1An Act to repeal 178.0105 (3) (b), 178.1123 (3) (b), 178.1133 (3) (b), 178.1143 (3)
2(b), 178.1153 (3) (b), 178.1161 (2) (a), 180.0122 (1) (z), 180.0125 (4) (b), 180.0401
3(2) (a) 5., 6., 7. and 8., 180.0502 (1) (c), 180.0502 (2), 180.1101 (3) (a), 180.1103
4(title), 180.1103 (6), 180.1105 (1) (h), 180.1161 (5) (a), (b) and (c), 180.1506 (2)
5(a) 5., 6., 7. and 8., 180.1508 (1) (a) and (b), 180.1508 (1) (f), 181.0120, 181.0121
6(1) (a) 4., 181.0122, 181.0124, 181.0125, 181.0126, 181.0128 (1) (title), 181.0128
7(2) (title), 181.0128 (3) (title), 181.0128 (4), 181.0128 (5) (title), 181.0128 (6)
8(title), 181.0141 (5), 181.0401 (2) (a) 6., 7. and 8., 181.0402 (1) (title), 181.0402
9(2) (title), 181.0501 (1) (title), 181.0501 (2) (title), 181.0501 (3) (title), 181.0502
10(2), 181.0502 (3) (title), 181.0503 (1) (title), 181.0503 (1) (d) and (e), 181.0503
11(2), 181.0503 (3) (title), 181.0504 (1) (title), 181.0504 (2) (title), 181.0504 (3)
12(title), 181.1101 (1) (title), 181.1101 (2), 181.1101 (3), 181.1104, 181.1105,
13181.1106, 181.1107, 181.1161 (1) (b), 181.1161 (2) (b), 181.1161 (3) (e), (f) and
14(g), 181.1161 (4), (5) and (6), 181.1420 (5), 181.1506 (2) (a) 6., 7. and 8., 181.1507
1(1) (title), 181.1507 (2) (title), 181.1507 (3) (title), 181.1509 (1) (title), 181.1509
2(1) (d) and (e), 181.1509 (2), 181.1509 (3) (title), 181.1510 (1) (title), 181.1510
3(2) (title), 181.1510 (3) (title), 181.1510 (4) (title), 181.1533, 181.1622 (1),
4181.1622 (2) (title), 181.1622 (3) (title), 181.1622 (4) (title), 181.1622 (5) and
5612.22 (2) (a), (b), (c) and (d);
to renumber 178.0104, 178.0806 (7), 180.0122 (1)
6(a) to (ym), 180.1100 (1), 180.1103 (4) (intro.) and (a), 180.1103 (5) (title) and (a),
7181.0128 (3), 181.0128 (6), 181.1100 (1), 181.1103 (5), 181.1103 (6), 181.1161 (3)
8(c), 181.1622 (title) and 613.13 (3);
to renumber and amend 180.0122 (1)
9(intro.), 180.0122 (1) (yr), 180.0124 (1), 180.0125 (2) (b), 180.0501, 180.0502 (3),
10180.1101 (2), 180.1102 (2), 180.1102 (3), 180.1102 (4), 180.1103 (1), 180.1103 (2),
11180.1103 (3), 180.1103 (4) (b), 180.1103 (5) (b), 180.1105 (1) (i), 180.1106 (1) (am)
121., 180.1106 (1) (e), 180.1161 (5) (intro.), 180.1507, 180.1508 (2), 180.1531 (2) (c)
132., 181.0123, 181.0128 (title), 181.0128 (1), 181.0128 (2), 181.0128 (5), 181.0501
14(intro.), 181.0501 (1), 181.0501 (2), 181.0501 (3), 181.0502 (3), 181.1103 (1),
15181.1103 (2), 181.1103 (3), 181.1103 (4), 181.1161 (1) (a), 181.1161 (2) (a),
16181.1161 (3) (intro.), (a) and (b), 181.1161 (3) (d), 181.1507 (intro.), 181.1507 (1),
17181.1507 (2), 181.1507 (3), 181.1622 (2), 181.1622 (3), 181.1622 (4) and 612.22
18(2) (intro.);
to consolidate, renumber and amend 178.1161 (2) (intro.) and
19(b), 180.0125 (4) (intro.) and (a) and 180.1101 (3) (intro.) and (b);
to amend
2011.0101 (9), 13.69 (1), 44.03 (3), 71.80 (21), 71.80 (21m), 71.80 (22), 71.80 (22m),
2173.03 (58), 77.25 (6m), 77.25 (6q), 77.25 (6t), 77.61 (15), 97.605 (4) (a) 1., 97.67
22(2) (c) (intro.), 108.025 (1) (b), 139.34 (9), 157.62 (1) (b) and (2) (b) 1., 2. and 7.,
23178.0102 (11), 178.0102 (14), 178.0105 (3) (d), 178.0105 (3) (f), 178.0105 (3) (h)
24(intro.), 178.0105 (3) (n), 178.0105 (4) (c) (intro.), 178.0110 (2) (b), 178.0120 (1),
25178.0121 (title), 178.0121 (2) (a), 178.0121 (2) (b) 1., 178.0121 (2) (b) 2., 178.0121
1(2) (b) 3., 178.0121 (2) (b) 4., 178.0121 (2) (c), 178.0301 (1), 178.0303 (1) (b) 2.,
2178.0303 (1) (b) 3., 178.0303 (2) (b), 178.0303 (2) (c), 178.0303 (2m) (a) 2.,
3178.0303 (2m) (a) 3., 178.0401 (3), 178.0401 (5), 178.0402 (2) (a), 178.0405 (3),
4178.0409 (3), 178.0601 (4) (c) 2., 178.0701 (5), 178.0701 (7) (d), 178.0701 (9),
5178.0804 (1) (intro.), 178.0806 (3) (a), 178.0807 (2) (c), 178.0807 (3) (b) 1. and
62., 178.0807 (4), 178.0808 (title), 178.0808 (1), 178.0808 (2) (a), 178.0809 (1),
7178.0901 (3) (c), 178.0902 (1), 178.0902 (2), 178.0902 (5), 178.09032 (5),
8178.0905 (2), 178.0908 (2), 178.0911 (1) (intro.), 178.0911 (1) (b), 178.0911 (1)
9(c), 178.0912 (1), 178.0913 (1) (b), 178.1003 (5), 178.1004 (intro.), 178.1004 (1),
10178.1004 (4), 178.1006 (1), 178.1006 (2), 178.1009 (1) (c), 178.1009 (1) (f),
11178.10101 (1) (d), 178.10102 (1), 178.10102 (2) (b), 178.1011 (1) (c), 178.1101
12(16) (b), 178.1101 (16) (h), 178.1101 (18) (b), 178.1101 (18) (i), 178.1102 (2),
13178.1123 (2), 178.1124 (1) (d) 2., 178.1124 (1) (f), 178.1125 (1) (f), 178.1125 (2)
14(a), 178.1125 (2) (b), 178.1133 (1), 178.1133 (2), 178.1134 (1) (d), 178.1134 (1) (f),
15178.1135 (1) (a), 178.1135 (5) (a), 178.1135 (5) (b), 178.1141 (1), 178.1142 (1) (f),
16178.1143 (1), 178.1143 (2), 178.1144 (1) (a), 178.1144 (1) (d), 178.1144 (1) (f),
17178.1145 (1) (f), 178.1145 (2), 178.1153 (2), 178.1154 (1) (d), 178.1154 (1) (f),
18178.1155 (1) (e), 178.1155 (1) (f), 178.1161 (1) (intro.), 180.0103 (5), 180.0103 (8),
19180.0103 (9), 180.0103 (11m), 180.0120 (1) (intro.), 180.0120 (1) (g), 180.0120
20(3) (a) (intro.), 180.0121 (1) (a) 4., 180.0122 (4), 180.0122 (5), 180.0123 (title),
21180.0123 (1) (a) (intro.), 180.0125 (1), 180.0125 (4) (c), 180.0128 (2) (b) 5.,
22180.0141 (5) (a) (intro.), 180.0202 (1) (h), 180.0401 (2) (a) 2., 180.0401 (2) (a) 9.,
23180.0401 (3) (a), 180.0401 (4) (intro.), (a) and (b), 180.0402, 180.0403 (title),
24180.0403 (1) (a), 180.0403 (1) (c), 180.0502 (1) (intro.), 180.0503 (1) (intro.), (a),
25(b), (c) and (d), 180.0504 (2) (intro.), (a) and (c), 180.0504 (3), 180.0624,
1subchapter XI (title) of chapter 180 [precedes 180.1100], 180.1100 (2) and (3),
2180.1101 (title), 180.1101 (1), 180.1102 (title), 180.1102 (1), 180.1104 (1),
3180.1104 (2) (intro.) and (b), 180.1104 (3), 180.1104 (4), 180.11045 (1) (a),
4180.1105 (title), 180.1105 (1) (intro.), 180.1105 (1) (am), 180.1105 (1) (bm),
5180.1105 (1) (cm), 180.1105 (1) (dm), 180.1105 (1) (e), 180.1105 (1) (f), 180.1105
6(1) (g), 180.1105 (2), 180.1106 (title), 180.1106 (1) (intro.), 180.1106 (1) (a),
7180.1106 (1) (am) 2., 180.1106 (1) (b), 180.1106 (1) (c), 180.1106 (1) (d), 180.1106
8(1) (f), 180.1106 (2), 180.1106 (3), 180.1130 (2) (a), 180.1130 (3) (a) (intro.),
9180.1130 (3) (a) 2., 180.1140 (4) (a) (intro.), 180.1140 (4) (a) 2., 180.1140 (4) (e)
103., 180.1150 (3) (e), 180.1150 (4) (f), 180.1161 (1), 180.1161 (2), 180.1161 (3)
11(intro.), (a), (b), (d) and (e), 180.1161 (4) (intro.) and (a) 1., 180.1161 (4) (b), (c)
12and (d), 180.1161 (6), 180.1301 (2), 180.1302 (1) (a) 1., 180.1302 (1) (a) 3. c.,
13180.1302 (1) (a) 3. d., 180.1302 (1) (b), 180.1330 (2), 180.1407 (1) (intro.) and (b),
14180.1421 (1), 180.1421 (2), 180.1421 (2m) (a), 180.1422 (3), 180.1423 (2),
15180.1503 (1) (e), 180.1506 (2) (a) 2., 180.1506 (2) (a) 9., 180.1506 (2) (b), 180.1506
16(3) (a), 180.1506 (4) (intro.), (a) and (b), 180.1508 (1) (intro.), 180.1508 (1) (d),
17180.1509 (1) (intro.), (a), (b), (c) and (d), 180.1510 (4) (a) (intro.), 180.1520 (2)
18(c), 180.1530 (1) (a), (d), (e) and (f), 180.1531 (1), 180.1531 (2) (a), 180.1531 (2)
19(b), 180.1531 (2) (c) 1. (intro.), 180.1531 (2m) (a), 180.1532 (1), 180.1622 (1)
20(intro.), (b), (c) and (d), 180.1622 (2), 180.1706 (1), 180.1706 (2) (intro.),
21180.1707 (1), 180.1708 (5), 180.1805 (5), 180.1813 (title), 180.1813 (1), 181.0103
22(5), 181.0103 (12), 181.0103 (13), 181.0103 (19), 181.0121 (1) (a) 3., 181.0121 (1)
23(b), 181.0141 (4), subchapter II (title) of chapter 181 [precedes 181.0201],
24181.0202 (1) (d), 181.0203 (1), 181.0401 (1) (a) 1., 181.0401 (2) (a) 3., 181.0401
25(2) (a) 9., 181.0401 (3) (a), 181.0401 (4) (intro.), (a) and (b), 181.0402 (title),
1181.0402 (1), 181.0402 (2), 181.0403 (title), 181.0403 (1) (a), 181.0403 (1) (c),
2181.0501 (title), 181.0502 (title), 181.0503 (1) (intro.), (a) and (b), 181.0503 (1)
3(c), 181.0503 (3) (intro.), 181.0504 (title), 181.0504 (1), 181.0504 (2) (intro.), (a)
4and (c), 181.0504 (3), 181.0670 (2) (d), 181.0705 (2), 181.0705 (3) (b), 181.0809
5(2) (c), subchapter XI (title) of chapter 181 [precedes 181.1100], 181.1100 (2),
6181.1100 (3), 181.1101 (1), 181.1161 (title), 181.1421 (1), 181.1421 (4), 181.1422
7(3), 181.1423 (2), 181.1503 (1) (e), 181.1506 (2) (a) 3., 181.1506 (2) (a) 9.,
8181.1506 (3) (a), 181.1506 (4) (intro.), (a) and (b), 181.1509 (1) (intro.), (a) and
9(b), 181.1509 (1) (c), 181.1509 (3) (intro.), 181.1510 (title), 181.1510 (1),
10181.1510 (4) (a) (intro.), 1. and 3., 181.1510 (4) (b), 181.1520 (2) (c), 182.01 (3)
11(intro.), 185.045, 190.01 (2), 196.205 (1) (c), 196.485 (1) (dv), 196.485 (1) (fe),
12196.485 (3m) (c) (intro.), 204.104 (2), 221.0701, 234.03 (28), 340.01 (6u), 440.92
13(6) (b) 1., 611.72 (1) and (2), 611.73 (1) (a), 613.13 (2) (intro.), 613.13 (3) (title),
14613.13 (4), 766.51 (10), 766.70 (4) (c), 799.06 (2), 800.035 (1) and 857.015;
15repeal and recreate 178.0120 (2) (a), 178.0120 (2) (b), chapter 179, 180.0141
16(title), (1), (2) and (3), 180.0141 (5) (a) 4., 180.0401 (2) (a) 1., 180.0403 (1) (b),
17180.0502 (1) (a), 180.0502 (1) (b), 180.0504 (1), 180.0504 (4), 180.1161 (3) (f) and
18(g), 180.1161 (4) (a) 2., 180.1506 (2) (a) 1., 181.0401 (2) (a) 1., 181.0403 (1) (b),
19181.0502 (1), 181.0504 (4), 181.1101 (title), 181.1103 (title), 181.1506 (2) (a) 1.,
20181.1508, 181.1510 (5) and chapter 183; and
to create 44.03 (3m), 178.0103 (6)
21(d), 178.0104 (2m) and (3m), 178.0105 (3) (np), 178.0401 (11m), 178.09032 (6),
22178.1124 (1) (g), 178.1125 (3), 178.1132 (1) (f), 178.1135 (6), 178.1144 (1) (g),
23178.1145 (3), 178.1154 (1) (g), 178.1161 (3), (4) and (5), 180.0103 (3m), 180.0103
24(7d), 180.0103 (8r), 180.0103 (9m) and (9r), 180.0103 (11g) and (11i), 180.0103
25(12g), 180.0103 (12r), 180.0103 (13m), 180.0103 (16m), 180.0103 (17g),
1180.0105, 180.0112, 180.0120 (3) (am), 180.0120 (5) and (6), 180.0122 (1g),
2180.0124 (1) (c), 180.0124 (2) (d), 180.0125 (2) (b) 1. to 19., 180.0125 (4) (am),
3180.0141 (6) and (7), 180.0143, 180.0144, 180.0145, 180.0401 (1) (a) 3.,
4180.0401 (3m), 180.0501 (2m) and (3m), 180.0502 (1m) and (1r), 180.0502 (3)
5(a), (b) and (c), 180.0502 (5), 180.0503 (4) and (5), 180.0504 (3m), 180.0704 (7),
6180.0821 (4), 180.1100 (1c) and (1e), 180.1100 (1j), (1m), (1o), (1q), (1s), (1u) and
7(1w), 180.1100 (4) to (14), 180.11001, 180.11002, 180.11003, 180.11004,
8180.1101 (2m), 180.11012 (title), 180.11012 (1) (d), (e) and (f), 180.1102 (1m),
9180.1102 (2m), 180.11021 (title), 180.11021 (1) (d) and (e), 180.11031, 180.11032
10(title), 180.1105 (1) (em) and (er), 180.1105 (1g), 180.1106 (1) (am) 1g., 180.1106
11(1) (e) 2., 180.1106 (1) (g), 180.1106 (1m), 180.1161 (3m), 180.1161 (4) (f), (g) and
12(h), 180.1161 (5) (am) 1., 2., 3., 4., 5. and 6., (bm) and (cm), 180.1161 (7), 180.1161
13(8), 180.1171, 180.1172, 180.1173, 180.1174, 180.1175, 180.1421 (5), 180.1422
14(4), 180.1506 (3m), 180.1507 (2m) and (3m), 180.1508 (1) (e), 180.1508 (1g),
15180.1508 (1m) and (1r), 180.1508 (2) (a), (b) and (c), 180.1508 (4), 180.1509 (4)
16and (5), 180.1531 (2) (c) 1m., 180.1531 (2) (c) 2. (intro.) and b., 180.1622 (6),
17181.0103 (10g), 181.0103 (12g), 181.0103 (13g) and (13m), 181.0103 (14g) and
18(14m), 181.0103 (18m), 181.0103 (20m) and (20r), 181.0103 (21m), 181.0103
19(23m), 181.0103 (24m), 181.0105, 181.0107, 181.0162, 181.0163, 181.0208,
20181.0210, 181.0211, 181.0212, 181.0214 (1), 181.0214 (5), 181.0401 (1) (a) 3.,
21181.0401 (3m), 181.0403 (1) (e), 181.0501 (3m) and (4m), 181.0502 (1m) and
22(1r), 181.0502 (3) (a), (b) and (c), 181.0502 (5), 181.0503 (1) (bm), 181.0503 (4),
23(5) and (6), 181.0504 (3m), 181.0505, 181.0506, 181.0507, 181.0704 (5),
24181.0821 (4), 181.1100 (1c), (1e), (1j), (1m), (1o), (1q), (1s), (1u) and (1w),
25181.1100 (4) to (14), 181.11001, 181.11002, 181.11003, 181.11004, 181.1101
1(2m), 181.1102, 181.1103 (1m) (title), 181.1103 (1m) (a), 181.1103 (2m), (3m)
2and (4m), 181.11045, 181.11055, 181.1131, 181.1132, 181.1133, 181.1134,
3181.1135, 181.1162 (title), 181.1162 (1) (e) and (f), 181.1162 (2), 181.1163,
4181.1164, 181.1165, 181.1171, 181.1172, 181.1173, 181.1174, 181.1175,
5181.1180, 181.1421 (7), 181.1422 (4), 181.1506 (3m), 181.1507 (3m) and (4m),
6181.1509 (1) (bm), 181.1509 (4), (5) and (6), 181.1510 (4m), 613.13 (3) (a) and
7613.51 (3m) of the statutes;
relating to: adopting revisions to the state's
8uniform limited partnership law and the state's limited liability company law;
9making modifications to the state's uniform partnership law; procedures
10applicable to business corporations and nonstock corporations; certificates of
11authority of service insurance corporations; providing an exemption from
12emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; and providing a
This bill repeals and recreates Wisconsin's limited partnership law to adopt the
Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act (2001), as last amended in 2013 (RULPA),
subject to certain modifications. Many provisions of RULPA and current law are
similar, including the following: A limited partnership is a legal entity separate from
its partners, and the filing of a certificate of limited partnership is required to form
a limited partnership. A limited partnership is distinguished from a general
partnership by the presence of limited partners. A limited partnership must have
at least one general partner and at least one limited partner. The limited
partnership generally is managed by general partners, and limited partners
primarily provide capital for the limited partnership. A partnership agreement
usually provides rules of governance for the limited partnership and, in many
instances, statutory provisions are default rules that govern the limited partnership
only in the absence of applicable terms in the partnership agreement. However, in
some instances, the terms of the partnership agreement may not vary from statutory
requirements. Unless stated otherwise in the partnership agreement, a limited
partnership interest (a partner's right to receive distributions from the limited
partnership) is transferable, but the recipient of the transfer (transferee) generally
is entitled to receive only partnership distributions and does not gain the voting and
other rights of a partner. Yet there are significant changes to current law made by
RULPA, as adopted under this bill, which are discussed below.
This bill provides more specific guidance, in comparison with current law, as to
when the provisions of a partnership agreement override contrary statutory
provisions and when they do not. Under the bill, “partnership agreement" means the
agreement, whether oral, implied, written, or recorded in a tangible or electronic
medium, of all the general and limited partners of a limited partnership concerning:
1) relations among the partners and between the partners and the limited
partnership; 2) the activities and affairs of the limited partnership and the conduct
of those activities and affairs; 3) the means and conditions for amending the
partnership agreement; and 4) mergers and other reorganizations involving the
limited partnership. As to these matters, statutory provisions govern only in the
absence of an applicable provision in the partnership agreement. However, the bill
also imposes restrictions on the terms of a partnership agreement. Among these
restrictions, a partnership agreement may not vary from certain statutory
provisions relating to the following: the power of a person to dissociate as a general
partner, except with respect to a limited liability limited partnership (LLLP)
(discussed further below); the grounds for expulsion of a general partner by judicial
order because of certain conduct by the general partner; the causes of dissolution;
requirements for winding up the limited partnership's activities and affairs;
requirements for DFI filings or for a limited partnership's registered agent; lawsuits
by and against partners and the limited partnership; records and information
required to be kept by the limited partnership and a partner's right of access to the
records and information; a partner's fiduciary and other duties (discussed further
below); and the applicable law governing a limited partnership's internal affairs and
the liability of its partners. The partnership agreement also governs the obligations
of the limited partnership and its partners to a person dissociated as a partner
(discussed further below) and to a transferee of a partner's interest, but an
amendment to the partnership agreement after a person has dissociated as a partner
cannot impose a new obligation on the person.
Under the bill, a general partner owes a fiduciary duty of loyalty that includes
the duty 1) to account to the limited partnership and hold as trustee for it any
property, profit, or benefit derived by the general partner in the conduct or winding
up of the partnership's activities and affairs, from use of the partnership's property,
or from the appropriation of a partnership opportunity; 2) to refrain from dealing
with the partnership, in the conduct or winding up of the partnership's activities and
affairs, adversely or on behalf of a person having an adverse interest; and 3) to refrain
from competing with the partnership in the conduct of the partnership's activities
and affairs. However, all the general and limited partners, or those disinterested
partners with authority to act, may authorize or ratify, after disclosure of all material
facts, a specific act or transaction by a general partner that otherwise would violate
the duty of loyalty. Also, it is a defense to a claim of dealing adversely with the limited
partnership (item 2 above) that the transaction was fair to the limited partnership.
Under current law, a general partner or limited partner has the right to inspect
and copy any of the partnership records required to be maintained by the limited
partnership and also has certain rights to other information.
Under this bill, in contrast to a general partner, a limited partner does not have
a right to dissociate before the winding up of the limited partnership. The bill
specifies that, among the events causing dissociation, a limited partner is dissociated
when 1) the partner withdraws from the partnership or is expelled from the
partnership; 2) an event occurs that, under the terms of the partnership agreement,
results in the partner's dissociation; 3) the partner dies or, if an entity, its existence
terminates; or 4) the partnership dissolves and completes winding up.
Under this bill, there is no presumptive dissolution of the limited partnership
upon dissociation of a general partner. Instead, upon dissociation of a general
partner, the limited partnership is dissolved only if: 1) the partnership has at least
one remaining general partner and partners owning a majority interest consent,
within 90 days, to dissolve the partnership; or 2) the partnership does not have any
remaining general partner and 90 days pass without both of the following occurring:
a majority (by interest) of limited partners consenting to continue the partnership;
and, at least one general partner being admitted.