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12 49.471 (4) (a) 4. b. The individual's family income does not exceed 100 133
13percent of the poverty line before application of the 5 percent income disregard under
1442 CFR 435.603 (d)
15Section 232k. 49.471 (4) (a) 8. of the statutes is created to read:
16 49.471 (4) (a) 8. An individual who meets all of the following criteria:
17 a. The individual is an adult under the age of 65.
18 b. The individual has a family income that does not exceed 133 percent of the
19poverty line, except as provided in sub. (4g).
20 c. The individual is not otherwise eligible for the Medical Assistance program
21under this subchapter or the Medicare program under 42 USC 1395 et seq.
22Section 232m. 49.471 (4g) of the statutes is created to read:
23 49.471 (4g) Medicaid expansion; federal medical assistance percentage. For
24services provided to individuals described under sub. (4) (a) 8., the department shall

1comply with all federal requirements to qualify for the highest available enhanced
2federal medical assistance percentage. The department shall submit any
3amendment to the state medical assistance plan, request for a waiver of federal
4Medicaid law, or other approval request required by the federal government to
5provide services to the individuals described under sub. (4) (a) 8. and qualify for the
6highest available enhanced federal medical assistance percentage. Sections 20.940
7and 49.45 (2t) do not apply to a submission to the federal government under this
932. Page 294, line 2: after that line insert:
10 Section 235n. 49.686 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
11 49.686 (3) (d) Has applied for coverage under and has been denied eligibility
12for medical assistance within 12 months prior to application for reimbursement
13under sub. (2). This paragraph does not apply to an individual who is eligible for
14benefits under the demonstration project for childless adults under s. 49.45 (23) or
15to an individual who is eligible for benefits under BadgerCare Plus under s. 49.471
16(4) (a) 8. or (11).”.
1733. Page 295, line 17: after that line insert:
18 Section 238c. 51.72 of the statutes is created to read:
1951.72 Suicide prevention programming grants. (1) From the
20appropriation under s. 20.435 (5) (ef), the department shall award grants to
21organizations or coalitions of organizations, which may include a city, village, town,
22county, or federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state, for suicide
23prevention programming.

1(2) The department may not award a grant under sub. (1) unless the recipient
2contributes matching funds or in-kind services having a value equal to at least 20
3percent of the grant.
4(3) The department may award a grant to a recipient under sub. (1) for an
5amount up to $25,000 in a particular fiscal year.
6Section 238g. 51.73 of the statutes is created to read:
751.73 Grants to prevent suicide by firearm. (1) From the appropriation
8under s. 20.435 (5) (ef), the department shall award grants to organizations or
9coalitions of organizations, which may include a city, village, town, county, or
10federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state for any of the
11following purposes:
12 (a) To train staff at a firearm retailer or firearm range on how to recognize a
13person who may be considering suicide.
14 (b) To provide suicide prevention materials for distribution at a firearm retailer
15or firearm range.
16 (c) To provide voluntary, temporary firearm storage.
17(2) The department may not award a grant under sub. (1) unless the recipient
18contributes matching funds or in-kind services having a value equal to at least 20
19percent of the grant.
20(3) The department may not award a grant to a recipient under sub. (1) for an
21amount that exceeds $5,000. The department may not award a grant under sub. (1)
22having a duration of more than one year and may not automatically renew a grant
23awarded under sub. (1). This subsection shall not be construed to prevent an
24organization or coalition of organizations from reapplying for a grant in consecutive
25years. In awarding grants under sub. (1), the department shall give preference to

1organizations or coalitions of organizations that have not previously received a grant
2under this section.”.
334. Page 330, line 15: after that line insert:
4 Section 323h. 85.0215 of the statutes is created to read:
585.0215 Local supplement. (1) In this section:
6 (a) “Eligible applicant” means a city, village, town, or county or a combination
7of these or an eligible entity, as defined under 23 USC 133 (h) (4) (B).
8 (b) “Eligible project” means a project eligible for funding under s. 84.12, 84.16,
984.18, or 86.31 (3) or (3t) or 23 USC 133 (h) (3).
10(2) Funds provided under s. 20.395 (2) (fc) shall be distributed under this
11section as discretionary grants to reimburse eligible applicants for eligible projects.
12The department shall solicit and provide discretionary grants under this section
13until all funds appropriated under s. 20.395 (2) (fc) have been expended.” .
1435. Page 335, line 15: after that line insert:
15 Section 341h. 115.28 (66) of the statutes is created to read:
16 115.28 (66) The Literacy Lab. Annually distribute the amounts appropriated
17under s. 20.255 (3) (fs) to The Literacy Lab, a Virginia nonstock corporation, to
18provide evidence-based literacy interventions to pupils in prekindergarten to 3rd
19grade in this state.”.
2036. Page 340, line 9: after that line insert:
21 Section 362g. Subchapter III of chapter 153 [precedes 153.85] of the statutes
22is created to read:
23 Chapter 153
24 Subchapter III

1Opioid and
3153.85 Definition; opioid and methamphetamine data. In this
4subchapter, “vendor” means a person awarded the contract following a request for
5proposals described under s. 153.87.
6153.87 Opioid and methamphetamine data system. (1) Subject to sub.
7(3), the department of administration shall issue a request for proposals to establish
8and maintain an opioid and methamphetamine data system to collect, format,
9analyze, and disseminate information on opioid and methamphetamine use, which
10shall include all of the following:
11 (a) Hospital discharge data from visits and stays related to opioid use or
13 (b) Hospital discharge data from visits and stays related to methamphetamine
14use or overdose.
15 (c) Ambulance service run data related to opioid use or overdose.
16 (d) The number of opioid-related overdoses in the state, the number of
17individuals who overdose on opioids, and the opioids on which the individuals
19 (e) The number of methamphetamine-related overdoses in the state, the
20number of individuals who overdose on methamphetamines, and the forms of
21methamphetamines on which the individuals overdose.
22 (f) Death records related to opioid use or overdose.
23 (g) Death records related to methamphetamine use or overdose.
24 (h) The number of opioid treatment centers in the state, by the owner or
25operator of each opioid treatment center.

1(i) The number of methamphetamine treatment centers in the state, by the
2owner or operator of each methamphetamine treatment center.
3 (j) The number of providers in this state that are allowed to prescribe a drug
4that is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone, the patient capacity for those
5prescribers, the number of patients taking such a combination drug, and the number
6of patients who have discontinued such a combination drug due to successful
7completion of a treatment program.
8 (k) The number of methadone clinics in the state, the number of patients taking
9methadone, the number of patients who more than once have been on courses of
10methadone, the number of patients who have discontinued methadone use due to
11successful completion of a treatment program, and the number of patients who are
12receiving methadone treatment for each of the following durations:
13 1. Longer than 12 months.
14 2. Longer than 3 years.
15 3. Longer than 4 years.
16 4. Longer than 5 years.
17 5. Longer than 8 years.
18 6. Longer than 10 years.
19 (L) The amount of naloxone doses dispensed, the total number of naloxone
20doses administered, and the number of unique patients who have received doses of
22 (m) The number of adults in the state who use opioids, the extent to which those
23adults use opioids, and the type of opioids used.

1(n) The number of adults in the state who use methamphetamines, the extent
2to which those adults use methamphetamines, and the forms of methamphetamines
4 (o) The number of minors in the state who use opioids, the extent to which those
5minors use opioids, and the type of opioids used.
6 (p) The number of minors in the state who use methamphetamines, the extent
7to which those minors use methamphetamines, and the forms of methamphetamines
9 (q) The number of minors who enter the child protective services system due
10to opioid use by a parent or guardian, length of time those minors are in out-of-home
11care, and the type of reporter who notified child protective services of the needs of
12the minor.
13 (r) The number of persons who are incarcerated and who are receiving
14naltrexone for extended-release in injectable suspension, the number of persons
15who are on extended supervision or probation or on parole and who are receiving
16extended-release naltrexone, the total number of doses of extended-release
17naltrexone administered to persons who are incarcerated, on extended supervision
18or probation, or on parole in this state, and the length of time that persons who are
19incarcerated, on extended supervision or probation, or on parole are receiving
20extended-release naltrexone.
21 (s) The number of arrests and convictions related to methadone and the
22number related to a drug that is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone.
23 (t) The number of arrests and convictions related to methamphetamines.
24(2) The opioid and methamphetamine data system under sub. (1) shall identify,
25to the extent possible, for sub. (1) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (j), (k), (m), (n), (o), (p),

1and (r), the number of individuals who have each of the following forms of health care
3 (a) Public health care coverage under the Medical Assistance program.
4 (b) Public health care coverage under Medicare, a veteran or military health
5plan, or another public form of coverage other than Medical Assistance, including
6any self-insured governmental health plan.
7 (c) Private insurance or a private heath plan.
8 (d) Self-coverage or uninsured.
9(3) (a) The department of administration shall submit the proposed request for
10proposals described under sub. (1) to the joint committee on finance before issuing
11the request for proposal. If the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance do
12not notify the department of administration within 14 working days after the date
13of the submittal of the proposed request for proposals under this paragraph that the
14committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed
15request for proposals, the department may issue the request for proposals. If, within
1614 working days after the date of the submittal of the proposed request for proposals
17under this paragraph, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the department of
18administration that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of
19reviewing the proposed request for proposals, the department may issue the
20proposed request for proposals only upon approval by the committee.
21 (b) At the time the department of administration submits the proposal under
22par. (a), the departments of health services, children and families, corrections,
23justice, and safety and professional services may submit to the joint committee on
24finance suggestions of opioid-related or methamphetamine-related information to
25collect, analyze, and disseminate in addition to information specified under sub. (1)

1to assist the agencies in analyzing the behavioral health status of the state's
2population, reducing relapse of opioid and methamphetamine misuse, improving
3patient outcomes after opioid or methamphetamine use or overdose, assisting
4minors who are in out-of-home care, and monitoring health costs related to
5substance use.
6(4) The department of administration shall collaborate with and collect data
7from the departments of health services, corrections, justice, safety and professional
8services, and children and families and any other applicable agencies for the opioid
9and methamphetamine data system under sub. (1).
10(5) (a) The department of administration shall administer the contract with the
11vendor to operate the opioid and methamphetamine data system and shall have
12access to the data contained in the opioid and methamphetamine data system. The
13department of administration shall work with the vendor to disseminate information
14and advanced analytics from the opioid and methamphetamine data system in as
15close to real time as possible.
16 (b) The opioid and methamphetamine data system shall allow the state
17agencies that submit data to the opioid and methamphetamine data system access
18to the data in the opioid and methamphetamine data system as appropriate for the
19agency to fulfill its functions and as allowed by state and federal confidentiality laws.
20153.89 Reports; opioid and methamphetamine data system. By January
2131, 2022, and annually thereafter, the department of administration shall submit a
22report to the joint committee on finance summarizing the information from the
23opioid and methamphetamine data system under s. 153.87 (1) and analyzing trends
24in that information across years of data collection.
25Section 362r. 165.932 of the statutes is created to read:

1165.932 Victim services; grants. (1) Definitions. In this section:
2 (a) “Department" means the department of justice.
3 (b) “Victim" has the meaning given in s. 950.02 (4) (a).
4(2) Grants. (a) The department shall provide grants to eligible organizations
5from the appropriation under s. 20.455 (5) (ec) to provide services for victims.
6 (b) An organization is eligible to apply for and receive a grant under this section
7if the organization meets all of the following criteria:
8 1. The organization is a nonprofit corporation or a public agency.
9 2. The organization provides or proposes to provide, either directly or through
10a contract, subcontract, service agreement, or collaborative agreement with other
11organizations, entities, or individuals, all of the following for victims:
12 a. Advocacy and counseling services.
13 b. Crisis telephone line services on a 24 hours per day and 7 days per week
15 c. Professional education about intervention for victims and community
16education programs for the prevention of crime.
17 d. Services for persons living in rural areas, children, elderly persons,
18physically disabled persons, minority groups, and other groups of victims that have
19special needs. This subd. 2. d. does not require the applicant to provide services to
20any group of persons that does not reside in the applicant's service area.
21 3. The organization does not receive more than 70 percent of its operating
22budget from grants under this section.