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Pro hac vice admission, substitution, and withdrawal of retained counsel in appellate court proceedings (Wis. Stats. s. 809.85), 3/9/21 - SCO 20-05
Remote administration of oaths at depositions (Wis. Stats. s. 804.03), 4/21/22 - SCO 21-05
Technical correction: replace "child" or "child's" with "juvenile" or "juvenile's" (Wis. Stats. s. 9.39.299(2m)), 5/9/22 - SCO 21-04A
Use of restrains on children in juvenile court (Wis. Stats. s. 48.299, 938.299), 5/2/22 - SCO 21-04
surchargeSurcharge, see Court — Fee
surveying and surveyorsSurveying and surveyors
Extension of certain approvals for construction projects and plats or certified survey maps; waiving interest and penalties on late property tax installment payments, excessive payment and recovery claims provisions - Act 80
swib _state of wisconsin investment board_SWIB (State of Wisconsin Investment Board), see Investment Board
tanf _temporary assistance for needy families_TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), see Public assistance
Tax audits of pass-through entities changes - Act 262
taxation _ sharedTaxation — Shared, see Shared revenue
Gifted and talented pupils: school board report to DPI on programs for; DPI audit and DWD Fast Forward Program provisions [vetoed] - AB903
Race and sex stereotyping instruction to pupils in and training to employees of school districts and charter schools prohibited; violation penalty and posting curricula to Internet site provisions [vetoed] - AB411
Reading readiness assessment program for public schools and independent charter schools changed; dyslexia characteristics added and reports required; federal moneys and grants for teacher development and implementation costs provisions [vetoed] - AB446
teacher _ certificateTeacher — Certificate
Foundations of Reading test (FORT) requirement for certain teaching licenses modified - Act 214
Landscape analysis of educator preparation programs: requiring participation of UW System institutions upon request of DPI; JCF provision [vetoed] - AB962
Short-term substitute teacher may teach without a DPI-issued license or permit under set conditions; expiration provision [vetoed] - AB1
Substitute teacher permit requirements revised - Act 236
technical collegeTechnical college
Nurse educators: institutions of higher education to establish a fellowship program with educational loan repayment assistance [Sec. 29, 180] - Act 58
Public campus administrator immunity from liability eliminated re violation of individual’s state constitutional expressive rights; cause of action and attorney fee provisions [vetoed] - AB885
Race and sex stereotyping: instructors at UW System institutions and TCS technical colleges cannot compel students to adhere to certain tenants; student orientation, academic freedom, employee training, violations, and civil action provisions [vetoed] - SB409
Relocated active duty service members and their spouses and children: determining state residency for resident tuition eligibility at UW System institutions and technical colleges; fall semester commencement of graduate health sciences classes - Act 159
UW and technical college students: hours engaged in eligible activities re COVID-19 pandemic satisfy related course requirements [vetoed] - AB1
technical college system boardTechnical College System Board
TCS Board to establish part-time police academy programs; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys [vetoed] - AB836
TCS funding increase for property tax relief [Sec. 34, 178, 179] - Act 58
Broadband expansion grant program: changes re infrastructure construction, speed standard for underserved areas, and application evaluation criteria [vetoed] - SB365
DMA to use certain federal moneys for statewide public safety interoperable communications system, emergency services IP network contracts, and geographic information systems database; Building Commission to use certain federal moneys for psychiatric bed capacity expansion in certain hospitals [vetoed] - AB240
Free and charitable clinics definition and funding; "telehealth" definition incorporated into occupational licensing statutory chapters - Act 121
State COVID-19 response: MA payments to hospitals for nursing-level-facility custodial care; hospital-associated services standards; temporary credentials for health care providers licensed in another state, telehealth provision - Act 10
Statewide emergency number system: DMA given primary responsibility with revisions; Next Generation 911 geographic systems competitive grant program created, report required - Act 261
Statewide public safety interoperable communication system: DMA to administer current and future systems [Sec. 390-392, 9131 (1)] [9131 (1) -- partial veto] - Act 58
Urban search and rescue task force and Next Generation 911 funding [Sec. 74-75] - Act 58
Crimes against elder persons: penalties increased; sexual assault penalty revised; physical abuse crime created; freezing of assets of defendant re financial exploitation; elder person may appear in court via telephone or live audiovisual means when seeking certain restraining orders - Act 76
DMA to use certain federal moneys for statewide public safety interoperable communications system, emergency services IP network contracts, and geographic information systems database; Building Commission to use certain federal moneys for psychiatric bed capacity expansion in certain hospitals [vetoed] - AB240
Juvenile proceedings and criminal proceedings: conducting or appearances by telephone or audiovisual means expanded - Act 141
Pawnbroker notices re sale and surplus: email or text message allowed; administrative rule provision [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 77.06] - Act 203
Stalking definition expanded to include text messaging and other electronic means of communication - Act 28
Statewide emergency number system: DMA given primary responsibility with revisions; Next Generation 911 geographic systems competitive grant program created, report required - Act 261
Traffic violation in emergency or roadside response area with emergency vehicles or tow trucks present: penalties increased; wireless telephone use prohibition provision - Act 115
Urban search and rescue task force and Next Generation 911 funding [Sec. 74-75] - Act 58
Municipal live broadcast of canvassing proceeding in any election must be recorded [vetoed] - SB292
text messagingText messaging, see Telephone
theme parkTheme park, see Amusement
tid _tax incremental district_TID (Tax incremental district), see Property tax
timberTimber, see Forestry
tourismTourism, see Recreation
tourism department ofTourism, Department of
Amusement or theme parks and organizations promoting tourism: grants from certain federal moneys for recovery from COVID-19 pandemic [vetoed] - AB234
General transportation aids program: penalty revised for towns and villages that file necessary documentation within 30 days past the deadline - Act 102
Local land use restrictions revised re newly incorporated cities and villages - Act 198
Statutory changes re one-time purchase of equipment under 1989 WisAct 31, “safety data sheets” references, and designation of head of “emergency management” by cities, villages and towns (remedial legislation suggested by DMA) - Act 243
Town general transportation aid limitation adjustment payment [Sec. 57, 330] - Act 58
town _ financeTown — Finance
County forest acreage share payments [Sec. 169] - Act 58
General transportation aid for towns with low equalized values: maximum set [Sec. 328, 329] - Act 58
Laws administered by DOR: revisions re shared revenue, property assessment, income taxes, sales tax, and payments from counties to towns; income tax exemption for certain income and grants related to COVID-19 relief - Act 1
trades and occupationsTrades and occupations, see also specific occupation
Credentials granted by DSPS and credentialing boards: process revisions - Act 118
DOR may issue Class "B" and "Class B" permits for motor vehicle racetrack grounds; caterer may make retail sales of alcohol beverages on racetrack grounds - Act 39
Health care providers licensed in another state: DSPS may grant temporary credentials under certain conditions [vetoed] - AB1
Interior designer: regulation, registration, and scope of practice revisions; examining board provision - Act 195
Pawnbroker notices re sale and surplus: email or text message allowed; administrative rule provision [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 77.06] - Act 203
trainsTrains, see Railroad
Anatomical gift or related services: discrimination based on individual’s disability prohibited - Act 113
Electing to be an anatomical gift donor when applying for a hunting, fishing, or trapping license at age 15 or older - Act 220
transportation department of _ administrationTransportation, Department of — Administration