Episcopo, Rev. Brian R.
S 1
Eastern, Missionary Cynthia
Fuller, Patrick E.: elected
A 9
Allen, Gregory A.: $54.81 personal property loss claim
Anderson, Tracy B.: $265.29 personal property loss claim
S 379
Armstrong, Alexander: $250.00 surcharge refund claim
S 557
Avery, Kelley: $139.52 claim for deductions from account
S 245
Balele, Pastori M.: $1,114.91 claim for refund of court-ordered costs paid twice
S 244
Blunt, Charles, Sr.: $656.58 claim for deductions from account
S 382
Bullock, Mekious D., Sr.: $190.46 claim for deductions from account
S 245
Garner, Oscar: $173.25 claim for deductions from account
S 246
Gray, Alonzo J.: $1,864.00 claim for deductions from account
S 382
Hamilton, Robert L.: $194.12 claim for deductions from account
S 383
Harland, Deleon: $36.32 personal property loss claim
S 379
Harris, James R.: $906.06 claim for deductions from account
S 246
Harris, Mario A., Sr.: $269.46 property damage claim
S 379
Hill, Andre D.: $3,139.19 claim for deductions from account
S 558
Hupf, Joseph: $17,848.53 overpayment of taxes claim
Jahns, Timothy: $2,799.26 vehicle damage claim
Jurjens, Ralph, III: $310.32 property damage claim
S 380
Keller, Phillip: $54.94 personal property loss claim
S 380
Kennedy, Unquail: $190.00 property loss claim
S 557
Lee, Anthony M.: $189.95 property damage claim
S 380
Love, Deron D.: $5,000.00 claim for property damage and loss plus improper deductions from account
S 382
Michels Corporation: $125,735.21 claim re breach of contract by DOT
S 242
Penigar, Frank, Jr.: $1,272.03 claim for deductions from account
S 247
Peters, Kip: $8,320.23 property damage claim
S 378
Robinson, Dale M.: $892.57 claim for deductions from account
S 247
Sanders, Derrick: $5,754,965.00 Innocent Convict Compensation claim
S 378
Schlimm, Robert J.: $3,597.09 claim for costs incurred re incorrect information provided by DATCP
Smunt, Timothy: $1,039,134.00 claim re breach of contract by UW Milwaukee
S 243
Thompson, Davon: $189.26 property damage claim
S 381
Vanpietersom, Matthew: $30.15 property loss claim
S 557
Vitech Systems Group, Inc.: $14,300,00.00 claim re breach of contract by DETF
S 243
Whitcomb, Andrew: $379.27 personal property loss claim
S 381
Whittaker, Larry: $156.98 property damage claim
S 381
Committees — Appointment to — Assembly
Administrative Rules, Joint Committee on Review of
Adoption, Speaker’s Task Force on
Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse, State Council on
A 34
Audit Committee, Joint Legislative
A 20
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board
A 34
Colleges and Universities
Constitution and Ethics
A 16
Criminal Justice and Public Safety
Criminal Penalties, Joint Review Committee on
A 20
Educational Communications Board
Employment Relations, Joint Committee on
A 20
Federalism and Interstate Relations
A 16
Finance, Joint Committee on
A 20
Financial Institutions
A 16
Forestry, Parks and Outdoor Recreation
Government Accountability and Oversight
A 17
Historical Society of Wisconsin, Board of Curators
A 34
Housing and Real Estate
A 17