One-Hundred and Fourth Regular Session THURSDAY, February 28, 2019
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date:
Amendments Offered
hist98093Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 8 offered by Representative Thiesfeldt. _____________
Administrative Rules
Relating to aid for school mental health programs.
Submitted by Department of Public Instruction.
hist97813Report received from Agency, February 20, 2019. Referred on February 28, 2019.
Relating to scheduling of FUB-AMB.
hist98051No action taken by committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety on February 22, 2019. Referred on February 28, 2019.
Relating to scheduling of ortho-fluorofentanyl.
hist98053No action taken by committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety on February 22, 2019. Referred on February 28, 2019.
Relating to excluding from scheduling naldemine.
hist98055No action taken by committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety on February 22, 2019. Referred on February 28, 2019.
Relating to minor and technical changes to the unemployment insurance program.
hist98092To committee on Workforce Development. Referred on February 28, 2019.
Relating to violation of board orders.
hist98104No action taken by committee on Housing and Real Estate on February 25, 2019. Referred on February 28, 2019.
Relating to scheduling of oral solutions containing dronabinol.
hist98057No action taken by committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety on February 22, 2019. To joint committee for review of Administrative Rules pursuant to s. 227.19 (5) (a), Wisconsin Statutes. Referred on February 28, 2019.
Relating to standards and procedures for the frequent sobriety testing pilot program.
hist98059No action taken by committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety on February 22, 2019. Referred on February 28, 2019.
Relating to scheduling of MT-45.
hist98061No action taken by committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety on February 22, 2019. Referred on February 28, 2019.
Relating to scheduling para-chloroisobutyryl fentanyl.
hist98063No action taken by committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety on February 22, 2019. Referred on February 28, 2019.
Relating to the written reports of home inspectors.
hist98106No action taken by committee on Housing and Real Estate on February 25, 2019. Referred on February 28, 2019.
Introduction and Reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
Relating to: congratulating the Green Bay Packers on the occasion of their 100th anniversary and declaring August 11, 2019, Green Bay Packers Day.
By Representatives Steffen, Gruszynski, Kitchens, Macco, Nygren, Sortwell, Steineke, Tauchen, Allen, Anderson, Brandtjen, Considine, Dittrich, Doyle, Duchow, Edming, Emerson, Felzkowski, Fields, Gundrum, Hesselbein, Jagler, Kerkman, Knodl, Kuglitsch, Meyers, Milroy, Murphy, Mursau, Neubauer, Ohnstad, Oldenburg, Petryk, Pronschinske, Ramthun, Riemer, Rohrkaste, Sargent, Schraa, Shankland, Sinicki, Snyder, Spiros, Spreitzer, Subeck, Swearingen, C. Taylor, Thiesfeldt, Tittl, Tranel, Tusler, VanderMeer, Vorpagel, Vruwink, Wichgers, Wittke, Zamarripa and Zimmerman; cosponsored by Senators Cowles, Hansen, Jacque, Bernier, Bewley, Carpenter, Darling, Erpenbach, Feyen, Kooyenga, Larson, Marklein, Miller, Olsen, Ringhand, Risser, Schachtner, Shilling, L. Taylor, Wanggaard and Wirch.
Relating to: an advisory referendum on an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
By Representatives Subeck, Anderson, Zamarripa, C. Taylor, Crowley, Kolste, Emerson, Shankland, Spreitzer, Pope, Vruwink, Hesselbein, Sargent, Doyle, Billings, Sinicki, Goyke and Fields; cosponsored by Senators Hansen, Risser, Carpenter, Smith, Larson and Ringhand.
hist98088To committee on Campaigns and Elections. Relating to: the provision by employers to employees of written disclosure statements of the terms of employment, various changes pertaining to wage claims, occupational or professional licensing of employers that owe wages under wage claim judgments, and making an appropriation.
By Representatives Ohnstad, Anderson, Brostoff, Sargent and Subeck; cosponsored by Senators Wirch, Carpenter, Hansen, Miller, Ringhand, Risser, Smith and L. Taylor.
hist98071To committee on Labor and Integrated Employment.