One-Hundred and Fourth Regular Session1:15 P.M. THURSDAY, February 13, 2020
The Assembly met in the Assembly Chamber located in the State Capitol.
Speaker Pro Tempore August in the Chair.
The Assembly dispensed with the call of the roll.
Amendments Offered
hist117498Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 114 offered by committee on Health. hist117693Assembly Amendment 2 to Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 754 offered by Representative Wittke. hist117485Assembly Amendment 2 to Assembly Bill 800 offered by joint committee on Finance. hist117658Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 869 offered by Representatives Swearingen and Kuglitsch. hist117686Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 898 offered by Representative Anderson. _____________
Introduction and Reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
Relating to: proclaiming April 2020 as Donate Life Month in the state of Wisconsin.
By Representatives Ballweg, Sargent, Tittl, Allen, Anderson, Brostoff, Cabrera, Crowley, Dittrich, Duchow, Emerson, Hebl, Hesselbein, Horlacher, Kolste, Kulp, Magnafici, Milroy, Mursau, L. Myers, Pope, Rohrkaste, Shankland, Sinicki, Spreitzer, Stubbs, Tauchen, C. Taylor, Thiesfeldt, Tranel, Tusler, Vruwink, Wittke, Subeck and Considine; cosponsored by Senators Darling, Bewley, Carpenter, Jacque, Nass, Ringhand, Risser, Schachtner, Smith, L. Taylor and Marklein.
Relating to: honoring the life and public service of Representative Warren A. Grady.
By Representatives Brooks, Allen, Pronschinske, Sargent, Sinicki, Spreitzer and Tusler; cosponsored by Senators Stroebel and Marklein.
Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Association, for the 2017-19 biennium, covering employees in the public safety collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
By joint committee on Employment Relations
Committee Reports
The committee on Children and Families reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 749
Relating to: immunity from liability resulting from good faith actions under the child abuse and neglect reporting law.
Ayes: 12 - Representatives Snyder, Ramthun, Vorpagel, Kerkman, Ballweg, Pronschinske, James, Gundrum, Subeck, Billings, Vining and Bowen.
Noes: 0.
Committee on Children and Families
The committee on Consumer Protection reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 240
Relating to: requiring food allergy posters to be displayed in certain retail food establishments.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives Pronschinske, Tittl, Skowronski, Edming, Oldenburg, VanderMeer, Pope, Sinicki and Cabrera.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 241
Relating to: requiring a statement relating to food allergies on menus at retail food establishments.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives Pronschinske, Tittl, Skowronski, Edming, Oldenburg, VanderMeer, Pope, Sinicki and Cabrera.
Noes: 0.
Committee on Consumer Protection
The committee on Education reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 737
Relating to: applications for full-time open enrollment.
Ayes: 15 - Representatives Thiesfeldt, Kitchens, Jagler, Wittke, Rodriguez, Mursau, Quinn, Ramthun, Wichgers, Pope, Bowen, Considine, L. Myers, Hebl and Vruwink.
Noes: 0.
Committee on Education
The committee on Energy and Utilities reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 712
Relating to: making various changes to statutes administered by the Public Service Commission and requiring investor-owned energy utilities to fund a consumer advocate.
Ayes: 16 - Representatives Kuglitsch, Steffen, Rodriguez, Sortwell, Petersen, Tauchen, Tranel, Oldenburg, Petryk, Neylon, B. Meyers, Crowley, Subeck, Stuck, Fields and Vorpagel.
Noes: 0.