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Board of fire and police commissioners (PFC boards) and protective services departments of first class or second class cities: changes to [vetoed] - SB117
Milwaukee — Police
Board of fire and police commissioners (PFC boards) and protective services departments of first class or second class cities: changes to [vetoed] - SB117
Milwaukee — School
Early admission to 4K, 5K, or first grade for a private school participating in a parental choice program permitted [vetoed] - SB597
MPS dissolved and replaced with four to eight City of Milwaukee public school districts; Milwaukee Public Schools Redistricting and Implementation Commission created [vetoed] - AB966
Online early learning pilot program for low-income children in certain school districts: 2019 WisAct 170 provisions modified - Act 215
WPCP and RPCP prior year pupil attendance requirement to include Special Needs Scholarship Program pupils; transfers from RPCP or MPCP to WPCP when pupil’s residence changes [vetoed] - SB608
Milwaukee — Sewerage
Metropolitan sewerage commission for a sewerage district including a first class city: financing and construction of dredged material management facility for the Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern authorized; levy increase set with exemption provision - Act 124
Milwaukee County
Adoptive placements for children with special needs in foster care: funding for Wendy's Wonderful Kids program [Sec. 9106 (1)] - Act 58
I 94 east-west corridor: DOT authorized to contract public debt [Sec. 104, 282-285, 287, 320] - Act 58
Type 1 juvenile correctional facility in Milwaukee County: funding, community support for site selection, report to JCF, and future use of Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake School provisions - Act 252
Minority groups
Hmong-Lao Veterans Day created and May 14 designated as - Act 31
UW System core general education requirements: diversity or ethnic studies requirement may be satisfied with completion of a course on the U.S. Constitution [vetoed] - AB884
Minors, see Child labor; Children, and its subheadings; Guardian and ward; Youth
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program changes re collection of special charges, liens, written guarantee, and consent of all mortgage holders; loan may be used for electric vehicle infrastructure, storm water control measures, and energy reliability improvements - Act 175
Motor carrier, see Bus and truck
Motor vehicle
Concealed carry licensee may possess a firearm in a vehicle on school grounds [vetoed] - AB495
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program changes re collection of special charges, liens, written guarantee, and consent of all mortgage holders; loan may be used for electric vehicle infrastructure, storm water control measures, and energy reliability improvements - Act 175
Motor vehicle — Accident
Traffic violation in emergency or roadside response area with emergency vehicles or tow trucks present: penalties increased; wireless telephone use prohibition provision - Act 115
Motor vehicle — Certificate of title
Mileage disclosure when applying for a motor vehicle certificate of title modified - Act 172
Motor vehicle — Dealers and finance companies
Motor vehicle service contracts and vehicle protection product warranties revisions - Act 129
Motor vehicle — Driver's license
CDL applicants and certain endorsements: entry-level training requirements - Act 152
DOT to establish programs to increase number of individuals with CDLs; sunset provision [vetoed] - AB941
Elections Commission and DOT agreement re matching personally identifiable information: verification of U.S. citizenship requirement; DOT to add “Not valid for voting purposes” on operator’s licenses and ID cards of noncitizens [vetoed] - SB938
Motor vehicle instruction permit and probationary license: minimum age, duration, and behind-the-wheel revisions - Act 64
Motor vehicle — Drunken driving, see Drunken driving
Motor vehicle — Equipment
Catalytic converter designated a proprietary article re scrap dealer purchase and reporting requirements - Act 189
Warning lamps on certain highway vehicles re traffic hazard: green lamps added and configuration provisions - Act 255
Motor vehicle — Regulation
Snowmobile, ATV, and UTV operation restrictions modified re highways, during hours of darkness, and noise from snowmobiles - Act 103
Traffic violation in emergency or roadside response area with emergency vehicles or tow trucks present: penalties increased; wireless telephone use prohibition provision - Act 115
Vehicle weight or size limit permit fees and specific information signs on highways revisions; motor vehicle emission control equipment grant program eliminated (remedial legislation suggested by DOT) - Act 244
Motor vehicle — Regulation — Speed
Speed limit applicable only to ATVs and UTVs: local authority may post - Act 164
Motor vehicle — Taxation or registration
Motor vehicle fleet registration - Act 178
Motor vehicle registration: DOT to use monthly series system of registration for certain vehicles; local government registration fee and transfer of certain vehicle registration plates provisions - Act 154
Motor vehicle registration plates: 10-year replacement cycle and construction requirements established - Act 163
Operating unregistered vehicles: declared state of emergency exception repealed; imminent public disaster, death, or great bodily harm exception created - Act 108
Motor vehicle — Theft
DOA grants to political subdivisions to combat crime re additional policing, strategic planning, uniformed beat patrol, and public safety goals; DOJ and report provisions; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys [vetoed] - AB777
Motor vehicle salvage dealer, see Junkyard
Off-highway motorcycle nonresident trail pass sales appropriation [Sec. 56] - Act 58
Motorcycle — Taxation or registration
Outdoor recreation vehicle registration and trail use fees retained by DNR [Sec. 55, 158-163, 172-174, 397-399] - Act 58
MPCP (Milwaukee Parental Choice Program), see Milwaukee — School
Municipality, see also name of specific municipality
Battery-powered, alarmed electric security fences: authority of political subdivisions to regulate limited - Act 197
Civil liability exemption for entities re failure to act resulting in person's exposure to COVID-19 [vetoed] - AB1
Community-oriented policing-house grant program for cities created in DOJ - Act 51
Condominium documents requirements clarified and law changes re expanding, merger or consolidation, plats, bylaws, correction instruments, and small condominiums - Act 168
Crisis program enhancement grants expanded to counties and municipalities and to establish or enhance law enforcement and behavioral health services emergency response collaboration programs; report required - Act 184
Discrimination by governmental entity against person’s COVID-19 vaccination status prohibited [vetoed] - AB316
Emergency powers during emergencies: prohibition against closing businesses [vetoed] - AB912
Firearms: restrictions on enforcing federal laws regulating firearms, accessories, and ammunition; “Made in Wisconsin” stamp requirement; state government body or agency and local governmental units prohibited from expending resources to confiscate legally possessed firearms and accessories [vetoed] - AB293
Immunization-related mail: government entities, schools, health care providers, and childcare centers required to ensure mail is sealed and no information is visible on the outside - Act 81
Multidistrict opiate litigation settlement: AG to cooperate with local governments; conditions specified - Act 57
Proof of coronavirus vaccination as condition for transacting business or receiving any services prohibited [vetoed] - AB299
Razing certain insured dwellings: municipal authority limited - Act 107
Speed limit applicable only to ATVs and UTVs: local authority may post - Act 164
Statutory changes re one-time purchase of equipment under 1989 WisAct 31, “safety data sheets” references, and designation of head of “emergency management” by cities, villages and towns (remedial legislation suggested by DMA) - Act 243
UI law: DWD to update IT systems, civil liability exemption for entities re COVID-19, waiting period suspension continued, noncharging of benefits, eligibility when participating in a work-share program, and certain extended benefit requirement waived - Act 4
Use of force by law enforcement policy made available on the agency’s or municipality’s website with means to request copy - Act 49
Municipality — Council
Timeline for local redistricting following the 2020 federal decennial census [vetoed] - AB369
Municipality — Elections
Municipal live broadcast of canvassing proceeding in any election must be recorded [vetoed] - SB292
Municipality — Finance
DOA grants to political subdivisions to combat crime re additional policing, strategic planning, uniformed beat patrol, and public safety goals; DOJ and report provisions; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys [vetoed] - AB777
General transportation aids program: payments increased [Sec. 327, 331, 332] - Act 58
Law enforcement investigative services provided by local government re incidents in or in transit to a state prison or juvenile correctional facility: DOC to reimburse certain expenses [vetoed] - AB569
Motor vehicle registration: DOT to use monthly series system of registration for certain vehicles; local government registration fee and transfer of certain vehicle registration plates provisions - Act 154