2120Allen, Rep. Scott (97th Asm.Dist.; R)
Addressing election law violations -
AR3Application to Congress under Article V of the United States Constitution for a convention to propose term limits for members of Congress -
AJR16Butane extraction used to manufacture marijuana or separate plant resin from marijuana plants: penalty revisions; JRCCP may report -
AB440Colby cheese designated the state cheese; Blue Book provision -
AB311Election inspector: pupils enrolled in a home-based private educational program may serve as; conditions specified -
AB94Fire alarm testing in the State Capitol -
AB221Kidney Month: March 2021 proclaimed as -
AJR29Landlords charging tenants a fee for nonpayment or late payment of rent during a declared emergency: DATCP prohibited from promulgating rule that would prohibit (introduced per s. 227.26 (2)(j), Wis.Stats.) -
AB8Landlords charging tenants a fee for nonpayment or late payment of rent during a declared emergency: DATCP prohibited from promulgating rule that would prohibit (introduced per s. 227.26 (2)(j), Wis.Stats.) -
SB33License to conduct a 50/50 raffle not required for qualified organizations -
AB401Limbaugh, Rush: life and accomplishments honored -
AJR12National Skilled Trades Day: May 5 declared as -
AJR47Payday loan: maximum interest rate limited -
AB213Payday loan: maximum interest rate limited -
SB220Race and sex stereotyping instruction at UW System institutions and TCS technical colleges; employee training, violations, and civil action provisions -