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2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
December 5, 2019 - Introduced by Representatives Edming, Anderson, Bowen,
Cabrera, Kurtz, Magnafici, Ramthun, Sinicki, Spiros, Thiesfeldt, Tranel,
Tusler and Wichgers, cosponsored by Senators Jacque and L. Taylor.
Referred to Committee on Colleges and Universities.
1An Act to amend 36.11 (3) (d) (intro.), 36.11 (47m) (title) and 38.12 (12) (title);
2and to create 36.11 (47m) (c) and 38.12 (12) (c) of the statutes; relating to:
3exempting veterans and members of the armed forces from admissions
4application fees at University of Wisconsin System schools and technical
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill creates an application fee exemption for veterans and members of the
U.S. armed forces applying for admission to University of Wisconsin System schools
or technical colleges.
Under current law, a student who is a service member must be given priority
in registering for courses at UW System schools and technical colleges. A “service
member” is defined as a person who has served or is serving on active duty under
honorable conditions in the U.S. armed forces, in forces incorporated as part of the
U.S. armed forces, in the national guard, or in a reserve component of the U.S. armed
Under this bill, a UW System school or technical college may not charge an
application fee to a service member applying for admission to the UW System school
or technical college or to any program offered at the school or technical college.

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 36.11 (3) (d) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 36.11 (3) (d) (intro.) Each Except as provided in sub. (47m) (c), each institution
3that has any of the following applicants shall charge a uniform application fee to that
4group of applicants:
5Section 2. 36.11 (47m) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 36.11 (47m) (title) Service members; priority registration; application fee
8Section 3. 36.11 (47m) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
9 36.11 (47m) (c) The board shall ensure that no application fee is charged to any
10service member who applies for admission to any college campus or institution or to
11any program offered at a college campus or institution.
12Section 4. 38.12 (12) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 38.12 (12) (title) Service members; priority registration; application fee
15Section 5. 38.12 (12) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
16 38.12 (12) (c) Each district board shall ensure that no application fee is charged
17to any service member who applies for admission to any technical college in the
18district or to any program offered at a technical college in the district. This
19paragraph does not apply to a seminar fee established under s. 38.40 (4r).
20Section 6 . Initial applicability.

1(1) This act first applies to applications received for the first semester or session
2beginning after the effective date of this subsection.
3 (End)