CR 22-088 - Relating to apprenticeship and renewal.
CR 22-087 - Relating to controlled substances prescribing continuing education requirements.
CR 22-086 - Relating to precertification sedation education requirements.
CR 22-085 - Relating to scope of practice, mobile establishments, and distance learning.
CR 22-084 - Relating to qualified residential treatment programs.
CR 22-083 - Relating to the order of selection for vocational rehabilitation services.
CR 22-082 - Relating to site-specific phosphorus criteria for Lac Courte Oreilles.
CR 22-081 - Relating to dog import rabies vaccination.
CR 22-080 - Relating to the removal of obsolete language and resolve statutory conflicts.
CR 22-079 - Relating to financial management of the Environmental Improvement Fund.
CR 22-078 - Relating to allowing non-expiring certificates and biennial reporting and submission of fees.
CR 22-077 - Relating to rules for interconnecting distributed generation facilities.
CR 22-076 - Relating to the reporting of surplus lines taxes and related provisions.
CR 22-075 - Relating to the office’s access to financial compilations produced by independent certified public accountants in the course of examining the financial statements of insurers.
CR 22-074 - Relating to updating, correcting and clarifying existing code requirements and adding requirements for new technologies related to community drinking water system sources, source water quality, storage, treatment, and distribution and affecting small business.
CR 22-073 - Relating to emergency medical services licensing, certification, and training requirements.
CR 22-072 - Relating to worker's compensation computation of the weekly wage for part-time employees.
CR 22-071 - Relating to compulsory surplus requirements.
CR 22-070 - Relating to financial and other reporting requirement modifications for health maintenance organizations.
CR 22-069 - Relating to recreational and educational camps.
CR 22-068 - Relating to the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program and affecting small business.
CR 22-067 - Relating to continuing education.
CR 22-066 - Relating to professional boundaries education requirements.
CR 22-065 - Relating to grants.
CR 22-064 - Relating to physician assistants.
CR 22-063 - Relating to performance of physical examinations.
CR 22-062 - Relating to administrative orders and contested cases.
CR 22-061 - Relating to setting numerical standards to minimize the concentration of polluting substances in groundwater (Cycle 10 Bacteria).
CR 22-060 - Relating to the storage and processing of sexual assault kits.
CR 22-059 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members and their spouses.
CR 22-058 - Relating to telehealth.
CR 22-057 - Relating to reporting requirements for sport trolling licensees and affecting small business.
CR 22-056 - Relating to Wisconsin Fast Forward Workforce Training Grants.
CR 22-055 - Relating to definitions.
CR 22-054 - Relating to 4,4’-Dimethylaminorex.
CR 22-053 - Relating to telehealth.
CR 22-052 - Relating to the processes for complaints and requests for advice.
CR 22-051 - Relating to Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) review for the State of Wisconsin by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) July 14-15, 2009, and affecting small businesses.
CR 22-050 - Relating to audiometric testing and reciprocal licensure.
CR 22-049 - Relating to authorized special plate groups.
CR 22-048 - Relating to inclusive language in administrative rules.
CR 22-047 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 22-046 - Relating to SeniorCare Prescription Drugs.
CR 22-045 - Relating to the Clean Water Fund Program.
CR 22-044 - Relating to income, franchise, excise, sales, and use tax provisions and affecting small business.
CR 22-043 - Relating to telehealth.
CR 22-042 - Relating to the employment and entrepreneurship grants transition program.
CR 22-041 - Relating to general updates.
CR 22-040 - Relating to transferring 1-phenylcyclohexylamine and 1-piperidinocyclohexanecarbonitrile, immediate precursors to phencyclidine, also known as PCP.
CR 22-039 - Relating to scheduling Lacosamide.
CR 22-038 - Relating to scheduling Perampanel.
CR 22-037 - Relating to scheduling Embutramide.
CR 22-036 - Relating to scheduling Fospropofol.
CR 22-035 - Relating to Excluding 6-beta-Naltrexol.
CR 22-034 - Relating to scheduling Alfaxalone.
CR 22-033 - Relating to scheduling ten (10) fentanyl related substances.
CR 22-032 - Relating to scheduling Serdexmethylphenidate.
CR 22-031 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 22-030 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 22-029 - Relating to the active duty military pay subtraction.
CR 22-028 - Relating to continuing education.
CR 22-027 - Relating to licensure requirements.
CR 22-026 - Relating to long-term care services and Medical Assistance fair hearing process.
CR 22-025 - Relating to eligibility criteria for disaster fund grants.
CR 22-024 - Relating to the establishment of certain standards for response and reimbursement procedures, including eligibility for reimbursement, for regional and local hazardous substance emergency response teams.
CR 22-023 - Relating to care fund income.
CR 22-022 - Relating to plant inspection and pest control.
CR 22-021 - Relating to the safety, maintenance, and operation of public pools and water attractions.
CR 22-020 - Relating to use of the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry by applicants for, and holders of, licenses under s. 138.14 (payday lenders), ch. 217 (sellers of checks), ch. 218, subch. I (sales finance companies), and s. 218.02 (adjustment service companies) of the Wisconsin Statutes.
CR 22-019 - Relating to service fund for people who are deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing.
CR 22-018 - Relating to licensure and professional conduct.
CR 22-017 - Relating to sales and use tax provisions.
CR 22-016 - Relating to scheduling Brorphine.
CR 22-015 - Relating to radiation protection requirements for radiation-producing machines and radioactive materials.
CR 22-014 - Relating to scheduling Remimazolam.
CR 22-013 - Relating to administrative processes and fees for waterway and wetland permitting and affecting small business minimally through an updated fee structure.
CR 22-012 - Relating to tier I, 3-year school district-sponsored licenses with stipulations.
CR 22-011 - Relating to scheduling Crotonyl Fentanyl.
CR 22-010 - Relating to converting references from Standard Industrial Classification codes to the North American Industry Classification System codes; and other minor technical changes to the unemployment insurance program.
CR 22-009 - Relating to notaries public and notarial acts.
CR 22-008 - Relating to the order of selection for vocational rehabilitation services, the protection, use, and release of personal information, and the appeal procedures for vocational rehabilitation services.
CR 22-007 - Relating to compounding pharmaceuticals.
CR 22-006 - Relating to calculation of aid under the achievement gap reduction program.
CR 22-005 - Relating to grade ranges for school administrators and speech-language pathologists.
CR 22-004 - Relating to home inspections and home inspector education.
CR 22-003 - Relating to updated standards to implement the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act.
CR 22-002 - Relating to aquatic plant management, manual removal and mechanical control regulations, aquatic habitat protection, and surface water grants and affecting small business.
CR 22-001 - Relating to sign language interpreter authority, definitions, scope of practice, professional conduct, and identification cards.
CR 21-110 - Relating to updating terminology in administrative rules.
CR 21-109 - Relating to the regulation of recreational and educational camps and affecting small business.
CR 21-108 - Relating to excise tax.
CR 21-107 - Relating to technical corrections and minor updates to child welfare rules.
CR 21-106 - Relating to holding company system regulation amendments.
CR 21-105 - Relating to the rules of procedure of the labor and industry review commission.
CR 21-104 - Relating to adult field supervision.
CR 21-103 - Relating to amending the list of date-regulated wild rice harvesting waters in NR 19.09 (4).
CR 21-102 - Relating to specific learning disability evaluations in homeschool and private school settings.
CR 21-101 - Relating to setting numerical standards to minimize the concentration of polluting substances in groundwater and affecting small business.
CR 21-100 - Relating to school-age child care programs and other child care licensing updates.
CR 21-099 - Relating to Lake Michigan whitefish management and Great Lakes commercial harvest reporting and affecting small business.
CR 21-098 - Relating to scheduling oliceridine.
CR 21-097 - Relating to bone marrow donation leave and organ donation leave.
CR 21-096 - Relating to petroleum product inspections, and affecting small businesses.
CR 21-095 - Relating to reevaluation criteria for orthopedic impairment, traumatic brain injury, and significant developmental delay disability categories.
CR 21-094 - Relating to professional counselor training license renewals.
CR 21-093 - Relating to county and district fairs.
CR 21-092 - Relating to Wisconsin Works filing a good cause claim for noncooperation with child support.
CR 21-091 - Relating to technical corrections to Wisconsin Works rules.
CR 21-090 - Relating to asset restrictions for Wisconsin Works and Emergency Assistance.
CR 21-089 - Relating to commercial lines modernization.
CR 21-088 - Relating to the promulgation of new drinking water maximum contaminant levels for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) including Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and affecting small business.
CR 21-087 - Relating to nurse aide training program requirements.
CR 21-086 - Relating to requirements for class III permits for anesthesia.
CR 21-085 - Relating to income and franchise tax provisions.
CR 21-084 - Relating to private practice school psychologist licensure, requirements for reciprocal candidates, and ABPP diploma exemption for initial licensure.
CR 21-083 - Relating to adding narrative surface water criteria with numeric thresholds and analytical methods for poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) including PFOS and PFOA for the purpose of protecting public health as well as revisions to the procedures in the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“WPDES”) permitting program to implement the new water quality criteria and affecting small business.
CR 21-082 - Relating to general updates to open enrollment procedures.
CR 21-081 - Relating to requirements for adult long-term care.
CR 21-080 - Relating to definitions, interim psychologist licensure requirements, reciprocity requirements, reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses, supervised psychological experience, temporary practice for out of state providers, and renewal requirements.
CR 21-079 - Relating to supervision of physical therapist assistants.
CR 21-078 - Relating to the 2021 Wildlife Management spring hearing rule related to hunting, trapping, and target shooting.
CR 21-077 - Relating to educator preparation program and licensing flexibilities.
CR 21-076 - Relating to coal combustion residual landfills.
CR 21-075 - Relating to eligibility criteria and appropriate purposes for competitive grants to public safety answering points
CR 21-074 - Relating to name and address change, floor design, procedures for disciplinary proceedings, superseded references, and technical correction.
CR 21-073 - Relating to regulating firefighting foam that contains certain contaminants and affecting small business.
CR 21-072 - Relating to the incorporation of a PM2.5 emissions reporting requirement, alignment of state and federal emissions reporting terminology, updates to reflect current emissions reporting procedure, and affecting small business.
CR 21-071 - Relating to requirements for controlled substances.
CR 21-070 - Relating to well construction and pump installation and affecting small business.
CR 21-069 - Relating to establishing the 2021 migratory bird season framework and regulations.
CR 21-068 - Relating to allowing for third party administration of operator certification examinations and affecting small business.
CR 21-067 - Relating to Medicaid eligibility requirements.
CR 21-066 - Relating to credit for reinsurance accreditation amendments.
CR 21-065 - Relating to continuing education.
CR 21-064 - Relating to lake trout harvest and season in Lake Michigan.
CR 21-063 - Relating to regulation of wastewater discharges from dental offices to sanitary sewers and affecting small business.
CR 21-062 - Relating to veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
CR 21-061 - Relating to dog sellers and dog facility operators.
CR 21-060 - Relating to fair organization’s annual financial report.
CR 21-059 - Relating to the potato industry.
CR 21-058 - Relating to minor changes to fishing regulations on inland, outlying and boundary waters.
CR 21-057 - Relating to requiring continuing education for investment adviser representatives.
CR 21-056 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 21-055 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 21-054 - Relating to scope of practice.
CR 21-053 - Relating to application requirements for credentials.
CR 21-052 - Relating to self-employment policies for the child care subsidy program.
CR 21-051 - Relating to screening of newborns for congenital disorders.
CR 21-050 - Relating to complex rehabilitation technology prior authorization review.
CR 21-049 - Relating to the adoption of federal pipeline safety regulations.
CR 21-048 - Relating to requirements for licenses and permits.
CR 21-047 - Relating to legislative update to the Uniform Dwelling (One-and 2-family dwellings) Code and Manufactured Home Communities.
CR 21-046 - Relating to Parental Choice and Special Needs Scholarship Programs offsetting revenue, statements of actual cost, and affecting small business.
CR 21-045 - Relating to permits for loads exceeding size, weight, and vehicle combination limits.
CR 21-044 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 21-043 - Relating to the conduct and ethical practices of licensees.
CR 21-042 - Relating to odometer disclosure requirements and affecting small business.
CR 21-041 - Relating to implementing electronics recycling program requirements and affecting small business.
CR 21-040 - Relating to dairy manufacturing facility investment credit, meat processing facility investment credit, food processing plant and food warehouse investment credit, and woody biomass harvesting and processing credit.
CR 21-039 - Relating to drainage districts.
CR 21-038 - Relating to guide licenses and reporting requirements and affecting small business.
CR 21-037 - Relating to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
CR 21-036 - Relating to district budget limitations.
CR 21-035 - Relating to supplemental aid payments.
CR 21-034 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 21-033 - Relating to telehealth.
CR 21-032 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 21-031 - Relating to age waivers for general educational development tests.
CR 21-030 - Relating to unprofessional conduct.
CR 21-029 - Relating to elk management.
CR 21-028 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 21-027 - Relating to storm water discharge permits and affecting small business.
CR 21-026 - Relating to requirements for wetland mitigation.
CR 21-025 - Relating to supervision of hearing instrument specialist temporary trainees.
CR 21-024 - Relating to fish harvest in Lake Superior and affecting small business.
CR 21-023 - Relating to the provisions and administration of the Universal Service Fund (USF).
CR 21-022 - Relating to incorporation of the 2015 national ambient air quality standards for ozone.
CR 21-021 - Relating to fishing regulations on inland, outlying and boundary waters (the 2021 Fisheries Management spring hearing rule).
CR 21-020 - Relating to general procedures.
CR 21-019 - Relating to professional conduct.
CR 21-018 - Relating to obsolete references to predetermination of criminal convictions in licensure applicants and apprenticeships.
CR 21-017 - Relating to continuing medical education for physicians.
CR 21-016 - Relating to telehealth.
CR 21-015 - Relating to the renewal and reinstatement of licenses.
CR 21-014 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members and their spouses.
CR 21-013 - Relating to the CPA examination completion deadline.
CR 21-012 - Relating to veterans assistance grants.
CR 21-011 - Relating to changes to criteria relating to specific learning disabilities.
CR 21-010 - Relating to biennial cleanup of DPI administrative rules.
CR 21-009 - Relating to clinical learning simulations.
CR 21-008 - Relating to expanding virtual summer and interim session courses.
CR 21-007 - Relating to revisions to pupil nondiscrimination procedures.
CR 21-006 - Relating to requirements for license and permit renewal and reinstatement.
CR 21-005 - Relating to unprofessional conduct.
CR 21-004 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 21-003 - Relating to discrimination based on arrest or conviction record.
CR 21-002 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 21-001 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 20-089 - Relating to absence provisions.
CR 20-088 - Relating to implementing reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compound emissions from miscellaneous metal and plastic parts coatings and miscellaneous industrial adhesives and affecting small business.
CR 20-087 - Relating to furbearer registration and tagging simplification.
CR 20-086 - Relating to real estate appraisers.
CR 20-085 - Relating to chiropractic practice.
CR 20-084 - Relating to courses of study for and delegation to chiropractic technicians and chiropractic radiological technicians.
CR 20-083 - Relating to allowing an electric provider, or customer or member of an electric provider, to create a renewable resource credit for heat that is a byproduct of a manufacturing process and is used to provide thermal energy for another purpose.
CR 20-082 - Relating to revisions to licensing of pupil services professionals.
CR 20-081 - Relating to the credit for tax paid to another state.
CR 20-080 - Relating to designating Gabapentin as a monitored drug having a substantial potential for abuse.
CR 20-079 - Relating to scheduling flualprazolam.
CR 20-078 - Relating to scheduling of norfentanyl.
CR 20-077 - Relating to removing FDA approved cannabidiol from schedule V and excluding FDA approved cannabidiol from schedule I.
CR 20-076 - Relating to scheduling of lemborexant.
CR 20-075 - Relating to scheduling of cenobamate.
CR 20-074 - Relating to speech and language impairment criteria.
CR 20-073 - Relating to emotional behavior disability criteria.
CR 20-072 - Relating to sensory impairment terminology and deaf-blindness.
CR 20-071 - Relating to alternative completion standards for educator preparation programs.
CR 20-070 - Relating to speech and language pathologist licenses.
CR 20-069 - Relating to requirements in emergency situations.
CR 20-068 - Relating to revisions to rules in accordance with Governor Ever’s 2019 Executive Order #15, relating to inclusive language.
CR 20-067 - Relating to the department’s biennial review of rules under s. 227.29, Stats.
CR 20-066 - Relating to Minocqua Chain walleye harvest regulations.
CR 20-065 - Relating to licensure of nurse midwives.
CR 20-064 - Relating to retired credential status.
CR 20-063 - Relating to Medicaid-covered services.
CR 20-062 - Relating to addressing allegations of sexual misconduct against students of the University of Wisconsin System.
CR 20-061 - Relating to addressing allegations of sexual misconduct against academic staff of the University of Wisconsin System.
CR 20-060 - Relating to addressing allegations of sexual misconduct against faculty of the University of Wisconsin System.
CR 20-059 - Relating to addressing allegations of sexual misconduct against faculty of the University of Wisconsin System.
CR 20-058 - Relating to scheduling of Lasmiditan.
CR 20-057 - Relating to private residence elevators.
CR 20-056 - Relating to implementation of the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact.
CR 20-055 - Relating to supervision of students.
CR 20-054 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 20-053 - Relating to continuing medical education for physicians.
CR 20-052 - Relating to repealing or amending outdated sections of the Wisconsin Administrative Code governing credit unions.
CR 20-051 - Relating to scheduling of noroxymorphone.
CR 20-050 - Relating to scheduling of N-Ethylhexedrone, a-PHP, 4-MEAP, MPHP, PV8 and 4-chloro-a-PVP.
CR 20-049 - Relating to scheduling of brexanolone and solriamfetol.
CR 20-048 - Relating to scheduling of 5F-EDMB-PINACA, 5F-MDMB-PICA, FUB-AKB48, 5F-CUMYL-PINACA, and FUB-144.
CR 20-047 - Relating to community substance abuse services.
CR 20-046 - Relating to clarifying and streamlining certain regulatory requirements for septage servicing, and affecting small business.
CR 20-045 - Relating to licensure and continuing education requirements for funeral directors and funeral director apprentices.
CR 20-044 - Relating to funeral director license application requirements.
CR 20-043 - Relating to nonferrous metallic mineral exploration, bulk sampling, prospecting and mining and nonferrous mining waste management.
CR 20-042 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 20-041 - Relating to requirements for certification and examination.
CR 20-040 - Relating to physician assistants.
CR 20-039 - Relating to biennial review.
CR 20-038 - Relating to implementation of 2015 Wisconsin Act 204 and 2017 Wisconsin Act 70, contaminated sediment usability, and other changes needed to update, clarify, and promote consistency within chs. NR 700 through NR 799, and affecting small business.
CR 20-037 - Relating to reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses.
CR 20-036 - Relating to removing obsolete provisions.
CR 20-035 - Relating to continuing education.
CR 20-034 - Relating to applications for cemetery preneed seller and cemetery salesperson credentials.
CR 20-033 - Relating to residential rental practices.
CR 20-032 - Relating to degrees from programs accredited by the Commission for Accreditation of Counseling (CACREP).
CR 20-031 - Relating to replacing derogatory or offensive terminology with current, inclusive terminology.
CR 20-030 - Relating to secured residential care centers for children and youth.
CR 20-029 - Relating to athlete agents.
CR 20-028 - Relating to emergency medical services licensing, certification, and training requirements.
CR 20-027 - Relating to sales and use tax provisions.
CR 20-026 - Relating to certification courses for funeral director apprentices.
CR 20-025 - Relating to cosmetology licensure and practice outside of a licensed establishment.
CR 20-024 - Relating to changes to rules governing substitute educational interpreter licenses.
CR 20-023 - Relating to scheduling isotonitazene and 1P-LSD.
CR 20-022 - Relating to scheduling MMB-FUBICA and 4F-MDMB-BINACA.
CR 20-021 - Relating to electric weapons.
CR 20-020 - Relating to breath alcohol ignition interlock devices.
CR 20-019 - Relating to settlement of potential campaign finance, lobbying, and ethics violations.
CR 20-018 - Relating to sales and use tax provisions and affecting small business.
CR 20-017 - Relating to continuing podiatric medical education.
CR 20-016 - Relating to biennial registration.
CR 20-015 - Relating to technical education equipment grants under the Wisconsin Fast Forward program.
CR 20-014 - Relating to designer permits.
CR 20-013 - Relating to the veterans outreach and recovery program.
CR 20-012 - Relating to complex rehabilitation technology and certification.
CR 20-011 - Relating to general updates.
CR 20-010 - Relating to campaign finance.
CR 20-009 - Relating to professional land surveyors licensure.
CR 20-008 - Relating to conduct on university lands.
CR 20-006 - Relating to adult day care centers.
CR 19-166 - Relating to unprofessional conduct
CR 19-158 - Relating to requests for predeterminations regarding license eligibliity due to conviction records.
CR 19-153 - Relating to minimum standards for property surveys.
CR 19-152 - Relating to landscape architect registration.
CR 19-151 - Relating to architect registration examinations.
CR 19-144 - Relating to rate setting at Wisconsin veterans homes.
CR 19-139 - Relating to reports to the National Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory.
CR 19-136 - Relating to administration of the crime victims compensation program.
CR 19-128 - Relating to obsolete references to rental unit energy efficiency standards in curriculum.
CR 19-126 - Relating to technical changes to update ETF rules.
CR 19-110 - Relating to certification for identification, removal, and reduction of lead-based paint hazards.
CR 19-100 - Relating to nutritional counseling certification.
CR 19-097 - Relating to updating ETF rules to reflect the closure of the Long-Term Disability Insurance program to new claims and making technical changes to the ETF rules related to the Duty Disability Program established by s. 40.65, Stats.
CR 19-094 - Relating to processes for waterbody assessments and impaired waters listing, biological criteria for water quality standards, and biological confirmation of phosphorus impairments.
CR 19-093 - Relating to the development of site-specific numeric phosphorus water quality criteria for surface waters.
CR 19-088 - Relating to the Wisconsin Healthcare Stability Plan.
CR 19-086 - Relating to trauma care.
CR 19-079 - Relating to immunization of students.
CR 19-071 - Relating to rules the commission has determined to be unauthorized.
CR 18-100 - Relating to predetermination of conviction record prior to submitting a full application for licensure.
CR 18-099 - Relating to adjustment of thresholds for payment and performance bond requirements.
CR 18-092 - Relating to health insurance risk-sharing program.
CR 18-091 - Relating to employee welfare funds.
CR 18-090 - Relating to the insurance security fund board.
CR 18-054 - Relating to requirements for licensure, examinations, and approval of educational programs.
CR 18-049 - Relating to revoking a license based on a felony conviction that is a bar to licensure or registration.
CR 18-046 - Relating to incentive payments to counties.
CR 18-034 - Relating to third party logistics providers.
CR 18-031 - Relating to cosmetology continuing education.
CR 18-026 - Relating to random audits of credential holders.
CR 18-025 - Relating to a requirement that a pharmacist displays his or her license at the pharmacy.
CR 18-016 - Relating to Wisconsin works time limits and extensions.
CR 18-003 - Relating to the storage, use, and handling of flammable or combustible liquids and products as referenced in ch. SPS 305.
CR 17-063 - Relating to commercial and member business loans.
CR 17-046 - Relating to laboratory accreditation and affecting small business.