This is the preview version of the Wisconsin State Legislature site.
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Interstate Medical Licensure Compact: repeal provision of 2015 WisAct 116 that authorizes repeal of the statutes authorizing the compact - AB70
MA reimbursement for mental health consultations for students up to age 21: communication with parent added and sunset eliminated [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, definition added, sunset provision removed] - AB192
MA reimbursement for mental health consultations for students up to age 21: communication with parent added and sunset eliminated - SB177
Mental health consultation reimbursement sunset repealed [Sec. 678] - AB56
Mental health consultation reimbursement sunset repealed [Sec. 678] - SB59
Motor vehicle fuel tax: retailer refunds for evaporation sunsetted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 311m, 1067i-p, 9437 (6f)] - AB56
PECFA sunset extended [Sec. 1975] - SB59
PECFA sunset extended [Sec. 1975; original bill only] - AB56
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: certain sunsets extended - AB647
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: certain sunsets extended - SB581
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: sunset of grant program delayed - AB791
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: sunset of grant program delayed - SB710
Private on-site wastewater treatment systems: grant program restored and modified [Sec. 1762, 2266; original bill only] - AB56
Private on-site wastewater treatment systems: grant program restored and modified [Sec. 1762, 2266] - SB59
Supplemental transportation aids to towns created, sunset provision [A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 182m, 1091m] - AB56
TEACH program changes: information technology block grant program extended and revised; certain grants eliminated; and educational telecommunications access program data line speed increased [Sec. 87-117, 275, 1570, 1811; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, eliminated grants and data line speed provisions removed, 96m, 1811m, deletes 87, 92-104, 1570, 1811; A.Amdt.1: adds back 1570 with revisions, 1570f, 9434 (4)] - AB56
Treatment and diversion (TAD) pilot program for nonviolent offenders: sunset extended, first class cities provision [Sec. 234, 235, 9127 (2), 9427 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, first class cities provision removed, report to JCF added] - AB56
Treatment and diversion (TAD) pilot program for nonviolent offenders: sunset extended, first class cities provision [Sec. 234, 235, 9127 (2), 9427 (2)] - SB59
Veterans outreach and recovery program re substance abuse and mental health disorders: 2017 WisAct 295 sunset repealed, funding provision - AB131
Veterans outreach and recovery program re substance abuse and mental health disorders: 2017 WisAct 295 sunset repealed, funding provision - SB141
Wisconsin Reading Corps grant made annual, sunset eliminated [Sec. 167, 1421, 1422, 9434 (1)] - SB59
Wisconsin Reading Corps grant made annual, sunset eliminated [Sec. 167, 1421, 1422, 9434 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 1422] - AB56
Superior, City of
Local exposition district created by the City of Superior not subject to legislative finding re serving a public purpose; definition, referendum, taxes, and local tourism entity provisions - SB157
Local exposition district created by the City of Superior not subject to legislative finding re serving a public purpose; definition, referendum, taxes, and local tourism entity provisions - AB167
``Richard I. Bong Memorial Bridge”: DOT to designate and mark bridge on USH 2 between the cities of Superior and Duluth, MN as; contributions from interested parties provision - AB468
``Richard I. Bong Memorial Bridge”: DOT to designate and mark bridge on USH 2 between the cities of Superior and Duluth, MN as; contributions from interested parties provision - SB411
Supervised release, see Sex crimes
Supreme Court
Abrahamson, Justice Shirley: 43 years of service commended and congratulations on her retirement - SJR48
Abrahamson, Justice Shirley: 43 years of service commended and congratulations on her retirement - AJR69
Abrahamson, Justice Shirley: 43 years of service commended and congratulations on her retirement - AJR61
Campaign contribution to a judge or justice by an interested contributor: notification requirements created, penalty provision - AB407
Disqualification of a judge or justice: adding when a reasonable person would question whether the judge or justice could act in an impartial manner - AB402
Equally divided determinations of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on matters of judicial discipline or permanent disability clarifications - AB404
Evidence or court records re motion for recusal or judicial substitution: circuit, municipal, or appeals court judge or Supreme Court justice prohibited from destroying - AB408
Individual and candidate committee contribution limit decreased for statewide officeholders - SB76
Judge of any court of record prohibited from holding an office of public trust while serving in the judicial office - AB478
Judge of any court of record prohibited from holding an office of public trust while serving in the judicial office - SB406
Judge or justice required to disqualify himself or herself from an action if he or she received campaign financial support from a party to the action - AB405
Motion to disqualify a judge or justice: judge that denies the motion must file the reasons in a written statement - AB403
Officiating at a wedding: any justice or judge authorized - SB333
Officiating at a wedding: any justice or judge authorized - AB359
Wisconsin Supreme Court to review decision by a justice on a motion to disqualify him or herself from an action - AB406
Surveillance, see Privacy
Surveying and surveyors
Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors required to promulgate rules re retired credential holder exemption from continuing education requirements but maintain professional title [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB156
Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors required to promulgate rules re retired credential holder exemption from continuing education requirements but maintain professional title - AB163
Sustainable agriculture, see Farm and farming
SWIB (State of Wisconsin Investment Board), see Investment Board
Swimming pool, see Recreation
Symbols, State
Colby cheese designated the state cheese; Blue Book provision - SB519
Colby cheese designated the state cheese; Blue Book provision - AB572
Ruffed grouse designated the state small game bird; Blue Book provision - AB19
Ruffed grouse designated the state small game bird; Blue Book provision - SB21
Spring peeper designated as the state amphibian; Blue Book provision - AB634
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), see Public assistance
Tax Appeals Commission
Taxation: obsolete provisions repealed, updating references, outdated and derogatory terminology changed, and other changes (remedial legislation) - AB881
Taxation: obsolete provisions repealed, updating references, outdated and derogatory terminology changed, and other changes (remedial legislation) - SB803
Taxation, see also specific tax
Firearms tax imposed on manufacturers and funds used by DOJ for victims of crimes involving firearms; JRCCP may report - AB446
Firearms tax imposed on manufacturers and funds used by DOJ for victims of crimes involving firearms; JRCCP may report - SB542
Interest and penalties due on general fund taxes or taxes and fees deposited in the transportation fund: Secretary of DOR may waive on case-by-case basis if failure to file is due to effects of 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 105 (14)] - AB1038
Interest and penalties due on general fund taxes or taxes and fees deposited in the transportation fund: Secretary of DOR may waive on case-by-case basis if failure to file is due to effects of 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 105 (14)] - SB932
Taxation: obsolete provisions repealed, updating references, outdated and derogatory terminology changed, and other changes (remedial legislation) - AB881
Taxation: obsolete provisions repealed, updating references, outdated and derogatory terminology changed, and other changes (remedial legislation) - SB803
Taxation -- Shared, see Shared revenue
Transportation network companies and participating drivers: regulations revised re complaints, suspending drivers, criminal background checks, and forfeitures; JRCCP may report - SB255
Transportation network companies, their drivers, and the driver’s vehicle: local regulation permitted - SB256
Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program contract requirements modified - AB739
Character education professional development for teachers, pupil service professionals, and school administrators: DPI grants, sunset provision - AB149