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2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
March 25, 2019 - Introduced by Representatives Rodriguez, Steineke, Snyder,
Pronschinske, Kurtz, Plumer, Dittrich, James, Tittl, Mursau, Felzkowski,
Rohrkaste, Spiros, Steffen, Allen, Duchow, Kulp, Petryk, Petersen,
Thiesfeldt, Kitchens, Edming, Schraa, Krug, Murphy, Tusler, Ballweg and
Subeck, cosponsored by Senators Feyen and Carpenter. Referred to
Committee on Workforce Development.
1An Act to amend 106.11 and 106.13 (2); and to create 106.115 and 106.120 of
2the statutes; relating to: employment and training activities for homeless
3populations, the Council on Workforce Investment, and local workforce
4development boards.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA),
federal funds are allocated to the state and, in turn, to local workforce development
areas designated by the governor to provide employment and training activities for
job seekers and workers. The WIOA repealed a prior law known as the federal
Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), which contained a number of similar
provisions. To receive funding under the WIOA, the governor must establish a state
workforce development board, which is called under the bill the Council on Workforce
Investment. The WIOA also requires the establishment of local workforce
development boards. The bill requires the Council on Workforce Investment and
local workforce development boards to have at least one member who is a
representative of an organization that provides continuum of care services.
This bill requires the state council to identify certain populations for services
under its WIOA strategic plans. The populations to be included are 1) homeless

individuals from ages 18 to 24; 2) certain children placed in out-of-home care; and
3) homeless adults.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 106.11 of the statutes is amended to read:
2106.11 Workforce investment programs. The department shall cooperate
3with the federal government in carrying out the purposes of the federal Workforce
4Investment Act of 1998, 29 USC 2801 to 2945 Innovation and Opportunity Act of
52014, 29 USC 3101 to 3361
. In administering the programs authorized by that act
6the department shall, in cooperation with other state agencies, the council on
7workforce investment established under 29 USC 3111,
and with local workforce
8development boards established under 29 USC 2832 3122, establish a statewide
9workforce investment system to meet the employment, training, and educational
10needs of persons in this state. If a local workforce development board anticipates
11that there may be a business closing or mass layoff under s. 109.07 in the area served
12by that board, the board may prepare a list of resources available in that area that
13provide career planning, job search, job skills training, and other support services for
14affected employees, as defined in s. 109.07 (1) (a), including contact information for
15those resources, for distribution to those employees under s. 109.07 (1m) (a).
16Section 2 . 106.115 of the statutes is created to read:
17106.115 Council on workforce investment. (1) The council on workforce
18investment established under 29 USC 3111 shall include, in addition to the members
19required by federal law, at least one representative of an organization that provides
20continuum of care services to individuals who are identified as homeless or at risk
21of homelessness.

1(2) The council on workforce investment shall identify all of the following
2populations of individuals with a barrier to employment to receive employment,
3training, and educational services when submitting the state plan required by
4section 3113 of the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014:
5 (a) Homeless individuals from 18 to 24 years of age.
6 (b) Children placed in out-of-home care under ch. 48.
7 (c) Homeless adults over age 24.
8Section 3 . 106.120 of the statutes is created to read:
9106.120 Local workforce development boards. A local workforce
10development board established under 29 USC 3122 shall include, in addition to the
11members required by federal law, at least one representative of an organization that
12provides continuum of care services to individuals who are identified as homeless or
13at risk of homelessness.
14Section 4 . 106.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 106.13 (2) The council on workforce investment established under 29 USC
162821 3111, the technical college system board, and the department of public
17instruction shall assist the department in providing the youth apprenticeship
18program under sub. (1).
19Section 5. 106.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
20 106.13 (2) The council on workforce investment established under 29 USC
212821 3111, the technical college system board, and the department of public
22instruction shall assist the department in providing the youth apprenticeship
23program under sub. (1).
24 (End)