Retirement Systems, Joint Survey Committee on
S 19
Small Business Environmental Council
Sporting Heritage Council
Sporting Heritage, Mining, and Forestry
S 18
State Capitol and Executive Residence Board
Supreme Court Appointment Selection Committee
S 866
Tax Exemptions, Joint Survey Committee on
S 19
Transportation Projects Commission
Transportation, Veterans, and Military Affairs
S 18
Uniform State Laws, Commission on
Universities, Technical Colleges, Children and Families
S 18
Utilities and Housing
S 18
Water Quality, Speaker’s Taskforce on
Wisconsin Aerospace Authority Board
Wisconsin Center District Board
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
AB31: rereferral to JCF per Assembly Rule
24 (3)(a)
AB440: rereferral to committee per Assembly Rule
42 (3)(c)
AB470 rereferral to committee per Assembly Rule
42 (3)(c)
AB536: rereferral to committee per Assembly Rule
42 (3)(a)A 560
AB553: rereferral to committee per Assembly Rule
42 (3)(c)
AB575: rereferral to committee per Assembly Rule
42 (3)(c)
AB607: rereferral to committee per Assembly Rule
42 (3)(a)
AB627: rereferral to committee per Assembly Rule
42 (3)(c)
AB662: rereferral to committee per Assembly Rule
42 (3)(a)A 560
AB742: rereferral to committee per Assembly Rule
42 (3)(c)
AB777: rereferral to committee per Assembly Rule
42 (3)(c)
AB786: rereferral to committee per Assembly Rule
42 (3)(c)
Executive order no.9 re special election for the 64th Assembly District
Executive order no.54 re November 2019 special session of the Legislature on firearms, specifically universal background checks and extreme risk protection order legislation
A 381
Executive order no.64 re January 2020 special session of the Legislature on legislation to assist farmers
Executive order no.69 re February 2020 special session on various school aids and rehiring retired teachers
A 576
Executive order no.73 re April 2020 special session on an all-mail Spring election and special election for the 7th Congressional District during the COVID-19 pandemic
A 733
Executive order no.74 re April 2020 special session [II] to suspend in-person voting on April 7, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic
A 739
Governor’s request for joint session on January 22, 2019 to deliver State of the State Address
Governor’s request for joint session on February 28, 2019 to deliver budget message
Governor’s request for a joint session to deliver the State of the State on one of three dates, January 13, 21, or 22, 2020
Hometown Hero Award for First Responders from almost every Assembly District: those present in the chambers recognized
Invitation to Governor to deliver State of the State Address in a joint session on January 22, 2020
Rep. Vos: appointing Dean Knudson to Wisconsin Elections Commission
Rep. Vos: creation of Speaker’s Task Force on Adoption
Rep. Vos: message enrolled AB4 to
Governor’s office per Assembly Rule 23 (4)
Rep. Vos: message enrolled AB17, AB38, AB58, AB59, AB73, AB76, AB77, AB112, AB137, AB189, AB194, AB249, AB426, AB427, and AB471 to Gov
ernor’s office per Assembly Rule 23 (4)
Rep. Vos: message enrolled AB22, AB51, AB52, AB53, AB54, AB117, AB132, AB141, AB143, AB168, AB193, AB195, and AB235 to Gov
ernor’s office per Assembly Rule 23 (4)
SJR62 placed on calendar per Assembly Rule
42 (3)(c)
State of the Tribes Address 2019, by Tehassi Tasi Hill, Chairman of the Oneida Nation
A 93
State of the Tribes Address 2020, by Ned Daniels, Jr., Chair of the Forest County Potawatomi Community
A 93
WHEDA 2019-20 Dividend Report: referred to JCF per s.
234.165 (2)(b)5.,
WHEDA 2019-20 Dividends for Wisconsin report referred to committee
per s. 234.165 (2)(b), Wis.Stats.
Communication — Senate, see also Appointments, Advice and Consent of the Senate
AB250: rereferral to committee
AB529: rereferral to committee
AB810: rereferral to committee
AB816: rereferral to committee
AB849: rereferral to committee
Chief Clerk to Secretary of State: pursuant to Article V, Section 10 of the Wisconsin Constitution, SB4 is to be numbered 2019 WisAct 5
Executive order no.11 re creation of the Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving
Executive order no.19 creation of the Committee to Celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of Wisconsin’s Ratification of the 19th Amendment
S 151
Executive order no.45 re creation of the Governor’s Task Force on Retirement Security
Executive order no.52 re creation of the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change
Executive order no.54 re November 2019 special session of the Legislature on firearms, specifically universal background checks and extreme risk protection order legislation
S 496
Executive order no.55 re creation of a Complete Count Committee for the 2020 Census
Executive order no.64 re January 2020 special session of the Legislature on legislation to assist farmers
S 617
Executive order no.67 re creation of the Governor’s Task Force on Student Debt
Executive order no.69 re February 2020 special session re various school aids and rehiring retired teachers
S 657
Executive order no.73 re April 2020 special session on an all-mail Spring election and special election for the 7th Congressional District during the COVID-19 pandemic
S 804
Executive order no.74 re April 2020 special session [II] to suspend in-person voting on April 7, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic
S 810
Governor’s request for a joint session to deliver the State of the State on one of three dates, January 13, 21, or 22, 2020
Invitation to Governor to deliver State of the State Address in a joint session on January 22, 2019
Invitation to Governor to deliver State of the State Address in a joint session on January 22, 2020
Knudson, Dean: appoint Meagan Wolfe as Administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission
SB15: rereferral to committee
SB17: rereferral to committee
SB18: rereferral to committee
SB35: rereferral to committee
SB162: considered an emergency bill per s.
16.47 (2), Wis.Stats.
SB252: rereferral to committee
SB266: rereferral to committee
SB344: rereferral to committee