Ayes: 12 - Representatives Snyder, Ramthun, Vorpagel, Kerkman, Ballweg, Pronschinske, James, Gundrum, Subeck, Billings, Vining and Bowen.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 52
Relating to: a minor contracting for admission to a shelter facility or transitional living program.
Ayes: 12 - Representatives Snyder, Ramthun, Vorpagel, Kerkman, Ballweg, Pronschinske, James, Gundrum, Subeck, Billings, Vining and Bowen.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 12 - Representatives Snyder, Ramthun, Vorpagel, Kerkman, Ballweg, Pronschinske, James, Gundrum, Subeck, Billings, Vining and Bowen.
Noes: 0.
Committee on Children and Families
The committee on Colleges and Universities reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 22
Relating to: driver education instruction on human trafficking.
Ayes: 13 - Representatives Murphy, Tranel, Wittke, Quinn, Summerfield, Petryk, Ballweg, Duchow, Shankland, Billings, Anderson, Emerson and Stubbs.
Noes: 0.
Committee on Colleges and Universities
The committee on Community Development reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 66
Relating to: creative economy development initiative grants and making an appropriation.
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Allen, Snyder, Duchow, Ramthun, Fields, Subeck and Bowen.
Noes: 2 - Representatives Brandtjen and Sanfelippo.
Committee on Community Development
The committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 33
Relating to: expungement of records of certain crimes.
Ayes: 12 - Representatives Spiros, Sortwell, Steffen, Horlacher, Novak, Schraa, Crowley, Emerson, Cabrera, Spreitzer, Duchow and Stubbs.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 10 - Representatives Spiros, Sortwell, Steffen, Novak, Schraa, Crowley, Emerson, Cabrera, Spreitzer and Duchow.
Noes: 1 - Representative Horlacher.
Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety
The committee on Education reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 53
Relating to: pupil records.
Ayes: 10 - Representatives Thiesfeldt, Kitchens, Jagler, Wittke, Rodriguez, Mursau, Quinn, Ramthun, Wichgers and Vruwink.
Noes: 5 - Representatives Pope, Bowen, Considine, Myers and Hebl.
Assembly Bill 54
Relating to: fire, tornado, and school safety drills for public and private schools.
Ayes: 15 - Representatives Thiesfeldt, Kitchens, Jagler, Wittke, Rodriguez, Mursau, Quinn, Ramthun, Wichgers, Pope, Bowen, Considine, Myers, Hebl and Vruwink.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 67
Relating to: information on the school district and school accountability report.
Ayes: 15 - Representatives Thiesfeldt, Kitchens, Jagler, Wittke, Rodriguez, Mursau, Quinn, Ramthun, Wichgers, Pope, Bowen, Considine, Myers, Hebl and Vruwink.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 14 - Representatives Thiesfeldt, Kitchens, Jagler, Wittke, Rodriguez, Mursau, Quinn, Ramthun, Wichgers, Pope, Bowen, Myers, Hebl and Vruwink.
Noes: 1 - Representative Considine.
Committee on Education
The committee on Ways and Means reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 46
Relating to: the disclosure of a retailer's sales tax liability to a successor.
Ayes: 12 - Representatives Macco, Wittke, Kerkman, Petersen, Kulp, Ramthun, Dittrich, Brooks, Riemer, Doyle, Ohnstad and Haywood.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 12 - Representatives Macco, Wittke, Kerkman, Petersen, Kulp, Ramthun, Dittrich, Brooks, Riemer, Doyle, Ohnstad and Haywood.
Noes: 0.