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7 (a) That the use of restraints is necessary due to one of the following factors:
8 1. Instruments of restraint are necessary to prevent physical harm to the
9individual or another person.
10 2. The individual has a history of disruptive courtroom behavior that has
11placed others in potentially harmful situations or the individual presents a
12substantial risk of inflicting physical harm on himself or herself or others as
13evidenced by recent behavior.
14 3. There is a reasonable belief that the individual presents a substantial risk
15of flight from the courtroom.
16 (b) That there are no less restrictive alternatives to restraints that will prevent
17flight or physical harm to the individual or another person, including the presence
18of court personnel, law enforcement officers, or bailiffs.
19(3) The court shall provide the attorney of the individual under 18 years of age
20an opportunity to be heard before the court orders the use of restraints under sub.
21(2). The court shall make written findings of fact in support of any order to use
22restraints under sub. (2).
23(4) If the court orders an individual under 18 years of age to be restrained under
24sub. (2), the restraints shall allow the individual limited movement of the hands to
25read and handle documents and writings necessary to the hearing.

1(5) No individual under 18 years of age may be restrained during a court
2proceeding using fixed restraints attached to a wall, floor, or furniture.
3Section 3420. 968.14 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
4968.14 (title) Use Announcement requirement and use of force.
5Section 3421. 968.14 of the statutes is renumbered 968.14 (2).
6Section 3422. 968.14 (1) of the statutes is created to read:
7 968.14 (1) When executing a search warrant, a law enforcement officer may not
8enter the premises subject to the warrant without first identifying that he or she is
9a law enforcement officer and announcing the authority and purpose of the entry.
10Section 3423 . 968.20 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
11 968.20 (3) (b) Except as provided in par. (a) or sub. (1m) or (4), a city, village,
12town or county or other custodian of a seized dangerous weapon or ammunition, if
13the dangerous weapon or ammunition is not required for evidence or use in further
14investigation and has not been disposed of pursuant to a court order at the
15completion of a criminal action or proceeding, shall make reasonable efforts to notify
16all persons who have or may have an authorized rightful interest in the dangerous
17weapon or ammunition of the application requirements under sub. (1). If, within 30
18days after the notice, an application under sub. (1) is not made and the seized
19dangerous weapon or ammunition is not returned by the officer under sub. (2), the
20city, village, town or county or other custodian may retain the dangerous weapon or
21ammunition and authorize its use by a law enforcement agency, except that a
22dangerous weapon used in the commission of a homicide or a handgun, as defined
23in s. 175.35 (1) (b) 941.237 (1) (d), may not be retained. If a dangerous weapon other
24than a firearm is not so retained, the city, village, town or county or other custodian
25shall safely dispose of the dangerous weapon or, if the dangerous weapon is a motor

1vehicle, as defined in s. 340.01 (35), sell the motor vehicle following the procedure
2under s. 973.075 (4). If a firearm or ammunition is not so retained, the city, village,
3town or county or other custodian shall ship it to the state crime laboratories and it
4is then the property of the laboratories. A person designated by the department of
5justice may destroy any material for which the laboratories have no use or arrange
6for the exchange of material with other public agencies. In lieu of destruction,
7shoulder weapons for which the laboratory has no use shall be turned over to the
8department of natural resources for sale and distribution of proceeds under s. 29.934
9or for use under s. 29.938.
10Section 3424 . 970.032 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
11 970.032 (3) This section does not apply to a violation committed on or after the
12effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date].
13Section 3425 . 971.17 (1g) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 971.17 (1g) Notice of restriction on firearm possession. If the defendant
15under sub. (1) is found not guilty of a felony, or of a violation under s. 175.33 (2), by
16reason of mental disease or defect, the court shall inform the defendant of the
17requirements and penalties under s. 941.29.
18Section 3426 . 971.31 (13) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
19 971.31 (13) (c) This subsection does not apply to a violation committed on or
20after the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date].
21Section 3427 . 971.365 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 971.365 (1) (a) In any case under s. 961.41 (1) (em), 1999 stats., or s. 961.41 (1)
23(cm), (d), (e), (f), or (g) or (h) involving more than one violation, all violations may be
24prosecuted as a single crime if the violations were pursuant to a single intent and

1Section 3428. 971.365 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 971.365 (1) (b) In any case under s. 961.41 (1m) (em), 1999 stats., or s. 961.41
3(1m) (cm), (d), (e), (f), or (g) or (h) involving more than one violation, all violations may
4be prosecuted as a single crime if the violations were pursuant to a single intent and
6Section 3429 . 971.365 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
7 971.365 (1) (c) In any case under s. 961.41 (3g) (a) 2., 1999 stats., or s. 961.41
8(3g) (dm), 1999 stats., or s. 961.41 (3g) (am), (c), (d), (e), or (g) involving more than
9one violation, all violations may be prosecuted as a single crime if the violations were
10pursuant to a single intent and design.
11Section 3430 . 971.365 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
12 971.365 (2) An acquittal or conviction under sub. (1) does not bar a subsequent
13prosecution for any acts in violation of s. 961.41 (1) (em), 1999 stats., s. 961.41 (1m)
14(em), 1999 stats., s. 961.41 (3g) (a) 2., 1999 stats., or s. 961.41 (3g) (dm), 1999 stats.,
15or s. 961.41 (1) (cm), (d), (e), (f), or (g), or (h), (1m) (cm), (d), (e), (f), or (g), or (h) or (3g)
16(am), (c), (d), (e), or (g) on which no evidence was received at the trial on the original
18Section 3431. 973.01 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
19 973.01 (1) Bifurcated sentence required. Except as provided in sub. (3) and
20s. 938.34 (4p)
, whenever a court sentences a person to imprisonment in the Wisconsin
21state prisons for a felony committed on or after December 31, 1999, or a
22misdemeanor committed on or after February 1, 2003, the court shall impose a
23bifurcated sentence under this section.
24Section 3432. 973.01 (2) (d) 3. of the statutes is repealed.
25Section 3433. 973.01 (2) (d) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:

1973.01 (2) (d) 4. For a Class D, E, F, or G felony, the term of extended
2supervision may not exceed 5 years.
3Section 3434. 973.01 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
4 973.01 (3) Not applicable to life sentences. If a person is being sentenced for
5a felony that is punishable by life imprisonment, he or she is not subject to this
6section but shall be sentenced under s. 973.014 (1g) or (3).
7Section 3435. 973.01 (3g) of the statutes is repealed.
8Section 3436. 973.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 973.01 (4) No good time; extension or reduction of term of imprisonment. A
10person sentenced to a bifurcated sentence under sub. (1) shall serve the term of
11confinement in prison portion of the sentence without reduction for good behavior.
12The term of confinement in prison portion is subject to extension under s. 302.113 (3)
13and, if applicable, to reduction under s. 302.045 (3m), 302.05 (3) (c) 2. a., 302.113 (9g),
14973.018, 973.195 (1r), or 973.198.
15Section 3437. 973.01 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
16 973.01 (4m) Reduction of mandatory minimum sentence. If a person is serving
17a bifurcated sentence under sub. (1) that is subject to a mandatory minimum term
18of confinement, the sentencing court may reduce the term of confinement below the
19applicable mandatory minimum if the person qualifies for a reduction under under
20s. 302.045 (3m), 302.05 (3) (c) 2. a., 302.113 (9g), 973.195 (1r), or 973.198.
21Section 3438. 973.01 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
22 973.01 (5m) Early discharge from extended supervision. (a) In this
23subsection, “qualifying offense” means a crime other than a violation of ch. 940 or s.
24948.02, 948.025, 948.03, 948.05, 948.051, 948.055, 948.06, 948.07, 948.075, 948.08,
25948.085, or 948.095.

1(b) The court may modify the person's sentence by reducing the term of
2extended supervision and may order early discharge of the person from the sentence
3if all of the following apply:
4 1. The department petitions the court to discharge the person from extended
5supervision for a qualifying offense.
6 2. The person has completed 3 years or 50 percent of his or her term of extended
7supervision for the qualifying offense, whichever is less.
8 3. The person has satisfied all conditions of extended supervision that were set
9by the sentencing court for the qualifying offense.
10 4. The person has satisfied all rules and conditions of supervision that were set
11by the department for the qualifying offense.
12 5. The person has fulfilled all financial obligations to his or her victims.
13 6. The person is not required to register under s. 301.45.
14 (c) If a person is serving more than one sentence, early discharge under par. (b)
15applies only to the terms of extended supervision imposed for qualifying offenses.
16 (d) 1. In this paragraph, “victim" has the meaning given in s. 950.02 (4).
17 2. When a court receives a petition under par. (b) 1., the clerk of the circuit court
18shall send a notice of hearing to the victim of the crime committed by the person
19serving the term of extended supervision, if the victim has submitted a card under
20subd. 3. requesting notification. The notice shall inform the victim that he or she may
21appear at any hearing scheduled under par. (b) and shall inform the victim of the
22manner in which he or she may provide a statement concerning the early discharge
23from extended supervision. The clerk of the circuit court shall make a reasonable
24attempt to send the notice of hearing to the last-known address of the victim,
25postmarked at least 10 days before the date of the hearing.

13. The director of state courts shall design and prepare cards for a victim to send
2to the clerk of the circuit court for the county in which the person serving the term
3of extended supervision was convicted and sentenced. The cards shall have space for
4a victim to provide his or her name and address, the name of the applicable person
5serving a term of extended supervision, and any other information that the director
6of state courts determines is necessary. The director of state courts shall provide the
7cards, without charge, to clerks of circuit court. Clerks of circuit court shall provide
8the cards, without charge, to victims. Victims may send completed cards to the clerk
9of the circuit court for the county in which the person serving a term of extended
10supervision was convicted and sentenced. All court records or portions of records
11that relate to mailing addresses of victims are not subject to inspection or copying
12under s. 19.35 (1).
13Section 3439. 973.01 (8) (a) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
14 973.01 (8) (a) 6. The conditions under which the court may reduce the term of
15the person's extended supervision under sub. (5m).
16Section 3440. 973.01 (8) (ag) of the statutes is amended to read:
17 973.01 (8) (ag) If the The court provides under sub. (3g) that shall inform the
18person is eligible to participate in of the availability of the earned release program
19under s. 302.05 (3), the court shall also inform the person of the provisions of s. 302.05
20(3) (c)
21Section 3441. 973.014 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 973.014 (1) (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (2) or (3), when a court sentences
23a person to life imprisonment for a crime committed on or after July 1, 1988, but
24before December 31, 1999, the court shall make a parole eligibility determination
25regarding the person and choose one of the following options:

1Section 3442. 973.014 (1g) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 973.014 (1g) (a) (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (2) or (3), when a court
3sentences a person to life imprisonment for a crime committed on or after December
431, 1999, the court shall make an extended supervision eligibility date determination
5regarding the person and choose one of the following options:
6Section 3443. 973.014 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
7 973.014 (3) (a) In this subsection, “youthful offender” means a person who
8committed an offense before the person attained the age of 18 years.
9 (b) When a court sentences a youthful offender to life imprisonment for a crime
10committed on or after July 1, 1988, but before December 31, 1999, the court shall set
11a date on which the youthful offender is eligible for parole.
12 (c) When a court sentences a youthful offender to life imprisonment for a crime
13committed on or after December 31, 1999, the court shall set a date on which the
14youthful offender is eligible for release to extended supervision.
15 (d) When sentencing a youthful offender to life imprisonment under par. (b) or
16(c), the court shall inform the youthful offender of the procedure for petitioning for
17a sentence adjustment under s. 973.018.
18 (e) When sentencing a youthful offender to life imprisonment under par. (b) or
19(c), the court shall consider, in addition to all other relevant factors, all of the
21 1. That, because children are less criminally culpable and more amenable to
22reform, youthful offenders are constitutionally different from adults for the purposes
23of sentencing.
24 2. That the sentencing goals of deterrence, retribution, and incapacitation are
25secondary to the goal of rehabilitation when sentencing youthful offenders.

13. That unless the state proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the youthful
2offender is permanently incorrigible and is therefore unable to be rehabilitated,
3youthful offenders must have a meaningful opportunity to obtain release from prison
4based on maturity and rehabilitation.
5Section 3444. 973.015 (1b) of the statutes is created to read:
6 973.015 (1b) In this section, “record” means a criminal case file.
7Section 3445. 973.015 (1m) (a) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 973.015 (1m)
8(a) 1. (intro.) and amended to read:
9 973.015 (1m) (a) 1. (intro.) Subject to subd. 2. and except as provided in subd.
103., when a person is under the age of 25 at the time of the commission of an offense
11for which the person has been found guilty in a court for violation of a law for which
12the maximum period of imprisonment is 6 years or less, the
, a court may order at the
13time of sentencing after a conviction that the record a criminal case be expunged
14upon successful completion of the sentence if the court determines the person will
15benefit and society will not be harmed by this disposition.
by one of the following
17(d) This subsection does not apply to information maintained by the
18department of transportation regarding a conviction that is required to be included
19in a record kept under s. 343.23 (2) (a).
20Section 3446. 973.015 (1m) (a) 1. a. and b. of the statutes are created to read:
21 973.015 (1m) (a) 1. a. Except as provided in subd. 3., the court may order at the
22time of sentencing that the record be expunged upon successful completion of the
23sentence if the court determines that the person will benefit and society will not be
24harmed by this disposition.

1b. If at least one year has passed since the person successfully completed his
2or her sentence, the person may file a petition in the county of conviction requesting
3that the record be expunged. Upon receipt of the petition, the court shall review the
4petition to determine if the person is ineligible to petition for expungement because
5subd. 3. or 4. applies, less than one year has passed since the person successfully
6completed his or her sentence, there are criminal charges pending against the
7person, or the person has exceeded the maximum number of petitions allowed under
8this subd. 1. b. If the court determines the person is eligible to petition for
9expungement, the court shall forward the petition to the district attorney. If the
10district attorney requests a hearing within 90 days after the court forwards the
11petition, the court shall schedule a hearing to review the petition. If the district
12attorney waives the hearing or at least 90 days have passed since the court forwarded
13the petition, the court may review the petition with or without a hearing. If a hearing
14is scheduled, then if practicable, the sentencing judge shall be the judge to review the
15petition. The court may order that the record be expunged if the court determines
16the person will benefit and society will not be harmed by this disposition. If the court
17does not order the record be expunged under this subd. 1. b., the person may file a
182nd petition under this subd. 1. b. only if at least 2 years have passed since he or she
19filed the first petition. No person may file more than 2 petitions per record under this
20subd. 1. b. For a 2nd petition regarding the same record, the person shall pay to the
21clerk of circuit court a $100 fee.
22Section 3447. 973.015 (1m) (a) 3. c. and d. and 4. of the statutes are created
23to read:
24 973.015 (1m) (a) 3. c. A crime for which the maximum period of imprisonment
25is more than 6 years.

1d. A violation of chs. 341 to 348.
2 4. The court may order at the time of sentencing that the record is ineligible
3for expungement.
4Section 3448. 973.015 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
5 973.015 (1m) (b) A For purposes of par. (a), a person has successfully
6completed the sentence if the person has completed all periods of incarceration,
7parole, or extended supervision to which he or she was sentenced; the person has paid
8all fines, costs, fees, surcharges, and restitution assessed and has completed any
9court-ordered community service; the person
has not been convicted of a subsequent
10offense crime; and, if on probation was imposed, the probation has not been revoked
11and the probationer has satisfied the conditions of probation. Upon successful
12completion of the a sentence involving incarceration or probation, the detaining or
13probationary authority shall issue and forward to the court of record a certificate of
14discharge which shall be forwarded to the court of record and which shall have the
15effect of expunging the record
that indicates whether the person successfully
16completed his or her sentence. If the court has ordered the record expunged under
17par. (a) 1. a. or 2. and the person has successfully completed the sentence, the person's
18record shall be expunged as ordered
. If the person has been imprisoned incarcerated,
19the detaining authority shall also forward a copy of the certificate of discharge to the
21Section 3449. 973.015 (1m) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
22 973.015 (1m) (c) Upon receipt of a petition under par. (a) 1. b., the district
23attorney shall make a reasonable attempt to notify the victim, as defined under s.
24950.02 (4), of the petition. In the notice, the district attorney shall inform the victim
25that he or she may waive the hearing requirement and that, if waived, the court may

1review the petition without a hearing. The district attorney shall inform the victim
2of the manner in which he or she may provide written statements concerning the
3petition and, if the victim does not waive the hearing requirement, that he or she may
4appear at the hearing. If the victim waives the hearing requirement, the district
5attorney may inform the court that there is no objection to waiving the hearing
6requirement. Notwithstanding the confidentiality of victim address information
7obtained under s. 302.113 (9g) (g) 3., a district attorney who is required to make a
8reasonable attempt to notify a victim under this paragraph may obtain from the clerk
9of the circuit court the victim address information that the victim provided to the
10clerk under s. 302.113 (9g) (g) 3.
11Section 3450. 973.015 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
12 973.015 (4) A record of a crime expunged under this section is not considered
13a conviction for employment purposes or for purposes of the issuance of a license, as
14defined in s. 111.32 (10), by a licensing agency, as defined in s. 111.32 (11). This
15subsection does not apply to the extent that its application conflicts with federal law.