(1) (h)
Trust lands and investments — general program operations. The
16amounts in the schedule for the general program operations of the board
, 24.61 (2)
17(c),. All amounts deducted from the gross receipts of the appropriate funds as
18provided under ss. 24.04, 24.09 (1) (bm), 24.53, and 24.62 (1) shall be credited to this
19appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered
20balance at the end of each fiscal year shall be transferred to the trust funds, as
21defined under s. 24.60 (5). The amount transferred to each trust fund, as defined
22under s. 24.60 (5), shall bear the same proportion to the total amount transferred to
1the trust funds that the gross receipts of that trust fund bears to the total gross
2receipts credited to this appropriation account during that fiscal year.
Note: Deletes unnecessary language. The stricken text was inserted by
2019 Wis.
Act 110 but rendered without effect by the treatment of s. 20.507 (1) (h) by
2019 Wis. Act
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
8. 40.05 (4) (ah) 3. and 4. of the statutes are amended to read:
(4) (ah) 3. A craft employee shall pay 100 percent of health insurance
7premiums, unless otherwise determined by the
director administrator of the division
8of personnel management in the department of administration.
4. Annually, the
director administrator of the division of personnel
10management in the department of administration shall determine the amount of
11contributions, if any, that the state must contribute into an employee's health
12savings account under s. 40.515 and the amount that employees are required to pay
13for health insurance premiums for a high-deductible health plan under s. 40.515.
Note: Changes incorrect term.
2015 Wis. Act 55 restructured the Office of State
Employment Relations into a newly created Division of Personnel Management in the
Department of Administration and transferred functions from the director of OSER to the
administrator of the new division. That act changed other references in the statutes from
“the director of the office of state employment relations” to “the administrator of the
division of personnel management in the department of administration,” but failed to
make this change in s. 40.05 (4) (ah) 3. and 4.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
Note: Repeals a redundant definition for “short-term rental." That term, as used
in s. 66.1014, is defined by cross-reference to s. 66.0615 (1) (dk), which is identical to s.
66.1014 (1) (c).
(6) (a) 15.
Except as provided under s. 71.07 (3p) (c) 5., the The amount
6of the credits computed under s. 71.07 (2dm), (2dx), (2dy), (3g), (3h), (3n), (3q), (3s),
7(3t), (3w), (3wm), (3y), (4k), (4n), (5e), (5i), (5j), (5k), (5r), (5rm), (6n), and (10) and not
8passed through by a partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option
9corporation that has added that amount to the partnership's, company's, or
10tax-option corporation's income under s. 71.21 (4) or 71.34 (1k) (g).
Note: Deletes an obsolete cross-reference. Section 71.07 (3p) (c) 5. was repealed
2019 Wis. Act 54.
(76) To submit a report to the joint committee on finance no later than
146 months after the end of each fiscal year, beginning with the 2021-22 fiscal year and
15ending with the 2025-26 fiscal year, that contains information on the use of contract
16auditors in the unclaimed property program under ch. 177, including auditor
17performance results and comments and concerns from those audited regarding the
18contract auditors. The department shall survey those audited by contract auditors
19to receive comments and concerns. Before allowing any person to engage in an audit
20of another person's documents or records, the administrator
, as defined in s. 177.01
21(1), shall post the contract or other agreement with the person on the department's
22Internet site. The contract or other agreement shall remain posted on the
1department's Internet site until the contract or other agreement is no longer in effect,
2is no longer valid, or is superseded or otherwise rescinded. The person may take no
3action to engage in the audit until the administrator certifies that the person will
4proceed, even if domiciled in another state, in accordance with Wisconsin statutes
5and department rules and guidance documents and the administrator concludes
6there is a reasonable justification for using the person to engage in the audit. The
7administrator shall actively monitor the person to ensure that the person, even if
8domiciled in another state, is acting in accordance with such statutes, rules, and
9guidance documents and shall immediately take corrective action, including
10rescinding the contract, if the administrator reasonably concludes the person is not
11acting in accordance with such statutes, rules, and guidance documents.
Note: Adds a cross-reference to the definition of “administrator.” The term
“administrator” is not defined in ch. 73.
14. 85.21 (3m) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) (b) 4. Employ as an operator of a human service vehicle any person
14who the specialized transportation service knows or should have known does not
15meet the requirements for a school
bus endorsement specified under s. 343.12 (7) and
16(8) and any rule established by the department under s. 343.12 (7) and (8).
Note: Adds a missing word. An endorsement under s. 343.12 (7) and (8) is a “school
bus endorsement.”
15. 86.31 (3s) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3s) (b) 1. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (fc),
2019 stats., the
19department shall allocate $32,003,200 in fiscal year 2019-20, to fund county trunk
20highway improvements.
2. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (fc),
2019 stats., the department
22shall allocate $35,149,400 in fiscal year 2019-20, to fund town road improvements.
13. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (fc),
2019 stats., the department
2shall allocate $22,847,400 in fiscal year 2019-20, to fund municipal street
3improvement projects.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference.
2021 Wis. Act 58 renumbered s. 20.395 (2)
(fc) to s. 20.395 (2) (fq), but the renumbering did not affect fiscal year 2019-20.
(4) (em) 6. A law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement agency,
7jail, juvenile detention facility, or government agency is not required to provide the
8candidate's employment
records files if the agency or facility is prohibited from
9providing the employment
records files pursuant to a binding nondisclosure
10agreement to which the law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement agency, jail,
11juvenile detention facility, or government agency is a party if the agreement was
12executed before November 7, 2021.
Note: The defined term for s. 165.85 is “employment file,” defined in s. 165.85 (2)
(10) Not later than 120 days after a claim is filed under sub. (1) or
16(4) (5), the administrator shall allow or deny the claim and give the claimant notice
17of the decision in a record. If the administrator does not take action on a claim during
18the 120-day period, the claim is deemed denied.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. Claims under s. 177.0605 are filed under
sub. (1) or (5).
(2) (f) Any costs in connection with the action under s.
177.0907 2177.1504 (1) and the redemption of a U.S. savings bond under s.
177.0907 177.1504
Note: Inserts correct cross-references. Actions for a judgment that a U.S. savings
bond is abandoned and for an order transferring ownership of the abandoned bond to the
state are brought under s. 177.1504 (1), and after an action such a bond may be redeemed
by the state under s. 177.1504 (5).
19. 281.75 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (i) “Well subject to abandonment" means a well that is required to
abandoned filled and sealed under s. NR 812.26
(2) (4) (a), Wis. Adm. Code, or that
7the department may require to be
filled and sealed under s. NR 812.26
8(2) (4) (b), Wis. Adm. Code.
Note: Changes incorrect term and cross-references. Section NR 812.26, Wis.
Adm. Code, now refers to “filling and sealing" rather than “abandoning" a well, and the
provision requiring filling and sealing was moved to s. NR 812.26 (4) (a) by CR 18-095.
(10) (a)
Internet site; manufacturers. The department shall maintain
12an Internet site on which the department lists the names of manufacturers who are
13registered under sub. (3) and the names of the brands listed in the manufacturers'
14registrations. The department shall update the information on the Internet site
15promptly upon receipt of a new or revised registration. The department shall include
16on the Internet site a statement that this section applies only to covered electronic
17devices sold for household or covered school use and that the list of manufacturers
18is not a list of manufacturers qualified to sell video display devices, computers, or
19printers for industrial, commercial, or other nonhousehold or
nonschool 20non-covered-school uses. The department shall also include on the Internet site the
21contact information provided by manufacturers under sub. (3) (a) 2.
Note: Changes incorrect term. The defined term “school” was changed to “covered
school” in all other instances in s. 287.17 by
2021 Wis. Act 79.
(1m) In this section, “health care professional" means a person
4licensed, certified, or registered under ch. 441, 448, or 455
or a person who holds a
5compact privilege under subch. X of ch. 448.
Note: Adds language intended under
2019 Wis. Act 100.
2019 Wis. Act 100 added
physical therapists who hold a compact privilege under what is now subch. X of ch. 448
(the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact, formerly subch. IX of ch. 448) to numerous
parts of the statutes that referred to physical therapists licensed under ch. 448, but did
not take cognizance of
2019 Wis. Act 90.
2019 Wis. Act 90 changed the definition of
“health care professional” under s. 302.384 in a manner that, when taken together with
Act 100, unintentionally excluded physical therapists who hold a compact privilege from
the definition of “health care professional.”
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
10765.23 Immaterial irregularities otherwise. No marriage hereafter
11contracted shall be void either by reason of the marriage license having been issued
12by a county clerk not having jurisdiction to issue the same; or by reason of any
13informality or irregularity of form in the application for the marriage license or in
14the marriage license itself, or the incompetency of the witnesses to such marriage;
because the marriage may have been solemnized more than 60 days after the date
16of the marriage license, if the marriage is in other respects lawful and is
17consummated with the full belief on the part of the persons so married, or either of
18them, that they have been lawfully joined in marriage. Where a marriage has been
19celebrated in one of the forms provided for in s. 765.16 (1m), and the parties thereto
1have immediately thereafter assumed the habit and repute of husband and wife, and
2having continued the same uninterruptedly thereafter for the period of one year, or
3until the death of either of them, it shall be deemed that a marriage license has been
4issued as required by ss. 765.05 to 765.24 and 767.803.
(1) Generally. If any legacy or intestate property is not claimed by the
8distributee within 120 days after entry of final judgment, or within the time
9designated in the judgment, it shall be converted into money as close to the inventory
10value as possible and paid to the administrator
, as defined in s. 177.01 (1), for deposit
11as provided under s. 177.0801. Claims for the money shall be made under sub. (3).
Note: Adds a cross-reference to the definition of “administrator.” The term
“administrator” is not defined in ch. 863.
25. The treatment of Opt 4.03 (2) (b) of the administrative code by CR
1319-026 is not repealed by CR 19-033. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
26. The treatment of PT 1.02 (12) of the administrative code by CR
1520-055 is not repealed by CR 20-056. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
27. The treatment of PT 5.01 (1) of the administrative code by CR
1720-055 is not repealed by CR 20-056. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
28. The treatment of PT 5.02 (1) and (2) (intro.) of the administrative
19code by CR 20-055 are not repealed by CR 20-056. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
Renumbering and cross-reference changes under s. 13.92
2(1) (bm) 2., stats. Each statute listed in column A was renumbered to the statute
3number in column B, and cross-references to the renumbered statute were changed
4in the statutes listed in column C to agree with the renumbered statute, under
5section 13.92 (1) (bm) 2. of the statutes:
Note: Confirms renumbering and corresponding cross-reference changes under
s. 13.92 (1) (bm) 2.
See PDF for table 
Corrections of obvious nonsubstantive errors under s.
235.17 (2), stats. In the sections of the statutes listed in column A, the text shown
3in column B was changed to the text shown in column C to correct obvious
4nonsubstantive errors under s. 35.17 (2) of the statutes:
Note: Confirms correction of obvious nonsubstantive errors in the statutes under
s. 35.17 (2).
See PDF for table 
Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
2except as follows:
The treatment of s. 765.23 takes effect on July 1, 2022.