Assembly Bill 651
Relating to: immunity from revocation of probation, parole, or extended supervision for certain controlled substance offenses.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives Plumer, Magnafici, Petryk, Hutton, James, Nygren, Kolste, Sargent and Billings.
Noes: 0.
Committee on Substance Abuse and Prevention
Action on the Senate Message
Senate Bill 125
Relating to: amounts obligated under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program for water infrastructure projects in state parks and making an appropriation.
By Senators Cowles, Bernier, LeMahieu, Marklein, Miller, Nass and Olsen; cosponsored by Representatives Summerfield, Kitchens, Tusler, Ballweg, James, Mursau, Novak, Pronschinske, Subeck and Thiesfeldt.
Senate Bill 156
Relating to: retired credential status for certain professionals holding credentials granted by the Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors; extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
By Senators Kooyenga, Marklein and Jacque; cosponsored by Representatives Kulp, Tusler, Anderson, Thiesfeldt, Spiros, Skowronski and Brooks.
Senate Bill 158
Relating to: presumption and conclusive determination of paternity on the basis of genetic test results and orders that may be granted on the basis of genetic test results.
By Senators Testin, L. Taylor, Bernier, Bewley, Jacque, Kooyenga and Wirch; cosponsored by Representatives Krug, Subeck, Brandtjen, Crowley, Kitchens, Kulp, Mursau, Spiros, Skowronski, Tusler and VanderMeer.
Senate Bill 160
Relating to: the method for providing notice of a special meeting of a school board.
By Senators Olsen, Bewley, Kooyenga and Wanggaard; cosponsored by Representatives Gundrum, Ballweg, Brandtjen, Edming, Felzkowski, Horlacher, Knodl, Kulp, Milroy, Skowronski, Subeck, Tittl, Tusler and Wichgers.
Senate Bill 163
Relating to: causing bodily harm to a nurse and providing a penalty.
By Senators Kooyenga, Carpenter, Cowles, Feyen, Jacque, Marklein, Nass and Testin; cosponsored by Representatives Magnafici, Duchow, Tittl, Kuglitsch, Brooks, Dittrich, Horlacher, James, Kerkman, Kulp, Kurtz, Murphy, Novak, Ohnstad, Ott, Petersen, Rohrkaste, Sinicki, Skowronski, Spiros, Thiesfeldt, Tranel, Tusler, Wichgers and Quinn.
Senate Bill 335
Relating to: elections to a lake protection and rehabilitation district board of commissioners.
By Senator Stroebel; cosponsored by Representatives Gundrum and Ramthun.
Senate Bill 390
Relating to: ratification of the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
By Senators Marklein, Ringhand, Testin, Darling, Jacque, Kooyenga, Nass and L. Taylor; cosponsored by Representatives Stafsholt, Doyle, Magnafici, Horlacher, Anderson, Bowen, Dittrich, Felzkowski, Gundrum, Knodl, Kolste, Kurtz, Petryk, Ramthun, Spreitzer, C. Taylor, Tusler, VanderMeer, Vruwink and Wichgers.
Relating to: expediting criminal proceedings when a victim or witness is an elder person and preserving the testimony of a crime victim or witness who is an elder person.
By Senators Testin, Carpenter, Bernier, Jacque, Olsen, Petrowski and Stroebel; cosponsored by Representatives Macco, Wittke, Bowen, Brandtjen, Dittrich, Edming, Gundrum, Horlacher, James, Krug, Kulp, Magnafici, Mursau, Novak, Petersen, Petryk, Plumer, Quinn, Ramthun, Rohrkaste, Schraa, Steffen, Summerfield, Thiesfeldt, Tittl, Tranel and Skowronski.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 438
Relating to: the priority of a mortgage executed to an institution chartered by the federal Farm Credit Administration.
By Senators Marklein, Miller, Cowles, Erpenbach and Testin; cosponsored by Representatives Ballweg, Hebl, Edming, Krug, Skowronski, Spreitzer, Tusler and VanderMeer.
January 16, 2020
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
hist113344Please add my name as a co-author of Assembly Bill 650, relating to reimbursement for peer recovery coach services under the Medical Assistance program and coordination and continuation of care following an overdose. Sincerely,
State Representative
93rd Assembly District
January 16, 2020
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
hist113390Please add my name as a co-author of Assembly Bill 569, relating to claims for compensation for post-traumatic stress disorder by police officers and fire fighters under the worker's compensation law. Sincerely,
State Representative
14th Assembly District
January 16, 2020
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
hist113398Please add my name as a co-author of Assembly Bill 752, relating to the revised uniform unclaimed property act. Sincerely,
State Representative
64th Assembly District
January 16, 2020
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk