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a. Grants to nonprofit organizations that operate programs to recruit and
prepare individuals to teach in public or private schools located in low-income or
urban school districts in this state.
b. Grants to school boards, governing bodies of private schools, and charter
management organizations that have partnered with an educator preparation
program approved by DPI and headquartered in this state to design and implement
teacher development programs.
This bill combines the grant programs and transfers from DWD to DPI the
authority and obligation to award the grants. Under the combined grant program,
DPI may award grants only to school boards, governing bodies of private schools, and
charter management organizations.
14. Transfer career and technical education incentive grant and completion
award program to DPI
This bill transfers from DWD to DPI the authority and obligation to award
career and technical education (CTE) incentive grants and completion awards.
Under current law, DWD approves industry-recognized certification programs
designed to a) mitigate workforce shortages; and b) prepare individuals for
occupations as fire fighters, emergency medical responders, and emergency medical
services practitioners (public safety occupations). Currently, DWD must award CTE
incentive grants to school districts that have programs approved by DWD, and the
amount of each grant depends on the number of pupils who complete the school
district's programs. DWD also must award CTE completion awards to pupils for each
DWD-approved program the pupil completes that is related to public safety
occupations. The bill also transfers program approval authority from DWD to DPI.

15. Transfer technical education equipment grant program to DPI
This bill transfers from DWD to DPI the authority to award technical education
equipment grants to school districts for the acquisition of equipment that is used in
advanced manufacturing fields in the workplace.
16. Wisconsin Reading Corps grant
Under current law, DPI must, in the 2017-18 and 2018-19 school years,
distribute to Wisconsin Reading Corps to provide one-on-one tutoring to pupils all
amounts appropriated to DPI for that purpose. This bill requires DPI to continue
annually making the distribution to Wisconsin Reading Corps going forward.
17. Bullying prevention grants
This bill requires DPI to annually award a bullying prevention grant to the
nonprofit organization that received the grant in the 2017-18 and 2018-19 school
18. Robotics league participation grants
This bill clarifies that DPI may award a robotics league participation grant to
an eligible team to participate in more than one robotics competition.
Primary and secondary education: other
Eliminate restriction on the number of school district referenda in a
calendar year
Under current law, if a school board wants to borrow money through a bond
issue or exceed the revenue limit otherwise applicable to the school district, the
school board must obtain the approval of the school district's electors at a
referendum. Under current law, a school board may submit a resolution to borrow
money or exceed the revenue limit to electors for approval or rejection no more than
two times in any calendar year. The bill eliminates that restriction.
2. Eliminate teacher licensure based on an alternative teacher certification
This bill eliminates the requirement that DPI issue an initial teaching license
to an individual who completes an alternative teacher certification program
operated by a provider that is a nonprofit organization and that meets all of the
following criteria: a) the organization operates in at least five states; b) the
organization has been operating an alternative teacher certification program for at
least ten years; and c) the organization requires candidates for certification to pass
a subject area exam and the pedagogy exam known as the Professional Teaching
Knowledge exam.
3. Teacher planning time
This bill requires school boards to provide teachers with at least 45 minutes or
the equivalent of one class period, whichever is longer, of paid planning time each
4. School breakfast program
This bill expands who is eligible for reimbursement under the school breakfast
program to include operators of independent charter schools, the director of the
Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the

director of the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and operators
of residential care centers for children and youth. This bill also prohibits DPI from
making reimbursements under the school breakfast program for breakfasts served
in the prior school year if the school ceased operations during the prior school year.
This prohibition does not apply to reimbursements to a school district.
5. Licensing fees
Under the bill, all fees collected by DPI for the certification or licensure of school
and public library personnel are credited back to DPI to fund DPI's administrative
costs related to licensure. Under current law, 90 percent of the fees are credited back
to DPI and the remaining 10 percent are deposited into the general fund.
6. Digital archiving projects in public libraries
Under current law, DPI must develop and maintain an online resource, called
WISElearn, to provide educational resources for parents, teachers, and pupils; offer
online learning opportunities; provide regional technical support centers; provide
professional development for teachers; and enable video conferencing. This bill
expands WISElearn to include supporting digital archiving projects in public
Higher education
Resident undergraduate tuition freeze
The bill prohibits the Board of Regents of the UW System from charging
resident undergraduate academic fees in the 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic years
that are more than the fees charged in the 2018-19 academic year.
2. Nonresident tuition exemption for undocumented individuals
The bill creates a nonresident tuition exemption for certain technical college
and UW System students.
Current law allows the Board of Regents to charge different tuition rates to
resident and nonresident students. Current law also includes nonresident tuition
exemptions, under which certain nonresident students pay resident tuition rates.
This bill creates an additional exemption for an alien who is not a legal permanent
resident of the United States and who: a) graduated from a Wisconsin high school
or received a declaration of equivalency of high school graduation from Wisconsin;
b) was continuously present in Wisconsin for at least three years following the first
day of attending a Wisconsin high school or immediately preceding receipt of a
declaration of equivalency of high school graduation; and c) enrolls in a UW System
institution and provides the institution with an affidavit stating that he or she has
filed or will file an application for permanent residency with U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services as soon as the person is eligible to do so.
The bill also provides that an alien described above is considered a resident of
this state for purposes of admission to and payment of fees at a technical college.
3. Technical college revenue limits
Under the bill, with certain exceptions, a technical college district board's
revenue, defined as the sum of its tax levy for operations and the amount of aid it
receives for property tax relief and tax-exempt personal property, in a school year
may not exceed its revenue in the previous school year increased by 2 percent, or the

district's valuation factor, whichever is greater. A district's valuation factor is the
percentage change in the district's equalized value due to new construction, less
improvements removed. Current law limits the increase to a district's valuation
4. Dual enrollment at UW schools and technical colleges
The bill requires the Board of Regents and technical college district boards to
establish policies and implement programs under which students attending high
school in this state are admitted, respectively, to the UW System or technical colleges
as nondegree students and may enroll in courses offered for credit at a UW System
school or technical college. The student must meet the requirements and
prerequisites of the course and there must be space available in the course. In
establishing the policies and implementing the program, the Board of Regents or
technical college district board must consult with DPI and coordinate with the school
districts and the governing bodies of private schools where the high school students
are enrolled. The Board of Regents and technical college district boards may not
charge tuition or fees to any high school student, or to the school district or private
school in which the student is enrolled, in connection with the student's participation
in the program or the student's enrollment in any course under this program. The
UW school or technical college in which the student is enrolled must award
postsecondary credit for any course successfully completed. The student must notify
the school board of the public high school he or she attends, or the governing body
of the private school he or she attends, of the student's intention to enroll in a UW
school or technical college and of any course to be taken. If the student will be taking
the course for high school credit, the school board or private school governing body
must determine whether the course satisfies high school graduation requirements
and the number of high school credits to award the student for the course, if any, and
notify the student of these determinations. These programs replace the existing
Early College Credit Program and dual enrollment program in technical colleges.
See Primary and secondary education.
5. Student Loan Refinancing Study Committee
The bill creates the Student Loan Refinancing Study Committee consisting of
the secretary of financial institutions, the state treasurer, and the executive
secretary of HEAB. The committee's purpose is to study the creation and
administration of a bonding authority for the refinancing of student loans to ease the
student loan debt burden. The committee must submit a report to the governor and
the legislature that includes a) recommendations regarding the corporate and legal
structure of the refinancing entity, including governance; b) a profile of the loan
portfolio, projected costs, estimated staffing needs, underwriting requirements, and
other information pertinent to the creation of a financing entity that offers interest
rate savings to student loan debtors; and c) an assessment of the feasibility of and
options for offering borrower protections similar to those under federal student loan

6. Student success and attainment
The bill requires the Board of Regents to allocate $20,000,000 of its general
program operations appropriation in fiscal year 2019-20 and $25,000,000 of that
appropriation in fiscal year 2020-21 to advance student success and attainment.
7. Additional funding for UW Colleges
The bill requires the Board of Regents to allocate at least $2,500,000 each year
from its general program operations appropriation to provide additional funding to
the UW Colleges for student support services.
8. Supplemental talent incentive grants
The bill allows HEAB to award supplemental grants in a fiscal biennium to
students to whom HEAB has awarded talent incentive grants in that biennium.
Under current law, HEAB awards talent incentive grants to uniquely needy students
enrolled at public and private nonprofit institutions of higher education in this state.
Current law limits the amount of a talent incentive grant to $1,800 for an academic
year. The bill allows HEAB to award the supplemental grants from funding that is
available after HEAB makes all of the talent incentive grants in a fiscal biennium.
Supplemental grants are not subject to the $1,800 limit.
9. UW System supplemental pay plans
The bill allows the Board of Regents and the chancellor of the UW–Madison to
provide supplemental pay plans for their employees during the 2019-21 fiscal
biennium. The chancellor must submit his or her plan to the Board of Regents for
approval. Current law requires the Board of Regents to annually allocate
$26,250,000 of its general program operations funding to UW institutions in
accordance with a performance-based funding formula described below. In the
2019-21 fiscal biennium, this bill allows the Board of Regents to allocate all or a
portion of that amount to fund the pay plans allowed under the bill, instead of in
accordance with that formula. If the Board of Regents allocates a portion, the
remainder must be allocated in accordance with the formula.
10. Rural dentist educational loan repayment
The bill allows dentists who agree to practice in rural areas under an
educational loan repayment assistance program to receive the same amount of
assistance as physicians. The program is administered by the Board of Regents.
Under current law, dentists and physicians who agree to practice at least 32 clinic
hours per week for three years in areas with shortages of dental or primary care
professionals may receive up to $50,000 in assistance under the program. In
addition, a physician who agrees to practice for the same duration in a rural area may
receive up to $100,000 in assistance under the program. However, dentists who
agree to practice for the same duration in a rural area are eligible for up to $50,000
in assistance. This bill makes dentists who agree to practice for the same duration
in rural areas eligible for up to $100,000 in assistance.
11. Nurse educators
The bill requires the Board of Regents to establish a program that provides a)
fellowships to students who enroll in certain advanced nursing degree programs; b)
postdoctoral fellowships to recruit faculty for UW System nursing programs; and c)

educational loan repayment assistance to recruit and retain faculty for UW System
nursing programs. In addition, the program must require individuals who receive
fellowships or educational assistance to make a three-year commitment to teaching
in a UW System nursing program.
12. Minority teacher loan program
The bill prohibits HEAB from making a loan under the minority teacher loan
program after the date on which the bill becomes law. Under the bill, HEAB
continues to administer the repayment and loan forgiveness of all minority teacher
loans made on or before the date the bill becomes law.
Under current law, HEAB administers a minority teacher loan program for
minority students who meet certain eligibility criteria, including enrollment in a
program of study leading to a teacher's license in a teacher shortage field. A minority
student is defined as a student who is a Black American, an American Indian, a
individual of any race whose ancestors originated in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba,
Central America, or South America or whose culture or origin is Spanish, or an
individual admitted to the United States after December 31, 1975, who is either a
former citizen of Laos, Vietnam, or Cambodia or whose ancestor was or is a citizen
of Laos, Vietnam, or Cambodia. Under the program, HEAB may award, to an eligible
minority student, a loan of up to $10,000 annually for up to three years. HEAB must
forgive 25 percent of the loan for each school year that the loan recipient a) is
employed in the city of Milwaukee as a full-time elementary or secondary school
teacher in a high-demand, teacher shortage field; and b) receives a teacher rating
of proficient or distinguished.
The bill replaces the minority teacher loan program with a grant program
under which DPI awards grants to school districts to recruit minority teachers. See
Primary and secondary education
13. Mid-year changes to the Wisconsin grant formula
The bill allows HEAB, under certain circumstances, to modify the formula used
to award Wisconsin grants without JCF approval.
Under current law, HEAB administers the Wisconsin grant program, which
provides grants to resident postsecondary students enrolled at least half time and
registered as freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors in UW System schools,
technical colleges, private nonprofit colleges, and tribal colleges in this state. Each
of these four types of higher education institutions must annually submit to HEAB
a proposed formula for awarding Wisconsin grants to students enrolled in these
institutions for the next year, and HEAB must then approve, modify, or disapprove
these proposed formulas for awarding grants for the next year. If HEAB determines
during the year that any formula approved during the prior year needs to be modified
in order to expend the entire amount appropriated for grants to students at the
applicable type of institution, HEAB must submit a modified formula to JCF and
may implement the formula with JCF approval under a 14-day passive review
The bill eliminates the JCF submission and passive review process, allowing
HEAB to implement modifications to the approved Wisconsin grant formula if HEAB
determines during the year that any formula approved during the prior year needs

to be modified in order to expend the entire amount appropriated for grants to
students at the applicable type of institution.
14. Environmental education grants
The bill requires UW-Stevens Point to award grants, funded from the
conservation fund, to nonprofit corporations and public agencies for the
development, dissemination, and presentation of environmental education
programs. To receive a grant, the grant recipient must match at least 25 percent of
the amount of the grant, which matching may include in-kind contributions. No
more than one-third of the total amount of grants awarded each year may be
awarded to state agencies.
15. Distribution of performance-based funding for UW Schools
The bill specifies the UW System institutions eligible to receive performance
funding after the UW System's restructuring under the plan approved by the Higher
Learning Commission on or about June 28, 2018.
Current law requires the Board of Regents to identify at least four metrics to
measure a UW System institution's progress toward meeting each of the following
goals: a) growing and ensuring student access; b) improving and excelling at student
progress and completion; c) expanding contributions to the workforce; and d)
enhancing operational efficiency and effectiveness. An institution includes the
extension, but the Board of Regents may specify different metrics for the extension.
The Board of Regents must develop a formula for distributing money to UW System
institutions based on each institution's performance with respect to these metrics.
The Board of Regents must submit this formula to JCF for approval before using the
formula to distribute money. The amount of money allocated for distribution under
the formula is $26,250,000 in each fiscal year.
This bill modifies the definition of an institution for purposes of performance
funding. Under the bill, an institution eligible to receive performance funding, based
on the Board of Regents' metrics and distribution formula, is any of the following:
a. A four-year UW System school, including any two-year UW System school
associated with it as a branch campus under the UW System restructuring plan.
b. Any operational unit of the UW-Madison assigned former functions of the
UW-Extension as a result of the UW System restructuring.
c. Any operational unit of the UW System administration assigned former
functions of the UW-Extension as a result of the UW System restructuring.
16. UW-Extension county-based agriculture positions
The bill requires the Board of Regents to allocate $1,500,000 in fiscal year
2019-20 and $2,000,000 in each fiscal year thereafter for UW-Extension
county-based agriculture positions.
17. Funding for the Paper Science Program at UW-Stevens Point
The bill requires the Board of Regents to fund at least 1.0 FTE position in the
Paper Science Program at UW-Stevens Point from an appropriation from the
conservation fund, replacing a provision of current law allocating $78,000 annually
from this appropriation for the program.

18. Handicapped references
The bill refers to impaired individuals or individuals with disabilities, instead
of handicapped individuals, in statutes administered by HEAB and the TCS Board.
Other educational and cultural agencies
Instructional material related to public radio and television programs
This bill allows the Educational Communications Board to procure or publish
instructional material related to state educational radio and television network
programs and to impose a reasonable charge for providing this material.
Nonpartisan redistricting
This bill creates a new procedure for the preparation of legislative and
congressional redistricting plans. The bill directs the LRB to draw redistricting
plans based upon standards specified in the bill and establishes a Redistricting
Advisory Commission to oversee the LRB's work in drawing redistricting plans and
to perform certain tasks in the redistricting process. The commission consists of five
members. The speaker and minority leader of the assembly and the majority and
minority leaders of the senate must each appoint one person to serve on the
commission. The four appointed commissioners then select a fifth commissioner to
serve as chairperson. The bill prohibits all of the following individuals from being
commission members: individuals who are not eligible electors of this state at the
time of the appointment, individuals who hold partisan public office or political party
office, and individuals who are a relative of or are employed by a member of the
legislature or of Congress or are employed directly by the legislature or Congress.
If requested to do so by the LRB, the commission must provide direction to the
LRB concerning any decision the LRB must make in preparing a redistricting plan.
The bill permits the commission to establish policies limiting the information that
the LRB may provide to persons outside of LRB staff concerning any redistricting
plan. However, the bill also provides that any draft maps, along with the data sets
used to create them, that the LRB produces in the course of preparing a redistricting
plan must be open to the public and made available on the Internet site of the LRB
as soon as they are produced. The bill further provides that in preparing a
redistricting plan, the LRB must test the efficiency gap and competitiveness of each
district and make the test results available to the public, including on its Internet
site. The efficiency gap is, generally, a method that purports to test the fairness of
a redistricting plan based on measuring the number of votes cast for a candidate
beyond the number needed to be elected.
In preparing the plan, the LRB must be strictly nonpartisan. No district may
be drawn for the purpose of favoring a political party, incumbent legislator or
member of Congress, or other person or group, or, except to the extent necessary to
meet the requirements of the Voting Rights Act, for the purpose of augmenting or
diluting the voting strength of a language or racial minority group. The LRB may
not use residence addresses of incumbent legislators or members of Congress,
political affiliations of registered voters, previous election results, or, except as

necessary to meet the requirements of the Voting Rights Act, demographic
After the LRB submits a plan to the legislature, the commission must hold
public hearings on the plan and submit a report to the legislature summarizing
information and testimony received at the hearings. The bill requires either the
assembly or the senate to bring the redistricting plan to a vote expeditiously, but not
less than seven days after the report of the commission is received and made
available to the members of the legislature. That plan may not be amended. If the
first plan fails to pass, the legislature must submit to the LRB the reasons for why
the plan failed. The LRB then must submit a second plan that also may not be
amended. If the second plan fails, the LRB must produce a third plan. The third plan
may be amended, but the plan and all amendments to it may be passed only with the
approval of three-fourths of all the members elected in each house.
2. Automatic voter registration
This bill requires the Elections Commission to facilitate the registration of all
eligible electors of this state and to maintain the registration of all eligible electors
for so long as they remain eligible. The bill directs the commission and DOT to enter
into an agreement so that DOT may transfer information in DOT's records to the
commission. The bill requires the commission to maintain the confidentiality of any
information it obtains under the agreement and allows a driver's license or
identification card applicant to “opt out" of DOT's transfer of this information to the
commission. Once the commission obtains all the information required under
current law to complete an elector's registration, the commission adds the elector's
name to the statewide registration list.
The bill also directs the Elections Commission to report to the appropriate
standing committees of the legislature, no later than July 1, 2020, concerning its
progress in implementing the registration system created by the bill. The report
must contain an assessment of the feasibility of integrating registration information
with information maintained by other agencies.
3. Voter identification
Current law allows an individual to use as voter identification an unexpired
identification card issued by a technical college, college, or university in this state if
the card meets certain criteria. The card must have an expiration date that is no later
than two years after the date it was issued, and the individual must establish proof
of enrollment. This bill eliminates the proof of enrollment requirement and allows
the use of a card that expires no later than five years after the issuance date. The
bill also eliminates the requirement that the card contain the student's signature.
In addition, the bill requires each technical college in this state and each UW System
institution to issue student identification cards that meet the criteria to be used as
voter identification no later than August 1, 2019.