20Section 1352
. 106.52 (3) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) 4. Refuse to furnish or charge another a higher rate for any
22automobile insurance because of race, color, creed, disability, national origin
, or
or because a person holds or does not hold a license under s. 343.03 (3m).
24Section 1353
. 106.52 (3) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) 5. Refuse to rent, charge a higher price than the regular rate or
2give preferential treatment, because of sex, race, color, creed, sexual orientation,
3national origin
, or ancestry
or because a person holds or does not hold a license under
4s. 343.03 (3m), regarding the use of any private facilities commonly rented to the
1354. 108.02 (13) (k) of the statutes is amended to read:
(13) (k) “Employer" does not include a county department, an aging
8unit, or, under s. 46.2785, a private agency that serves as a fiscal agent or contracts
9with a fiscal intermediary to serve as a fiscal agent under s. 46.27 (5) (i), 46.272 (7)
10(e), or 47.035 as to any individual performing services for a person receiving
11long-term support services under s.
46.27 (5) (b), 46.272 (7) (b), 46.275, 46.277,
1246.278, 46.2785, 46.286, 46.495, 51.42, or 51.437 or personal assistance services
13under s. 47.02 (6) (c).
14Section 1355
. 108.02 (24g) of the statutes is created to read:
(24g) Suitable work. “Suitable work" has the meaning specified by the
16department by rule under s. 108.14 (27).
1356. 108.02 (26m) of the statutes is repealed.
1357. 108.04 (2) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) (intro.) Except as provided in
pars. par. (b)
to (bd), sub. (16) (am)
20and (b), and s. 108.062 (10) and (10m) and as otherwise expressly provided, a
21claimant is eligible for benefits as to any given week only if all of the following apply:
1358. 108.04 (2) (a) 3. of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(2) (a) 3. The claimant conducts a reasonable search for suitable work
24during that week and provides verification of that search to the department. The
25search for suitable work must include at least 4 actions per week that constitute a
1reasonable search as prescribed by rule of the department. In addition, the
2department may, by rule, require a claimant to take more than 4 reasonable work
3search actions in any week. The department shall require a uniform number of
4reasonable work search actions for similar types of claimants. This subdivision does
5not apply to a claimant if the department determines that the claimant is currently
6laid off from employment with an employer but there is a reasonable expectation of
7reemployment of the individual by that employer. In determining whether the
8claimant has a reasonable expectation of reemployment by an employer, the
9department shall request the employer to verify the claimant's employment status
10and shall consider all of the following:
a. The history of layoffs and reemployments by the employer.
b. Any information that the employer furnished to the claimant or the
13department concerning the claimant's anticipated reemployment date.
c. Whether the claimant has recall rights with the employer under the terms
15of any applicable collective bargaining agreement.
1359. 108.04 (2) (b) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(2) (b) The department may, by rule, establish waivers from the
18registration for work requirement under par. (a) 2. and the work search requirement
19under par. (a) 3.
1360. 108.04 (2) (bb) of the statutes is repealed.
1361. 108.04 (2) (bd) of the statutes is repealed.
1362. 108.04 (2) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (bm) A claimant is ineligible to receive benefits for any week for
24which there is a determination that the claimant failed to comply with the
25registration for work and work search requirements under par. (a) 2. or 3. or failed
1to provide verification to the department that the claimant complied with those
2requirements, unless the department has waived those requirements under par. (b)
3(bb), or (bd) or s. 108.062 (10m). If the department has paid benefits to a claimant
4for any such week, the department may recover the overpayment under s. 108.22.
1363. 108.04 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
1364. 108.04 (5) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) Discharge for misconduct. (intro.)
An Unless sub. (5g) results in
8disqualification, an employee whose work is terminated by an employing unit for
9misconduct by the employee connected with the employee's work is ineligible to
10receive benefits until 7 weeks have elapsed since the end of the week in which the
11discharge occurs and the employee earns wages after the week in which the
12discharge occurs equal to at least 14 times the employee's weekly benefit rate under
13s. 108.05 (1) in employment or other work covered by the unemployment insurance
14law of any state or the federal government. For purposes of requalification, the
15employee's weekly benefit rate shall be the rate that would have been paid had the
16discharge not occurred. The wages paid to an employee by an employer which
17terminates employment of the employee for misconduct connected with the
18employee's employment shall be excluded from the employee's base period wages
19under s. 108.06 (1) for purposes of benefit entitlement. This subsection does not
20preclude an employee who has employment with an employer other than the
21employer which terminated the employee for misconduct from establishing a benefit
22year using the base period wages excluded under this subsection if the employee
23qualifies to establish a benefit year under s. 108.06 (2) (a). The department shall
24charge to the fund's balancing account any benefits otherwise chargeable to the
25account of an employer that is subject to the contribution requirements under ss.
1108.17 and 108.18 from which base period wages are excluded under this subsection.
2For purposes of this subsection, “misconduct" means one or more actions or conduct
3evincing such willful or wanton disregard of an employer's interests as is found in
4deliberate violations or disregard of standards of behavior which an employer has a
5right to expect of his or her employees, or in carelessness or negligence of such degree
6or recurrence as to manifest culpability, wrongful intent, or evil design of equal
7severity to such disregard, or to show an intentional and substantial disregard of an
8employer's interests, or of an employee's duties and obligations to his or her
9employer. In addition, “misconduct" includes:
1365. 108.04 (5g) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(5g) Discharge for failure to notify employer of absenteeism or
12tardiness. (a) If an employee is discharged for failing to notify his or her employer
13of absenteeism or tardiness that becomes excessive, and the employer has complied
14with the requirements of par. (d) with respect to that employee, the employee is
15ineligible to receive benefits until 6 weeks have elapsed since the end of the week in
16which the discharge occurs and the employee earns wages after the week in which
17the discharge occurs equal to at least 6 times the employee's weekly benefit rate
18under s. 108.05 (1) in employment or other work covered by the unemployment
19insurance law of any state or the federal government. For purposes of
20requalification, the employee's weekly benefit rate shall be the rate that would have
21been paid had the discharge not occurred.
(b) For purposes of this subsection, tardiness becomes excessive if an employee
23is late for 6 or more scheduled workdays in the 12-month period preceding the date
24of the discharge without providing adequate notice to his or her employer.
1(c) For purposes of this subsection, absenteeism becomes excessive if an
2employee is absent for 5 or more scheduled workdays in the 12-month period
3preceding the date of the discharge without providing adequate notice to his or her
(d) 1. The requalifying requirements under par. (a) apply only if the employer
6has a written policy on notification of tardiness or absences that satisfies all of the
a. Defines what constitutes a single occurrence of tardiness or absenteeism.
b. Describes the process for providing adequate notice of tardiness or absence.
c. Notifies the employee that failure to provide adequate notice of an absence
11or tardiness may lead to discharge.
2. The employer shall provide a copy of the written policy under subd. 1. to each
13employee and shall have written evidence that the employee received a copy of that
3. The employer must have given the employee at least one warning concerning
16the employee's violation of the employer's written policy under subd. 1. within the
1712-month period preceding the date of the discharge.
4. The employer must apply the written policy under subd. 1. uniformly to all
19employees of the employer.
(e) The department shall charge to the fund's balancing account the cost of any
21benefits paid to an employee that are otherwise chargeable to the account of an
22employer that is subject to the contribution requirements under ss. 108.17 and
23108.18 if the employee is discharged by that employer and par. (a) applies.
(em) If an employee is not disqualified under this subsection, the employee may
25nevertheless be subject to the disqualification under sub. (5).
1366. 108.04 (7) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (e) Paragraph (a) does not apply if the department determines that
3the employee accepted work that the employee could have failed to accept under sub.
4(8) and terminated the work on the same grounds and within the first 30 calendar
5days after starting the work, or that the employee accepted work that the employee
6could have refused under sub. (9) and terminated the work within the first 30
7calendar days after starting the work. For purposes of this paragraph, an employee
8has the same grounds for voluntarily terminating work if the employee could have
9failed to accept the work under sub. (8)
(d) to (em) when it was offered, regardless of
10the reason articulated by the employee for the termination.
1367. 108.04 (7) (t) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
1368. 108.04 (7) (t) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (t) 2. The employee's spouse was required by
the U.S. armed forces 14his or her employing unit to relocate to a place to which it is impractical for the
15employee to commute.
1369. 108.04 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) (a)
Except as provided in par. (b), if If an employee fails, without good
18cause, to accept suitable work when offered, the employee is ineligible to receive
19benefits until the employee earns wages after the week in which the failure occurs
20equal to at least 6 times the employee's weekly benefit rate under s. 108.05 (1) in
21employment or other work covered by the unemployment insurance law of any state
22or the federal government. For purposes of requalification, the employee's weekly
23benefit rate shall be that rate which would have been paid had the failure not
24occurred. This paragraph does not preclude an employee from establishing a benefit
25year during a period in which the employee is ineligible to receive benefits under this
1paragraph if the employee qualifies to establish a benefit year under s. 108.06 (2) (a).
2Except as provided in par. (b), the The department shall charge to the fund's
3balancing account any benefits otherwise chargeable to the account of an employer
4that is subject to the contribution requirements under ss. 108.17 and 108.18
5whenever an employee of that employer fails, without good cause, to accept suitable
6work offered by that employer.
9Section 1371
. 108.04 (8) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) (c) If an employee fails, without good cause, to return to work with
11a former employer that recalls the employee within 52 weeks after the employee last
12worked for that employer, the employee is ineligible to receive benefits until the
13employee earns wages after the week in which the failure occurs equal to at least 6
14times the employee's weekly benefit rate under s. 108.05 (1) in employment or other
15work covered by the unemployment insurance law of any state or the federal
16government. For purposes of requalification, the employee's weekly benefit rate
17shall be that rate which would have been paid had the failure not occurred. This
18paragraph does not preclude an employee from establishing a benefit year during a
19period in which the employee is ineligible to receive benefits under this paragraph
20if the employee qualifies to establish a benefit year under s. 108.06 (2) (a). The
21department shall charge to the fund's balancing account any benefits otherwise
22chargeable to the account of any employer that is subject to the contribution
23requirements under ss. 108.17 and 108.18 whenever an employee of that employer
24fails, without good cause, to return to work with that employer. This paragraph does
25not apply to an employee who fails to return to work with a former employer if the
1work offered would not be considered suitable work
under par. (d) or (dm), whichever
2is applicable. If an employee receives actual notice of a recall to work, par. (a) applies
3in lieu of this paragraph.
4Section 1372
. 108.04 (8) (d) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(8) (d) An employee shall have good cause under par. (a) or (c),
6regardless of the reason articulated by the employee for the failure, if the department
7determines that the failure involved work at a lower grade of skill or significantly
8lower rate of pay than applied to the employee on one or more recent jobs, and that
9the employee had not yet had a reasonable opportunity, in view of labor market
10conditions and the employee's degree of skill, but not to exceed 6 weeks after the
11employee became unemployed, to seek a new job substantially in line with the
12employee's prior job skill and rate of pay.
13Section 1373
. 108.04 (8) (dm) of the statutes is repealed.
14Section 1374
. 108.04 (8) (em) of the statutes is repealed.
15Section 1375
. 108.04 (11) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(11) (bm) The department shall apply any ineligibility under par. (be)
17against benefits and weeks of eligibility for which the claimant would otherwise be
18eligible after the week of concealment and within 6 years after the date of an initial
19determination issued under s. 108.09 finding that a concealment occurred.
20claimant shall not receive waiting period credit under s. 108.04 (3) for the period of
21ineligibility applied under par. (be). If no benefit rate applies to the week for which
22the claim is made, the department shall use the claimant's benefit rate for the
23claimant's next benefit year beginning after the week of concealment to determine
24the amount of the benefit reduction.
1376. 108.05 (1) (r) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (r) Except as provided in s. 108.062 (6) (a), each eligible employee
2shall be paid benefits for each week of total unemployment that commences on or
3after January 5, 2014,
and before January 5, 2020, at the weekly benefit rate
4specified in this paragraph. Unless sub. (1m) applies, the weekly benefit rate shall
5equal 4 percent of the employee's base period wages that were paid during that
6quarter of the employee's base period in which the employee was paid the highest
7total wages, rounded down to the nearest whole dollar, except that, if that amount
8is less than $54, no benefits are payable to the employee and, if that amount is more
9than $370, the employee's weekly benefit rate shall be $370 and except that, if the
10employee's benefits are exhausted during any week under s. 108.06 (1), the employee
11shall be paid the remaining amount of benefits payable to the employee under s.
12108.06 (1). The department shall publish on its Internet site a weekly benefit rate
13schedule of quarterly wages and the corresponding weekly benefit rates as
14calculated in accordance with this paragraph.
1377. 108.05 (1) (s) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (s) Except as provided in s. 108.062 (6) (a), each eligible employee
17shall be paid benefits for each week of total unemployment that commences on or
18after January 5, 2020, at the weekly benefit rate specified in this paragraph. Unless
19sub. (1m) applies, the weekly benefit rate shall equal 4 percent of the employee's base
20period wages that were paid during that quarter of the employee's base period in
21which the employee was paid the highest total wages, rounded down to the nearest
22whole dollar, except that, if that amount is less than $54, no benefits are payable to
23the employee and, if that amount is more than $406, the employee's weekly benefit
24rate shall be $406 and except that, if the employee's benefits are exhausted during
25any week under s. 108.06 (1), the employee shall be paid the remaining amount of
1benefits payable to the employee under s. 108.06 (1). The department shall publish
2on its Internet site a weekly benefit rate schedule of quarterly wages and the
3corresponding weekly benefit rates as calculated in accordance with this paragraph.
1378. 108.05 (3) (dm) of the statutes is renumbered 108.05 (3) (dm)
51. and amended to read:
(3) (dm) 1. Except when otherwise authorized in an approved
7work-share program under s. 108.062, a claimant is ineligible to receive any benefits
8for a week if the claimant receives or will receive from one or more employers wages
9earned for work performed in that week, amounts treated as wages under s. 108.04
10(1) (bm) for that week, sick pay, holiday pay, vacation pay, termination pay, bonus pay,
11back pay, or payments treated as wages under s. 108.04 (12) (e), or any combination
12thereof, totalling more than
$500 the amount determined under subd. 2.
1379. 108.05 (3) (dm) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
(3) (dm) 2. For purposes of subd. 1., the amount under this subdivision
15shall be $500, except that effective January 1 of each year, with the first adjustment
16being effective on January 1, 2020, the department shall adjust that amount by a
17percentage equal to the average annual percentage change in the U.S. consumer
18price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by the federal
19department of labor. The department shall annually have the revised amount
20published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register.
1381. 108.14 (8n) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8n) (e) The department shall charge this state's share of any benefits
25paid under this subsection to the account of each employer by which the employee
1claiming benefits was employed in the applicable base period, in proportion to the
2total amount of wages he or she earned from each employer in the base period, except
3that if s. 108.04 (1) (f), (5), (7) (a), (c), (cg), (e), (L), (q), (s), or (t), (7m) or (8) (a)
or (b), 4or 108.07 (3), (3r), or (5) (b)
, or 108.133 (3) (f) would have applied to employment by
5such an employer who is subject to the contribution requirements of ss. 108.17 and
6108.18, the department shall charge the share of benefits based on employment with
7that employer to the fund's balancing account, or, if s. 108.04 (1) (f) or (5) or 108.07
8(3) would have applied to an employer that is not subject to the contribution
9requirements of ss. 108.17 and 108.18, the department shall charge the share of
10benefits based on that employment in accordance with s. 108.07 (5) (a) and (b). The
11department shall also charge the fund's balancing account with any other state's
12share of such benefits pending reimbursement by that state.
13Section 1382
. 108.14 (27) of the statutes is created to read:
(27) The department shall promulgate a rule to define what constitutes
15suitable work for claimants, which shall specify different levels of suitable work
16based upon the number of weeks that a claimant has received benefits in a given
17benefit year.
18Section 1383
. 108.141 (3g) (a) 3. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3g) (a) 3. (intro.)
Work Notwithstanding s. 108.02 (24g), work is
20suitable within the meaning of subd. 2. if:
1384. 108.141 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (a) The department shall charge the state's share of each week of
23extended benefits to each employer's account in proportion to the employer's share
24of the total wages of the employee receiving the benefits in the employee's base
25period, except that if the employer is subject to the contribution requirements of ss.
1108.17 and 108.18 the department shall charge the share of extended benefits to
2which s. 108.04 (1) (f), (5), (7) (a), (c), (cg), (e), (L), (q), (s), or (t), (7m) or (8) (a)
or (b), 3or 108.07 (3), (3r), or (5) (b)
, or 108.133 (3) (f) applies to the fund's balancing account.
1385. 108.16 (6m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6m) (a) The benefits thus chargeable under s. 108.04 (1) (f), (5), (5g),
6(7) (h), (8) (a)
or (b), (13) (c) or (d) or (16) (e), 108.07 (3), (3r), (5) (b), (5m), or (6),
7(3) (f), 108.14 (8n) (e), 108.141, 108.151, or 108.152 or sub. (6) (e) or (7) (a) and (b).
1386. 108.19 (1s) (a) 5. of the statutes is repealed.
1387. 108.22 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
(10) A private agency that serves as a fiscal agent under s. 46.2785 or
11contracts with a fiscal intermediary to serve as a fiscal agent under s.
46.27 (5) (i), 1246.272 (7) (e)
, or 47.035 as to any individual performing services for a person
13receiving long-term support services under s.
46.27 (5) (b), 46.272 (7) (b), 46.275,
1446.277, 46.278, 46.2785, 46.286, 46.495, 51.42, or 51.437 or personal assistance
15services under s. 47.02 (6) (c) may be found jointly and severally liable for the
16amounts owed by the person under this chapter, if, at the time the person's quarterly
17report is due under this chapter, the private agency served as a fiscal agent for the
18person. The liability of the agency as provided in this subsection survives
19dissolution, reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, assignment for the benefit of
20creditors, judicially confirmed extension or composition, or any analogous situation
21of the person and shall be set forth in a determination or decision issued under s.
22108.10. An appeal or review of a determination under this subsection shall not
23include an appeal or review of determinations of amounts owed by the person.
24Section 1388
. 109.09 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) The department shall investigate and attempt equitably to adjust
2controversies between employers and employees
as to
regarding alleged wage
3claims. The department may receive and investigate any wage claim that is filed
4with the department, or received by the department under s. 109.10 (4), no later than
52 years after the date the wages are due. The department may, after receiving a wage
6claim, investigate any wages due from the employer against whom the claim is filed
7to any employee during the period commencing 2 years before the date the claim is
8filed. The department shall enforce this chapter and
s. ss. 66.0903,
2013 stats., s.
9103.49, 2013 stats., s. 229.8275, 2013 stats., and s. 16.856, 2015 stats., and ss. 103.02,
10103.49, 103.82,
and 104.12
, and 229.8275. In pursuance of this duty, the department
11may sue the employer on behalf of the employee to collect any wage claim or wage
12deficiency and ss. 109.03 (6) and 109.11 (2) and (3) shall apply to such actions. Except
13for actions under s. 109.10, the department may refer such an action to the district
14attorney of the county in which the violation occurs for prosecution and collection and
15the district attorney shall commence an action in the circuit court having appropriate
16jurisdiction. Any number of wage claims or wage deficiencies against the same
17employer may be joined in a single proceeding, but the court may order separate
18trials or hearings. In actions that are referred to a district attorney under this
19subsection, any taxable costs recovered by the district attorney shall be paid into the
20general fund of the county in which the violation occurs and used by that county to
21meet its financial responsibility under s. 978.13 (2) (b) for the operation of the office
22of the district attorney who prosecuted the action.
1389. 109.09 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
1390. 111.01 of the statutes is created to read:
1111.01 Declaration of policy. The public policy of the state as to employment
2relations and collective bargaining, in the furtherance of which this subchapter is
3enacted, is declared to be as follows:
4(1) It recognizes that there are 3 major interests involved, namely: the public,
5the employee, and the employer. These 3 interests are to a considerable extent
6interrelated. It is the policy of the state to protect and promote each of these interests
7with due regard to the situation and to the rights of the others.
8(2) Industrial peace, regular and adequate income for the employee, and
9uninterrupted production of goods and services are promotive of all of these
10interests. They are largely dependent upon the maintenance of fair, friendly, and
11mutually satisfactory employment relations and the availability of suitable
12machinery for the peaceful adjustment of whatever controversies may arise. It is
13recognized that certain employers, including farmers, farmer cooperatives, and
14unincorporated farmer cooperative associations, in addition to their general
15employer problems, face special problems arising from perishable commodities and
16seasonal production that require adequate consideration. It is also recognized that
17whatever may be the rights of disputants with respect to each other in any
18controversy regarding employment relations, they should not be permitted, in the
19conduct of their controversy, to intrude directly into the primary rights of 3rd parties
20to earn a livelihood, transact business, and engage in the ordinary affairs of life by
21any lawful means and free from molestation, interference, restraint, or coercion.
22(3) Negotiations of terms and conditions of work should result from voluntary
23agreement between employer and employee. For the purpose of such negotiation an
24employee has the right, if the employee desires, to associate with others in organizing
1and bargaining collectively through representatives of the employee's own choosing,
2without intimidation or coercion from any source.
3(4) It is the policy of the state, in order to preserve and promote the interests
4of the public, the employee, and the employer alike, to establish standards of fair
5conduct in employment relations and to provide a convenient, expeditious, and
6impartial tribunal by which these interests may have their respective rights and
7obligations adjudicated. While limiting individual and group rights of aggression
8and defense, the state substitutes processes of justice for the more primitive methods
9of trial by combat.
1391. 111.04 (1) and (2) of the statutes are consolidated, renumbered
11111.04 and amended to read: