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This bill restores prior law with respect to the membership of the WEDC board.
Under the law prior to 2017 Wisconsin Act 369, the chief executive officer of
WEDC was nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate
appointed, to serve at the pleasure of the governor. Under Act 369, the chief
executive officer of WEDC is appointed by the board of directors of WEDC until
September 1, 2019, at which point the governor again nominates the chief executive
officer. This bill repeals that provision in Act 369.
6. WEDC contracting requirements
This bill creates certain requirements for contracts between WEDC and
recipients of grants, loans, or tax credits awarded by WEDC. Under the bill, WEDC
may not enter into a contract for a grant, loan, or tax credit before all of the following
a. WEDC verifies the applicant's number of full-time employees through
payroll or other business records.
b. WEDC's underwriting staff completes a review of the application for the
grant, loan, or tax credit, including an evaluation of all statutory requirements and
all requirements under WEDC's policies and procedures that apply to the grant,
loan, or tax credit.
The bill also requires that all terms of each contract WEDC executes must, at
the time the contract is executed, be in compliance with all applicable state laws and
all applicable WEDC policies and procedures.
Finally, the bill specifies that each contract WEDC executes must require the
award recipient to submit payroll records, or other business records WEDC deems
sufficient, to WEDC for the purpose of accounting for jobs created or retained.
7. Disclosure of WEDC contracts; material changes to contracts or projects
Under this bill, any WEDC contract under which a taxpayer may be eligible to
claim total tax benefits in excess of $5,000,000 must require the taxpayer to notify
WEDC of any material change to the project and the effect of the material change on
the contract's performance goals or requirements. The bill requires WEDC to notify
JCF of these material changes and any other material change to such a contract that
is due to an amendment to the contract. The bill also requires that WEDC's Internet
site contain a searchable database of all final contracts, including amendments, that
provide a grant, loan, or tax credit.
8. Reports to WEDC concerning job elimination or relocation
This bill requires that a recipient of a grant, loan, or tax credit from WEDC
report certain job losses or job relocations outside Wisconsin to WEDC within seven
business days after the jobs are eliminated or relocated. If the recipient shows that

extenuating circumstances prevent meeting the seven-day requirement, the
recipient may submit the report within 30 days. The bill further requires that no
grant, loan, or tax credit from WEDC may be used to relocate jobs outside Wisconsin
or to reduce net employment in Wisconsin.
9. WEDC reporting on job creation and retention
This bill requires that WEDC, when reporting on jobs created or retained in the
state as a result of an economic development program administered by WEDC,
include only those jobs that meet the criteria for receiving a grant, loan award, or tax
credit under the program.
10. Repayment of tax credits
Under this bill, no later than seven days after WEDC receives a repayment of
tax credits, WEDC must remit the full amount of the payment to the secretary of
administration for deposit in the general fund.
11. Information sharing between WEDC and DOR
This bill allows WEDC and DOR to enter into an agreement under which
WEDC may obtain copies of tax returns and related documents from DOR. The bill
requires that WEDC keep the records confidential. The bill also authorizes WEDC
to examine tax returns and related documents held by DOR to the extent necessary
to administer WEDC's economic development programs. Under current law,
WEDC's examination authority is limited to the development zone tax credit
12. Modifications to WEDC reporting requirements
This bill modifies WEDC's reporting requirements to the legislature and DOR.
First, the bill alters the requirement that WEDC, prior to the beginning of each
calendar year, report to the legislature on the economic development projects it
intends to develop and implement during the year. Under the bill, the reporting
period is the fiscal year not the calendar year. Second, the bill repeals the
requirement that WEDC report to the legislature on the economic development tax
credit program. This program ended in 2015, and taxable year 2019 is the final year
for which taxpayers may claim the credit under contracts with WEDC. Third, the
bill modifies the requirement that WEDC's quarterly reports to DOR include the
amount of tax credits claimed by a person whose certification to claim credits has
been revoked. Under the bill, WEDC must report the amount of tax credits that
WEDC determined the person was eligible to claim, rather than the amount of
credits already claimed.
13. Economic development liaison project position
Under current law, WEDC has the authority to appoint and supervise an
economic development liaison project position in DOA. DOA had that authority
when the position was first created. This bill returns that authority to DOA.
14. WEDC appropriation adjustments
This bill adjusts the calculation used to determine the amount of WEDC's
general purpose revenue appropriation. The bill does not raise the cap on that
appropriation, which is $16,512,500 per fiscal year.

Art in state buildings program
This bill establishes a program administered by the Arts Board for the
acquisition and display of works of art in and on the grounds of state buildings open
to the general public. Under the bill, for building projects costing at least $250,000,
at least two-tenths of 1 percent of the appropriation for the construction,
reconstruction, remodeling of, or addition to a state building must be used to acquire
one or more works of art to be incorporated into the building or displayed in or on the
grounds of the building. The Arts Board must appoint an advisory committee for
each building project and, after reviewing the committee's recommendations, must
select one or more works of art for the project. The bill contains specific contract
requirements for the Arts Board's acquisition of works of art, including vesting
ownership of the works of art in the state but reserving certain rights to the artists.
Under the bill, the Arts Board is required to ensure that selected works of art
represent a wide variety of art forms and artists, except that preference must be
given to Wisconsin artists, and that each work of art is maintained and displayed for
at least 25 years, unless earlier removal is in the public interest.
Housing quality standards grants
This bill requires DOA to award grants to owners of rental housing units in
Wisconsin for purposes of satisfying applicable housing quality standards.
2. Increased bonding authorization
This bill increases from $600,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 WHEDA's bonding
limit for most of its programs, including housing programs for individuals and
families of low or moderate income.
correctional system
Age of juvenile court jurisdiction
Under current law, a person 17 years of age or older who is alleged to have
violated a criminal law is subject to the procedures specified in the Criminal
Procedure Code and, on conviction, is subject to sentencing under the Criminal Code,
which may include a sentence of imprisonment in the Wisconsin state prisons.
Currently, subject to certain exceptions, a person under 17 years of age who is alleged
to have violated a criminal law is subject to the procedures specified in the Juvenile
Justice Code and, on being adjudicated delinquent, is subject to an array of
dispositions under that code including placement in a juvenile correctional facility.
This bill raises from 17 to 18 the age at which a person who is alleged to have violated
a criminal law is subject to the procedures specified in the Criminal Procedure Code
and, on conviction, to sentencing under the Criminal Code.
Similarly, under current law, a person 17 years of age or older who is alleged to
have violated a civil law or municipal ordinance is subject to the jurisdiction and
procedures of the circuit court or, if applicable, the municipal court, while a person
under 17 years of age who is alleged to have violated a civil law or municipal

ordinance, subject to certain exceptions, is subject to the jurisdiction and procedures
of the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under the Juvenile Justice Code. This
bill raises from 17 to 18 the age at which a person who is alleged to have violated a
civil law or municipal ordinance is subject to the jurisdiction and procedures of the
circuit court or, if applicable, the municipal court.
2. Closing Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake schools
This bill makes certain changes to the grant program for the design and
construction of new secured residential care centers for children and youth
(SRCCCYs) under 2017 Wisconsin Act 185. Act 185 created a grant program for
counties to construct new SRCCCYs for the purpose of holding in secure custody
juveniles who are adjudicated delinquent and given a correctional placement under
the Juvenile Justice Code. Act 185 formed a juvenile corrections grant committee for
the purpose of awarding the grants, including three members appointed from each
house of the legislature. This bill requires that one member appointed from each
house is appointed by the appropriate minority party leader. Under Act 185, grant
applications are due by March 31, 2019, and plan recommendations must be
submitted by the grant committee to JCF by July 1, 2019. This bill extends the grant
program deadlines by three months, so that applications are due by June 30, 2019,
and plan recommendations are due to JCF by October 1, 2019.
Act 185 also required the current juvenile correctional facility owned and
operated by DOC (Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake schools) to be closed no later than
January 1, 2021, or when all of the juveniles that are held there are transferred to
the new county-run SRCCCYs or a new state-run juvenile correctional facility, also
funded by and required under Act 185. This bill removes the deadline for closing
Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake schools and for constructing the new SRCCCYs and
new state-run juvenile correctional facility.
3. Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center
Under Act 185, a juvenile under the supervision of a county at an SRCCCY may
be transferred to the Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center (MJTC), which is a Type
1 juvenile correctional facility (Type 1 facility) operated by DHS, on the
recommendation of DHS and after a court hearing. Under this bill, a court may place
such a juvenile at MJTC only if DHS approves. In addition, only the Mendota Mental
Health Institute director or his or her designee may make decisions regarding the
admission of juveniles to and the treatment of juveniles at MJTC and the release and
return of juveniles to the appropriate state or county facility.
Under current law, a county pays DOC a daily rate for each juvenile from that
county placed at a Type 1 facility under DOC supervision. DOC may transfer
juveniles from a Type 1 facility to MJTC, and DOC is required to transfer an amount
specified by statute each fiscal year to DHS for services DHS provides for those
juveniles. Under Act 185, if a juvenile is transferred from an SRCCCY to MJTC, the
juvenile is under DOC supervision just as if the juvenile were at a DOC-operated
Type 1 facility, and the county pays DOC a daily rate for that juvenile. Similarly,
DOC reimburses DHS for the juvenile's care at MJTC the same way it pays for other
juveniles under its supervision at MJTC. Under this bill, such a juvenile remains

under the supervision of the county, and DHS may directly charge the county a rate
that DHS sets for care provided to such juveniles at MJTC.
Act 185 requires DHS to construct an expansion of MJTC to accommodate no
fewer than 29 additional juveniles, subject to the approval of JCF. This bill
eliminates the requirement that DHS obtain approval of JCF before constructing the
4. Costs for the placement of juveniles in a Type 1 facility
This bill updates the daily rate paid by counties to DOC for services provided
to juveniles in a Type 1 facility, and increases the amount transferred from DOC to
DHS for the operation of MJTC. Under the bill, the daily rate for care in a Type 1
facility is $501 for fiscal year 2019-20, $513 for the first half of fiscal year 2020-21,
and $588 for the second half of fiscal year 2020-21. Under the bill, DOC is required
to transfer $3,224,100 to DHS for the operation of MJTC in fiscal year 2019-20, and
$5,878,100 in fiscal year 2020-21.
5. Community youth and family aids
Under current law relating to community youth and family aids, generally
referred to as “youth aids," DCF is required to allocate to counties various state and
federal moneys to pay for state-provided juvenile correctional services and local
delinquency-related and juvenile justice services. This bill sets the amounts of
youth aids that DCF must allocate to counties in the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.
The bill appropriates to DCF a sum sufficient for youth aids-related purposes
but only to reimburse counties, beginning on January 1, 2021, for costs associated
with juveniles who were alleged to have violated a state or federal criminal law or
any civil law or municipal ordinance at age 17. The bill also provides funding and
requires DCF to reimburse counties for one-time start-up costs incurred for youth
aids-related purposes in establishing, alone or jointly with one or more counties, a
secured residential care center for children and youth. The bill requires DCF to
consult with county representatives to determine those expenses that are eligible for
reimbursement and to evaluate modifications to the youth aids formula.
6. Eliminating report on reduced sentences
Current law requires DOC to submit a report to the legislature, upon request,
regarding individuals who, since the previous report or during a date range specified
in the request, were pardoned or released from imprisonment before completing
their sentences. The report must identify each individual by name, include the crime
for which he or she was convicted, and provide the name of the person who pardoned
the individual or authorized the early release. This bill eliminates this report.
Courts and procedure
Public defender
Public defender private attorney rate increase
This bill changes the rate at which the public defender must pay a private local
attorney to whom a case is assigned from $40 per hour for time spent related to a case,
excluding travel, to $70 per hour for time spent related to a case, excluding travel,

with certain exceptions. Under the bill, the rate must be adjusted biennially by a
percentage that correlates with the federal Department of Labor's consumer price
Domestic relations
Elimination of birth cost recovery
This bill eliminates the requirement that a court include in a judgment or order
relating to paternity an order for a father to pay for a portion of pregnancy and birth
expenses. Under current law, a court is required to include in a paternity order an
order for the father to repay a portion of pregnancy and birth expenses, taking into
account the father's income and ability to pay. This bill eliminates orders relating
to pregnancy and birth expenses. The bill also expressly prohibits the state from
seeking recovery of birth expenses. Under current law, if the mother of a child was
enrolled in a health maintenance organization or other prepaid health care plan
under the Medical Assistance program at the time of the child's birth, the state could
seek to recover from the father the birth expenses incurred by the health
maintenance organization or other prepaid health care plan.
2. Child support custodial parent fee
This bill changes the annual fee collected from every individual receiving child
support or family support payments from $25 to $35 in order to conform to applicable
federal law, specifically changes enacted in the federal Bipartisan Budget Act of
General courts and procedure
Qui tam actions for false claims
This bill restores a private individual's authority to bring a qui tam claim
against a person who makes a false or fraudulent claim for medical assistance, which
was eliminated in 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, and further expands qui tam actions to
include any false or fraudulent claims to a state agency. A qui tam claim is a claim
initiated by a private individual on his or her own behalf and on behalf of the state
against a person who makes a false claim relating to medical assistance or other
moneys from a state agency. The bill provides that, of moneys recovered as a result
of a qui tam claim, a private individual may be awarded up to 30 percent of the
amount recovered, depending upon the extent of the individual's contribution to the
prosecution of the action. The individual may also be entitled to reasonable expenses
incurred in bringing the action, as well as attorney fees. The bill also includes
additional changes not included in the prior law to incorporate provisions enacted
in the federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 and conform state law to the federal False
Claims Act, including expanding provisions to facilitate qui tam actions and
modifying the bases for liability to parallel the liability provisions under the federal
False Claims Act. In addition to qui tam claims, DOJ has independent authority to
bring a claim against a person for making a false claim for medical assistance. The
bill modifies provisions relating to DOJ's authority to parallel the liability and

penalty standards relating to qui tam claims and to parallel the forfeiture amounts
provided under the federal False Claims Act.
Decriminalizing 25 grams or less of marijuana
Current law prohibits a person from possessing or attempting to possess;
possessing with the intent to manufacture, distribute, or deliver; and
manufacturing, distributing, or delivering marijuana. The penalties vary based on
the amount of marijuana or plants involved or the number of previous
controlled-substance convictions the person has. Current law also allows local
governments to enact ordinances prohibiting the possession of marijuana.
This bill eliminates a) the penalty for possession of marijuana if the amount of
marijuana involved is no more than 25 grams; b) the penalty for manufacturing or
for possessing with the intent to manufacture, distribute, or deliver if the amount of
marijuana involved is no more than 25 grams or the number of plants involved is no
more than two; and c) the penalty for distributing or delivering marijuana if the
amount of marijuana involved is no more than 25 grams or the number of plants
involved is no more than two. The bill retains the current law penalty for distributing
or delivering any amount of marijuana to a minor who is no more than 17 years of
age by a person who is at least three years older than the minor. The bill limits local
governments to enacting ordinances prohibiting only the possession of more than 25
grams of marijuana.
The bill also prohibits establishing probable cause that a person is violating the
prohibition against possessing more than 25 grams of marijuana by an odor of
marijuana or by the possession of not more than 25 grams of marijuana. Current law
requires that, when determining the weight of controlled substances, the weight
includes the weight of the controlled substance together with any compound,
mixture, or other substance mixed or combined with the controlled substance. Under
the bill, when determining the amount of tetrahydrocannabinols, only the weight of
the marijuana may be considered. Finally, the bill creates a process for expunging
or dismissing convictions involving less than 25 grams of marijuana that occurred
before this bill takes effect.
Primary and secondary education: school district funding
School district funding; fair funding for our future
This bill makes a number of changes in the laws relating to public school
financing, including the following:
a. Currently, the amount appropriated each fiscal year for general school aid
is a sum set by law. Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, this bill directs DPI, DOA,
and the Legislative Fiscal Bureau annually to jointly certify to JCF an estimate of
the amount necessary to appropriate in the following school year to ensure that state
school aids equal two-thirds of partial school revenues (in general, the sum of state

school aids and school property taxes). Under the bill, JCF determines the amount
appropriated as general school aids in each odd-numbered fiscal year and the
amount is set by law in each even-numbered fiscal year.
b. For purposes of determining a school district's general school aid amount,
this bill changes how a pupil enrolled in a four-year-old full-day kindergarten
program is counted for purposes of general school aid from 0.5 pupil to one pupil.
Additionally, for purposes of the general school aid formula, the bill requires each
pupil who is eligible for a free or reduced-price lunch to be counted as an additional
0.2 pupil solely for the purpose of determining a school district's property value per
c. Currently, if a school district would receive less in general state aid in any
school year than 85 percent of the amount it received in the previous school year, its
state aid for the current school year is increased to 85 percent of the aid received in
the previous school year. This bill increases the percentage to 90 percent.
d. This bill provides that a school district's state aid in any school year may not
be less than an amount equal to the school district's membership multiplied by
e. Under current law, there is no per pupil adjustment for purposes of
calculating a school district's revenue limit. This bill provides a per pupil adjustment
of $200 per pupil for the 2019-20 school year and $204 for the 2020-21 school year.
Under the bill, in the 2021-22 school year and thereafter, the per pupil adjustment
is the per pupil adjustment for the previous school year as adjusted for any increase
in the consumer price index.
f. Current law provides a minimum per pupil revenue limit for school districts,
known as the revenue limit ceiling. Under the bill, the revenue limit ceiling for school
districts is $9,700 in the 2019-20 school year and $10,000 in the 2020-21 school year
and each school year thereafter. Under current law, the revenue limit ceiling is
$9,500 in the 2019-20 school year, and increases by $100 each school year until the
ceiling reaches $9,800 in the 2022-23 school year. Current law also provides that
during the three school years following a school year in which an operating
referendum fails in a school district, the school district's revenue limit ceiling is the
revenue limit ceiling that applied in the school year during which the referendum
was held. This bill eliminates this consequence for a failed operating referendum.
g. This bill creates a revenue limit adjustment for a school district that incurs
costs to remediate lead contamination in drinking water in the school district,
including costs to test for the presence of lead in drinking water, to provide safe
drinking water, and to replace lead pipe water service lines to school buildings in the
school district.
h. Currently, if at least 50 percent of a school district's enrollment is eligible for
a free or reduced-price lunch under the federal school lunch program, the school
district is eligible for a prorated share of the amount appropriated as high-poverty
aid. This bill eliminates this aid beginning in the 2020-21 school year. The bill
provides additional state aid for the 2020-21 school year to hold school districts
harmless from the loss of high-poverty aid.

i. Currently, $75,000,000 in general school aid payments is delayed until the
following school year. Under the bill, there are no delayed payments in the 2019-20
school year. Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, this bill delays $1,090,000,000
in general school aid payments until the following school year.
j. In the school district equalization aid formula, the guaranteed evaluations
represent the amount of property tax base support that the state guarantees behind
each pupil. There are three guaranteed valuations used; each applies to a different
level of expenditures. The first level is for expenditures up to the primary cost ceiling
of $1,000 per pupil. The second level is for costs per pupil that exceed $1,000 but are
less than the secondary cost ceiling, which is set at 90 percent of the prior school year
statewide shared cost per pupil. This bill changes the secondary cost ceiling to 100
percent of the prior school year statewide shared cost per pupil.
k. The bill eliminates the school levy property tax credit and the first dollar
property tax credit in 2021. See Taxation—Property taxation.
2. Per pupil aid
This bill provides that the amount of per pupil aid in the 2018-19 school year,
which is $654 per pupil, continues at that level for future school years. Under current
law, the amount of per pupil aid decreases to $630 per pupil in the 2019-20 school
year and in each school year thereafter.