Member of Transportation Projects Commission
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 144
Relating to: honoring Dr. Rebecca M. Blank.
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 146
Relating to: proclaiming March 2022 as Women's History Month.
3/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1079
Relating to: various changes to statutes related to elementary and secondary education in this state, funding for the University of Wisconsin System, and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1098
Relating to: the establishment of a family and medical leave insurance program; family leave to care for a grandparent, grandchild, or sibling and for the active duty of a family member; the employers that are required to allow an employee to take family or medical leave; creating an individual income tax deduction for certain family or medical leave insurance benefits; allowing a local government to adopt ordinances requiring employers to provide leave benefits; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; granting rule-making authority; making an appropriation; and providing a penalty. (FE)
3/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1096
Relating to: creating a student loan repayment program for volunteer emergency service providers administered by the Higher Educational Aids Board, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/23/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 141
Relating to: honoring the professional career and public service of Legislative Fiscal Bureau Director Bob Lang.
2/17/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1041
Relating to: per pupil payments to private schools participating in parental choice programs. (FE)
2/17/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1053
Relating to: online clearinghouse of information for small businesses in Wisconsin. (FE)
2/17/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1040
Relating to: phasing out the Special Needs Scholarship Program and limiting enrollment in parental choice programs. (FE)
2/17/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1039
Relating to: teacher licensure in parental choice programs and in the Special Needs Scholarship Program and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/17/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1042
Relating to: state aid to the resident school district of a pupil attending a private school under the Racine or statewide parental choice program. (FE)
2/17/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1037
Relating to: address confidentiality program. (FE)
2/16/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1013
Relating to: the additional child and dependent care tax credit, a rebate for individual residents, and a family caregiver tax credit; various changes to statutes related to elementary and secondary education in this state; increasing funding for the University of Wisconsin System, technical college system, special education, general equalization aids, and per pupil aid; granting rule-making authority; and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 974
Relating to: creating a 401Kids savings program and the 401Kids savings program trust fund; granting rule-making authority; and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/28/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 125
Relating to: proclaiming January 2022 as human trafficking awareness and prevention month.
1/28/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 927
Relating to: a grant to the Wisconsin Lao Veterans of America, Inc., and making an appropriation.
1/21/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 892
Relating to: an incumbent transmission facility owner's right to construct, own, and maintain certain transmission facilities.
1/20/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 882
Relating to: grants for dairy exports promotion and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/20/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 116
Relating to: declaring February 22, 2022, as Supermarket Employee Day to celebrate the hardworking individuals in the retail food industry in Wisconsin and across the nation.
1/20/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 115
Relating to: commending the UW-Madison volleyball team, the coaching staff, the athletic department, and the chancellor on winning the 2021 NCAA Division I Women's Volleyball National Championship title.
1/18/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 114
Relating to: recognizing the 2021 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire women's volleyball team for their hard work and dedication, resulting in an outstanding season and a Division III National Title.
1/18/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 850
Relating to: creating a Mississippi River erosion control revolving loan program, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/6/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 104
Relating to: supporting the efforts by the State of Wisconsin and others in the Mississippi River Basin to work together to achieve the goals of the Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan and a reduction of the hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico.
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 791
Relating to: county conservation staff for climate change resiliency purposes and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 797
Relating to: creating a grant program for farmers who use certain sustainable practices, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 805
Relating to: providing state aid to reimburse public and private schools that provide free meals to all pupils for the costs of those meals and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 788
Relating to: grants for regional biodigesters, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 794
Relating to: funding for certain research positions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and special education aid and making an appropriation. (FE)
12/9/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 762
Relating to: creating a tax credit for local media advertising. (FE)
12/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 759
Relating to: qualified new business venture eligibility.
12/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 747
Relating to: coverage of infertility services under health policies and plans and granting rule-making authority.
12/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 102
Relating to: proclaiming November 2021 to be Diabetes Awareness Month in Wisconsin.
12/2/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 101
Relating to: recognizing November as Native American Heritage Month.
12/2/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 726
Relating to: authorizing the Wisconsin Propane Education and Research Council to levy an assessment.
12/2/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 728
Relating to: nitrates under the well compensation program; eligibility for producer-led watershed, lake, and river protection grants; and the annual allocation plan for county conservation grants. (FE)
12/2/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 727
Relating to: creating a commercial nitrogen optimization pilot program, providing crop insurance rebates for cover crops, creating a hydrogeologist position, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/17/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 715
Relating to: exemptions from the requirement that an original driver's license be a probationary license. (FE)
11/17/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 718
Relating to: prohibiting certain practices relating to insurance coverage of clinician-administered drugs.
11/17/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 716
Relating to: issuance of temporary motor vehicle operation plates and permits to dealers and providing a penalty. (FE)
11/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 99
Relating to: proclaiming November 2021 to be Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.
11/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 714
Relating to: the Minnesota-Wisconsin tuition reciprocity agreement and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 712
Relating to: medically accurate information.
11/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 713
Relating to: right to choose an abortion and elimination of certain abortion-related regulations.
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 98
Relating to: proclaiming the month of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 700
Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for breastfeeding equipment. (FE)
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 687
Relating to: collective bargaining for employees of school districts, employees of cooperative educational service agencies, employees of technical college districts, and employees of the University of Wisconsin System and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 696
Relating to: dentists' services for pregnant persons under the Medical Assistance program. (FE)
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 709
Relating to: requiring universal changing stations in certain buildings and creating a tax credit for installation of the stations. (FE)
11/4/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 94
Relating to: observing November 11, 2021, as Veterans Day and honoring all veterans who have served our state and country.
10/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 639
Relating to: the University of Wisconsin Missing-in-Action Recovery and Identification Project and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/4/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 592
Relating to: extension of eligibility under the Medical Assistance program for postpartum women. (FE)
9/30/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 587
Relating to: fees imposed on merchants in connection with credit card transactions and providing a penalty.
9/30/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 588
Relating to: allowing persons to charge fees for the use of electric vehicle charging stations and the installation and operation of electric vehicle charging stations by the Department of Transportation or a political subdivision.
9/28/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 581
Relating to: motor vehicle dealer and wholesaler facilities and licensure requirements, certain registration plates issued to motor vehicle dealers, distributors, or manufacturers, and creating and modifying administrative rules. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 557
Relating to: insulin safety net programs and providing a penalty. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 545
Relating to: grants for free and charitable clinics; funding for special education, the University of Wisconsin System, and the technical college system; and making an appropriation.. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 550
Relating to: reimbursements for certain 340B program entities. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 547
Relating to: pharmacist continuing education credits for volunteering at free and charitable clinics.
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 544
Relating to: creating a prescription drug affordability review board and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 548
Relating to: prescription drug importation program. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 559
Relating to: eliminating cost sharing for prescription drugs under the Medical Assistance program. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 555
Relating to: licensure of pharmaceutical representatives. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 552
Relating to: cost-sharing cap on insulin.
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 553
Relating to: fiduciary and disclosure requirements on pharmacy benefit managers.
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 558
Relating to: prescription drug purchasing entity study.
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 549
Relating to: pharmacy benefits tool grants, education and higher education funding, and making an appropriation. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 554
Relating to: pharmacy services administrative organizations. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 546
Relating to: Wisconsin drug repository program. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 551
Relating to: diabetes medication pilot project and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
8/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 512
Relating to: prescription drug cost reporting by manufacturers and providing a penalty.
8/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 507
Relating to: vehicle owner's liability for failure to yield the right-of-way to persons in a work zone and providing a penalty.
8/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 506
Relating to: warning lamps on highway vehicles.
8/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 509
Relating to: modifying the Department of Tourism's reporting duties and repealing requirements to distribute cheese, submit a financial statement, and use famous residents in marketing.
8/24/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 75
Relating to: designating September 2021 and 2022 as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.
8/4/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 73
Relating to: congratulating the Milwaukee Bucks on winning the 2021 NBA Championship.
8/4/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 489
Relating to: changing the phase-out of utility aid payments for decommissioned power plants. (FE)
7/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 444
Relating to: expanding eligibility under the Medical Assistance program; funding infrastructure, land acquisition, and building projects; providing assistance and local government grants; maintaining an opioid and methamphetamine data system; transferring moneys to the budget stabilization fund; creating a University of Wisconsin System partnership program and admissions application fees; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; and making an appropriation. (FE)
7/1/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 434
Relating to: hunting and fishing approvals for persons with disabilities. (FE)
6/25/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 419
Relating to: regulating and addressing PFAS, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
6/25/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 421
Relating to: access to Department of Transportation records to establish residency for approvals issued by the Department of Natural Resources. (FE)
6/25/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 410
Relating to: ratification of the Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
6/11/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 395
Relating to: legislative and congressional redistricting. (FE)
6/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 384
Relating to: petroleum products, storage of dangerous substances, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 357
Relating to: manufacturing, distributing, or delivering fentanyl or fentanyl analogs and providing a penalty.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 366
Relating to: snowmobile noise and the operation of snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and utility terrain vehicles near highways.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 348
Relating to: raising the legal age for sale, purchase, and possession of cigarettes and nicotine and tobacco products, providing a legal age for sale, purchase, and possession of vapor products, and providing a penalty. (FE)
5/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 343
Relating to: grants to map, control, eradicate, monitor, and minimize the spread of wild parsnip; funding for the Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation; granting rule-making authority; and making an appropriation. (FE)
5/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 339
Relating to: designating STH 21 as a Purple Heart Memorial Highway. (FE)
5/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 335
Relating to: grants to law enforcement agencies for body cameras. (FE)
5/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 333
Relating to: crisis program enhancement grants. (FE)
5/14/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 328
Relating to: unemployment insurance contribution rates. (FE)
5/13/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 52
Relating to: expressing support for the federal Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.
5/4/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 48
Relating to: recognizing Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Heritage Month as a time to honor the important contributions of Asians, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Desi Americans to the history of the United States.
5/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 45
Relating to: recognizing June 2021 as LGBTQ Pride Month.
5/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 307
Relating to: unemployment insurance work-share programs. (FE)
4/20/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 39
Relating to: proclaiming May 14, 15, and 16, 2021, Syttende Mai Weekend.
4/20/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 40
Relating to: proclaiming April as Hmong Heritage Month in Wisconsin.
4/20/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 42
Relating to: recognizing Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Heritage Month as a time to honor the important contributions of Asians, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Desi Americans to the history of the United States.
4/20/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 282
Relating to: corn marketing board grant and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/20/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 283
Relating to: soybean marketing board grant and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 268
Relating to: providing a temporary tax exemption for unemployment compensation. (FE)
4/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 273
Relating to: required instruction in African American history in the elementary and high school grades and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 36
Relating to: proclaiming April 28, 2021, as Workers' Memorial Day in Wisconsin.
4/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 35
Relating to: proclaiming April as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month in Wisconsin.
4/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 255
Relating to: the regulation and licensure of genetic counselors, creating a genetic counselors affiliated credentialing board, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
4/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 251
Relating to: impersonating a public officer, public employee, or employee of a utility and providing a penalty.
3/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 26
Relating to: honoring April 22, 2021, as the 51st Anniversary of Earth Day.
3/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 224
Relating to: terms of office for local government officers.
3/25/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 206
Relating to: the unemployment insurance waiting period. (FE)
3/23/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 185
Relating to: prosecuting or adjudicating delinquent a person under the age of 18 for committing an act of prostitution.
3/23/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 188
Relating to: the commencement of fall classes in public schools.
3/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 169
Relating to: licensure of dental therapists; extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
3/11/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 18
Relating to: proclaiming the month of March 2021 as American Red Cross Month throughout the state of Wisconsin.
3/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 154
Relating to: creating Hmong-Lao Veterans Day.
3/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 158
Relating to: harassment of a sports official and providing a penalty.
3/5/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 126
Relating to: creating the Council for Equity and Inclusion and the Office for Equity and Inclusion and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/5/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 140
Relating to: expanding the clean sweep program to include collection of certain fire fighting foams and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/4/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 125
Relating to: regulation of physician assistants, creating a Physician Assistant Affiliated Credentialing Board, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
3/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 11
Relating to: proclaiming March 2021 as Women's History Month.
2/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 100
Relating to: guardian training requirements.
2/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 106
Relating to: eliminating certain abortion prohibitions.
2/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 88
Relating to: requiring face coverings in certain situations and providing a penalty.
2/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 85
Relating to: a general permit for hydrologic restoration projects and creating a hydrologic restoration and management advisory council.
2/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 74
Relating to: labeling a food product as a type of milk and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 75
Relating to: labeling a food product as meat and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 73
Relating to: labeling food as a type of dairy product or as a dairy ingredient and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 64
Relating to: technical college farmer tuition assistance grants and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/11/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 6
Relating to: proclaiming February 2021 to be American Heart Month in Wisconsin.
2/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 47
Relating to: qualification of newspapers to receive compensation for publication of legal notices and requirements relating to publication.
2/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 48
Relating to: expanding veterans benefits to individuals who served in Laos in support of the United States during the Vietnam War.
2/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 54
Relating to: farmland preservation implementation grants, agreements, and tax credits and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 55
Relating to: incorporating the Holocaust and other genocides into the state model social studies standards and requiring instruction on the Holocaust and other genocides. (FE)
2/5/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 33
Relating to: merit pay raises for state public defenders.
1/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 5
Relating to: honoring the life and public service of Representative Barbara Gronemus.
1/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 17
Relating to: various changes to the worker's compensation law. (FE)
1/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 22
Relating to: member meetings, bylaws, and emergency powers of a cooperative.
1/26/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 2
Relating to: honoring the life and commemorating the career and accomplishments of Hank Aaron.
3/8/2022: 2021 SA1-AB831
3/8/2022: 2021 SSA1-AB777
Relating to: grants to political subdivisions for additional policing and strategic planning to combat crime, grants for beat patrol and specialized officers, funding for the University of Wisconsin System and special education, and making an appropriation.
3/8/2022: 2021 SA2-AB932
3/8/2022: 2021 SA1-AB932
3/8/2022: 2021 SA1-AB888
2/22/2022: 2021 SA1-AB836
2/22/2022: 2021 SSA1-AB828
Relating to: compensation increases for correctional officers, psychiatric care technicians, and youth counselors.
2/7/2022: 2021 SA1-SB843