriates $500,000 from the general fund for the creation and
funding of a tuition assistance grant program under which the Technical College
System Board shall award grants to current or prospective farmers in the state for
the purpose of paying no more than 50 percent of tuition costs for enrolling in
Wisconsin technical college courses on farm management or farm finance. A current
or prospective farmer may receive no more than $1,000 in these grants per year for
no more than three years.
Lead service line replacement
This bill appropriates $100,000,000 from the general fund to the environmental
improvement program for projects involving forgivable loans to private users of
public water systems to cover not more than 50 percent of the cost to replace lead
service lines.