2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
May 10, 2019 - Introduced by Representatives Tranel,
Summerfield, Tauchen,
Zimmerman, Edming, Kerkman, Kitchens, Kulp, Kurtz, Murphy, Mursau,
Novak, Oldenburg, Petryk, Plumer, Skowronski, Spiros, Thiesfeldt,
Tusler and VanderMeer, cosponsored by Senators Marklein, Testin,
Bernier, Darling, Feyen, Olsen and Petrowski. Referred to Committee on
1An Act to create 20.285 (1) (er) and 36.25 (59) of the statutes;
relating to:
2creating and funding a University of Wisconsin Dairy Innovation Hub and
3making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
to create a UW Dairy Innovation Hub. The bill provides $7,900,000 each year to the
UW System to fund the requirements under the bill. The Dairy Innovation Hub must
include operations at UW-Madison, UW-Platteville, and UW-River Falls. The
Dairy Innovation Hub must also include disciplines in four separate sectors to
accomplish the following objectives: ensure animal health and welfare; enrich
human health and nutrition; steward land and water resources; and grow farm
businesses and communities. The Board of Regents must allocate funding under the
bill as follows: 52 percent to create positions, establish and operate an advanced
dairy management academy, and provide support for research facilities and
infrastructure at UW-Madison; 24 percent to create positions and provide support
for research facilities and infrastructure at UW-Platteville; and 24 percent to create
positions and provide support for research facilities and infrastructure at UW-River
Falls. The Board of Regents must annually submit a report to the legislature
regarding the Dairy Innovation Hub.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1
. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, insert
2the following amounts for the purposes indicated:
See PDF for table 
3Section 2
. 20.285 (1) (er) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (er)
Dairy Innovation Hub. The amounts in the schedule for the
5Dairy Innovation Hub under s. 36.25 (59).
6Section 3
. 36.25 (59) of the statutes is created to read:
(59) Dairy Innovation Hub. (a) The board shall create a University of
8Wisconsin Dairy Innovation Hub, funded from the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1)
9(er) except as provided in par. (h).
(b) The Dairy Innovation Hub shall include operations at the University of
11Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, and University of
12Wisconsin-River Falls. The Dairy Innovation Hub shall include disciplines in 4
13separate sectors to accomplish all of the following objectives:
1. Ensure animal health and welfare.
2. Enrich human health and nutrition.
13. Steward land and water resources.
4. Grow farm businesses and communities.
(c) The board shall allocate 52 percent of the amount appropriated under s.
420.285 (1) (er) to do all of the following in connection with the Dairy Innovation Hub
5at the University of Wisconsin-Madison:
1. Create positions assigned to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which
7may include faculty positions, post-doctoral research fellowship positions, graduate
8student fellowship positions, grant writer staff positions, or any combination of these
2. Create a Dairy Innovation Hub administrator position assigned to the
11University of Wisconsin-Madison.
3. Establish and operate an advanced dairy management academy to provide
13training and facilitate technology transfer.
4. Provide support for research facilities and infrastructure, including
15research-related farms, laboratories, and equipment.
(d) The board shall allocate 24 percent of the amount appropriated under s.
1720.285 (1) (er) to do all of the following in connection with the Dairy Innovation Hub
18at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville:
1. Create positions assigned to the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, which
20may include faculty positions, post-doctoral teaching fellowship positions, graduate
21student fellowship positions, grant writer staff positions, building staff positions, or
22any combination of these positions, and, upon request by the chancellor of the
23University of Wisconsin-Platteville, provide research fellowships for existing faculty
24assigned to the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.
12. Provide support for research facilities and infrastructure, including
2research-related farms, laboratories, and equipment.
(e) The board shall allocate 24 percent of the amount appropriated under s.
420.285 (1) (er) to do all of the following in connection with the Dairy Innovation Hub
5at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls:
1. Create positions assigned to the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, which
7may include faculty positions, post-doctoral teaching fellowship positions, graduate
8student fellowship positions, grant writer staff positions, building staff positions, or
9any combination of these positions, and, upon request by the chancellor of the
10University of Wisconsin-River Falls, provide research fellowships for existing
11faculty assigned to the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.
2. Provide support for research facilities and infrastructure, including
13research-related farms, laboratories, and equipment.
(f) By July 1, 2021, and annually thereafter, the board shall submit to the chief
15clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing
16committees under s. 13.172 (3) having jurisdiction over matters relating to
17agriculture a report that includes all of the following:
1. Identification of all positions created under pars. (c) 1. and 2., (d) 1., and (e)
191. and, for each position, specify whether the position has been filled or remains open
20as of the time the report is prepared.
2. For each filled position identified in subd. 1., a description of the
22accomplishments associated with that position, both since the position was created
23and during the immediately preceding year.
3. A description of the major accomplishments of the Dairy Innovation Hub,
25both since its inception and during the immediately preceding year.
1(g) The board shall ensure that the funding provided in s. 20.285 (1) (er) to
2support the positions and activities under this subsection is administered to reflect
3a bona fide increase in funding for the purposes specified in this subsection and that
4no other funding provided to the board under s. 20.285 is reduced as a result of, or
5reduced in a way that offsets, this additional funding for the Dairy Innovation Hub.
(h) The board may pay, from the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (a) instead
7of the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (er), the cost of employer contributions for
8employee fringe benefits under ch. 40 for positions created under pars. (c) 1. and 2.,
9(d) 1., and (e) 1.
10Section 4
Effective date.
This act takes effect on the day after publication, or on the 2nd day after
12publication of the 2019 biennial budget act, whichever is later.