hist121871Report received from Agency, March 6, 2020. Referred to the committee on Insurance, Financial Services, Government Oversight and Courts, March 16, 2020.
Relating to expanding the assessment of pedagogical knowledge in educator preparation programs.
Submitted by the Department of Public Instruction.
hist121868Report received from Agency, March 6, 2020. Referred to the committee on Education, March 16, 2020.
Submitted by the Department of Public Instruction.
hist121869Report received from Agency, March 6, 2020. Referred to the committee on Education, March 16, 2020.
insurance, and affecting small business.
Submitted by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance.
hist122158Referred to the committee on Insurance, Financial Services, Government Oversight and Courts, March 16, 2020. Relating to burial agreements funded with life insurance.
Submitted by the Funeral Directors Examining Board.
hist122160Referred to the committee on Insurance, Financial Services, Government Oversight and Courts, March 16, 2020. Relating to expanding the assessment of pedagogical knowledge in educator preparation programs.
Submitted by the Department of Public Instruction.
hist122161Referred to the committee on Education, March 16, 2020. Submitted by the Department of Public Instruction.
hist122162Referred to the committee on Education, March 16, 2020.