Relating to: the retail sale of intoxicating liquor by the glass for consumption away from the licensed premises.
Relating to: applications for the full-time open enrollment program in the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years and the family income requirement for the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program in the 2021-22 school year. (FE)
Relating to: making various changes to statutes administered by the Public Service Commission and requiring investor-owned energy utilities to fund a consumer advocate. (FE)
Relating to: pharmacy technicians and pharmacy students administering vaccines.
Relating to: sediment removed from Lake Michigan or Lake Superior.
Relating to: immunization-related mail.
Relating to: regulation of physician assistants, creating a Physician Assistant Affiliated Credentialing Board, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
Relating to: practicing hair braiding without a license. (FE)
Relating to: providing information about educational options offered in a school district.
Relating to: procedures for granting credentials granted by the Department of Safety and Professional Services and credentialing boards, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, and providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures. (FE)
Relating to: impersonating a public officer, public employee, or employee of a utility and providing a penalty.
Relating to: marriage solemnization requirements and marriage document requirements, issuance, and validity. (FE)
Relating to: traffic violations when emergency or roadside response vehicles are present and providing a penalty. (FE)
Relating to: restrictions on enforcing federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition, the use of public resources to confiscate firearms, and providing a penalty.
Relating to: meter installation or replacement projects by water utilities. (FE)
Relating to: deadlines for certain Public Service Commission actions after a water public utility application for certificate of authority or approval of lead service line financial assistance is filed.
Relating to: modifying administrative rules relating to driver safety plans and medication-assisted treatments. (FE)
Relating to: use of epinephrine prefilled syringes and standing orders for epinephrine. (FE)
Relating to: loan for the purchase of the Verso Paper Mill in the city of Wisconsin Rapids. (FE)
Relating to: the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. (FE)
Relating to: prohibiting proof of vaccination for COVID-19 as a condition of receiving business and government services.
Relating to: timeline for local redistricting in Wisconsin following the 2020 federal decennial census.
Relating to: establishing the Wisconsin commission for the United States semiquincentennial commission to coordinate the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States. (FE)
Relating to: extending the life and tax increment allocation and project cost expenditure periods for Tax Incremental District Number 1 in the village of Marathon City. (FE)
Relating to: anti-racism and anti-sexism training for employees of state government and local government. (FE)
Relating to: anti-racism and anti-sexism pupil instruction and anti-racism and anti-sexism training for employees of school districts and independent charter schools. (FE)
Relating to: payments to an independent charter school authorized by a tribal college. (FE)
Relating to: butane extraction of resin from marijuana plants and providing a penalty.
Relating to: reporting the use of no-knock entry in the execution of a search warrant. (FE)
Relating to: possession of a firearm in a vehicle on school grounds by a person with a license to carry a concealed weapon.
Relating to: motor vehicle fleet registration and making an appropriation. (FE)
Relating to: reciprocity for out-of-state licenses to carry a concealed weapon.
Relating to: the regulation and licensure of naturopathic doctors, creating a naturopathic medicine examining board, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
Relating to: ratification of the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact. (FE)
Relating to: the method of sending notices by pawnbrokers and modifying rules promulgated by the Department of Financial Institutions.
Relating to: advanced practice social workers and independent social workers treating substance use disorder as a specialty. (FE)
Relating to: natural immunity to COVID-19 in lieu of proof of vaccination or test.
Relating to: hospital services provided in a home setting.
Relating to: practice of certain skilled health services by military medical personnel and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
Relating to: an income and franchise tax exemption for restaurant revitalization grants. (FE)
Relating to: damage or graffiti to certain historical property and providing a penalty.
Relating to: battery of a corrections employee by a person in custody and providing a penalty.
Relating to: technical college police academy programs. (FE)
Relating to: additional compensation and recruitment and retention benefits for correctional officers, youth counselors, and psychiatric care technicians.
Relating to: FoodShare work and FoodShare employment and training requirements and drug testing.
Relating to: disenrollment of ineligible individuals from and redeterminations of eligibility for the Medical Assistance program and database confirmation for public assistance program eligibility. (FE)
Relating to: the amount of benefits received under the unemployment insurance law. (FE)
Relating to: various changes to the unemployment insurance law. (FE)
Relating to: failure to accept employment to remain eligible for Medical Assistance.
Relating to: various changes to the unemployment insurance law, a grant program for hiring qualified long-term unemployment recipients, allocation of federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funding for certain purposes, the state plan under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, federal Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment grants, employment outcome data reporting, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
Relating to: various changes to the unemployment insurance law, requiring an audit to be conducted by the Legislative Audit Bureau, requiring approval by the Joint Committee on Finance of certain federally authorized unemployment benefits, and authorizing the secretary of administration to transfer employees from any executive branch agency to the Department of Workforce Development for certain purposes. (FE)
Relating to: battery or threat to a health care provider or staff member of a health care facility and providing a penalty.