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Pawnbroker notices re sale and surplus: email or text message allowed; administrative rule provision [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 77.06] - Act 203
Qualified ABLE savings account program under section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code: DFI to study and report on establishment - Act 119
Financial responsibility, Proof of, see Contractor
Election fraud by election official and defects on absentee ballot certificates revisions; penalty provisions [vetoed] - SB212
Election observer procedures revised; recount and penalty provisions [vetoed] - SB210
Fire fighting foam: appropriation for collection and disposal of [Sec. 54] [partial veto] - Act 58
Fire department
Board of fire and police commissioners (PFC boards) and protective services departments of first class or second class cities: changes to [vetoed] - SB117
Service award program appropriation [Sec. 13, 14, 81, 82] - Act 58
Shared revenue payments decreased same amount municipality reduces certain law enforcement officer, paid fire department member, or emergency medical responder funding; conditions specified [vetoed] - SB119
Traffic violation in emergency or roadside response area with emergency vehicles or tow trucks present: penalties increased; wireless telephone use prohibition provision - Act 115
WC law changes re liability for public safety officers, payments in cases of injuries resulting in death, furnishing of billing statements, leased employees, and statute of limitations - Act 29
Firearms and dangerous weapons
Concealed carry licensee may carry firearm in place of worship located on grounds of a private school provided governing body has written policy that allows it [vetoed] - AB597
Concealed carry licensee may possess a firearm in a vehicle on school grounds [vetoed] - AB495
Concealed carry: out-of-state license reciprocity [vetoed] - AB518
Firearms, firearms accessories, and ammunition: civil liability limitation against manufacturers, distributors, importers, trade associations, sellers, and dealers [vetoed] - SB570
Firearms: restrictions on enforcing federal laws regulating firearms, accessories, and ammunition; “Made in Wisconsin” stamp requirement; state government body or agency and local governmental units prohibited from expending resources to confiscate legally possessed firearms and accessories [vetoed] - AB293
Shooting a beaver or muskrat causing highway damage: exception to DNR prohibition on discharging a firearm near a highway - Act 62
Shot shells based on shot size for the hunting of fur-bearing animals: DNR prohibited from limiting use, possession, or control of - Act 16
First class city, see Milwaukee — City, and its subheadings
Fish and fishing
Brook trout: DNR requirement to stock Lake Michigan [vetoed] - SB612
Electing to be an anatomical gift donor when applying for a hunting, fishing, or trapping license at age 15 or older - Act 220
Sturgeon for Tomorrow, Inc. authorized to raffle lake sturgeon from state fish hatcheries, use of proceeds specified - Act 193
Floodplain management
Floodplain and shoreland mapping assistance program: obsolete provisions repealed - Act 235
Hydrologic restoration projects: general permit authorized, conditions specified - Act 77
Urban storm water, flood control, and riparian restoration bonding authority [Sec. 99] - Act 58
"Candy" does not include sweetened dried or partially dried fruit for sales tax purposes [Sec. 276-278, 9437 (2)] - Act 58
Dogs on the premises of certain retail food establishments: DATCP cannot promulgate rule prohibiting - Act 143
Food stamp plan
DHS to enforce FoodShare work and FSET requirements and drug testing [vetoed] - AB935
Healthy eating incentive pilot program lapse to general fund [Sec. 9219 (1)] [vetoed] - Act 58
County forest acreage share payments [Sec. 169] - Act 58
MFL program changes re eligibility, material change to law, withdrawal taxes and fees, small land sales, large ownerships, and leasing - Act 230
Oversize or overweight vehicles transporting forest products: permit modifications - Act 171
Timber sold from state, county or community forests: change to threshold amount above which approval and notice requirements apply - Act 128
Verso Paper Mill and Park Falls Pulp and Paper Mill: loans for purchase of from certain federal moneys [vetoed] - AB367
Forestry — Taxation
MFL program changes re eligibility, material change to law, withdrawal taxes and fees, small land sales, large ownerships, and leasing - Act 230
Foster home, see Children
Franchise — Taxation
Motor carrier safety improvement used or deployed by motor vehicle operator for a motor carrier is not evidence of employment rather than independent contractor for WC, UI, minimum wage, wage claims, and income and franchise tax law purposes [vetoed] - SB703
Research credit: income and franchise tax credit revisions [Sec. 256, 266, 267, 274, 275] - Act 58
Restaurant Revitalization Fund grant: income and franchise tax exemption created - Act 156
Election fraud by election official and defects on absentee ballot certificates revisions; penalty provisions [vetoed] - SB212
Indefinitely confined voter status for purposes of receiving absentee ballots automatically: revisions and penalty provisions; conditions for removal from status list specified [vetoed] - SB937
Voting at retirement homes and residential care facilities during public health emergency or infectious disease incident; use of private resources for election administration prohibited; election fraud committed by election officials expanded; appointment of poll workers prohibitions; municipal board of canvassers may recess under certain conditions [vetoed] - SB935
Fruit, see Food
FSET (FoodShare employment and training program), see Food stamp plan
FTE (Full-time equivalent position), see Public employee
Funeral and funeral director
Authorized State Building Program for 2021-23 amended re construction of additional columbarium units at the Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery - Act 229
Persons who die of COVID-19: 2019 WisAct 185 cremation permits and electronic signature of death certificates provisions modified [vetoed] - AB1
Furbearing animal, see Hunting
Gambling, see also Lottery; Racing
Bear hunting license certificates issued to the Wisconsin Bear Hunters’ Association (governor's bear tag) for a raffle and public auction: once in a lifetime restriction eliminated - Act 15
Bingo and raffle general program operation appropriation accounts combined; lottery fund provision [Sec. 83, 86, 168, 280, 404-411] - Act 58
License to conduct a 50/50 raffle not required for qualified organizations - Act 106
Paddlewheel raffle permitted [vetoed] - SB170
Sturgeon for Tomorrow, Inc. authorized to raffle lake sturgeon from state fish hatcheries, use of proceeds specified - Act 193
Game animal, see Hunting
Game farm, see Hunting
Gasoline — Taxation
Fuel supplier's administrative allowance re gasoline tax [Sec. 279, 9437 (1)] - Act 58
Gender stereotypes, see Discrimination
General fund, see Appropriation
Genetics and genetic testing
Genetic counseling regulations and licensing; Genetic Counselors Affiliated Credentialing Board created - Act 251
Persons on probation, extended supervision, or parole from another state and move to Wisconsin are required to submit human biological specimen to state crime labs for DNA analysis regardless of the crime committed - Act 53
Geographic information system (GIS), see Maps
Commercial nitrogen optimization pilot program created; UW institutions, grants, cover crop insurance premium rebate, and hydrogeologist position provisions - Act 223
Gibraltar, Town of, see Door County