(7) (c) 2. In subd. 1. a. and b., “full-day" means the length of the school
13day for pupils in the first grade of the school district operating the
4-year-old or 145-year-old kindergarten program.
15Section 1692
. 121.004 (7) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (cm) A pupil enrolled in a 4-year-old kindergarten program,
17including a 4-year-old kindergarten program being phased in under s. 118.14 (3) (b),
18that provides the required number of hours of direct pupil instruction under s. 121.02
19(1) (f)
but requires less than full-day attendance by the pupil for 5 days a week shall
20be counted as 0.6 pupil if the program annually provides at least 87.5 additional
21hours of outreach activities.
In this paragraph, “full-day” has the meaning given in
22par. (c) 2.
1693. 121.05 (1) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) 5. Pupils attending a technical college under s. 118.15 (1) (b)
25pupils attending an institution of higher education under s. 118.55.
1694. 121.07 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) Membership. (intro.) For the purposes of ss. 121.08, 121.09, 121.095,
3and 121.105,
and 121.137, a school district's membership is the sum of all of the
5Section 1695
. 121.07 (6) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (d) The “secondary ceiling cost per member"
in the 2001-02 school
7year and in each school year thereafter is an amount determined by dividing the state
8total shared cost in the previous school year by the state total membership in the
9previous school year
and multiplying the result by 0.90.
10Section 1696
. 121.07 (8) of the statutes is renumbered 121.07 (8) (intro.) and
11amended to read:
(8) Guaranteed valuation. (intro.) A school district's primary,
13secondary and tertiary guaranteed valuations are determined by multiplying the
14amounts in sub. (7) by the
sum of the school district's membership
. and an amount
15calculated as follows:
16Section 1697
. 121.07 (8) (a) of the statutes is created to read:
(8) (a) Determine the number of pupils residing in the school district
18who satisfy the income eligibility criteria for a free or reduced-price lunch under
19USC 1758 (b) (1).
20Section 1698
. 121.07 (8) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
(8) (b) Multiply the number of pupils under par. (a) by 0.2.
1699. 121.08 (4) (b) (intro.) and 1. of the statutes are consolidated,
23renumbered 121.08 (4) (b) and amended to read:
(4) (b) The amount of state aid that the school district operating under
25ch. 119 is eligible to be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ac) shall also
1be reduced by the amount calculated
as follows: 1. Multiply the amounts paid under
2s. 119.23 (4) and (4m) in the 2009-10 school year by 41.6 percent, and multiply by
3multiplying the amounts paid under s. 119.23 (4) and (4m) in the 2010-11 to 2012-13
4school years by 38.4 percent. Beginning in the 2013-14 school year, multiply the
5amounts paid under s. 119.23 (4) and (4m) in the current school year by a percentage
6determined by subtracting 3.2 percentage points from the percentage that was
7applied under this
subdivision paragraph in the previous school year. This
8subdivision paragraph does not apply after the 2024-25 school year.
1700. 121.08 (4) (b) 2. and 3. of the statutes are repealed.
10Section 1701
. 121.10 of the statutes is created to read:
11121.10 Hold harmless aid. (1) In this section, “state aid" means the sum of
12the following:
(a) The payments made to a school district under ss. 121.08 and 121.105 and
14subch. VI.
(b) The payments that would be made to a school district under s. 121.136 if s.
16121.136 were still applicable.
(c) The amount that would be received by a school district under s. 79.10 (4) and
18(5m) if s. 79.10 (4) and (5m) were still applicable.
19(2) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), in the 2020-21 school year, if a school
20district would receive less in equalization aid under s. 121.08 in the current school
21year before any adjustment is made under s. 121.15 (4) (b) than it would have
22received in state aid in the current school year, the department shall pay to the school
23district the amount equal to the difference.
(b) If a school district from which territory was detached to create a new school
25district under s. 117.105 would receive in equalization aid under s. 121.08 in the
1school year beginning on the first July 1 following the effective date of the
2reorganization less than the amount determined as follows, the department shall
3pay to the school district the difference between the former amount and the amount
4determined as follows:
1. Divide the school district's membership in the preceding school year by the
6school district's membership in the 2nd preceding school year.
2. Multiply the amount of state aid that would have been received by the school
8district in the preceding school year, as adjusted under s. 121.15 (4) (b) in the current
9school year, by the quotient under subd. 1.
10(3) In the school year in which a school district consolidation takes effect under
11s. 117.08 or 117.09 and in each of the subsequent 4 school years, if the consolidated
12school district's equalization aid is less than the aggregate state aid to which the
13consolidating school districts would have been eligible in the school year prior to the
14school year in which the consolidation takes effect, the department shall pay the
15difference to the consolidated school district.
16(4) Additional aid under this section shall be paid from the appropriation under
17s. 20.255 (2) (ag). No aid may be paid under this section after the 2020-21 school year.
18Section 1702
. 121.105 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) In Except as provided in sub. (5), in this section “state aid" means
20the sum of the payments provided to a school district under this section and ss.
21121.08, 121.85 and 121.86.
22Section 1703
. 121.105 (2) (am) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (am) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., if a school district would
24receive less in state aid in the current school year before any adjustment is made
25under s. 121.15 (4) (b) than an amount equal to
90 percent of the amount of state
1aid that it received in the previous school year, as adjusted under s. 121.15 (4) (b) in
2the current school year, its state aid for the current school year shall be increased to
3an amount equal to
85 90 percent of the state aid received in the previous school year.
4Section 1704
. 121.105 (2) (am) 2. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (am) 2. (intro.) If a school district from which territory was detached
6to create a new school district under s. 117.105 would receive in state aid in the school
7year beginning on the first July 1 following the effective date of the reorganization
8less than
85 90 percent of the amount determined as follows, its state aid in the school
9year beginning on the first July 1 following the effective date of the reorganization
10shall be increased to an amount equal to
90 percent of the amount determined as
12Section 1705
. 121.105 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
(5) (a) In this subsection, “state aid” means the sum of the payments
14provided to a school district under this section and s. 121.08.
(b) If, after making the adjustments under subs. (2), (3), and (4), a school
16district would receive less in state aid in the current school year before any
17adjustment is made under s. 121.15 (4) (b) than an amount equal to $3,000 multiplied
18by the school district's membership, the school district's state aid shall be increased
19to an amount equal to $3,000 multiplied by the school district's membership.
20Section 1706
. 121.136 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
(3) No aid may be paid under this section after June 30, 2020.
1707. 121.137 of the statutes is repealed.
23Section 1708
. 121.15 (1m) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) (a) 3. Beginning in the 1999-2000 school year
and ending in the
252018-19 school year, annually the state shall pay to school districts, from the
1appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ac), $75,000,000 on the 4th Monday in July of the
2following school year.
3Section 1709
. 121.15 (1m) (a) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
(1m) (a) 4. Beginning in the 2020-2021 school year, annually the state
5shall pay to school districts, from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ac),
6$1,090,000,000 on the 4th Monday in July of the following school year.
7Section 1710
. 121.15 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
(3m) (a) In this subsection:
1. “Partial school revenues" means the sum of state school aids, property taxes
10levied for school districts, and aid paid to school districts under s. 79.095 (4), less all
11of the following:
a. The amount of any revenue limit increase under s. 121.91 (4) (a) 2. due to a
13school board's increasing the services that it provides by adding responsibility for
14providing a service transferred to it from another school board.
b. The amount of any revenue limit increase under s. 121.91 (4) (a) 3.
c. The amount of any revenue limit increase under s. 121.91 (4) (h).
d. The amount of any property taxes levied for the purpose of s. 120.13 (19).
e. An amount equal to the amount estimated to be paid under s. 119.23 (4) and
19(4m) multiplied by the sum of the applicable percentages specified in s. 121.08 (4) (b)
201. and 2.
f. The amount by which the property tax levy for debt service on debt that has
22been approved by a referendum exceeds $490,000,000.
2. “State school aids" means the amounts appropriated under s. 20.255 (1) (b)
24and (2), other than s. 20.255 (2) (az), (bb), (fm), (fp), (fq), (fr), (fu), (fv), (k), and (m),
25the amount appropriated under s. 20.505 (4) (es), and the amount, as determined by
1the secretary of administration, of the appropriation under s. 20.505 (4) (s) allocated
2for payments to telecommunications providers under contracts with school districts
3and cooperative educational service agencies under s. 16.971 (13), and to make
4information technology infrastructure grants under s. 16.9945.
(b) By May 15, 2021, and annually by May 15 thereafter, the department, the
6department of administration, and the legislative fiscal bureau shall jointly certify
7to the joint committee on finance an estimate of the amount necessary to appropriate
8under s. 20.255 (2) (ac) in the following school year to ensure that state school aids
9equal two-thirds of partial school revenues.
(c) By June 30, 2020, and biennially by June 30 thereafter, the joint committee
11on finance shall determine the amount appropriated under s. 20.255 (2) (ac) in the
12following school year.
1711. 121.41 of the statutes is amended to read:
14121.41 Driver education programs
; fees. A school board
, operator of a
15charter school authorized under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), cooperative educational service
16agency, or
the technical college system board may establish and collect reasonable
17fees for any driver education program or part of a program which is neither required
18for nor credited toward graduation. The school board
, operator of a charter school
19authorized under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), cooperative educational service agency, or
the 20technical college system board may waive any fee established under this subsection
21for any indigent pupil.
1712. 121.42 of the statutes is created to read:
23121.42 Driver education programs; state aid. (1) In this section:
1(a) “Driver education program” means an instructional program in driver
2education approved by the department and operated by a qualified driver education
(b) “Eligible pupil” means a pupil who met the income eligibility standard for
5a free or reduced-price lunch in the federal school lunch program under
42 USC 1758 6(b) (1) in the previous school year.
(c) “Qualified driver education provider” means a school board, the operator of
8a charter school authorized under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), or a cooperative educational
9service agency.
10(2) Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, from the appropriation under s.
1120.255 (2) (cv) and subject to sub. (4), the department shall pay to each qualified
12driver education provider the amount determined under sub. (3) if all of the following
(a) The qualified driver education provider demonstrates to the department
15that for eligible pupils the qualified driver education provider reduced the fees the
16qualified driver education provider otherwise charges pupils to enroll in and
17complete the driver education program.
(b) By October 1, 2020, and annually thereafter, the qualified driver education
19provider reports to the department the number of eligible pupils who enrolled in and
20successfully completed a driver education program operated by qualified driver
21education in the previous school year.
22(3) The department shall calculate the amount paid to a qualified driver
23education provider under sub. (2) by multiplying the number of eligible pupils
24reported under sub. (2) (b) by the lesser of the following:
(a) Two hundred dollars.
1(b) The amount by which the qualified driver education provider reduced fees
2under sub. (2) (a) in the previous school year.
3(4) If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cv) in any fiscal year is insufficient
4to pay the full amount of aid under sub. (2), the department shall prorate the aid
5payments among the entitled qualified driver education providers.
6(5) The department may promulgate rules to implement and administer this
1713. 121.58 (2) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) 4. For each pupil so transported whose residence is more than
1012 miles from the school attended,
$300 $365 per school year in the
2016-17 2018-19 11school year and
$365 $375 per school year thereafter.
1714. 121.58 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) State aid for summer class transportation. Annually on or before
14October 1 of the year in which transportation is provided under s. 118.50 (3) (b) or
15121.54 (4), or under s. 121.54 (10) if the transportation is provided by the nonresident
16school district that a pupil attends under s. 118.51 or 121.84 (4), the school district
17clerk shall file with the department a report, containing such information as the
18department requires, on transportation provided by the school board to and from
19summer classes. Upon receipt of such report and if the summer classes meet the
20requirements of s. 121.14 (1) (a) 1. or 2., state aid shall be paid for such
21transportation. A school district
which that provides such transportation shall be
22paid state aid for such transportation at the rate of $10 per pupil transported to and
23from public school whose residence is at least 2 miles and not more than 5 miles by
24the nearest traveled route from the public school attended, and $20 per pupil
25transported to and from public school whose residence is more than 5 miles by the
1nearest traveled route from the public school attended
, if the pupil is transported 30
2days or more. The state aid shall be reduced proportionately if the pupil is
3transported less than 30 days.
1715. 121.59 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (intro.) Annually the department shall
, subject to sub. (3), pay to
6each eligible school district the amount determined as follows:
1716. 121.59 (2m) (a) (intro.), 1. and 2. of the statutes are renumbered
8121.59 (2m) (intro.), (am) and (bm), and 121.59 (2m) (intro.) and (bm), as
9renumbered, are amended to read:
(2m) (intro.)
Beginning in the 2017-18 school year and in any school
11year thereafter, if a If an eligible school district was eligible to receive aid under sub.
12(2) in the immediately preceding school year but is ineligible to receive aid in the
13current school year because the number under sub. (2) (d) is not a positive number,
14the state superintendent shall, subject to
par. (b)
sub. (3), pay to that
eligible school
15district the amount determined as follows:
(bm) Multiply the amount under
subd. 1. par. (am) by 0.5.
1717. 121.59 (2m) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
1718. 121.59 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Aid under this section
shall be is paid from the appropriation under
20s. 20.255 (2) (cq).
If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cq) is insufficient to pay
21the full amount of aid under subs. (2) and (2m), the state superintendent shall
22prorate the payments among the eligible school districts entitled to receive aid under
23this section.
24Section 1719
. 121.84 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (b) If a pupil attends school in a school district outside the pupil's
2school district of residence under par. (a), s. 118.51 (12)
(b), (14), (16), and (17) apply
3to the pupil as if the pupil were attending school in a nonresident school district
4under s. 118.51. If the pupil is rejected as a result of s. 118.51 (12)
(b), s. 118.51 (9)