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firearms and dangerous weaponsFirearms and dangerous weapons, see also Explosive
Concealed carry licensee may possess a firearm in place of worship unless posted otherwise according to the trespassing laws; school grounds provision - SB822
Concealed carry licensee may possess a firearm in place of worship unless posted otherwise according to the trespassing laws; school grounds provision - AB985
Electric weapon prohibition exception for private security personnel on official duty - AB135
Electric weapon prohibition exception for private security personnel on official duty - SB143
Extreme risk protection TRO and extreme risk protection injunction created; respondent is prohibited from possessing a firearm and may be ordered to surrender all firearms, penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - SB530
Extreme risk protection TRO and extreme risk protection injunction created; respondent is prohibited from possessing a firearm and may be ordered to surrender all firearms, penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - AB573
Firearm in a residence in which another resident is prohibited from possessing a firearm: storage requirements and penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - AB416
Firearm possession by person convicted of misdemeanor crime of domestic violence or by person who is a fugitive from justice: prohibition created; DOJ duties; JRCCP may report - AB577
Firearm possession by person convicted of misdemeanor crime of domestic violence or by person who is a fugitive from justice: prohibition created; DOJ duties; JRCCP may report - SB517
Firearm possession by person convicted of misdemeanor crime of domestic violence: prohibition created, not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect provision; JRCCP may report - SB376
Firearm possession by person convicted of misdemeanor crime of domestic violence: prohibition created, not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect provision; JRCCP may report - AB334
Firearm storage requirements if child under age 18 is present in the residence; penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - AB417
Firearms tax imposed on manufacturers and funds used by DOJ for victims of crimes involving firearms; JRCCP may report - AB446
Firearms tax imposed on manufacturers and funds used by DOJ for victims of crimes involving firearms; JRCCP may report - SB542
Fugitive from justice is prohibited from possessing a firearm; DOJ duties - AB507
Gun safes: sales and use tax exemption created - SB337
Gun safes: sales and use tax exemption created - AB366
Handgun purchase: 48 hour waiting period restored - SB312
Handgun purchase: 48 hour waiting period restored - AB336
Honorary discharge of a firearm at events for former military, law enforcement, or firefighters, or on certain holidays: municipal restriction of firearm discharge does not apply - SB102
Honorary discharge of a firearm at events for former military, law enforcement, or firefighters, or on certain holidays: municipal restriction of firearm discharge does not apply - AB75
License to carry concealed weapon: minimum age requirement lowered - AB782
Lost or stolen firearm: report to law enforcement and written notice in commercial sales or transfers required; penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - AB419
Medical marijuana registry and firearms restrictions record search: DOJ cannot consider registry status and DHS cannot disclose registry status - AB236
Medical marijuana registry and firearms restrictions record search: DOJ cannot consider registry status and DHS cannot disclose registry status - SB237
Sale or transfer of firearm, including frame or receiver, prohibited unless through a federally licensed firearms dealer and background check on transferee is conducted; exceptions and penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - SB572
Sale or transfer of firearm, including frame or receiver, prohibited unless through a federally licensed firearms dealer and background check on transferee is conducted; exceptions and penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - AB431
Suicide by firearm prevention: DHS grants for prevention materials and training firearm retailer or range; matching funds or in-kind services provision - SB543
Suicide by firearm prevention: DHS grants for prevention materials and training firearm retailer or range; matching funds or in-kind services provision - AB527
SWIB prohibited from investing in securities of any firearms company - AB269
Threat or false threat to use a dangerous weapon on school premises to injure or kill: felony crime created; JRCCP may report - AB338
Threat or false threat to use a dangerous weapon on school premises to injure or kill: felony crime created; JRCCP may report - SB311
Trigger lock or secure, lockable container required for commercial sale or transfer of firearms; penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - AB418
Unattended firearms in a retail facility: storage requirements - AB415
Undetectable firearms manufacture, transportation, sale, possession, and carrying prohibited, plans for manufacture provision; possession of frame or receiver of a firearm without a serial number prohibited; JRCCP may report - AB960
Undetectable firearms manufacture, transportation, sale, possession, and carrying prohibited, plans for manufacture provision; possession of frame or receiver of a firearm without a serial number prohibited; JRCCP may report - SB862
Violent felon: prosecution for crime of illegal possession of a firearm provisions modified; report provision - SB745
Violent felon: prosecution for crime of illegal possession of a firearm provisions modified; report provision - AB808
Wild animal causing damage to a highway: exception to discharging a firearm near a highway prohibition for DNR or local government agent - SB535
Wild animal causing damage to a highway: exception to discharging a firearm near a highway prohibition for DNR or local government agent - AB592
first class cityFirst class city, see Milwaukee — City, and its subheadings
fish and fishingFish and fishing
Annual fishing license: fee reduced for first-time approvals for persons aged 16, 17, or 65 and older - SB383
Annual fishing license: fee reduced for first-time approvals for persons aged 16, 17, or 65 and older - AB414
Annual fishing license for resident or nonresident child with a disability: no fee charged, certificate of disability provision - SB869
Annual fishing license for resident or nonresident child with a disability: no fee charged, certificate of disability provision - AB980
Free fishing weekend for veterans: DNR to designate in July - AB891
Hunting and fishing approvals for persons with disabilities: physical therapists and licensed occupational therapists may certify disability of applicant - SB755
Hunting and fishing approvals for persons with disabilities: physical therapists and licensed occupational therapists may certify disability of applicant - AB826
Hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals: DNR may develop an automatic reissuance system [Sec. 348] - SB59
Hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals: DNR may develop an automatic reissuance system [Sec. 348] - AB56
Lifetime fishing license to residents established; lifetime fishing trust fund created - SB508
Lifetime fishing license to residents established; lifetime fishing trust fund created - AB555
Veteran disability rating revised to qualify for certain hunting and fishing authorizations and state trail passes - SB587
Veteran disability rating revised to qualify for certain hunting and fishing authorizations and state trail passes - AB673
floodplain managementFloodplain management
Flood mitigation program created in DOT re grants to political subdivisions for specified road repairs - SB900
Flood mitigation program created in DOT re grants to political subdivisions for specified road repairs - AB1019
Flood risk reduction pilot projects in Ashland County: DNR grant provisions, report required [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions] - SB252
Flood risk reduction pilot projects in Ashland County: DNR grant provisions, report required - AB266
Hydrologic restoration and management advisory council created in DNR; general permit for hydrologic restoration projects authorized, conditions specified - AB701
Hydrologic restoration and management advisory council created in DNR; general permit for hydrologic restoration projects authorized, conditions specified - SB631
Municipal flood control grants from DNR: clarification on priority and eligibility criteria [Admin.Code NR 199.05, 199.07] - SB711
Municipal flood control grants from DNR: clarification on priority and eligibility criteria [Admin.Code NR 199.05, 199.07] - AB793
Municipal flood control program: appropriation to DNR increased - SB896
Municipal flood control program: appropriation to DNR increased - AB1026
Nonconforming buildings in a floodplain brought into conformity with federal standards: DNR cannot prohibit further modifications based on cost [S.Amdt.1: conditions modified] - SB637
Nonconforming buildings in a floodplain brought into conformity with federal standards: DNR cannot prohibit further modifications based on cost - AB721
Urban storm water and runoff, flood control, and riparian restoration projects: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 298] - SB59
Urban storm water and runoff, flood control, and riparian restoration projects: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 298] - AB56
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: repeal limitation on authority of political subdivisions to regulate - AB177
DATCP: returns of food and certain products during the 2020 public health emergency; county fair aid eligibility modified [Sec. 32, 105 (8)] - SB932
DATCP: returns of food and certain products during the 2020 public health emergency; county fair aid eligibility modified [Sec. 32, 105 (8)] - AB1038
Food allergy menu disclosure requirement for restaurants and certain retail food establishments - SB226
Food allergy menu disclosure requirement for restaurants and certain retail food establishments - AB241
Food allergy posters required in restaurants and retail food establishments in a place frequented by employees - SB227
Food allergy posters required in restaurants and retail food establishments in a place frequented by employees - AB240
Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided and DATCP duties - SB210
Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided and DATCP duties - AB226
Food containers that contain bisphenol A (BPA): manufacture, wholesale, or retail sale of without conspicuous labels prohibited; penalty provisions and DATCP duties - AB923
Food, lodging, and recreation regulation: DATCP appropriation made continuing [Sec. 127] - SB59