Relating to: a disclaimer of parental rights and payments allowed in connection with an adoption.
Relating to: information about sudden cardiac arrest during youth athletic activities.
Relating to: providing complementary and alternative health care practitioners with exemptions from practice protection laws, requirements and prohibitions for individuals who provide complementary and alternative health care services, and providing a penalty. (FE)
Relating to: the distribution and labeling of fertilizers and soil or plant additives produced from manure. (FE)
Relating to: elections administration, recall petitions, and recount procedures. (FE)
Relating to: voter registration. (FE)
Relating to: absentee voting, voting procedures, and providing a penalty. (FE)
Relating to: private resources used for election administration, appointment of election officials, and providing a penalty. (FE)
Relating to: returning absentee ballots to the office of the municipal clerk.
Relating to: early canvassing of absentee ballots, issuance of presidential ballots, combined polling places, timeline for sending or transmitting absentee ballots, nomination papers for certain independent candidates, and providing a penalty. (FE)
Relating to: allowing the Department of Safety and Professional Services and credentialing boards to grant credentials with provisional status, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
Relating to: posting the child abuse and neglect reporting hotline in school buildings. (FE)
Relating to: providing permanency plan and comments to out-of-home care providers in advance of a permanency plan review or hearing. (FE)
Relating to: reporting of sex and fetal anomaly and facility following induced abortion.
Relating to: hearing timelines for juveniles in custody. (FE)
Relating to: compensation of election officials performing duties during a recount. (FE)
Relating to: discontinuance of certain special group plates. (FE)
Relating to: terms of office for local government officers.
Relating to: promoting the export of Wisconsin's agricultural and agribusiness products. (FE)
Relating to: grants to map, control, eradicate, monitor, and minimize the spread of wild parsnip; funding for the Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation; granting rule-making authority; and making an appropriation. (FE)
Relating to: whip lights on all-terrain and utility terrain vehicles.
Relating to: regulating the sale of items that are qualified medical expenses below cost. (FE)
Relating to: the time limitation for prosecution of lesser included offenses.
Relating to: increased penalties for crimes against adults at risk; restraining orders for adults at risk; freezing assets of a defendant charged with financial exploitation of an adult at risk; sexual assault of an adult at risk; and providing a penalty.
Relating to: battery or threat to a public officer and providing a penalty.
Relating to: including with a referendum question for issuing bonds a statement of the estimated interest accruing on the amount of the bonds.
Relating to: changing the phase-out of utility aid payments for decommissioned power plants. (FE)
Relating to: possession of dogs by certain felony offenders and providing a penalty. (FE)
Relating to: eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits in the case of an unwillingness to receive a vaccine. (FE)
Relating to: qualified bidders on state projects. (FE)
Relating to: P.O.D. accounts and loan obligations to financial institutions; payments for public deposit losses in failed financial institutions; automated teller machines; prohibiting requiring access boxes on buildings owned by financial institutions; promissory notes of certain public bodies; and repealing rules promulgated by the Department of Financial Institutions. (FE)
Relating to: the University of Wisconsin Missing-in-Action Recovery and Identification Project and making an appropriation. (FE)
Relating to: Department of Natural Resources habitat work plan. (FE)
Relating to: electronic issuance of dog training licenses. (FE)
Relating to: Department of Natural Resources report on partnering with the private aquaculture industry. (FE)
Relating to: exemptions from the requirement that an original driver's license be a probationary license. (FE)
Relating to: issuance of temporary motor vehicle operation plates and permits to dealers and providing a penalty. (FE)
Relating to: designating and marking the Corporal Benjamin H. Neal Memorial Highway. (FE)
Relating to: nitrates under the well compensation program; eligibility for producer-led watershed, lake, and river protection grants; and the annual allocation plan for county conservation grants. (FE)
Relating to: changing the conditions of liability for worker's compensation benefits for emergency medical services practitioners.
Relating to: changing the conditions of liability for worker's compensation benefits for emergency medical services practitioners, emergency medical responders, volunteer fire fighters, correctional officers, emergency dispatchers, coroners and coroner staff, and medical examiners and medical examiner staff.
Relating to: a property tax exemption for a community health center. (FE)
Relating to: liability exemption for motor vehicle sellers after sale.
Relating to: employer liability under worker's compensation for mandatory or coerced COVID-19 vaccines.
Relating to: prohibiting the admission or employment of Chinese People's Liberation Army members by the University of Wisconsin System. (FE)
Relating to: prohibiting foreign missions of China at University of Wisconsin institutions and University of Wisconsin System involvement with Communist Chinese recruitment or propaganda programs and requiring the University of Wisconsin System to report funding received from foreign missions of China. (FE)
Relating to: research at University of Wisconsin System institutions, disclosure requirements relating to contracts with and gifts from foreign sources, and providing a penalty. (FE)
Relating to: cybersecurity standards for state government entities and granting rule-making authority.
Relating to: statute of limitations for second-degree sexual assault.
Relating to: expanding the treatment alternatives and diversion programs. (FE)
Relating to: requirements for adult-entertainment establishments and providing for a penalty.
Relating to: financial assistance limits for dam removal. (FE)
Relating to: Department of Justice collection of data on the use of appearance bonds and cash in lieu of appearance bonds. (FE)
Relating to: traffic control signal priority devices for snow removal vehicles. (FE)
Relating to: expanding the Court-Appointed Special Advocate program. (FE)
Relating to: agreements for direct primary care.
Relating to: grants to public schools to purchase and implement high-quality curricular materials for teaching reading and language arts. (FE)